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Entry  04 Jun 2009, bazinski, Bug Report, mhttpd command line experiment specifying 
    Reply  05 Jun 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, mhttpd command line experiment specifying 
       Reply  05 Jun 2009, bazinski, Bug Report, mhttpd command line experiment specifying 
       Reply  05 Jun 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, mhttpd command line experiment specifying 
          Reply  18 Jun 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, mhttpd command line experiment specifying 
Message ID: 591     Entry time: 05 Jun 2009     In reply to: 590     Reply to this: 592   593
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: mhttpd command line experiment specifying 
> Not sure how the rest of you specify mhttpd to work with multiple experiments on
> one machine, but it would seem not the same as me ;-)

Please note that there has been a change concerning multiple experiments inside 
mhttpd. From revision 4346 on, mhttpd can only connect to one single experiment, 
and the experiment name in the URL (aka ?exp=name) is not supported any more. So if 
you have several experiments, you start several instances of mhttpd now on 
different ports.

> that experiment name is not transfered to transitions as cm_transition never
> specifies the experiment in the call to "transition STOP" etc.
> the only flag it sends is a -d for debug if selected.

When connecting to an experiment, any midas client uses the ODB from that 
experiment so lives in that "namespace". So one client can never call any client 
from another experiment. So your problem must be something else. Of course there is 
not parameter "experiment" passed to cm_transition() since the experiment is 
implicitly defined by the ODB mhttpd is attached to.

> The result is that the stop and start button of the webinterface does not work,
> and transitions sit endlessly doing nothing but consuming all the processor,
> odbedit works fine though.

I guess you have to do some debugging there. Note that "detached" transitions have 
been implemented recently by Konstantin, so maybe your problem is related to that. 
In this case Konstantin should check what's wrong.

> Does everyone else use an apache reverse proxy and or explicit experiment choice
> in the url ?

I use a

ProxyPass /megon/

on our public web server to make an online machine accessible from outside the 
firewall, but just with a single experiment.

> As an aside in mhttpd.c in the reply to -? it states 2 -h options the second
> should be a -e. line 13378.

Fixed in revision 4504.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5