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Entry  02 Jul 2009, Dawei Liu, Forum, Data taking hangs in the middle of run 
    Reply  03 Jul 2009, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Forum, Data taking hangs in the middle of run 
       Reply  06 Jul 2009, Dawei Liu, Forum, Data taking hangs in the middle of run 
          Reply  08 Jul 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, jorway73a.c, Data taking hangs in the middle of run 
             Reply  18 Jul 2009, Exaos Lee, Forum, jorway73a.c, Data taking hangs in the middle of run 
Message ID: 605     Entry time: 03 Jul 2009     In reply to: 604     Reply to this: 606
Author: Pierre-Andre Amaudruz 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Data taking hangs in the middle of run 
Hi Dawei,

Could you give more info on your setup:
- CAMAC controller model
- ADC model
- LAM setting
- Mode of polling (on module or on CC)
- Are you still going through the poll_event() after hang up?
- Do you have the same problem at low rate (100Hz)?

> Hi,
> We are using midas to read ADC. It sometimes hung in the middle of data taking.
> We tried to disable analyzer and only run with frontend. The problem still
> exists. We tried to use different crate, different CAMAC controller and
> different ADC module. All these did not solve the problem. We use polled method
> to read data. We have dataway display unit so we know that it hung always after
> it executed CAMAC command F9, which is after finishing one data taking and clear
> the ADC for the next data taking. The data rate is about 1 KHz. It is random for
> how long it takes for the system to hang.
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks,
> Dawei Liu
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