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Entry  24 Jun 2011, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Build MIDAS debian packages using autoconf/automake.
    Reply  27 Jun 2011, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Build MIDAS debian packages using autoconf/automake. 
Message ID: 768     Entry time: 24 Jun 2011     Reply to this: 769
Author: Exaos Lee 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Build MIDAS debian packages using autoconf/automake. 
Here is my story. I deployed several Debian Linux boxes as the DAQ systems in our lab. But I feel it's boring to build and install midas and its related softwares (such as root) on each box. So I need a local debian software repository and put midas and its related packages in it. First of all, I need a midas debian package. After a week's study and searching, I finally finished the job. Hope you feel it useful.

All the work is attached as "daq-midas_deb.tar.gz". The detail is followed. I also created several debian packages. But it's too large to be uploaded. I havn't my own site accessible from internet. So, if you need the debian packages, please give me an accessible ftp or other similar service, then I can upload them to you.

First, I use autoconf/automake to rewrite the building system of MIDAS. You can check it this way:
1. Untar daq-midas_deb.tar.gz somewhere, assumming ~/Temp.
2. cd ~/Temp/daq-midas
3. svn co -r 5065 svn+ssh:// midas
4. svn co -r 68 svn+ssh:// mxml
5. cp -rvp debian/autoconf/* ./
6. ./configure --help
7. ./configure <--options>
8. make && make install

Then, I created the debian packages based on the new building files. You need to install root-system package from You can build debs this way:
1. untar daq-midas_deb.tar.gz somewhere, assuming ~/Temp.
2. cd ~/Temp/daq-midas
3. svn co -r 5065 svn+ssh:// midas
4. svn co -r 68 svn+ssh:// mxml
5. dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc

I split the package into serverals parts:
  • daq-midas-doc -- The documents and references
  • daq-midas-root -- the midas runtime library and utilities built with root
  • daq-midas-noroot -- the midas runtime library and utilities built without root
  • daq-midas-dev-root -- the midas devel files (headers, objects, drivers, examples) built with root
  • daq-midas-dev-noroot -- the midas devel files (headers, objects, drivers, examples) built without root

Here are the installation:
  • executalbes -- /usr/lib/daq-midas/bin
  • library and objs -- /usr/lib/daq-midas/lib
  • headers -- /usr/lib/daq-midas/include
  • sources and drivers -- /usr/share/daq-midas/
  • docs and examples -- /usr/share/doc/daq-midas
  • mdaq-config -- /usr/bin/mdaq-config

I add an auto-generated shell script -- mdaq-config. It behaves just like "root-config". You can get midas build flags and link flags this way:
gcc `mdaq-config --cflags` -c -o myfe.o myfe.c
gcc `mdaq-config --libs` -o myfe myfe.o `mdaq-config --libdir`/mfe.o

Bugs and suggestions are welcomed.

P.S. Based on debian packages, I am planing to write another script, "":
  • each midas experiment will be configured in a file named "mdaq.yaml"
  • reads the configure file and prepare the daq environment, just like "examples/experiment/"
  • will handle "start/stop/restart/info" about the daq codes.
The attached "" is the old one.
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