12 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, New alarm sound flag to be tested
We had the case in MEG that some alarms were actually just warnings, not very severe. This happens for example if we calibrate our detector
once every other day and modify the hardware which actually triggers the alarm for about an hour or so.
19 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, New alarm count added
Another modification has been done to the alarm system.
We have often cases where an alarm is triggered on some readout noise. Like an analog voltage just over the alarm threshold for a very short period of |
17 Dec 2024, Lukas Gerritzen, Bug Report, [History plots] "Jump to current time" resets x range to 7d
To reproduce:
- Open a history plot, click [-] a few times until the x axis shows more than 7 days.
- Scroll to the past (left)
19 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, [History plots] "Jump to current time" resets x range to 7d
I had put in a check which limits the range to 7d into the past if you press the "play" button, but now I'm not sure why this was needed. I removed it again
things seem to be fine. Change is committed to develop.
13 Dec 2024, Marius Koeppel, Info, New Feature: Message Search
Dear all,
a new feature was implemented which allows to search the log messages in MIDAS. Attached one can find a more detailed explanation of how to use the feature.
18 Nov 2024, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, Comma-separated indices in alarm conditions
I have the following use case: I would like to check if two elements of an array exceed a certain threshold.
However, they are not consecutive. Currently, I have to write two alarms, one checking Array[8] and one
checking Array [10].
10 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Comma-separated indices in alarm conditions
These kind of alarm conditions have been implemented and committed. The documentation at
26 Nov 2024, Nick Hastings, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
I've noticed that SC FEs that use the TMFE class with midas-2022-05-c often report errors when calling TMFE:Sleep().
26 Nov 2024, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> Hello,
> I've noticed that SC FEs that use the TMFE class with midas-2022-05-c often report errors when calling TMFE:Sleep().
27 Nov 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> [tmfe.cxx:1033:TMFE::Sleep,ERROR] select() returned -1, errno 22 (Invalid argument).
The very original copy of this function had an error and was spewing out this error quite often,
27 Nov 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> I wonder also if now that midas requires stricter/newer c++ standards if there maybe
> some more straightforward method to sleep that is sufficiently robust and portable.
27 Nov 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> status = select(1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
> On error, -1 is returned, ... timeout becomes undefined.
06 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> > status = select(1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
> > On error, -1 is returned, ... timeout becomes undefined.
06 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> Commit [develop 06735d29] improve TMFE::Sleep()
Report of test_sleep on Ubuntu-22 (Intel E-2236) and MacOS 14.6.1 (M1 MAX Mac Studio).
06 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, New slow control framework "mdev"
A new slow control mini-framework has been developed for MIDAS and been successfully tested in the Mu3e experiment. It
might be suited for other experiments as well.
23 Oct 2024, Lukas Gerritzen, Bug Report, ODB key picker does not close when creating link / Edit-on-run string box too large
To reproduce:
In the interactive ODB, click the 🔗 icon to create a link. Next to the target, click the "..." button to open
the key picker browser. Then try to close it by either:
02 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, ODB key picker does not close when creating link / Edit-on-run string box too large
> Actual result:
> The key picker does not close.
04 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ODB key picker does not close when creating link / Edit-on-run string box too large
> > Actual result:
> > The key picker does not close.
02 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, ODB key picker does not close when creating link / Edit-on-run string box too large
> Another more minor visual problem is the edit-on-start dialog. There seems to be no upper bound to the
> size of the text box. In the attached screenshot, ShortString has a maximum length of 32 characters,
> LongString has 255. Both are empty at the time of the screenshot. Maybe, the size should be limited to a
05 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ODB key picker does not close when creating link / Edit-on-run string box too large
> > Another more minor visual problem is the edit-on-start dialog. There seems to be no upper bound to the
> > size of the text box. In the attached screenshot, ShortString has a maximum length of 32 characters,
> > LongString has 255. Both are empty at the time of the screenshot. Maybe, the size should be limited to a
15 Aug 2024, Scott Oser, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts
We often use the MIDAS sequencer to temporarily control detector settings, such as:
* <change some setting>
19 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts
This request came more than once in the past. One thing I could implement is a "atexit" function similarly to the C funciton atexit().
Then we would have a function in the script which gets called whenever one does "stop immediately". This function can then restore
22 Aug 2024, Scott Oser, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts
> This request came more than once in the past. One thing I could implement is a "atexit" function similarly to the C funciton atexit().
> Then we would have a function in the script which gets called whenever one does "stop immediately". This function can then restore
02 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts
The atexit() function has been implemented in the current develop branch of midas, see
11 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts
> We often use the MIDAS sequencer to temporarily control detector settings, such as:
> * <change some setting>
30 Nov 2024, Pavel Murat, Bug Report, EQ_PERIODIC-only equipment ?
Dear Midas experts,
I'm running into something which looks like an initialization problem.
01 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, EQ_PERIODIC-only equipment ?
There is no requirement that you pair an EQ_PERIODIC with an EQ_TRIGGER. Take for exmaple
01 Dec 2024, Pavel Murat, Bug Report, EQ_PERIODIC-only equipment ?
> There is no requirement that you pair an EQ_PERIODIC with an EQ_TRIGGER. Take for exmaple
> midas/examples/experiment/frontend.cxx
07 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver. As far as I
know there are minimal changes between this and the MIDAS branch, but Ben Smith
07 Oct 2024, Ben Smith, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
> Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver. As far as I
> know there are minimal changes between this and the MIDAS branch, but Ben Smith
08 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> > We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
> > Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver. As far as I
> > know there are minimal changes between this and the MIDAS branch, but Ben Smith
08 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
I read these error messages. There is no ODB corruption. ODB semaphore is locked and all midas programs will fail, they will timeout trying to get the lock,
report the timeout, then it looks like a bug was introduced where instead of hard exit or abort() they attempt a clean shutdown which crashes from a recursive
call in db_lock_database(). Amy's
08 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> I read these error messages. There is no ODB corruption. ODB semaphore is locked and all midas programs will fail...
Recovery from this is:
07 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
> Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver.
08 Oct 2024, Mark Grimes, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
We run Midas with no problems on Rocky 9.4, although not in a virtual machine. We're very close to the head of `develop`.
I'm fairly sure I've seen an error like this before. I didn't pay it much attention because it was transitory and I was doing something weird at the time |
08 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> Basically I think Rocky 9.4 is a red herring.
This is what likely happened:
08 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> > We're trying to install the SuperCDMS version of MIDAS on a Rocky 9.4 Virtual
> > Machine and are getting a persistent error when we run mserver.
> >
08 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> I've uploaded the current core dump at: https://gitlab.com/det-lab/coredumps#.
I cannot read the core dump without the corresponding executable (and likely all it's shared libraries).
10 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> > I've uploaded the current core dump at: https://gitlab.com/det-lab/coredumps#.
> I cannot read the core dump without the corresponding executable (and likely all it's shared libraries).
13 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
Thank you for the stack trace, I fixed the buglet that cause midas programs to crash twice,
once on failure to lock ODB, then call exit() -> atexit() handlers -> cm_check_connect() -> crash on ODB lock
failure is the cm_msg() codes.
16 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> Thank you for the stack trace, I fixed the buglet that cause midas programs to crash twice,
> once on failure to lock ODB, then call exit() -> atexit() handlers -> cm_check_connect() -> crash on ODB lock
> failure is the cm_msg() codes.
18 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> [aroberts@sdfcdmsdaq midas]$ odbedit
> [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:2043:db_open_database,ERROR] Removed ODB client 'ODBEdit', index 0 because process pid
> 1615051 does not exists
18 Oct 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> suddenly, an ODB semaphore timeout...
I am wondering if something bizarre is going on, like the system clock going backwards. I heard of things like that
28 Oct 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> Now for each timeout it will print detailed syscall and timing information, if time goes backwards, it should catch it.
It appears that time is moving forward:
06 Nov 2024, Amy Roberts, Bug Report, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
After following Konstantin's debugging suggestions, I thought I would try to replicate
the issue on my own computer. My hope was that I could provide instructions for
replicating the bug so that the MIDAS team could try debugging things more easily.
22 Nov 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ODB lock timeout, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
> try to replicate the issue ...
I see ODB lock timeout (and abort() of everything) in the dsvslice test station. We have
24 Nov 2024, Pavel Murat, Bug Report, ODB lock timeout, Difficulty running MIDAS on Rocky 9.4
there is a really good software tool developed by the Fermilab DAQ group, called TRACE -
https://github.com/art-daq/trace ,
21 Nov 2024, Mann Gandhi, Info, What do the status numbers mean and where can I find more information about them?
This is the error message I got:
21 Nov 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, What do the status numbers mean and where can I find more information about them?
> [RP Streaming Frontend,ERROR] [midas.cxx:17806:cm_write_event_to_odb,ERROR]
> cannot create key for bank "DATA" with tid 24 in ODB, db_create_key() status 309
13 Nov 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, New sequencer command ODBLOOKUP
A new sequencer command "ODBLOOKUP" has been implemented, which does a lookup of a string in a string
array in the ODB given by a path and returns its index as a number. If we have for example an array
15 Nov 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New sequencer command ODBLOOKUP
> A new sequencer command "ODBLOOKUP" has been implemented, which does a lookup of a string in a string
> array in the ODB given by a path and returns its index as a number. If we have for example an array
18 Nov 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, New sequencer command ODBLOOKUP
> "value not found" sets "index" to ?
It sets it actually to "not found". Since all variables are stings in the sequencer, you can then do a test like
14 Nov 2024, Mann Gandhi, Suggestion, Issue with creating banks
Hello, I am a coop student working at SNOLAB. I am currently setting up a frontend
program to collect data for an experiment I am currently having with my bank being
initialized correctly with the correct name. I will attach an image of the error and
14 Nov 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Issue with creating banks
All I can see is that your bank header gets corrupted along the way. The funny character reported by
cm_write_event_to_odb indicates that your original name "RPD0" got overwritten somewhere, but I could not spot any
mistake in your code.
14 Nov 2024, Mann Gandhi, Suggestion, Issue with creating banks
> All I can see is that your bank header gets corrupted along the way. The funny character reported by
> cm_write_event_to_odb indicates that your original name "RPD0" got overwritten somewhere, but I could not spot any
> mistake in your code.
15 Nov 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Issue with creating banks
> Hello, I am a coop student working at SNOLAB.
> void* data_acquisition_thread(void* param)
> {
07 Nov 2024, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, Stop run and sequencer button
Due to popular demand among our students, I added a button to the sequencer that stops the run and the sequence. If you find it useful, please consider
merging this upstream.
07 Nov 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Stop run and sequencer button
I don't find this very useful. Some experiments do not only want to stop the run, but also do other cleanup things. To do that, I proposed and "atexit"
function like C has it. Then the user can put a run stop there, plus any other cleanup. This will be much more flexible. Think about the "reset" script
we have to manually run if we abort a sequencer. The atexit function will come next week, so you should consider to use it instead your additional button.
05 Nov 2024, Jack Carlton, Forum, How to properly write a client listens for events on a given buffer?
If there's some template for writing a client to access event data, that would be
very useful (and you can probably just ignore the context I gave below in that
05 Nov 2024, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Forum, How to properly write a client listens for events on a given buffer?
> If there's some template for writing a client to access event data, that would be
> very useful (and you can probably just ignore the context I gave below in that
> case).
28 Oct 2024, Lukas Gerritzen, Bug Report, Visual glitch in history system
Today, I encountered the bug shown in the attached video. The value of the plotted curve does not match the mouseover number.
When trying to understand it better, I stopped being able to replicate. Has anyone else observed a similar problem? |
11 Oct 2024, Denis Calvet, Bug Report, Frontend name must differ from others by more than the last three characters
I have developed two Midas front-end programs for different hardware. The frontend_name of the first one is "FSCD_SC" (slow control) and that of the second
one is "FSCD_PS" (power supply).
11 Oct 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Frontend name must differ from others by more than the last three characters
Hi Denis,
indeed a bug. Will fix it next week.
18 Oct 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Frontend name must differ from others by more than the last three characters
Fixed and committed.
09 Oct 2024, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, odbedit minor quality of life
I have made two minor quality of life changes to odbedit.
[*] cd command: Typing cd without arguments now changes the directory to /, similar to the behaviour of the cd command in Linux sending you to the home |
09 Oct 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, odbedit minor quality of life
Ok, accepted, done and pushed.
05 Sep 2024, Jack Carlton, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
I'm trying to get a sense of the rate limitations of a python frontend. I
understand this will vary from system to system.
05 Sep 2024, Ben Smith, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
> What limits the rate that poll_func is called in a python frontend?
First the general advice: if you reduce the "period" of your equipment, then your function will get called more frequently. You can set it to 0 and we'll |
05 Sep 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
> First the general advice: if you reduce the "period" of your equipment, then your function will get called more frequently.
> You can set it to 0 and we'll call it as often as possible. You can set this in the ODB at "/Equipment/Python Data Simulator/Common/Period"
06 Sep 2024, Jack Carlton, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
Thanks for the responses, they were very helpful.
>First the general advice: if you reduce the "period" of your equipment, then your function will get called more frequently. You can set it to 0 and we'll |
11 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
> poll(INT count) {
> for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
27 Sep 2024, Ben Smith, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
> in your case the limitation is likely that you're sending 1.25MB per event and we have a lot of data marshalling to do between the python and C++ layer.
> I'll add it to my to-do list to investigate improving the performance of medium-to-large events in the python code.
11 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
> I'm trying to get a sense of the rate limitations of a python frontend.
1) python is single-threaded, for ultimate performance, a MIDAS frontend (or any DAQ
11 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
> > I'm trying to get a sense of the rate limitations of a python frontend.
forgot one more:
22 Jun 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, manalyzer thread safety and custom http IP binding
Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post two pull requests, if not, please let me know where I should be submitting them
Both are fairly small changes, please see them listed below (more details written on the PRs themselves)
05 Jul 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, shared pointers for more flexible memory managment of the analysis 'flow' and TMEvent
> Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post two pull requests, if not, please let me know where I should be submitting them
> Both are fairly small changes, please see them listed below (more details written on the PRs themselves)
05 Jul 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer
This is a super small pull request, simple replace deprecated sprintf with snprintf
https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/manalyzer/pull-requests/9 |
13 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> This is a super small pull request, simple replace deprecated sprintf with snprintf
> https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/manalyzer/pull-requests/9
20 Sep 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> > This is a super small pull request, simple replace deprecated sprintf with snprintf
> > https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/manalyzer/pull-requests/9
20 Sep 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> I like the look of std::format, looks cleaner than string streams
I fully agree. String streams is a pain if you want to do zero-leading hex output mixed with decimal output. Yes it's easier to read if you don't know |
24 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Clean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> > I like the look of std::format, looks cleaner than string streams
> I fully agree. String streams is a pain if you want to do zero-leading hex output mixed with decimal output. Yes it's easier to read if you don't know |
13 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, manalyzer thread safety and custom http IP binding
> - Enable ROOT's thread safety when running in multithreaded mode
> This helps avoid users having to write their call to a global thread lock when calling ->Fill() on ROOT histograms and Trees
> https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/manalyzer/pull-requests/5