07 Jul 2014, Ryu Sawada, Bug Report, mhist does not show history when -s option is used
When I use -s option of mhist, it does not show history, for example.
14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments
In the ALPHA experiment at CERN I found a problem in mfe.c handling of multithreaded equipments. This problem was in
some forms introduced around May 2013 and around Aug 2013 (commit
https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/src/45984c35b4f7/src/mfe.c) (I hope I got it right).
14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports
At CERN I see a large number of hostile network scans that seem to be injecting HTTP requests into the
MIDAS RPC ports. So far, all these requests seem to be successfully rejected without crashing anything, but
they do clog up midas.log.
14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments
For my reference:
good version: https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/src/6899b96a4f8177d4af92035cd84aadf5a7cbc875/src/mfe.c?at=develop
first breakage: https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/src/c60259d9a244bdcd296a8c5c6ab0b91de27f9905/src/mfe.c?at=develop
14 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Problem with EQ_USER
If you use EQ_USER in mfe.c and have multiple threads writing into the ring buffer, you will have a big
problem - the thread locking in the ring buffer code only works for a single writer thread and a single
reader thread.
14 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports
Doing this through the ODB seems ok to me. If the ODB cannot be accessed, you can fall back to no protection.
At PSI we fortunately do not have these network scans because PSI uses a institute-wide firewall. So you can connect from outside PSI to inside PSI only |
15 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments
You are absolutely correct, the code is certainly wrong. It looks to me like the
while (rbh)
15 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments
Please disregard my previous posting, you don't need the while loop, since it's already in the scheduler (around lines 2160 under /*---- send interrupt
events ----*/).
15 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem with EQ_USER
Sure, each thread needs its own ring buffer for writing.
So I see that we need back the multiple-ring-buffer-readout-scheme even before MEG will start. So what you need is something like
16 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem with EQ_USER
I restructured the front-end code to enable multiple readout threads for EQ_USER equipment. Last summer I was definitively interrupted during
that work and left it in an half finished state, sorry for that.
16 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Problem in mfe multithread equipments
> while (1)
> wait 10 ms for an event
> process event, loop back
16 Oct 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports
> Doing this through the ODB seems ok to me. If the ODB cannot be accessed, you can fall back to no protection.
> At PSI we fortunately do not have these network scans because PSI uses a institute-wide firewall.
16 Oct 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Hostile network scans against MIDAS RPC ports
> Sometimes we have very small MIDAS installations, i.e. just one machine by itself, and such setups should be secure/secured easily -
> too much work to setup an external firewall box just for one machine and OS-level firewall rules sometimes conflict
> with some OS services (i.e. NIS) (I am still waiting for the "NIS to LDAP migration for dummies" guide).
27 Jan 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, getaddrinfo()
To support IPV6, we need to migrate MIDAS from gethostbyname() to getaddrinfo(). (Thanks to
http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/01/27/9). K.O. |
16 Jul 2015, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, jset/ODBSet using true/false for booleans
MIDAS does not seem to be consistent (or at least convenient) with how it
handles booleans in AJAX functions.
29 Jul 2015, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, jset/ODBSet using true/false for booleans
See bitbucket for the solution.
https://bitbucket.org/tmidas/midas/issues/29/jset-odbset-using-true-false-for-booleans#comment-20550474 |
19 Aug 2015, Pierre Gorel, Bug Report, Sequencer limits
While I know some of those limits/problems have been already been reported from
DEAP (and maybe corrected in the last version), I am recording them here:
19 Aug 2015, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Bug Report, Sequencer limits
These issues have been addressed by Stefan during his visit at Triumf last month.
The latest git has those fixes.
19 Aug 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Sequencer limits
> See LOOP doc
> LOOP cnt, 10
20 Aug 2015, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Sequencer limits
> > - ODBGet (and ODBSet?) does seem to be able to take a variable as a path... I
> > was trying to use an array whose index would be incremented.