25 Jul 2017, Thomas Lindner, Forum, MIDAS Workshop - July 26
Hi Folks,
I just realized I never provided the location for the meeting (for those at TRIUMF). It will be in the ISAC-II conference room.
15 Jan 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, MIDAS Web password broken
The MIDAS Web password function is broken - with the web password enabled, I am not prompted for a
password when editing ODB. The password still partially works - I am prompted for the web password
when starting a run. K.O.
05 Feb 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, MIDAS Web password broken
> The MIDAS Web password function is broken - with the web password enabled, I am not prompted for a
> password when editing ODB. The password still partially works - I am prompted for the web password
> when starting a run. K.O.
08 Jun 2018, Lee Pool, Info, MIDAS RTEMS PoRT
So I finally got around to "publish" work I did in 2009/2010 with RTEMS.
04 Apr 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS RPC data format
I am not sure I have seen this documented before. MIDAS RPC data format.
1) RPC request (from client to mserver), in rpc_call_encode()
24 Apr 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS RPC data format
> 4.5) TID_IN32|RPC_VARARRAY does not work, corrupts following parameters. MIDAS only uses TID_ARRAY|RPC_VARARRAY
fixed in commit 0f5436d901a1dfaf6da2b94e2d87f870e3611cf1, TID_ARRAY|RPC_VARARRAY was okey (i.e. db_get_value()), bug happened only if rpc_tid_size()
02 Jun 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS RPC data format
> MIDAS RPC data format.
> 3) RPC reply
> 3.1) header:
24 Apr 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS RPC add support for std::string and std::vector<char>
I now fully understand the MIDAS RPC code, had to add some debugging printfs,
write some test code (odbedit test_rpc), catch and fix a few bugs.
29 May 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS RPC add support for std::string and std::vector<char>
This is moving slowly. I now have RPC caller side support for std::string and
std::vector<char>. RPC server side is next. K.O. |
27 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Info, MIDAS Messenger - A program to send MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost
I have created a simple program that parses the message buffer in MIDAS and
28 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Info, MIDAS Messenger - A program to forward MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost merged
A simple program to forward MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost
(Python 3 required)
02 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, MIDAS Messenger - A program to forward MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost merged
> A simple program to forward MIDAS messages to Discord, Slack and or Mattermost
> (Python 3 required)
13 Sep 2013, Carl Blaksley, Forum, MIDAS CITATION
Dear MIDAS programmers,
I have been using your software in my lab (APC, Paris)
13 Sep 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, MIDAS CITATION
> I have been using your software in my lab (APC, Paris)
> to run our data acqusition system. It is very robust and flexible.s
13 Sep 2013, Stefan Ritt, Forum, MIDAS CITATION
> Dear MIDAS programmers,
> I have been using your software in my lab (APC, Paris)
15 Apr 2017, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> I shall check on the use of MAX_STRING_LENGTH at least in odb itself...
15 Apr 2017, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> >
> > I shall check on the use of MAX_STRING_LENGTH at least in odb itself...
> >
19 Apr 2017, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
ODB name lengths (the name of a key) are limited to 256 characters, the length of strings in the ODB should NOT be limited. At some point we wanted to have
complete web pages inside the ODB,
which for sure are longer than 256 characters. While this was the idea, I see now that db_paste & co. is hopelessly broken. To fix it, everything should |
19 Apr 2017, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> Fixed a small buglet, now saving and reloading odb in the old ".odb" format will silently truncate all overlong strings to 256 bytes. (I think it always
did that).
22 Apr 2017, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> > Fixed a small buglet, now saving and reloading odb in the old ".odb" format will silently truncate all overlong strings to 256 bytes. (I think it always
did that).