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  2660   15 Dec 2023 Stefan RittInfoImplementation of custom scatter, histogram and color map plots
Custom plots including scatter, histogram and color map plots have been 
implemented. This lets you plot graphs of X/Y data or histogram data stored in the 
ODB on a custom page. For some examples and documentation please go to

Attachment 1: plots.png
  502   03 Oct 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoImplement non-default mserver tcp port numbers.
midas revision 4342 implements non-default tcp port numbers for the mserver.

To use, run "mserver -p 7070" and say "setenv MIDAS_SERVER_HOST".

This is useful when multiple experiments share the same computer, but one does
not want to setup a global /etc/exptab (non-root users cannot change it) or one
does not want to run the mserver from xinetd (i.e. all experiments run different
versions of midas and cannot use the same common mserver executable).

Changed files:

Revision 4342.

  2138   30 Mar 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoINT64/UINT64/QWORD not permitted in ODB and history... Change of TID_xxx data types
> We have to request of a 64-bit integer data type to be included in MIDAS banks.
> Since 64-bit integers are on some systems "long" and on other systems "long long",
> I decided to create the two new data types

These 64-bit data types do not work with ODB and they do not work with the MIDAS history.

As of commits on 30 March 2021, mlogger will refuse to write them to the history and 
db_create_key() will refuse to create them in ODB.

Why these limitations:

a1) all reading of history is done using the "double" data type, IEEE-754 double precision 
floating point numbers have around 53 bits of precision and are too small to represent all 
possible values of 64-bit integers.
a2) SQL, SQLite and FILE history know nothing about reading and writing 64-bit integer data 
types (this should be easy to fix, as long as MySQL/MariaDB and PostgresQL support it)

b1) in ODB, odbedit and mhttd web pages do not display INT64/UINT64/QWORD data
b2) ODB save and restore from odb, xml and json formats most likely does not work for these 
data types

Fixing all this is possible, with a medium amount of work. As long as somebody needs it. 
Display of INT64/UINT64/QWORD on history plots will probably forever be truncated to 
"double" precision.

  2153   14 Apr 2021 Stefan RittInfoINT64/UINT64/QWORD not permitted in ODB and history... Change of TID_xxx data types
> These 64-bit data types do not work with ODB and they do not work with the MIDAS history.

They were never meant to work with the history. They were primarily implemented to put large 64-
bit data words into midas banks. We did not yet have a request to put these values into the ODB. 
Once such a request comes, we can address this.

  1997   22 Sep 2020 Frederik WautersForumINT INT32 in experim.h
For my analyzer I generate the experim.h file from the odb.

Before midas commit 13c3b2b this generates structs with INT data types. compiles fine with my analysis code (using the old mana.cpp)

newer midas versions generate INT32, ... types. I get a 

‘INT32’ does not name a type   

although I include midas.h 

how to fix this?
  1998   22 Sep 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumINT INT32 in experim.h
> For my analyzer I generate the experim.h file from the odb.
> Before midas commit 13c3b2b this generates structs with INT data types. compiles fine with my analysis code (using the old mana.cpp)
> newer midas versions generate INT32, ... types. I get a 
> ‘INT32’ does not name a type   
> although I include midas.h 
> how to fix this?

You could run experim.h through "sed" to replace the "wrong" data types with the correct data types.

You can also #define the "wrong" data types before doing #include experim.h.

I put your bug report into our bug tracker, but for myself I am very busy
with the alpha-g experiment and cannot promise to fix this quickly.

Here is an example to substitute things using "sed" (it can also do "in-place" editing, "man sed" and google sed examples)
sed "sZshm_unlink(.*)Zshm_unlink(SHM)Zg"

  2126   09 Mar 2021 Andreas SuterForumINT INT32 in experim.h
> > For my analyzer I generate the experim.h file from the odb.
This issue is still open. Shouldn't midas.h provide the 'new' data types as typedefs like  

typedef int INT32;

etc. Of course you would need to deal with all the supported targets and wrap it accordingly.


> > 
> > Before midas commit 13c3b2b this generates structs with INT data types. compiles fine with my analysis code (using the old mana.cpp)
> > 
> > newer midas versions generate INT32, ... types. I get a 
> > 
> > ‘INT32’ does not name a type   
> > 
> > although I include midas.h 
> > 
> > how to fix this?
> You could run experim.h through "sed" to replace the "wrong" data types with the correct data types.
> You can also #define the "wrong" data types before doing #include experim.h.
> I put your bug report into our bug tracker, but for myself I am very busy
> with the alpha-g experiment and cannot promise to fix this quickly.
> Here is an example to substitute things using "sed" (it can also do "in-place" editing, "man sed" and google sed examples)
> sed "sZshm_unlink(.*)Zshm_unlink(SHM)Zg"
> K.O.
  2127   10 Mar 2021 Stefan RittForumINT INT32 in experim.h
Ok, I added

/* define integer types with explicit widths */
typedef unsigned char      UINT8;
typedef char               INT8;
typedef unsigned short     UINT16;
typedef short              INT16;
typedef unsigned int       UINT32;
typedef int                INT32;
typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
typedef long long          INT64;

to cover all new types. If there is a collision with user defined types, compile your program with -DNO_INT_TYPES_DEFINE and you remove the 
above definition. I hope there are no other conflicts.

  2131   15 Mar 2021 Frederik WautersForumINT INT32 in experim.h

> Ok, I added
> /* define integer types with explicit widths */
> typedef unsigned char      UINT8;
> typedef char               INT8;
> typedef unsigned short     UINT16;
> typedef short              INT16;
> typedef unsigned int       UINT32;
> typedef int                INT32;
> typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
> typedef long long          INT64;
> #endif
> to cover all new types. If there is a collision with user defined types, compile your program with -DNO_INT_TYPES_DEFINE and you remove the 
> above definition. I hope there are no other conflicts.
> Stefan
  2139   30 Mar 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiForumINT INT32 in experim.h
> > 
> > /* define integer types with explicit widths */
> > typedef unsigned char      UINT8;
> > typedef char               INT8;
> > typedef unsigned short     UINT16;
> > typedef short              INT16;
> > typedef unsigned int       UINT32;
> > typedef int                INT32;
> > typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
> > typedef long long          INT64;
> > #endif
> > 

NIH at work. In C and C++ the standard fixed bit length data types are available
in #include <stdint.h> as uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t & co.

BTW, the definition of UINT32 as "unsigned int" is technically incorrect, on 16-bit machines
"int" is 16-bit wide and on some 64-bit machines "int" is 64-bit wide.

  944   17 Dec 2013 Stefan RittInfoIEEE Real Time 2014 Call for Abstracts

I'm co-organizing the upcoming Real Time Conference, which covers also the field of data acquisition, so it might be interesting for people working 
with MIDAS. If you have something to report, you could also consider to send an abstract to this conference. It will be located in Nara, Japan. The conference
site is now open at

Best regards,
Stefan Ritt
  783   30 Jan 2012 Stefan RittInfoIEEE Real Time 2012 Call for Abstracts

I'm co-organizing the upcoming Real Time Conference, which covers also the field of data acquisition, so it might be interesting for people working 
with MIDAS. If you have something to report, you could also consider to send an abstract to this conference.  It will be nicely located in Berkeley, 
California. We plan excursions to San Francisco and to Napa Valley.

Best regards,
Stefan Ritt


18th Real Time Conference
June 11 – 15, 2012
Berkeley, CA

We invite you to the Hotel Shattuck Plaza in downtown Berkeley, California for
the 2012 Real-Time Conference (RT2012).   It will take place Monday, June 11
through Friday, June 15, 2012, with optional pre-conference tutorials Saturday
and Sunday, June 9-10.

Like the previous editions, RT2012 will be a multidisciplinary conference
devoted to the latest developments on realtime techniques in the fields of
plasma and nuclear fusion, particle physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics,
space science, accelerators, medical physics, nuclear power instrumentation and
other radiation instrumentation.

Abstract submission is open as of 18 January (deadline 2 March). Please visit to submit an


Call for Abstracts 

RT 2012 is an interdisciplinary conference on realtime data acquisition and
computing applications in the physical sciences. These applications include:

* High energy physics 
* Nuclear physics 
* Astrophysics and astroparticle physics 
* Nuclear fusion 
* Medical physics 
* Space instrumentation 
* Nuclear power instrumentation 
* Realtime security and safety 
* General Radiation Instrumentation 

Specific topics include (but are certainly not limited to) the list shown below.
We welcome correspondence to see how your research fits our venue.   

Key Dates

* Abstract submission opened:  January 18, 2012 
* Abstract deadline:  March 2, 2012 
* Program available: April 2 

Suggested Topics

* Realtime system architectures 
* Intelligent signal processing 
* Programmable devices 
* Fast data transfer links and networks 
* Trigger systems 
* Data acquisition 
* Processing farms 
* Control, monitoring, and test systems 
* Upgrades 
* Emerging realtime technologies 
* New standards 
* Realtime safety and security 
* Feedback on experiences 

Contact Information

If you have a question or wish to opt in for occasional e-mail updates about
RT2012, send us a message at To view full conference
information, visit
  298   01 Sep 2006 pohlForumHytec 5331 CAMAC kernel 2.6 driver problem

I am new to this list.
We are using MIDAS in the Muonic Hydrogen Lamb Shift experiment at PSI. Previously the DAQ was maintained by Paul Knowles. For the upcoming beamtime I took over.

Now I have problems with the kernel driver khyt1331_26 with Midas svn 3315.

I have compiled the driver, and modprobe khyt1331 works.
Then: "cat /proc/khyt1331" gives, with the CAMAC crate switched OFF:

Hytec 5331 card found at address 0xCC40, using interrupt 10
Device not in use
CAMAC crate 0: not responding
CAMAC crate 1: not responding
CAMAC crate 2: not responding
CAMAC crate 3: not responding

When I switch the crate on and do the "cat" again, the computer freezes.
When I switch the crate OFF again, the computer screen turns black and the computer beeps.

Is anybody using the Hytec 5331 PCI CAMAC card plus the Hytec 1331 CAMAC crate controller and can help me?

I would greatly appreciate any help. Otherwise I am lost.



More info:
Using SuSE 9.3 on a P4. Tried HyterThreading on and off.
uname -a:
Linux mpq1p13 #1 SMP Mon Jul 17 09:21:59 UTC 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

This is exactly what I did (my logbook):
> cd $MIDASSYS/drivers/kernel/khyt1331_26
edit kyt1331.c:
replace (line 36):
# include <config/modversions.h>
# include <linux/config.h>
> make
> make install
Works, but produces irrelevant error:
install: cannot stat `../doc/*.9': No such file or directory
(Some doc stuff missing)
Finish "make install" by hand by typing
> /sbin/depmod

Load the driver and check it is there:
> modprobe khyt1331
> lsmod | grep khyt
gives on my machine:
"khyt1331 13084 0 "

Now try
> cat /proc/khyt1331

Gives on my machine (no CAMAC crate attached)
Hytec 5331 card found at address 0xCC40, using interrupt 10
Device not in use
CAMAC crate 0: not responding
CAMAC crate 1: not responding
CAMAC crate 2: not responding
CAMAC crate 3: not responding

Finally we need the character device with major number 60 ("char-major-60)
called "/dev/camac".
First check that no device with major=60 exitst:
> ls -l /dev | grep "60,"
should not produce any output.
So we create this device by
> mknod /dev/camac c 60 0
> ls -l /dev | grep "60,"
results in
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 60, 0 2006-09-01 14:25 camac

(Here start the problems described above. I had the same problems when I tried the "cat" with CAMAC on BEFORE I did the "mknod")

Uncommenting all "prink" in ../drivers/kernel/khyt1331_26/khyt1331.c I get the following kernel logs in /var/log/messages:

Sep 1 17:15:55 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: module not supported by Novell, settin
g U taint flag.
Sep 1 17:15:55 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: start initialization
Sep 1 17:15:55 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: Found 5331 card at CC40, irq 10
Sep 1 17:15:55 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: initialization finished
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 0
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 1
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 2
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 3
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 0
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 1
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 2
Sep 1 17:15:59 mpq1p13 kernel: khyt1331: ioctl 3, param 3

And then it dies.
  956   11 Feb 2014 Randolf PohlForumHuge events (>10MB) every second or so
I'm looking into using MIDAS for an experiment that creates one large event
(20MB or more) every second.

Q1: It looks like I should use EQ_FRAGMENTED. Has this feature been in use
recently? Is it known to work/not work?

More specifically, the computer should initiate a 1 second data taking, start to
such the data out of the electronics (which may take a while), change some
experimental parameters, and start over. 

Q2: What's the best way to do this? EQ_PERIODIC? 
I cannot guarantee that the time required to read the hardware has an upper bound.
In a standalone-prog I would simply use a big loop and let the machine execute
it as fast as it can: 1.1s, 1.5s, 1.1s, 1.3s, 2.5s, ..... depending on the HW
Will this work with EQ_PERIODIC?

(Sorry for these maybe stupid questions, but I have so far only used MIDAS for
externally generated events, with <32kB event size).

Thanks a lot,

  957   11 Feb 2014 Stefan RittForumHuge events (>10MB) every second or so
> I'm looking into using MIDAS for an experiment that creates one large event
> (20MB or more) every second.
> Q1: It looks like I should use EQ_FRAGMENTED. Has this feature been in use
> recently? Is it known to work/not work?
> More specifically, the computer should initiate a 1 second data taking, start to
> such the data out of the electronics (which may take a while), change some
> experimental parameters, and start over. 
> Q2: What's the best way to do this? EQ_PERIODIC? 
> I cannot guarantee that the time required to read the hardware has an upper bound.
> In a standalone-prog I would simply use a big loop and let the machine execute
> it as fast as it can: 1.1s, 1.5s, 1.1s, 1.3s, 2.5s, ..... depending on the HW
> deadtimes.
> Will this work with EQ_PERIODIC?
> (Sorry for these maybe stupid questions, but I have so far only used MIDAS for
> externally generated events, with <32kB event size).
> Thanks a lot,
> Randolf

Hi Randolf,

EQ_FRAGMENTED is kind of historically, when computers had a few MB of memory and you have to play special tricks to get large data buffers through. Today I 
would just use EQ_PERIODIC and increase the midas maximal event size to your needs. For details look here:

The front-end scheduler is asynchronous, which means that your readout is called when the given period (1 second) is elapsed. If the readout takes longer 
than 1s, the schedule will (hopefully) call your readout immediately after the event has been sent. So you get automatically your maximal data rate. At MEG, we 
use 2 MB events with 10 Hz, so a 20 MB/sec data rate should not be a problem on decent computers.

  962   18 Feb 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHuge events (>10MB) every second or so
> I'm looking into using MIDAS for an experiment that creates one large event
> (20MB or more) every second.

Hi, there - 20 Mbyte event at 1/sec is not so large these days. (Well, depending on your hardware).

Using typical 1-2 year old PC hardware, 20 M/sec to local disk should work right away. Sending data from a 
remote front end (through the mserver), or writing to a remote disk (NFS, etc) - will of course requre a GigE 
network connection.

By default, MIDAS is configured for using about 1-2 Mbyte events, so for your case, you will need to:

- increase the event size limits in your frontend,
- increase /Experiment/MAX_EVENT_SIZE in ODB
- increase the size of the SYSTEM event buffer (/Experiment/Buffer sizes/SYSTEM in ODB)

I generally recommend sizing the SYSTEM event buffer to hold a few seconds worth of data (ot 
accommodate any delays in writing to local disk - competing  reads, internal delays of the disks, etc).

So for 20 M/s, the SYSTEM buffer size should be about 40-60 Mbytes.

For your case, you also want to buffer 3-5-10 events, so the SYSTEM buffer size would be between 100 and 
200 MBytes.

Assuming you have between 8-16-32 GBytes of RAM, this should not be a problem.

One the other hand, if you are running on a low-power ("green") ARM system with 1 Gbyte of RAM and a 
1GHz CPU, you should be able to handle the data rate of 20 Mbytes/sec, as long as your network and 
storage can handle it - I see GigE ethernet running at about 30-40 Mbytes/sec, so you should be okey,
but local storage to SD flash is only about 10 Mbytes/sec - too slow. You can try USB-attached HDD or SSD, 
this should run at up to 30-40 Mbytes/sec. I would expect no problems with this rate from MIDAS, as long 
as you can fit into your 1 GByte of RAM - obviously your SYSTEM buffer will have to be a little smaller than 
on a full-featured PC.

More information on MIDAS event size limits is here (as already reported by Stefan)

Let us know how it works out for you.

  975   01 Mar 2014 Randolf PohlForumHuge events (>10MB) every second or so
Works, and here is how I did it. The attached example is based on the standard MIDAS
example in "src/midas/examples/experiment". 

My somewhat unsorted notes, haven't really tweaked the numbers. But it WORKS.

(1) mlogger writes "last.xml" (hard-coded!) which takes an awful amount of time
    as it writes the complete ODB containing the 10MB bank!
    just outcomment 
       // odb_save("last.xml");
    in mlogger.cxx, function 
    INT tr_start(INT run_number, char *error)
    (line ~3870 in mlogger rev. 5377, .cxx-file included)

(2) frontend.c:
     * the most important declarations are

/* BIG_DATA_BYTES is the data in 1 bank
   BIG_EVENT_SIZE is the event size. It's a bit larger than the bank size
                  because MIDAS needs to add some header bytes, I think

#define BIG_DATA_BYTES  (10*1024*1024)   // 10 MB

/* maximum event size produced by this frontend */
INT max_event_size = BIG_EVENT_SIZE;

/* maximum event size for fragmented events (EQ_FRAGMENTED) */
INT max_event_size_frag = 5 * BIG_EVENT_SIZE;

/* buffer size to hold 10 events */
INT event_buffer_size = 10 * BIG_EVENT_SIZE;

     * bk_init() can hold at most 32kByte size events! Use bk_init32() instead.

     * complete frontend.c is attached

(3) in an xterm do
    # .
    # odbedit -s 41943040
          (first invocation of odbedit must create large enough odb,
           otherwise you'll get "odb full" errors)
(4) odbedit> load big.odb      
    (attached). Essentials are:

    /Experiment/MAX_EVENT_SIZE = 20971520
    /Experiment/Buffer sizes/SYSTEM = 41943040   <- at least 2 events!

    To avoid excessive latecies when starting/stopping a run, do
    /Logger/ODB Dump = no 
    /Logger/Channels/0/Settings/ODB Dump = no 
    and create an Equipment Tree to make the mlogger happy

(5) a few more xterms, always ".":
    # mlogger_patched (see (1))
    # ./frontend  (attched)

(6) in your odbedit (4) say "start". You should fill your disk rather quickly.
Attachment 1: big_event.tgz
  976   01 Mar 2014 Stefan RittForumHuge events (>10MB) every second or so
> Works, and here is how I did it. The attached example is based on the standard MIDAS
> example in "src/midas/examples/experiment". 

If you have such huge events, it does not make sense to put them into the ODB. The size needs to be increased (as 
you realized correctly) and the run stop takes long if you write last.xml. So just remove the RO_ODB flag in the 
frontend program and you won't have these problems.

  697   08 Apr 2010 Exaos LeeForumHow to stop a run with a timer?
I want to let the run stop and start periodically. But I looked through the ODB
and didn't find anything may help. I also checked the FAQ online and didn't find
answer either. Who can help me? Thank you.
  698   22 Apr 2010 Jimmy NgaiForumHow to stop a run with a timer?
Hi Exaos,

This may help:

You need to set the following keys:
/Logger/Run duration
/Logger/Auto restart
/Logger/Auto restart delay


> I want to let the run stop and start periodically. But I looked through the ODB
> and didn't find anything may help. I also checked the FAQ online and didn't find
> answer either. Who can help me? Thank you.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5