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  Draft   12 Feb 2020 Stefan RittBug ReportCompiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina
Another thought: Can you delete the build directory and run cmake again? Like

$ cd /midas/build
$ rm -rf *
$ cmake ..

If you have the old build cache and upgraded the OS in meantime, the cache needs to be rebuild.

  1826   12 Feb 2020 Stefan RittBug ReportCompiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina
Another thought: Can you delete the midas build directory and run cmake again? Like

$ cd midas/build
$ rm -rf *
$ cmake ..
$ make VERBOSE=1

If you have the old build cache and upgraded your OS in meantime, the cache needs to be rebuild. The VERBOSE 
flag tells you the compiler options, and you see where the compiler looks for the SDK directory.

  1827   12 Feb 2020 Berta BeltranBug ReportCompiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina
> Another thought: Can you delete the midas build directory and run cmake again? Like
> $ cd midas/build
> $ rm -rf *
> $ cmake ..
> $ make VERBOSE=1
> If you have the old build cache and upgraded your OS in meantime, the cache needs to be rebuild. The VERBOSE 
> flag tells you the compiler options, and you see where the compiler looks for the SDK directory.
> Cheers,
> Stefan

Hi Stefan, 

Thanks again for your reply. Yes! the suggestion of rebuilding the cache was the right one, this is the output of cmake ..

Darrens-Mac-mini:~ betacage$ cd packages/midas/build/
Darrens-Mac-mini:build betacage$ rm -rf *
Darrens-Mac-mini:build betacage$ cmake ..
-- MIDAS: cmake version: 3.16.3
-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/
-- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/ -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- MIDAS: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: /Users/betacage/packages/midas
-- MIDAS: Found ROOT version 6.18/04
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/libz.dylib (found version "1.2.11") 
-- MIDAS: Found ZLIB version 1.2.11
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.1.1d")  
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1d
-- MIDAS: MySQL not found
-- MIDAS: ODBC not found
-- MIDAS: SQLITE not found
-- MIDAS: nvidia-smi not found
-- Setting default build type to "RelWithDebInfo"
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.21.1 (Apple Git-122.3)") 
-- MIDAS example/experiment: MIDAS in-tree-build
-- MIDAS: Found ZLIB version 1.2.11
-- MIDAS example/experiment: Found ROOT version 6.18/04
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/betacage/packages/midas/build

Unfortunately running make VERBOSE=1 the compilation crashes, with the following error 

[ 39%] Linking CXX executable mhttpd
cd /Users/betacage/packages/midas/build/progs && /Applications/ -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt 
/Applications/  -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -isysroot 
/Applications/ -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-
headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose6.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd  ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz 
ld: cannot link directly with dylib/framework, your binary is not an allowed client of /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [progs/mhttpd] Error 1
make[1]: *** [progs/CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Libcrypto seems to be part of the OpenSSL, so I am back to the original problem again. I did install OpenSSL via MacPorts. 

I have found this tread regarding this problem. But have to go and pick up my kids from school, so I don't have time to investigate today.

Thanks again for staying with me and for responding so promptly. 

  1828   13 Feb 2020 Stefan RittBug ReportCompiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina
Now you are stuck with openssl, which is optional for mhttpd. If you only use mhttpd locally, you maybe don't need SSL support. In that case you can jus do

[midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..

To disable that. If you do need SSL, maybe you can try to install openssl11 via mac ports.

  1832   13 Feb 2020 Berta BeltranBug ReportCompiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina
> Now you are stuck with openssl, which is optional for mhttpd. If you only use mhttpd locally, you maybe don't need SSL support. In that case you can jus do
> [midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..
> To disable that. If you do need SSL, maybe you can try to install openssl11 via mac ports.
> Stefan

Thanks Stefan. 
If I run the compilation with the flag NO_SSL it works just fine. Still I think that Mhttpd is going to be important for us in the future as we may want to control the experiment remotely, so I will keep trying. But at least I 
can get started.


  1835   18 Feb 2020 Lukas GerritzenBug ReportRPC Error: ACK or other control chars from "db_get_values"
for some reason we occasionally get JSON errors in the browser when accessing MIDAS. It is then not possible to open a new window or tab, see attachment. The unexpected token is \0x6, so the acknowledge symbol.
If this happens, then all "alive sessions" keep being usable despite error messages, but show similar error messages:
>RPC Error
>json parser exception: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad control character in string literal at line 80 column 30 of the JSON data, method: "db_get_valus", params: [object Object], id: 1582020074098.

Do you have any idea why db_get_values yields ACK or other control characters?

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2020-02-18_10-46-22.png
  1836   18 Feb 2020 Stefan RittBug ReportRPC Error: ACK or other control chars from "db_get_values"
You are the first one reporting this error, so it must be due to your values in the ODB. Can you track it down to specific ODB contents? If so, can you post it so that I can reproduce your error?

  1837   20 Feb 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportRPC Error: ACK or other control chars from "db_get_values"
> The unexpected token is \0x6
> RPC Error json parser exception: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad control character in string literal at line 80 column 30 of the JSON data, method: "db_get_valus", params: [object Object], id: 1582020074098.

Yes, there is a problem.

Traditionally, midas strings in ODB have no restriction on the content (I think even the '\0x0' char is permitted).

But web browser javascript strings are supposed to be valid unicode (UTF-16, if I read this right:

The collision between the two happens when ODB values are json-encoded by midas, then json-decoded by the web browser.

The midas json encoder (mjson.h, mjson.cxx) encodes ODB strings according to JSON rules, but does not ensure that the result is valid UTF-8. (valid UTF-8 is not required, if I read the specs correctly http://www.ecma- and

The web browser json decoder requires valid UTF-8 and throws exceptions if it does not like something. Different browsers it slightly differently, so we have an error handler for this in the mjsonrpc results processor.

What does this mean in practice?

Now that MIDAS is very web oriented, MIDAS strings must be web browser friendly, too:

a) all ODB key names (subdirectory names, link names, etc) must be UTF-8 unicode, and this has been enforced by ODB for some time now.
b) all ODB string values must be valid UTF-8 unicode. This is not enforced right now.

Historically, it was okey to use ODB TID_STRING to store arbitrary binary data, but now, I think, we must deprecate this,
at least for any ODB entries that could be returned to a web browser (which means all of them, after we implement a fully
html+javascript odb editor). For storing binary data, arrays of TID_CHAR, TID_DWORD & co are probably a better match.

The MIDAS and ROOTANA json decoders (the same mjson.h, mjson.cxx) do not care about UTF-8, so ODB dumps
in JSON format are not affected by any of this. (But I am not sure about the JSON decoder in ROOT).

Bottom line:

I think db_validate() should check for invalid UTF-8 in ODB key names and in TID_STRING values
and at least warn the user. (I am not sure if invalid UTF-8 can be fixed automatically). db_create()
should reject key names that are not valid UTF-8 (it already does this, I think). db_set_value(TID_STRING) should
probably reject invalid UTF-8 strings, this needs to be discussed some more.

  1847   28 Feb 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportCompiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina
> > [midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..
> If I run the compilation with the flag NO_SSL it works just fine. ...

FYI, the mongoose616 branch now has support for using the mbedtls https library,
this library seems to build easily from sources and removes our dependency
on where/how/which openssl library is installed. I hope to have this included
in the next release of midas.

  1848   03 Mar 2020 Berta BeltranBug ReportCompiling Midas in OS 10.15 Catalina
Thanks Konstantin,

I will keep an eye for the next release so that I can update my Midas to include ssl libraries.


> > > [midas/build] $ cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..
> > If I run the compilation with the flag NO_SSL it works just fine. ...
> FYI, the mongoose616 branch now has support for using the mbedtls https library,
> this library seems to build easily from sources and removes our dependency
> on where/how/which openssl library is installed. I hope to have this included
> in the next release of midas.
> K.O.
  1905   07 May 2020 EstelleBug ReportConflic between Rootana and midas about the redefinition of TID_xxx data types
Dear Midas and Rootana people,

We have tried to update our midas DAQ with the new TID definitions describe in 

And we have noticed an incompatibility of this new definitions with Rootana when reading an XmlOdb in our offline analyzer. 

The problem comes from  the function FindArrayPath in XmlOdb.cxx and the comparison of bank type as strings.
Ex: comparing the strings "DWORD" and "UNINT32"

An naive solution would be to print the number associated to the type (ex: '6' for DWORD/UNINT32), but that would mean changing Rootana and Midas source code. Moreover, it does decrease the readability of the XmlOdb file. 

Thanks for your time.
  1911   20 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportConflic between Rootana and midas about the redefinition of TID_xxx data types
> Dear Midas and Rootana people,
> We have tried to update our midas DAQ with the new TID definitions describe in 
> And we have noticed an incompatibility of this new definitions with Rootana when reading an XmlOdb in our offline analyzer. 
> The problem comes from  the function FindArrayPath in XmlOdb.cxx and the comparison of bank type as strings.
> Ex: comparing the strings "DWORD" and "UNINT32"
> An naive solution would be to print the number associated to the type (ex: '6' for DWORD/UNINT32), but that would mean changing Rootana and Midas source code. Moreover, it does decrease the readability of the XmlOdb file. 

Hi, it is unfortunate that a change was made in MIDAS that is incompatible with existing analysis software. I shall update the ROOTANA package to deal with this ASAP.

  1918   22 May 2020 Thomas LindnerBug ReportMore trouble with openssl on macos
For the record, here's my report of difficulties getting mongoose to compile with macos.  This is a similar 
problem reported before, but with slightly different error messages.  So I put them here for posterity.

- macos: 10.13.6
- xcode: 9.2
- gcc: Thomass-MacBook-Pro-3:build lindner$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-
Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
- midas: today's version

Start with the openssl version I had already installed.  cmake says 

-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.0.2s") 
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.0.2s

make install fails with this error:

[ 35%] Linking CXX executable mhttpd
cd /Users/lindner/packages/midas/build/progs && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.15.0/bin/cmake -E 
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/  -O2 -g -
DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose616.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib 
/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz -lcurl -lsqlite3
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Use macports to upgrade to newer openssl

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated

Now cmake says

-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.1.1g") 
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g

Error message is different now:

cd /Users/lindner/packages/midas/build/progs && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.15.0/bin/cmake -E 
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/  -O2 -g -
DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose616.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib 
/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz -lcurl -lsqlite3
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_OPENSSL_init_ssl", referenced from:
      _mg_mgr_init_opt in mongoose616.cxx.o
      _mg_ssl_if_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
  "_SSL_CTX_set_options", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
  "_SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

Fine.  Doing 'cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..' to build still works fine; I will stick with that since I don't need SSL on my 

Perhaps we should disable SSL by default on Macos?  People may only have ~50% chance of getting it to 
  1919   22 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMore trouble with openssl on macos
> For the record, here's my report of difficulties getting mongoose to compile with macos. 
> -- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.0.2s
> -- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g
> ... [ all of them did not work ]

For the record, I get this on mac os 10.15.4 and it works.
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g

I think I am quite fed up with this openssl business, too.

What I will do in MIDAS is fix the mbedtls detection, add mbedtls instructions
in the documentation and remove openssl from mhttpd build.

Result will be:
- default build will have mhttpd without https support, and this works in 100% of our use cases at TRIUMF.
- if user do not want to use apache https proxy, they have to "git clone" mbedtls, build it, rebuild mhttpd, then
they get https support, but for https certificate management - getting them, renewing them, etc, they are
on their own.

Since mhttpd has no integration with certbot, automatic management of https certificates does not work,
so good luck again.

In theory, I can try to add certbot integration, but even the most basic tools are missing, for example, openssl
does not report certificate expiration dates (I guess I must write my own code to examine the certificate
and hope my idea of expiration matches their idea). Since I do not see certificate expiration dates, every day I could
blindly run "certbot renew" and restart openssl with the updated certificate (but I think openssl does
not have a "restart" function, so again, forget about it). Adding insult to injury, by default, certbot stores certificates
in a secret location in /etc where mhttpd cannot access them.

Bottom line is that powers-that-be messed up https certificate management and until that is sorted out and is easy
to integrate with custom web servers, I can only recommend that mhttpd must run behind the "OS support https proxy".

  1923   30 May 2020 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportwrong run number
I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag (midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):

if I build examples in ROOTANA I got wrong run number (always 0):

[root@lxgentor examples]# ./ana.exe -r9090

Using THttpServer in read/write mode
TMidasOnline::connect: Connecting to experiment "exo" on host 
MVOdb::SetMidasStatus: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "//runinfo/Run 
number" returned status 312
Opened output file with name : output00000000.root
TDT724Waveform done init...... 
Create Histos
Create Histos
TMidasOnline::eventRequest: Event request: buffer "SYSTEM" (2), event id 
0xffffffff, trigger mask 0xffffffff, sample 2, request id: 0

it seems that some function try to get "//runinfo/Run number" (double slash) 
instead of "/runinfo/Run number"...

Thanks in advance,
  1925   30 May 2020 Thomas LindnerBug Reportwrong run number

I fixed this particular case, so that I now I get the run number correctly.

But Konstantin will need to explain how this class is supposed to be used more generally.  The example programs have a mix with sometimes needing leading slashes and other times not:

Thomass-MacBook-Pro-3:rootana lindner$ grep -s 'runinfo/Run' */*.c*
libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx:   fODB->RI("runinfo/Run number", &fCurrentRunNumber);
manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");
manalyzer/manalyzer_v0.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");
old_analyzer/analyzer.cxx:   gOdb->RI("runinfo/Run number", &gRunNumber);


> Hi,
> I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag (midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):
> if I build examples in ROOTANA I got wrong run number (always 0):
> [root@lxgentor examples]# ./ana.exe -r9090
> Using THttpServer in read/write mode
> TMidasOnline::connect: Connecting to experiment "exo" on host 
> ""
> MVOdb::SetMidasStatus: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "//runinfo/Run 
> number" returned status 312
> Opened output file with name : output00000000.root
> TDT724Waveform done init...... 
> Create Histos
> Create Histos
> TMidasOnline::eventRequest: Event request: buffer "SYSTEM" (2), event id 
> 0xffffffff, trigger mask 0xffffffff, sample 2, request id: 0
> it seems that some function try to get "//runinfo/Run number" (double slash) 
> instead of "/runinfo/Run number"...
> Thanks in advance,
> Gennaro
  1926   30 May 2020 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportwrong run number

thanks a lot for your grep... I temporary fix my local ROOTANA code with this:

diff --git a/libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx b/libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx
index 57111b6..90cf384 100644
--- a/libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx
+++ b/libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ int TRootanaEventLoop::ProcessMidasOnline(TApplication*app, const char* hostname
    /* fill present run parameters */
    fCurrentRunNumber = 0;
-   fODB->RI("/runinfo/Run number", &fCurrentRunNumber);
+   fODB->RI("runinfo/Run number", &fCurrentRunNumber);
    //   if ((fODB->odbReadInt("/runinfo/State") == 3))


> Hi,
> I fixed this particular case, so that I now I get the run number correctly.
> But Konstantin will need to explain how this class is supposed to be used more generally.  The example programs have a mix with sometimes needing leading slashes and other times not:
> Thomass-MacBook-Pro-3:rootana lindner$ grep -s 'runinfo/Run' */*.c*
> libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx:   fODB->RI("runinfo/Run number", &fCurrentRunNumber);
> manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");
> manalyzer/manalyzer_v0.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");
> old_analyzer/analyzer.cxx:   gOdb->RI("runinfo/Run number", &gRunNumber);
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag (midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):
> > 
> > if I build examples in ROOTANA I got wrong run number (always 0):
> > 
> > [root@lxgentor examples]# ./ana.exe -r9090
> > 
> > Using THttpServer in read/write mode
> > TMidasOnline::connect: Connecting to experiment "exo" on host 
> > ""
> > MVOdb::SetMidasStatus: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "//runinfo/Run 
> > number" returned status 312
> > Opened output file with name : output00000000.root
> > TDT724Waveform done init...... 
> > Create Histos
> > Create Histos
> > TMidasOnline::eventRequest: Event request: buffer "SYSTEM" (2), event id 
> > 0xffffffff, trigger mask 0xffffffff, sample 2, request id: 0
> > 
> > it seems that some function try to get "//runinfo/Run number" (double slash) 
> > instead of "/runinfo/Run number"...
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Gennaro
  1927   03 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwrong run number
> I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag (midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):
> MVOdb::SetMidasStatus: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "//runinfo/Run 
> number" returned status 312
> it seems that some function try to get "//runinfo/Run number" (double slash) 
> instead of "/runinfo/Run number"...

You made a mistake somewhere.

rootana release rootana-2020-03 uses VirtualOdb, not MVOdb, so there should be no 
messages from "MVOdb". ODB path "/runinfo/run number" is correct for the 
VirtualOdb classes. MVOdb classes use relative paths, absolute path starting from 
"/" is not permitted, hence the error.

You most likely are using the master branch of rootana.

Commit switching rootana from VirtualOdb to mvodb was made after the release 2020-
03, in May:

(I confirm the incorrect call to RI("/runinfo/..."), Thomas already fixed it in 
the repository, big thanks!).

The dust is not fully settled yet on the refactoring of rootana, until then, I 
recommend that people use the release version(s).

  1928   03 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwrong run number
> But Konstantin will need to explain how this class is supposed to be used more generally.

MVOdb is a replacement for VirtualOdb. It has many functions that were missing in VirtualOdb
and it implements access to both XML and JSON ODB dumps.

>  The example programs have a mix with sometimes needing leading slashes and other times not:
> libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx:   fODB->RI("runinfo/Run number", &fCurrentRunNumber);
> old_analyzer/analyzer.cxx:   gOdb->RI("runinfo/Run number", &gRunNumber);

RI() is MVOdb, no absolute paths, leading "/" not permitted.

> manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");
> manalyzer/manalyzer_v0.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");

Hmmm... good catch. these are VirtualOdb calls, but they bypass the VirtualOdb interface (which was removed)
and call the odb access methods directly from the TMidasOnline class. They should be replaced
with MVOdb RI() calls (and leading "/" removed).

I was going to look at the TMidasOnline class next - many things need to be updated,
but it will have to wait until I update the MVOdb and the tmfe documentation and until
I update midasio to read and write the new bank32a data files.

  1929   03 Jun 2020 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportwrong run number
> > I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag (midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):
> >
> > MVOdb::SetMidasStatus: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "//runinfo/Run 
> > number" returned status 312
> >
> > it seems that some function try to get "//runinfo/Run number" (double slash) 
> > instead of "/runinfo/Run number"...
> > 
> You made a mistake somewhere.

you are right !
I used rootana-2020-03-a instead of release/rootana-2020-03... my fault !

I have to (re)compile MIDAS for the same error...

Thanks !

> rootana release rootana-2020-03 uses VirtualOdb, not MVOdb, so there should be no 
> messages from "MVOdb". ODB path "/runinfo/run number" is correct for the 
> VirtualOdb classes. MVOdb classes use relative paths, absolute path starting from 
> "/" is not permitted, hence the error.
> You most likely are using the master branch of rootana.
> Commit switching rootana from VirtualOdb to mvodb was made after the release 2020-
> 03, in May:
> bc9
> (I confirm the incorrect call to RI("/runinfo/..."), Thomas already fixed it in 
> the repository, big thanks!).
> The dust is not fully settled yet on the refactoring of rootana, until then, I 
> recommend that people use the release version(s).
> K.O.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5