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ID Date Author Topicdown Subject
  2162   10 May 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmodbselect trigget hotlink
Thanks for reporting that bug, I fixed it in the last commit.

  2163   12 May 2021 Mathieu GuigueBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization

Using midas version 12-2020,  I am trying to run mhttpd from within a docker container using docker-compose.
Starting from an empty ODB, I simply run `mhttpd` and this is the output I have:
midas_hatfe_1  | <Warning> Starting mhttpd...
midas_hatfe_1  | [mhttpd,INFO] ODB subtree /Runinfo corrected successfully
midas_hatfe_1  | MVOdb::SetMidasStatus: Error: MIDAS db_find_key() at ODB path "/WebServer/Host list" returned status 312
midas_hatfe_1  | Mongoose web server will not use password protection
midas_hatfe_1  | Mongoose web server will not use the hostlist, connections from anywhere will be accepted
midas_hatfe_1  | Mongoose web server listening on http address "localhost:8080", passwords OFF, hostlist OFF
midas_hatfe_1  | [mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:19160:mongoose_listen,ERROR] Cannot mg_bind address "[::1]:8080"

According to the documentation, the WebServer tree should be created automatically when starting the mhttpd; but it seems not as it doesn't find the entry "/WebServer/Host list".
If I create it by end (using "create STRING /WebServer/Host list"), I still get the error message that mhttpd didn't bind properly to the local port 8080.
I am not sure what it wrong, as mhttpd is working perfectly well in this exact container for midas 03-2020.

Any idea what difference makes it not possible anymore to run into these container?

Thanks very much for your help.
  2164   12 May 2021 Ben SmithBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization
> midas_hatfe_1  | Mongoose web server listening on http address "localhost:8080", passwords OFF, hostlist OFF
> midas_hatfe_1  | [mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:19160:mongoose_listen,ERROR] Cannot mg_bind address "[::1]:8080"

It looks like mhttpd managed to bind to the IPv4 address (localhost), but not the IPv6 address (::1). If you don't need it, try setting "/Webserver/Enable IPv6" to false.
  2165   12 May 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization
> It looks like mhttpd managed to bind to the IPv4 address (localhost), but not the IPv6 address (::1). If you don't need it, try setting "/Webserver/Enable IPv6" to false.

We had this issue already several times. This info should be put into the documentation at a prominent location.

  2166   12 May 2021 Pierre GorelBug ReportHistory formula not correctly managed
OS: OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
MIDAS: Downloaded from repo on April 2021.

I have a slow control frontend doing the command/readout of a MPOD HV/LV. Since I am reading out the current that are in nA (after updating snmp), I wanted to multiply the number by 1e9.

I noticed the new "Formula" field (introduced in 2019 it seems) instead of the "Factor/Offset" I was used to. None of my entries seems to be accepted (after hitting save, when coming back thee field is empty).

Looking in ODB in "/History/Display/MPOD/HV (Current)/", the field "Formula" is a string of size 32 (even if I have multiple plots in that display). I noticed that the fields "Factor" and "Offset" are still existing and they are arrays with the correct size. However, changing the values does not seem to do anything.

Deleting "Formula" by hand and creating a new field as an array of string (of correct length) seems to do the trick: the formula is displayed in the History display config, and correctly used.
  2167   13 May 2021 Mathieu GuigueBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization
> > It looks like mhttpd managed to bind to the IPv4 address (localhost), but not the IPv6 address (::1). If you don't need it, try setting "/Webserver/Enable IPv6" to false.
> We had this issue already several times. This info should be put into the documentation at a prominent location.
> Stefan

Thanks a lot, this solved my issue!
  2168   14 May 2021 Stefan RittBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization
> Thanks a lot, this solved my issue!

... or we should turn IPv6 off by default, since not many people use this right now.
  2172   24 May 2021 Mathieu GuigueBug ReportBug "is of type"

I am running a simple FE executable that is supposed to define a PRAW DWORD bank.
The issue is that, right after the start of the run, the logger crashes without messages.
Then the FE reports this error, which is rather confusing.
12:59:29.140 2021/05/24 [feTestDatastruct,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6986:db_set_data1,ERROR] "/Equipment/Trigger/Variables/PRAW" is of type UINT32, not UINT32
  2174   27 May 2021 Lukas GerritzenBug ReportWrong location for mysql.h on our Linux systems
with the recent fix of the CMakeLists.txt, it seems like another bug surfaced. 
In midas/progs/mlogger.cxx:48/49, the mysql header files are included without a 
prefix. However, mysql.h and mysqld_error.h are in a subdirectory, so for our 
systems, the lines should be
  48 #include <mysql/mysql.h>
  49 #include <mysql/mysqld_error.h>
This is the case with MariaDB 10.5.5 on OpenSuse Leap 15.2, MariaDB 10.5.5 on 
Fedora Workstation 34 and MySQL 5.5.60 on Raspbian 10.

If this problem occurs for other Linux/MySQL versions as well, it should be 
fixed in mlogger.cxx and midas/src/history_schema.cxx.
If this problem only occurs on some distributions or MySQL versions, it needs 
some more differentiation than #ifdef OS_UNIX. 

Also, this somehow seems familiar, wasn't there such a problem in the past?
  2176   27 May 2021 Nick HastingsBug ReportWrong location for mysql.h on our Linux systems

> with the recent fix of the CMakeLists.txt, it seems like another bug 
> In midas/progs/mlogger.cxx:48/49, the mysql header files are included without 
> prefix. However, mysql.h and mysqld_error.h are in a subdirectory, so for our 
> systems, the lines should be
>   48 #include <mysql/mysql.h>
>   49 #include <mysql/mysqld_error.h>
> This is the case with MariaDB 10.5.5 on OpenSuse Leap 15.2, MariaDB 10.5.5 on 
> Fedora Workstation 34 and MySQL 5.5.60 on Raspbian 10.
> If this problem occurs for other Linux/MySQL versions as well, it should be 
> fixed in mlogger.cxx and midas/src/history_schema.cxx.
> If this problem only occurs on some distributions or MySQL versions, it needs 
> some more differentiation than #ifdef OS_UNIX.

What does "mariadb_config --cflags" or "mysql_config --cflags" return on 
these systems? For mariadb 10.3.27 on Debian 10 it returns both paths:

% mariadb_config --cflags
-I/usr/include/mariadb -I/usr/include/mariadb/mysql

Note also that mysql.h and mysqld_error.h reside in /usr/include/mariadb *not* 
/usr/include/mariadb/mysql so using "#include <mysql/mysql.h>" would not work.

On CentOS 7 with mariadb  5.5.68:

%  mysql_config --include
% ls -l /usr/include/mysql/mysql*.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 38516 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 76949 Oct  2  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysqld_ername.h
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 28805 Oct  2  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysqld_error.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 24717 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_com.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  1167 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_embed.h
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  2143 May  6  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_time.h
-r--r--r--. 1 root root   938 Oct  2  2020 /usr/include/mysql/mysql_version.h

So this seems to be the correct setup for both Debian and RHEL. If this is to 
be worked around in Midas I would think it would be better to do it at the 
cmake level than by putting another #ifdef in the code.


  2180   28 May 2021 Joseph McKennaBug ReportHistory plots deceiving users into thinking data is still logging
I have been trying to fix this myself but my javascript isn't strong... The 'new' history plot render fills in missing data with the last ODB value (even when this value is very old... elog:2180/1 shows this... The data logging stopped, but the history plot can fool users into thinking data is logging (The export button generates CSVs with entires every 10 seconds also). Grepping through the history files behind the scenes, I found only one match for an example variable from this plot, so it looks like there are no entries after March 24th (although I may be mistaken, I've not studied the history files data structure in detail), ie this is a artifact from the mhistory.js rather than the mlogger... Have I missed something simple? Would it be possible to not draw the line if there are no datapoints in a significant time? Or maybe render a dashed line that doesn't export to CSV? Thanks in advance Edit, I see certificate errors this forum and I think its preventing my upload an image... inlining it into the text here:
  2181   28 May 2021 Stefan RittBug ReportHistory plots deceiving users into thinking data is still logging

This is a known problem and I'm working on. See the discussion at:


  2194   02 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportHistory plots deceiving users into thinking data is still logging

this problem is a blocker for the next midas release.

the best I can tell, current development version of midas writes history data incorrectly,
but I do not have time to look at it at this moment.

I recommend that people use the latest released version, midas-2020-12. (this is what we have on alphag and 
should have in alpha2).

midas-2020-12 uses mlogger from midas-2020-08.

If I cannot find time to figure out what is going on in the mlogger,
the next release may have to be done the same way (with mlogger from midas-2020-08).

  2196   02 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportWrong location for mysql.h on our Linux systems
> % mariadb_config --cflags
> -I/usr/include/mariadb -I/usr/include/mariadb/mysql

I get similar, both .../include and .../include/mysql are in my include path,
so both #include "mysql/mysql.h" and #include "mysql.h" work.

I added a message to cmake to report the MySQL CFLAGS and libraries, so next time
this is a problem, we can see what happened from the cmake output:

4ed0:midas olchansk$ make cmake | grep MySQL
-- MIDAS: Found MySQL version 10.4.16
-- MIDAS: MySQL CFLAGS: -I/opt/local/include/mariadb-10.4/mysql;-I/opt/local/include/mariadb-
10.4/mysql/mysql and libs: -L/opt/local/lib/mariadb-10.4/mysql/ -lmariadb

  2199   02 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportBug "is of type"
> Hi,
> I am running a simple FE executable that is supposed to define a PRAW DWORD bank.
> The issue is that, right after the start of the run, the logger crashes without messages.
> Then the FE reports this error, which is rather confusing.
> ```
> 12:59:29.140 2021/05/24 [feTestDatastruct,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6986:db_set_data1,ERROR] "/Equipment/Trigger/Variables/PRAW" is of type UINT32, not UINT32
> ```

I think this is fixed in latest midas. There was a typo in this message, the same tid was printed twice,
with result you report "mismatch UINT32 and UINT32", instead of "mismatch of UINT32 vs what is actually there".

This fixes the message, after that you have to manually fix the mismatch in the data type in ODB (delete old one, I guess).

  2200   02 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmhttpd WebServer ODBTree initialization
> > Thanks a lot, this solved my issue!
> ... or we should turn IPv6 off by default, since not many people use this right now.

IPv6 certainly works and is used at CERN.

But I am not sure why people see this message. I do not see it on any machines at 
TRIUMF, even those with IPv6 turned off.

  2201   02 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportHistory formula not correctly managed
> OS: OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
> MIDAS: Downloaded from repo on April 2021.
> I have a slow control frontend doing the command/readout of a MPOD HV/LV. Since I am reading out the current that are in nA (after updating snmp), I wanted to multiply the number by 1e9.
> I noticed the new "Formula" field (introduced in 2019 it seems) instead of the "Factor/Offset" I was used to. None of my entries seems to be accepted (after hitting save, when coming back thee field is empty).
> Looking in ODB in "/History/Display/MPOD/HV (Current)/", the field "Formula" is a string of size 32 (even if I have multiple plots in that display). I noticed that the fields "Factor" and "Offset" are still existing and they are arrays with the correct size. However, changing the values does not seem to do anything.
> Deleting "Formula" by hand and creating a new field as an array of string (of correct length) seems to do the trick: the formula is displayed in the History display config, and correctly used.

I see this, too. Problem is that the history plot code must be compatible with both
the old scheme (factor/offset) and the new scheme (formula). But something goes wrong somewhere.


- new code cannot to "3 year" plots, old code has no problem with it
- old experiments (alpha1, etc) have only the old-style history plot definitions,
and both old and new plotting code should be able to show them (there is nobody
to convert this old stuff to the "new way", but we still desire to be able to look at it!)

  2203   04 Jun 2021 Andreas SuterBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails

if I check out midas and try to configure it with 

cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/midas

I do get the error messages:

  Target "midas" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property contains path:


  which is prefixed in the source directory.

Is the cmake setup not relocatable? This is new and was working until recently:

MIDAS version:      2.1
GIT revision:       Thu May 27 12:56:06 2021 +0000 - midas-2020-08-a-295-gfd314ca8-dirty on branch HEAD
ODB version:        3
  2204   04 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails
> cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/midas

good timing, I am working on cmake for manalyzer and rootana and I have not tested
the install prefix business.

now I know to test it for all 3 packages.

I will also change find_package(Midas) slightly, (see my other message here),
I hope you can confirm that I do not break it for you.

  2206   04 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportcmake with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX fails
> cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/midas
> Is the cmake setup not relocatable? This is new and was working until recently:

Indeed. Not relocatable. This is because we do not install the header files.

When you use the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, you get MIDAS "installed" in:

$MIDASSYS/include <-- this is the source tree and so not "relocatable"!

Before, this was kludged and cmake did not complain about it.

Now I changed cmake to handle the include path "the cmake way", and now it knows to complain about it.

I am not sure how to fix this: we have a conflict between:

- our normal way of using midas (include $MIDASSYS/include, link $MIDASSYS/lib, run $MIDASSYS/bin)
- the cmake way (packages *must be installed* or else! but I do like install(EXPORT)!)
- and your way (midas include files are in $MIDASSYS/include, everything else is in your special location)

I think your case is strange. I am curious why you want midas libraries to be in prefix/lib instead of in 
$MIDASSYS/lib (in the source tree), but are happy with header files remaining in the source tree.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5