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ID Date Authordown Topic Subject Text Attachments
  2630   15 Nov 2023 Ivo SchulthessForummlogger does not HAVE_ROOT> No, I'm not aware of this problem, but I
suspect that your events somehow got corrupted.
You can try the mdump utility
  2631   21 Nov 2023 Ivo SchulthessForumPolled frontend writes data to ODB without RO_ODBGood morning, 

In our setup, we have a neutron detector
  1955   19 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie-BoulayInfoBuilding/running a Frontend TaskTo build a frontend task, the user code and
system code are compiled and linked 
together with the required libraries, by
  1941   09 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoPreparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers.Hey folks,

I'm currently working on setting up a MIDAS
  1947   12 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoPreparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers.> Hi, if you are not using any VME hardware,
then you have no VME address jumpers to 
> set.
  1950   15 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportKilling and ODB - Removed ODB client because process pid does not existsHey everyone,

When I run mhttpd I get the following error
  2009   05 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'Hi everyone,

I have been building an experiment using
  Draft   06 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'

  2013   06 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'Yes, you are right. That fixed it and my frontend
is compiling.
  2020   24 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumInvalid name "Analyzer/Tests"Hi everyone,

I've recently took the analyzer template
  2048   07 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumInvalid name "Analyzer/Tests">
> K.O.
  2054   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.Hi all,

I'm currently trying to build events through
  2056   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.Thanks for the quick reply,

> > I'm currently trying to build events
  2058   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.> > > > I'm currently trying to build events
through doing block transfers.
> > > 
  2060   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.> > This is very hard to do using the mfe.c
frontend. (the main reason I wrote the TMFE
C++ frontend class).
  2064   05 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportLogger: Disk nearly full.Hi all,

I've ran into a problem where my experiment
  2068   06 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportLogger: Disk nearly full.> The logger simple requests the disk free
space level from the operating system in
the same 
  2069   06 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoRecovering a corrupted ODB using odbinit.Hi all,

I am currently trying to recover my corrupted
  2071   13 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumpoll_event() is very slow.Hi all,

I'm currently trying to see if I can speed
  2076   14 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumpoll_event() is very slow.> Something must be wrong on your side. If
you take the example frontend under
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