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  112   01 Nov 2003 Stefan Ritt Do not frob
> I found where we tickle the race condition in db_create_record().
> 1) in mhttpd.c,  every time we show the status page, we call
> db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo", strcomb(runinfo_str));
> 2) internally db_create_record() deletes /RunInfo
> 3) other programs read "/runinfo/run number" while it is deleted do not
> check for the db_get_value() error code and happily get a zero run number.
> Stephan fixed the race condition, and now I commited an mhttpd.c change that
> only calls db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo", strcomb(runinfo_str)); if
> /runinfo does not exist. This seems to be redundant with a similar call in
> cm_connect_experiment1(), called each time a new client starts up.

The reason for the db_create_record() is the following: Assume that we change 
the /runinfo structure, by adding an additional variable in the future. If we 
run a "new" mhttpd on an "old" experiment, the "runinfo" C structure does not 
match the ODB contents. The db_create_record() ensures that the ODB structure 
exactly matches the C structure. I agree with you that this can cause 
potential problems. But most of them should be fixed by the additional lock() 
I added recently. So other programs cannot read the run number while it is 

One could think of checking the record size, and re-creating the runinfo if 
the ODB record size does not match the C record size. But this does not 
prevent the potential error that some variable are reversed in order. They 
are then mapped wrongly to the C runinfo structure.

I see that you work very hard now on all possible checks for the run number. 
But I would not commit that and make it part of the distribution, since all 
experiments at PSI for example do not have this run number problem. Run it 
locally, determine the cause of your problem (the discovery of the race 
condition was already very good, I'm glad that your found it, should make the 
system much more stable), and we'll fix it. Puttin ASSERT's is a good idea, I 
should have done it from the very beginning. But if you start now, please put 
it in all other 100000 places (;-)

I would not add a db_get_value_cannot_possibly_fail() into the standard 
distribution, because it probably cannot correct the initial problem and then 
just will go into an infinite loop. We should tackle problems always at their 

If you cannot resolve your zero run number problem, do the following: There 
is a cm_msg(MDEBUG, ...) which only puts a message into the shared memory, 
but not in midas.log. This can be used for real time debugging. Add those 
message temporarily in db_get_value() etc. to see what is going on. As soon 
as the run number goes to zero, stop all processes immediately (for example 
by locking the database with db_lock_database), and the look backwards in the 
sysmsg buffer to see what happened *before* the run number went to zero.

- Stefan
  113   01 Nov 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Do not frob
> > I found where we tickle the race condition in db_create_record().
> The reason for the db_create_record() is the following: Assume that we change 
> the /runinfo structure...

I think there is a deep fundamental problem with changing data structures "on the
fly". Calling db_create_record("/runinfo") at every show_status_page() does not
fix it.

If I change the runinfo structure, rebuild, relink and restart "mhttpd", the
db_create_record("/runinfo") from cm_connect_experiment() will update the runinfo
structure in ODB. In this case, the call from show_status_page() is redundant. As
a side effect, when we do this, we break every running ODB client- they still
have the old runinfo layout. Not good...

If I change the runinfo structure, rebuild, relink and restart all applications,
*except* for mhttpd, "/runinfo" in ODB will be updated when the first updated
client connects to ODB via the db_create_record("/runinfo") from
cm_connect_experiment(). Then, the old mhttpd will restore the old layout via the 
db_create_record("/runinfo") in show_status_page(), breaking everything. Not good...

If I change the runinfo structure, rebuild, relink and restart everything,
"/runinfo" in ODB will be updated when the first client connects to ODB via the
db_create_record("/runinfo") from cm_connect_experiment(). In this case, the call
from show_status_page() is redundant. This is the only corruption-free scenario.

This lack of integrity enforcement vs version skew in binary data structures is,
I think, an ODB design error. Perhaps, ODB applications should be prohibited from
 direct access to ODB "C" data structures: we cannot ensure that the data layout
in the application and in ODB are the same.

> One could think of checking the record size, and re-creating the runinfo if 
> the ODB record size does not match the C record size. But this does not 
> prevent the potential error that some variable are reversed in order. They 
> are then mapped wrongly to the C runinfo structure.


> I see that you work very hard now on all possible checks for the run number. 
> But I would not commit that and make it part of the distribution...

This is a philosophical issue.

My checks are in line with the "design by contract" school of programming. In a
nutshell, this ideology requires that before I do anything, I should enforce the
validity of my inputs and after I am done, I should enforce the validity of my
outputs. In practice, this translates into liberal use of assert()'s *in
production code*.

To ensure that old bugs stay fixed, and that new bugs are promptly discovered, it
is essential that the "contract checks" stay in the production code forever.

But let better writers argue programming philosophy in the literature.

Personally, when hunting down bugs in unstable code, I find this technique to be
vastly superior to the more common appoach of "This program has no bugs. Error
checking and assert()s are wasteful. Let's close our eyes and hope no bad things
happen to us (again)".

> But if you start now, please put [asserts] in all other 100000 places (;-)

I know that no good deed goes unpunished, but pewleeze!!!

> If you cannot resolve your zero run number problem, do the following: ...
> [lock ODB, freeze the experiment, look at log files]

This technique is obsolete. Today, we instrument the code with sanity checks
and validity tests. Then all the bugs find themselves with minimal manual

  117   31 Oct 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Disable "tab"s in xemacs
The default C indentation style in xemacs uses "tab" characters, violating
the MIDAS coding convention. To disable this misfeature in xemacs (emacs
too?), put this incantation in your .xemacs/custom.el file:

 '(indent-tabs-mode nil))

  1822   12 Feb 2020 Marius KoeppelForumDifference between "Event Data Size" and "All Bank Size"
Dear all,

we are trying to build Midas events on FPGAs and send them directly to the midas
ring buffer via copy_n. According to the wiki Event Data Size is:
"The event data size contains the size of the event in bytes excluding the
header." and All Bank Size is: "Size in bytes of the following data plus the
size of the bank header". So are they actually the same or what header is the
header in the first sentence also the bank header?


  1823   12 Feb 2020 Stefan RittForumDifference between "Event Data Size" and "All Bank Size"
Thanks for pointing out this error. The "All Bank Size" contains the size of all banks including their 
bank headers, but NOT the global bank header itself. I modified the documentation accordingly.

If you want to study the C code which tells you how to fill these headers, look at midas.cxx line 


> Dear all,
> we are trying to build Midas events on FPGAs and send them directly to the midas
> ring buffer via copy_n. According to the wiki
> Event Data Size is:
> "The event data size contains the size of the event in bytes excluding the
> header." and All Bank Size is: "Size in bytes of the following data plus the
> size of the bank header". So are they actually the same or what header is the
> header in the first sentence also the bank header?
> Cheers,
> Marius
  1839   20 Feb 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumDifference between "Event Data Size" and "All Bank Size"
> Thanks for pointing out this error. The "All Bank Size" contains the size of all banks including their 
> bank headers, but NOT the global bank header itself. I modified the documentation accordingly.
> If you want to study the C code which tells you how to fill these headers, look at midas.cxx line 
> 14788.

Also take a look at the midas event parser in ROOTANA midasio.cxx, the code is pretty clean c++

But Stefan's code in midas.cxx and in the documentation is the authoritative information.

  2622   23 Oct 2023 Francesco RengaForumDevice with inputs and outputs
Dear all,
       I'm writing a very simple device driver starting from the nulldev.cxx 

I define an equipment as reported at the end of this message then, if all 
variables are Input variables, I define them with:

  mdevice device("myEquimpent", "Input", DF_INPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD, mydevice);
  device.define_var("Var1", 0.1);
  device.define_var("Var2", 0.1);

If all variables are output variables, I define them with:

  mdevice device("myEquipment", "Output", DF_OUTPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD, mydevice);
  device.define_var("Var1", 0.1);
  device.define_var("Var2", 0.1);

But I don't know what to do if I have mixed input and output variables in the same 
device. I think I can do:

  mdevice device_in("myEquipment", "Input", DF_INPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD, mydevice);
  device.define_var("Var1", 0.1);

  mdevice device_out("myEquipment", "Output", DF_OUTPUT | DF_MULTITHREAD, 
  device.define_var("Var2", 0.1);

but in this case, inside mydevice.cxx, I don't know how to distinguish Var1 and 
Var2, because they are both identified as channel 0.

Do you have any suggestion?

Thank you,


   {"SourceMotor",                       /* equipment name */
    {7, 0,                       /* event ID, trigger mask */
     "SYSTEM",                  /* event buffer */
     EQ_SLOW,                   /* equipment type */
     0,                         /* event source */
     "MIDAS",                   /* format */
     TRUE,                      /* enabled */
     RO_ALWAYS,        /* read when running and on transitions */
     60000,                     /* read every 60 sec */
     0,                         /* stop run after this event limit */
     0,                         /* number of sub events */
     1,                         /* log history every event */
     "", "", ""} ,
    cd_multi_read,                 /* readout routine */
    cd_multi,                      /* class driver main routine */
  2623   24 Oct 2023 Stefan RittForumDevice with inputs and outputs
The "multi" class driver takes care of that. It properly calls the SET and GET functions 
with the correct index. The code for that is in multi.cxx:105:

 device_driver(m_info->driver_input[i], CMD_GET,
               i - m_info->channel_offset_input[i],

The "channel_offset_input" and "channel_offset_output" store the first index of the 
channel in the overall ODB array (where inputs and outputs are staggered together), so 
the device_driver is always called with an index 0...n each for input and output, but 
with different commands CMD_GET and CMD_SET. You can take the mscbdev.cxx device driver 
as a working example.

  2309   16 Dec 2021 Zaher SalmanForumDevice driver for modbus
Dear all, does anyone have an example of for a device driver using modbus or modbus tcp to communicate with a device and willing to share it? Thanks.
  2312   26 Jan 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiForumDevice driver for modbus
> Dear all, does anyone have an example of for a device driver using modbus or modbus tcp to communicate with a device and willing to share it? Thanks.

I have not seen any modbus devices recently, so all my code and examples are quite old.

Basic modbus/tcp communication driver is in the midas repo:

daq00:midas$ find . | grep -i modbus

This driver worked for communication to a modbus PLC (T2K/ND280/TPC experiment in Japan).

An example program to use this driver and test modbus communication is here:

Because at the end, we do not have any modbus devices in any recent experiment,
I do not have any example of using this driver in the midas frontend. Sorry.

  2507   10 May 2023 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages
It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.

To get enable this myself, I hijacked the speech synthesis and I added the following to mhttpd_speak_now(text) inside mhttpd.js:
let notification = new Notification('MIDAS Message', {
    body: text,

I couldn't ask for the permission for notifications here, as Firefox threw the error "The Notification permission may only be requested from inside a short running user-generated event handler". Therefore, I added a button to config.html:
<button class="mbutton" onclick="Notification.requestPermission()">Request notification permission</button>

There might be a more elegant solution to request the permission.
  2510   10 May 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages

Lukas Gerritzen wrote:
It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.

There are certainly dozens of people who do "I don't like pop-up windows all the time". So this has to come with a switch in the config page to turn it off. If there is a switch "allow pop-up windows", then we have the other fraction of people using Edge/Chrome/Safari/Opera saying "it's not working on my specific browser on version x.y.z". So I'm only willing to add that feature if we are sure it's a standard things working in most environments.

  2512   10 May 2023 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages

Stefan Ritt wrote:

people using Edge/Chrome/Safari/Opera saying "it's not working on my specific browser on version x.y.z". So I'm only willing to add that feature if we are sure it's a standard things working in most environments.

[The API looks pretty standard to me. Firefox, Chrome, Opera have been supporting it for about 9 years, Safari for almost 6. I didn't find out when Edge 14 was released, but they're at version 112 now.

Since browsers don't want to annoy their users, many don't allow websites to ask for permissions without user interaction. So the workflow would be something like: The user has to press a button "please ask for permission", then the browser opens a dialog "do you want to grant this website permission to show notifications?" and only then it works. So I don't think it's an annoying popup-mess, especially since system notifications don't capture the focus and typically vanish after a few seconds. If that feature is hidden behind a button on the config page, it shouldn't lead to surprises. Especially since users can always revoke that permission.
  2513   11 May 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionDesktop notifications for messages
Ok, I implemented desktop notifications. In the MIDAS config page, you can now enable browser notifications for the different types of messages. Not sure this works perfectly, but a staring point. So please let me know if there is any issue.

  1385   28 Aug 2018 Lukas GerritzenBug ReportDeleting Links in ODB via mhttpd
Asume you have a variable foo and a link bar -> foo. When you go to the ODB in
mhttpd, click "Delete" and select bar, it actually deletes foo. bar stays,
stating "<cannot resolve link>". Trying the same in odbedit with rm gives the
expected result (bar is gone, foo is still there).

I'm on the develop branch.
  1387   28 Aug 2018 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportDeleting Links in ODB via mhttpd
> Asume you have a variable foo and a link bar -> foo. When you go to the ODB in
> mhttpd, click "Delete" and select bar, it actually deletes foo. bar stays,
> stating "<cannot resolve link>". Trying the same in odbedit with rm gives the
> expected result (bar is gone, foo is still there).
> I'm on the develop branch.

I think I can confirm this. Created a bug report on bitbucket:

  1392   29 Aug 2018 Stefan RittBug ReportDeleting Links in ODB via mhttpd
> > Asume you have a variable foo and a link bar -> foo. When you go to the ODB in
> > mhttpd, click "Delete" and select bar, it actually deletes foo. bar stays,
> > stating "<cannot resolve link>". Trying the same in odbedit with rm gives the
> > expected result (bar is gone, foo is still there).
> > 
> > I'm on the develop branch.
> I think I can confirm this. Created a bug report on bitbucket:
> K.O.

I fixed this and committed the change. Took me a while since it was in KO's code.

  633   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportDelete key "/A_Str" problem
Another problem while using odbedit.
I tried the batch mode of "odbedit". I created a key as "/A_Str" by mistake and 
wanted to delete it. Then "odbedit" failed to accept the "Return" key. Please see 
the screen-shot attached. :-(
  639   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportDelete key "/A_Str" problem
> Another problem while using odbedit.
> I tried the batch mode of "odbedit". I created a key as "/A_Str" by mistake and 
> wanted to delete it. Then "odbedit" failed to accept the "Return" key. Please see 
> the screen-shot attached. :-(

This bug has been fixed in the latest repository.
I encountered it in svn-r4488.
  2451   13 Jan 2023 Denis CalvetSuggestionDebug printf remaining in mhttpd.cxx
Hi everyone,

It has been a long time since my last message. While porting Midas front-end 
programs developed for the T2K experiment in 2008 to a modern version of Midas, 
I noticed that some debug printf remain in mhttpd.cxx.

A number of debug messages are printed on stdout each time a graph is displayed 
in the OldHistory window (which is the style of history plots that will continue 
to be used in the upgraded T2K experiment for some technical reasons).

Here is an example of such debug messages:
Load from ODB History/Display/HA_EP_0/V33: hist plot: 8 variables
timescale: 1h, minimum: 0.000000, maximum: 0.000000, zero_ylow: 0, log_axis: 0, 
show_run_markers: 1, show_values: 1, show_fill: 0, show_factor 0, enable_factor: 
var[0] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M00FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#00AAFF] label 
[Mod_0] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
var[1] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M01FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#FF9000] label 
[Mod_1] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
var[2] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M02FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#FF00A0] label 
[Mod_2] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
var[3] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M03FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#00C030] label 
[Mod_3] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
var[4] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M04FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#A0C0D0] label 
[Mod_4] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
var[5] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M05FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#D0A060] label 
[Mod_5] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
var[6] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M06FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#C04010] label 
[Mod_6] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
var[7] event [HA_TPC_SC][E0M07FEM_V33] formula [], colour [#807060] label 
[Mod_7] show_raw_value 0 factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 0.000000 order 
read_history: nvars 10, hs_read() status 1
read_history: 0: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M00FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 0, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 1: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M01FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 1, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 2: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M02FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 2, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 3: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M03FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 3, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 4: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M04FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 4, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 5: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M05FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 5, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 6: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M06FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 6, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 7: event [HA_TPC_SC], var [E0M07FEM_V33], index 0, odb index 7, 
status 1, num_entries 475
read_history: 8: event [Run transitions], var [State], index 0, odb index -1, 
status 1, num_entries 0
read_history: 9: event [Run transitions], var [Run number], index 0, odb index 
-2, status 1, num_entries 0

Looking at the source code of mhttpd, these messages originate from:

[mhttpd.cxx line 10279] printf("Load from ODB %s: ", path.c_str());
[mhttpd.cxx line 10280] PrintHistPlot(*hp);
[mhttpd.cxx line  8336] int read_history(...
[mhttpd.cxx line  8343] int debug = 1;

Although seeing many debug messages in the mhttpd does not hurt, these can hide 
important error messages. I would rather suggest to turn off these debug 
messages by commenting out the relevant lines of code and setting the debug 
variable to 0 in read_history().

That is a minor detail and it is always a pleasure to use Midas.

Best regards,
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5