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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  2471   20 Mar 2023 Gennaro TortoneForumpull request for PostgreSQL support
I have updated the PR with a new one that includes TimescaleDB support and some
changes to mhistory.js to support downsampling queries...


> > some minutes ago I published a PR for PostgreSQL support I developed
> > at INFN-Napoli for Darkside experiment...
> > 
> > I don't know if you receive a notification about this PR and in doubt
> > I wrote this message...
> Hi, Gennaro, thank you for the very useful contribution. I saw the previous version 
> of your pull request and everything looked quite good. But that pull request was 
> for an older version of midas and it would not have applied cleanly to the current 
> version. I will take a look at your updated pull request. In theory it should only 
> add the Postgres class and modify a few other places in history_schema.cxx and have 
> no changes to anything else. (if you need those changes, it should be a separate 
> pull request).
> Also I am curious what benefits and drawbacks of Postgres vs mysql/mariadb you have 
> observed for storing and using midas history data.
> K.O.
  2520   24 May 2023 Gennaro TortoneForumpull request for PostgreSQL support
is there any news regarding this pull request ? 

If you agree to merge I can resolve conflicts that now 
(after two months) are listed...


> Hi,
> I have updated the PR with a new one that includes TimescaleDB support and some
> changes to mhistory.js to support downsampling queries...
> Cheers,
> Gennaro
> > > some minutes ago I published a PR for PostgreSQL support I developed
> > > at INFN-Napoli for Darkside experiment...
> > > 
> > > I don't know if you receive a notification about this PR and in doubt
> > > I wrote this message...
> > 
> > Hi, Gennaro, thank you for the very useful contribution. I saw the previous version 
> > of your pull request and everything looked quite good. But that pull request was 
> > for an older version of midas and it would not have applied cleanly to the current 
> > version. I will take a look at your updated pull request. In theory it should only 
> > add the Postgres class and modify a few other places in history_schema.cxx and have 
> > no changes to anything else. (if you need those changes, it should be a separate 
> > pull request).
> > 
> > Also I am curious what benefits and drawbacks of Postgres vs mysql/mariadb you have 
> > observed for storing and using midas history data.
> > 
> > K.O.
  2543   21 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportmserver and script execution
I have the following setup:

- MIDAS release: release/midas-2022-05-c
- host with MIDAS frontend (mclient)
- host with MIDAS server (mhttpd / mserver)

On mclient I run a frontend with:

./feodt5751 -h mserver -e develop -i 0

On mserver I see frontend ready and ODB variables in place;

I noticed a strange behavior with "/Programs/Execute on start run" and 
"/Programs/Execute on stop run". In details the script to execute at start of run
is executed on "mserver" host but the script to execute at stop of run is executed on
"mclient" host (!)

Is this a bug or I'm missing some documentation links ?

Thanks in advance,
  2544   23 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transition

I'm facing some issues with 'stop' deferred transition and I suspect of
a MIDAS bug regarding this...

to reproduce the issue I use the 'deferredfe' MIDAS example (develop branch), 
changing only the equipment name from 'Deferred' to 'Deferred%02d' in order
to be able to run multiple 'deferredfe' instances;

I run *three* 'deferredfe' frontends using:

./deferredfe -i 0
./deferredfe -i 2
./deferredfe -i 3

Everything goes fine on MIDAS web page and 'deferredfe' frontends are initialized
and ready to run; issues occour after 'start' when I stop the frontends: sometimes
at first shot and sometimes at next 'start'/'stop' the deferred 'stop' transition
seems to be handled in wrong way... and often one frontend goes in 'segmentation fault'

The odd thing is when I run *two* instances: in this case no issues are reported...

Thanks in advance,
  2546   23 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transition
Hi Stefan,

so if I have two different frontends (feov1725 and feodt5751) connected on the same 'mserver'
I'm in the same situation ?


> Deferred transitions were only implemented with a single instance of a program deferring the 
> transition. To have several instances, MIDAS probably needs to be extended. Certainly this 
> was never tested, so it's not a surprise that we get a segmentation fault.
> Stefan
  2548   26 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportdeferred stop transition
> Deferred transitions were only implemented with a single instance of a program deferring the 
> transition. To have several instances, MIDAS probably needs to be extended. Certainly this 
> was never tested, so it's not a surprise that we get a segmentation fault.
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I copied deferredfe.cxx to mydeferredfe.cxx and I changed mydeferred.cxx to be a different frontend:

const char *frontend_name = "mydeferredfe";

If I start two "different" frontends:


and try to start/stop a run... the result is the same: frontend status messing up on next 'start':



Started run 332
Event ID:4 - Event#: 0
Event ID:4 - Event#: 1
Event ID:4 - Event#: 2
Event ID:4 - Event#: 3
Event ID:4 - Event#: 4
Event ID:4 - Event#: 5
Event ID:4 - Event#: 6


Started run 332
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 0
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 1
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 2
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 3
Transition ignored, Event ID:2 - Event#: 4
End of cycle... perform transition
Event ID:2 - Event#: 5
End of cycle... perform transition
Event ID:2 - Event#: 6


so, it seems that the issue is not related to different 'instances' of same frontend but
that *at most* one frontend on whole MIDAS server can handle deferred transitions...

is this the case ?

  2551   27 Jun 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportmserver and script execution
Hi Stefan,

> Indeed that could well be (and is certainly not intended like that). I checked the code
> and found that "execute on start run" and "execute on stop run" are called inside
> cm_transition(). That means they are executed on the computer which calls cm_transition().
> If you use mhttpd and start a run through the web interface, then mhttpd runs on your
> server and "execute on start run" gets executed on your server. If you stop the run
> by your frontend running on the client machine (like if a certain number of events 
> is reached), then "execute on stop run" gets executed on your client.

ok, this is clear to me...

> An easy way around would not to use "/Equipment/Trigger/Common/Event limit" which
> gets check by your frontend and therefore on the client computer, but use 
> "/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Event limit" which gets checked by the logger and
> therefore executed on the server computer.

we never used "/Equipment/Trigger/Common/Event limit" but we always used
"/Logger/Channels/0/Settings/Event limit"...

btw I did some tests and I understand that this issue is related to 'deferred transition'
on frontend. Indeed I disabled deferred transition on frontend side and now script
execution is carried out always on MIDAS server;

  2555   18 Jul 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportaccess to filesystem through mhttpd

after some networks security scans I received some warnings because mhttpd expose
server filesystem through HTTP(S)...

in details a MIDAS user can access to /etc/passwd or download other files from
filesystem using a web browser:


I know that /etc/passwd does not contain users password and mhttpd runs as an
unprivileged user but in principle this should be avoided in order to minimize 
security risks: if I authorize a user to use MIDAS interface in order to handle
acquisition tasks this should not authorize the user to access the server filesystem...
but this access should be restricted to MIDAS web pages, custom pages etc.

What do you think about this ?

  2560   21 Jul 2023 Gennaro TortoneForumpull request for PostgreSQL support

Hi Konstantin,

thanks a lot for your work on PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB integration...
and sorry for unrelated changes on source code !

I will return on this task at end of this year (maybe October or November) because
I'm working on different tasks... but I will keep in mind your suggestions in order
to provide good source code.


> I merged the PgSql bits by hand - the automatic tools make a dog's breakfast from the history_schema.cxx diffs. Ouch.
> history_schema.cxx merged pretty much cleanly, but I have one question about CreateSqlColumn() with sql_strict set to "true". Can you say 
> more why this is needed? Should this also be made the default for MySQL? The best I can tell the default values are only needed if we write 
> to SQL but forget to provide values that should not be NULL? But our code never does this? Or this is for reading from SQL, where NULL values 
> are replaced with the default values? I do not have time to look into this right now, I hope you can clarify it for me?
> Also notice the fDownsample is set to zero and cannot be changed. I recommend we set it through the MakeMidasHistoryPgsql() factory method.
> Please pull, merge, retest, update the pull request, check that there is no unrelated changes (changes in mlogger.cxx is a direct red flag!) 
> and we should be able to merge the rest of your stuff pronto.
> K.O.
> commit e85bb6d37c85f02fc4895cae340ba71ab36de906 (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
> Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
> Date:   Fri Jul 21 09:45:08 2023 -0700
>     merge PQSQL history in history_schema.cxx
> commit f254ebd60a23c6ee2d4870f3b6b5e8e95a8f1f09
> Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
> Date:   Fri Jul 21 09:19:07 2023 -0700
>     add PGSQL Makefile bits
> commit aa5a35ba221c6f87ae7a811236881499e3d8dcf7
> Author: Konstantin Olchanski <>
> Date:   Fri Jul 21 08:51:23 2023 -0700
>     merge PGSQL support from except for history_schema.cxx
  2611   30 Sep 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug ReportODB page and hex values

I was playing with MIDAS devel branch and I realized that
if I set an ODB INT32 key to a value using new ODB web interface 
it is reported in parenthesis always as (0xFFFFFFFF);

I tested with different browser and result is the same while this 
never happens in OldODB web interface...

Attachment 1: 10.png
  2613   03 Oct 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug ReportPython midas.file_reader get_eor_odb_dump()

the method get_eor_odb_dump() of midas.file_reader does not contain an
initial jump_to_start() and this is a problem if the following access
pattern is used:


mfile = midas.file_reader.MidasFile("run00008.mid.lz4")
begin_odb = mfile.get_bor_odb_dump().data

# loop on data events

end_odb = mfile.get_eor_odb_dump().data


in this case the script ends with a RuntimeError (Unable to find EOR event) and
force user to do a manual mfile.jump_to_start() before mfile.get_eor_odb_dump();

  1320   10 Nov 2017 Frederik WautersBug Reportbug in init of hv class driver
bug in init

I used the lv.c class driver, combined with a custom device driver, to control 
our Keithley2611B source meter. This to set negative voltage on Si detectors.

In the 'init' routing, the class driver sets the hv:

  hv_info->demand_mirror[i] = MIN(hv_info->demand[i], hv_info->voltage_limit[i]);

This fails for negative voltage, as it sets the (negative) voltage limit, instead 
of the demand voltage. A simple 'fabs' solves this.

suggestion for 'idle'

I let the device do the ramping, not the driver. This also means I have to reset 
the state of the device (current limit) after ramping. The easiest way to to 
this, is using CMD_IDLE of the device driver. This is currently not done in the 
hv.c class driver.
  1330   01 Dec 2017 Frederik WautersBug Reportsmall bug in mfe.c init
There is a small bug in the mfe.c initialization for the EQ_POLLED mode. There 
is a routine where the number of polls fitting in eq_info->period is counted:

         count = 1;
         do {
            if (display_period)

            start_time = ss_millitime();

            poll_event(equipment[idx].info.source, (INT)count, TRUE);

            delta_time = ss_millitime() - start_time;


            if (delta_time > 0)
               count = count * eq_info->period / delta_time;
               count *= 100;
            // avoid overflows
            if (count > 2147483647.0) {
               count = 2147483647.0;
         } while (delta_time > eq_info->period * 1.2 || delta_time < eq_info-
>period * 0.8);

As "start_time = ss_millitime();" resets "delta_time" each time, only the 
"avoid overflows" addition saves the day. 

start_time = ss_millitime(); show be out of the loop.
  Draft   01 Dec 2017 Frederik WautersForumODB as JSON file and reverse
> Hi. Is it currently possible to automatically save the MIDAS ODB as a JSON file?
> I can do it manually in odbedit, but it looks like the only option for the
> automatic ODB save for each run is the standard .ODB format. Is there a way to
> change this?

I have the reverse question: Once we have a json file, can it be loaded again in the odb? We also use the odb as our analysis config. I don`t like .odb files in our repo, so we currently load settings in shell scripts (e.g. run dependent detector calibrations)
  1333   04 Dec 2017 Frederik WautersBug Reportsmall bug in mfe.c init
> > There is a small bug in the mfe.c initialization for the EQ_POLLED mode. There 
> > is a routine where the number of polls fitting in eq_info->period is counted:
> > 
> > 
> >          count = 1;
> >          do {
> >             if (display_period)
> >                printf(".");
> > 
> >             start_time = ss_millitime();
> > 
> >             poll_event(equipment[idx].info.source, (INT)count, TRUE);
> > 
> >             delta_time = ss_millitime() - start_time;
> > 
> >             ...
> > 
> >             if (delta_time > 0)
> >                count = count * eq_info->period / delta_time;
> >             else
> >                count *= 100;
> >             
> >             // avoid overflows
> >             if (count > 2147483647.0) {
> >                count = 2147483647.0;
> >                break;
> >             }
> >             
> >          } while (delta_time > eq_info->period * 1.2 || delta_time < eq_info-
> > >period * 0.8);
> > 
> > As "start_time = ss_millitime();" resets "delta_time" each time, only the 
> > "avoid overflows" addition saves the day. 
> > 
> > start_time = ss_millitime(); show be out of the loop.
> Nope.
> What I want is to determine how often I have to call poll_event to stay there for a certain time (usually 100ms). So I iterate "count" until I roughly get to my 100ms. Each call to 
> poll_event with a different count is a new measurement, therefore I initialize start_time before each measurement. If i do it outside the loop, and kind of incrementally increase 
> it, then the whole code inside the loop is added to the measurement which makes it (slightly) wrong.
> The whole loop optimization has some background. Polling can be sow (think of talking to a device via Ethernet which can easily take milli seconds). So how often do we poll 
> before we do other things in the main look (like looking if a run has been started). If I only poll once, then the average front-end response time would be poor, because I mostly 
> look if a run has been started in the main loop. This is not effective. If I poll too often inside the poll_event loop, then the front-end does not react on run stops any more. So 
> there is some optimum, and this is set by the polling time of usually 100ms. This ensures that the front-end does optimal polling - without ANYTHING in between - for about 
> 100ms. But how can I know how often I should poll for 100 ms? As said above, polling can be very fast (reading a memory cell) or very slow (network). The the best method I 
> found is to do a calibration at the startup, and this is what the code above does. Maybe there are better ways today, but that code worked nicely in the last 25 years.
> Stefan

Thanks, I misunderstood the loop then. If poll_event(equipment[idx].info.source, (INT)count, TRUE); doesn`t do anything with "count", the loop becomes infinite except for the overflow 
  1362   18 Apr 2018 Frederik WautersForumnew midas custom features and javascript
I started to use the new midas custom page features from . I'd like to setup the 
editable odb values (.e.g <div name="modbvalue" data-odb-path="/Runinfo/Run 
number" data-odb-editable="1"                    
style="position:absolute;top:157px;left:288px;"></div>) from within javascript, 
which doesn`t seem to work. 


document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = '<div data-odb-editable="1" data-
odb-path="/Runinfo/Run number" name="modbvalue" 


var elem = document.createElement("div");
	 //var id = "manifold0";

fail on name="modbvalue" with the error 

mjsonrpc_error_alert: TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of undefined

How should one do this? I don`t want hard code everything in the htlm body, as 
I have look up odb key indexes in the javascript code.
  1365   19 Apr 2018 Frederik WautersForumnew midas custom features and javascript
> The function mhttpd_init() scans the custom page and installs handlers etc. for each modbxxx 
> element. If you create an modbvalue dynamically in your code, this is probably done after you 
> called mhttpd_init(), so the function has no chance to modify the dynamically created element.
> To fix that, I separated mhttpd_init() into the old init function which installs the header and sidebar, 
> and a function mhttpd_scan() which scans the custom page and processes all modbxxx elements. 
> Next, I tapped the error you reported, and added an automatic call to mhttp_scan() in case that 
> happens. I tried it on a test page and it worked for me. Please give it a try (commit 090394e8).
> Stefan

Also works for me

  1366   20 Apr 2018 Frederik WautersForumnew midas custom features and javascript
> > The function mhttpd_init() scans the custom page and installs handlers etc. for each modbxxx 
> > element. If you create an modbvalue dynamically in your code, this is probably done after you 
> > called mhttpd_init(), so the function has no chance to modify the dynamically created element.
> > 
> > To fix that, I separated mhttpd_init() into the old init function which installs the header and sidebar, 
> > and a function mhttpd_scan() which scans the custom page and processes all modbxxx elements. 
> > Next, I tapped the error you reported, and added an automatic call to mhttp_scan() in case that 
> > happens. I tried it on a test page and it worked for me. Please give it a try (commit 090394e8).
> > 
> > Stefan
> Also works for me
>  thanks

This is more about aesthetic, but when I use the modbvalue div, it first only shows the odb value. However, 
after editing, the odb index gets added to the field, which is kinda ugly -> see attachments
Attachment 1: snapshot1.png
Attachment 2: snapshot2.png
  1370   05 Jun 2018 Frederik WautersForumstrings in sqlite
I am setting up a sqlite db to serve as a run database.

The easiest option is to use the history sqlite feature, and add run information 
as virtual history events


Invalid tag 0 'Comment' in event 21 'Run Parameters': cannot do history for 
TID_STRING data, sorry!

I'd like to save e.g. the edit on start information , with shift crew checks. 
Would it be easy to allow for text, or is this inherent to the history system 
handling binary data?
  1372   22 Jun 2018 Frederik WautersForumcustom script on custom page
I am implementing buttons to launch scripts from a custom page. 

The simple way works, i.e.

  <input type=submit name=customscript value="run_script">

But I want to stay on the page. Copying "Customscript button without a page 
reload" from 
yields the following error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequestGeneric is not defined
    at cs_button (Trend:165)
    at HTMLInputElement.onclick (Trend:90)  

I included  <script src="mhttpd.js"></script> and call mhttpd_init on page load.

So why can`t it run this ajax request?

Or is there a better way to launch a script without messing up the page
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