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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown
  1728   21 Oct 2019 Vinzenz BildsteinForumData for key truncated
I keep on getting messages like this:

16:25:35 [fecaen,ERROR] [odb.c:4567:db_get_data,ERROR] data for key
"/DAQ/params/VX1730/custom/Board 0/Channel 0/Input range" truncated

whenever I start my frontend. Input range is defined to be a BOOL and using
odbedit to read it shows:

Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
Input range                     BOOL    1     4     75h  0   RWD  y

without any error message. The entry is read using

         size = sizeof(fInputRange);
         db_get_data(hDb, hSubKey, &fInputRange, &size, TID_BOOL);

where fInputRange is a bool.

Where does this message come from and how can I resolve this?
  1729   23 Oct 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForumData for key truncated
> I keep on getting messages like this:
> 16:25:35 [fecaen,ERROR] [odb.c:4567:db_get_data,ERROR] data for key
> "/DAQ/params/VX1730/custom/Board 0/Channel 0/Input range" truncated
>  [  bool fInputRange... ]
>          size = sizeof(fInputRange);
>          db_get_data(hDb, hSubKey, &fInputRange, &size, TID_BOOL);

The error is correct. size of TID_BOOL is 4 byte (uint32_t) and you give is sizeof(bool) instead which is probably not 4.

Note that sizeof(bool) is not well defined, sometimes it is 1 (you need 4), sometimes something else, see

A good fix would be to change fInputRange from bool to uint32_t (which is always 4 byte size).

#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t fInputRange;

  699   22 Apr 2010 Jimmy NgaiForumCustomized "Start" page
Dear All,

After clicking the "Start" button, there is a page for the operator to change some 
ODB values. I have created "/Experiment/Edit on start" and added some links there. 
If the link is pointed to a boolean type key, a check box will appear in the 
"Start" page, which is great. But how about if I want to have some radio buttons 
or pull-down menus for the operator to select among different calibration sources 
or running modes?


  1436   14 Jan 2019 Becky ChislettBug ReportCustom script with new MIDAS
I am having difficulty getting the custom scripts to work within the updated MIDAS. Before the 
update I was using something like : 

<input type=submit name=customscript value="test">

on my custom page to run a script under /CustomScript/test, however, with the update to 
MIDAS this is no longer working. I can't find any information about this functionality being 
updated in the latest version - has this changed? Or should it still work? 

Becky (g-2 DAQ)
  1437   18 Jan 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportCustom script with new MIDAS
> I am having difficulty getting the custom scripts to work within the updated MIDAS. Before the 
> update I was using something like : 
> <input type=submit name=customscript value="test">
> on my custom page to run a script under /CustomScript/test, however, with the update to 
> MIDAS this is no longer working. I can't find any information about this functionality being 
> updated in the latest version - has this changed? Or should it still work? 
> Thanks,
> Becky (g-2 DAQ)

I do not see any messages about anybody changing this function. I hope it did not break by accident.

Right now I am working on the event buffer code, and did not plan to look at mhttpd, but it looks like
your problem is important and there is at least on more problem (but it has a work-around),
so I may look at it sooner than later...

  1440   22 Jan 2019 Stefan RittBug ReportCustom script with new MIDAS
I just check that feature and found it's still working as expected. 

On trap I fell in was that a custom page needs the <input type=submit ...> to be imbedded into a pair of 


tags in order to work. Otherwise the browser will not execute the submit request. Has nothing to do with midas.

There was a small bug that after executing such a script, the URL was set to http://<host>/CS which is non-existent, 
so I fixed that to redirect to the page which called the script. Submitted to develop branch.
  1444   24 Jan 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportCustom script with new MIDAS
> <input type=submit name=customscript value="test">

Stefan is right, input-type-submit has to be inside a form. This type of rpc call is "old school". Today, we should 
have a json-rpc request to execute a custom script.

  541   12 Dec 2008 Jimmy NgaiInfoCustom page which executes custom function
Dear All,

How can I add a button at the top of the "Status" webpage which will show a 
page similar to the "CNAF" one after I click on it? and how can I make a 
custom page similar to "CNAF" which allow me to call some custom funtions? I 
want to make a page which is particularly for doing calibration.

Thank you for your attention!

Best Regards,
Jimmy Ngai
  542   14 Dec 2008 Stefan RittInfoCustom page which executes custom function
> How can I add a button at the top of the "Status" webpage which will show a 
> page similar to the "CNAF" one after I click on it? and how can I make a 
> custom page similar to "CNAF" which allow me to call some custom funtions? I 
> want to make a page which is particularly for doing calibration.

The CNAF page calls directly functions through the RPC layer of midas, which is 
not possible from custom pages. All you can do is to execute a scrip on the 
server side, which then causes some action. For details please consult the 
  547   01 Jan 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoCustom page which executes custom function
> How can I add a button at the top of the "Status" webpage which will show a 
> page similar to the "CNAF" one after I click on it? and how can I make a 
> custom page similar to "CNAF" which allow me to call some custom funtions? I 
> want to make a page which is particularly for doing calibration.

I was going to say that you can do this by using the MIDAS "hot-link" function.

In your equipment program, you create a string /eq/xxx/Settings/Command, and hot-link
it to the function you want to be called. (See midas function db_open_record() for details
and examples). (To test it, you put a call to printf("Hello world!\n") into your handler function,
then change the value of "command" using odbedit or the mhttpd odb editor
and observe that your function gets called and that it receives the correct value of "command").

Then on your custom web page you create 2 buttons "aaa" and "bbb" attached to javascript
ODBset("/eq/xxx/Settings/Command","aaa") and "bbb" respectively. When you push the button,
the specified string is written into ODB, and your hot-link handler function is called with the contents
of "command", which you can then look at to find out which web button was pushed.

But after looking at the hot-link data paths (see, I see 2 
problems that make the above scheme unreliable and maybe unusable in some applications:

1) the data path contains one UDP communication and it is well known that UDP datagrams can be (and 
are) lost with low or high probability, depending on not-well-understood external factors.

The effect is that the hot-link fails to "fire": odb contents is changed but your function is not called.

2) there is a timing problem with multiple odb writes: the odb lock is dropped before the "hot-link" gets 
to see the new contents of odb: db_data_set()->lock odb->change data->send notification->unlock 
odb->xxx->notification received by client->read the data->call user function. If something else is 
written into odb during "xxx" above, the client may never see the data written by the first odb write. For 
local clients, the delay between "send notification" and "notification is received by client" is not bounded in 
time (can be arbitrary long, depending on the system load, etc). For remote clients, there is an additional 
delay as the udp datagram is received by the local mserver and is forwarded to the remote client through 
a tcp rpc connection (another source of unbounded delay).

The effect is that if buttons "aaa" and "bbb" are pushed quickly one right after the other, while your 
function will be called 2 times (if neither udp packet is dropped), you may never see the value of "aaa"
as is it will be overwritten by "bbb" by the time you receive the first notification.

Probability of malfunction increases with code written like this: { ODBset("command", "open door"); 
ODBset("command", "walk through doorway"); }. You may see the "open door" command sometimes 
mysteriously disappear...

The net effect is that sometimes you will push the button but nothing will happen. This may be okey,
depending on your application and depending on how often it happens in practice on your specific system 
If you are lucky, you may never see either of the 2 problems listed above ad hot-links will work for you 
perfectly. At TRIUMF, in the past, we have seen hot-links misbehave in the TWIST experiment, and now I 
think I understand why (because of the 2 problems described above).

  552   13 Jan 2009 Stefan RittInfoCustom page which executes custom function
The UDP connection you mention is only used locally for inter-process communication. When I implemented that, I 
made extensive tests and found that there is never a packet being dropped. This happens for UDP only if the packet 
goes over a physical network. Maybe this is different in modern Linux versions, so one should double check this 

For remote hot-link notification, the notification is sent over the TCP link, so it should not be lost either. But 
your second point is correct. The hot-link mechanism was developed to change parameters in front-end programs for 
example. So by design it is guaranteed that if you change a value in the ODB, any client hot-linked to that will 
see the change (sooner or later). If there are many changes in short intervals (or the callback function on the 
remote client takes long time), only the last change is guaranteed to arrive. Therefore, as you correctly state, 
the hot-link mechanism is not a save replacement for the RPC layer (That's why the RPC layer is there after all).
  685   04 Dec 2009 Stefan RittInfoCustom page showing ROOT analyzer output
Many midas experiments work with ROOT based analyzers today. One problem there is that the graphical output of the root analyzer can only be seen through the X server and not through the web. At the MEG experiment, we solved this problem in an elegant way: The ROOT analyzer runs in the background, using a "virtual" X server called Xvfb. It plots its output (several panels) normally using this X server, then saves this panels every ten seconds into GIF files. These GIF files are then served through mhttpd using a custom page. The output looks like this:

The buttons on the left sides are actually HTML buttons on that custom page overlaid to the GIF image, which in this case shows one of our 800 PMT channels digitized at 1.6 GSPS. With these buttons one can cycle through the different GIF images, which then automatically update ever ten seconds. Of course it is not possible to feed interaction back to the analyzer (like the waveform cannot be fitted interactively) but for monitoring an experiment in production mode this tools is extremely helpful, since it is seamlessly integrated into mhttpd. All the magic is done with JavaScript, and the buttons are overlaid to the graphics using CSS with absolute positioning. The analysis ratio on the top right is also done with JavaScript pulling the right info out of the ODB.

The used custom page file is attached. For details using Xvfb server, please contact Ryu Sawada <>.
Attachment 2: analyzer.html
  908   23 Sep 2013 Stefan RittInfoCustom page header implemented
Due to popular request, I implemented a custom header for mhttpd. This allows to inject some HTML code 
to be shown on top of the menu bar on all mhttpd pages. One possible application is to bring back the old 
status line with the name of the current experiment, the actual time and the refresh interval. 

To use this feature, one can put a new entry into the ODB under


which can be either a string (to show some short HTML code directly) or the name of a file containing some 
HTML code. If /Custom/Path is present, that path is used to locate the header file. A simple header file to 
recreate the GOT look (good-old-times) is here:

<div id="footerDiv" class="footerDiv">
<div style="display:inline; float:left;">MIDAS experiment "Test"</div>
<div id="refr" style="display:inline; float:right;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var r = document.getElementById('refr');
var now	= new Date();
var c =	document.cookie.split('midas_refr=');
r.innerHTML = now.toString() + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + 'Refr:' + c.pop().split(';').shift();

The JavaScript code is used to retrieve the midas_refr cookie which stores the refresh interval and displays 
it together with the current time.

Another application of this feature might be to check certain values in the ODB (via the ODBGet function) 
and some some important status or error condition.

Attachment 1: Screen_Shot_2013-09-23_at_15.17.40_.png
  959   12 Feb 2014 Stefan RittInfoCustom page header implemented
As reported in the bug tracker, the proposed header does not work if no specific (= different from the default 60 sec.) update period is specified, 
since then no cookie is present. Here is the updated code which works for all cases:

<div id="footerDiv" class="footerDiv">
<div style="display:inline; float:left;">MIDAS experiment "Test"</div>
<div id="refr" style="display:inline; float:right;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var r = document.getElementById('refr');
var now = new Date();
var refr;
if ('midas_refr') == -1)
   refr = 60;
else {
   var c = document.cookie.split('midas_refr=');
   refr = c.pop().split(';').shift();
r.innerHTML = now.toString() + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + 'Refr:' + refr;

  961   18 Feb 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoCustom page header implemented
I am not sure what to do with the javascript snippet - I understand it should be somehow connected to /Custom/Header, but if I create the /Custom/Header string, I cannot put this snippet 
into this string using odbedit - if I try to cut&paste it into odbedit, it is truncated to the first line - nor using the mhttpd odb editor - when I cut&paste it into the odb editor text entry box, it 
is truncated to the first 519 bytes (must be a hard limit somewhere). K.O.

> As reported in the bug tracker, the proposed header does not work if no specific (= different from the default 60 sec.) update period is specified, 
> since then no cookie is present. Here is the updated code which works for all cases:
> <div id="footerDiv" class="footerDiv">
> <div style="display:inline; float:left;">MIDAS experiment "Test"</div>
> <div id="refr" style="display:inline; float:right;"></div>
> </div>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> var r = document.getElementById('refr');
> var now = new Date();
> var refr;
> if ('midas_refr') == -1)
>    refr = 60;
> else {
>    var c = document.cookie.split('midas_refr=');
>    refr = c.pop().split(';').shift();
> }
> r.innerHTML = now.toString() + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + 'Refr:' + refr;
> </script>
> /Stefan
  965   19 Feb 2014 Stefan RittInfoCustom page header implemented
> I am not sure what to do with the javascript snippet 

Just read elog:908, it tells you to put this into a file, name it header.html for example, and put into the ODB:

/Custom/Header [string32] = header.html

make sure that you put the file into the directory indicated by /Custom/Path.

  1307   25 Jul 2017 Stefan RittInfoCurrent git repository "develop" branch broken
Dear all,

we are currently undergoing major modifications in the way mhttpd is working. I realized that 
we are now at a state where mhttpd is currently broken, and it will take a few weeks in order to 
get everything converted to the new scheme we plan to use. Therefore I moved the git branch 
"master" to the last known stable version of midas. So for any practical purpose, please do 
NOT update your "develop" branch until further notice. To get the last stable version, you can 
do a 

$ git checkout master

which moves you right before we started to make major modifications. Once we are finished, 
we will announce this here in the forum.

Best regards,
  9   10 Mar 2004 Jan Wouters Creation of secondary Midas output file.
Dear Midas Team,

I have run into a problem with Midas and was wondering if you could explain what I 
am doing wrong.  I have included a simple demo to illustrate what I am doing and 
can send a small input data file if needed.

Every midas event for the DANCE experiment consists of many physics events.  I am 
trying to create a secondary mid file where the event boundaries are now the 
physics events rather than the midas events.  This secondary mid file will be 
analyzed using a second stage midas analyzer.

For the demo, I use the data from EV02 (one of our 15 frontends), which consists of a 
variable number of fixed length structures where each structure contains the data for 
one crystal from the DANCE detector. 
 I treat each crystal as a separate physics event and write it out in the TREK bank, 
which is a demo calculated output bank, as a separate event.   

(The only difference between this demo and our real system is that we would include 
all the crystals from the other frontends that have approximately the same time stamp 
in the output bank.  Thus the output bank would consist of a varing number of 
crystals in one event rather than the fixed one crystal per event used in this demo.)

THE CHANGES TO analyzer.c AND adccalib.c
I loop through the EV02 bank examining each crystal structure in turn.  I calculate 
"calibrated" parameters and put them into an output bank called TREK.  The unusual 
part of this example is that the TREK bank is no longer part of the main list of input 
banks, ana_trigger_bank_list[].   Instead it is now part of a new bank list called 
ana_physics_bank_list[].  See the analyzer.c file for this definition.

In adccalib.c I  create the space for this new bank as follows. 

	EVENT_HEADER 	gPhysicsEventHeaders[ MAX_EVENT_SIZE / sizeof( 
	WORD* 		gPhysicsEventData = ( WORD * )( gPhysicsEventHeaders + 1 );		

In the adc_calib routine I create the bank header as follows.  Note that the serial 
numbers will restart at 0 at the beginning of each midas event.  Should I let the serial 
number increment monotonically until the end of the run?:

	gPhysicsEventHeaders->serial_number = (DWORD) - 1;
	gPhysicsEventHeaders->event_id = 2;
	gPhysicsEventHeaders->trigger_mask = 0;
	gPhysicsEventHeaders->time_stamp = pheader->time_stamp;

In a loop that loops through all the crystals contained in EV02,  I extract each crystal, 
calibrate it, and store it in a TREK structure.  In creating the TREK bank I assume that 
each one will be a separate physics event thus I update the event serial number and 
use bk_init32 to initialize the memory.   

   	for ( short i = 0; i < nItems; i++ )
  	{	++(gPhysicsEventHeaders->serial_number);  	// Update serial number.
  		bk_init32( gPhysicsEventData );		// Initialize storage.
  		bk_create( gPhysicsEventData, "TREK", TID_STRUCT, &trek );
  		trek->one = (double) pev->areahg * 1.0;
  		trek->two = (float) pev->timelo * 1.0;

  		bk_close( gPhysicsEventData, trek+1 );
  		pev++; 					// Loop to next crystal's data. 

The output bank should consist of multiple events for each individual EV02 midas 
input event. 

 As far as I can tell the code compiles and runs fine, but I get no data in the .mid 
output file except for the ODB. I have a print statement at the beginning of each 
midas event stating how many crystals were found in the EV02 bank.  I also print out 
the calibrated value for each crystal as it is being placed in its own TREK output 
bank.  The data appears correct.

 I cannot place TREK in the input bank the way it normally is done in the examples 
because there is not a one-to-one correspondence between a midas event and a 
true physics event.  Instead one midas event has many physics events.  Thus the 
output bank needs to be in a new memory area so that I can create a custom header 
and increment the serial number properly for each event.  Our follow-on analysis 
using a second Midas analyzer only needs to analyze one physics event at a time 
rather than one Midas event at a time, which is why we are going to all the trouble to 
get this paradigm working.

I include all the code for this very simple example. 

To run the example just use the run01220.mid file I will send:

./analyzer -i run01220.mid.gz -o run01220out.mid -c settings.odb_cfg -n 50

The only thing done by the settings.odb_cfg file is to turn on the TREK output bank.  I 
have verified that the bank is on.

I believe that I must not be creating the new TREK output bank correctly so that 
midas understands that the event-by-event calculated physics data should be written 
out event-by-event.  I have pointed out several places in the above discussion where 
I might be making a mistake.

I would like to get both this example running and a similar which create Root trees, 
though the Root trees are of secondary importance.  With this example I can finish 
writing the second stage analyzer and get the DANCE collaboration moving forward 
with their analysis.  Currently, we cannot use this paradigm because I cannot create 
a secondary mid file in our stage one analysis.  I would be very grateful if you could 
take a look at this example and tell me what I am doing incorrectly.

Attachment 1: dance193.tar
  10   10 Mar 2004 Stefan Ritt Creation of secondary Midas output file.
Dear Jan,

I had a look at your code. You create a gPhysicsEventHeader array, fill it, and expect the 
framework to write it to disk. But how can the framework "guess" that you want your private 
global array being written? Unfortunately it cannot do magic!

Do do what you want, you have to write a "secondary" midas file yourself. I modified your 
code to do that. First, I define the event storage like

BYTE           gSecEvent[ MAX_EVENT_SIZE ];
EVENT_HEADER   *gPhysicsEventHeader = (EVENT_HEADER *) gSecEvent;
WORD* 	       gPhysicsEventData = ( WORD * )( gPhysicsEventHeader + 1 );		

I use gSecEvent as a BYTE array, since it only contains one avent at a time, so this is more 
appropriate. Then, in the BOR routine, I open a file:

  sprintf(str, "sec%05d.mid", run_number);
  sec_fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644);

and close it in the EOR routine


The event routine now manually fills events into the secondary file:

      /* write event to secondary .mid file */
      gPhysicsEventHeader->data_size = bk_size(gPhysicsEventData);
      write(sec_fh, gPhysicsEventHeader, sizeof(EVENT_HEADER)+bk_size(gPhysicsEventData));

Note that this code is placed *inside* the for() loop over nItems, so for each detector you 
create and event and write it.

That's all you need, the full file adccalib.c is attached. I tried to produce a sec01220.mid 
file and was able to read it back with the mdump utility.

Best regards,

Attachment 1: adccalib.c

  Name:         adccalib.c
  Created by:   Stefan Ritt

  Contents:     Example analyzer module for ADC calibration. Looks
                for ADC0 bank, subtracts pedestals and applies gain
                calibration. The resulting values are appended to 
                the event as an CADC bank ("calibrated ADC"). The
                pedestal values and software gains are stored in
                adccalib_param structure which was defined in the ODB
                and transferred to experim.h.

/*-- Include files -------------------------------------------------*/

/* standard includes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

/* midas includes */
#include "midas.h"
#include "experim.h"
#include "analyzer.h"

/* root includes */
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>

/* Local stuff, struct for handling analysis demo...
   using EV01_BANK as template for bank mapping */
#define N_FRONTENDS 14

/* Histo info, could be placed in ODB */
typedef struct {
    char name[ 256 ];
    char title[ 256 ];
    INT  nbins;
    float xlow;
    float xhigh; 

    {"AreaHG", "AreaHG"   , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
    {"AreaLG", "AreaLG"   , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
    {"TimeHi", "Time High", 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
    {"TimeLo", "Time Low" , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
    {"Detid" , "Detector ID" , 1024, 0.0, 1023.},
    {"Slope" , "Slope"    , 1024, 0.0, 1023.}

/*-- Parameters ----------------------------------------------------*/
/* local creation of ODB struct */
GAMMA_PARAM_STR( gamma_param_str );
GAMMA_PARAM gamma_param;

/* Global ODB struct (taken care by analyzer.c) */
extern EXP_PARAM      exp_param;
extern RUNINFO        runinfo;

/*-- Module declaration --------------------------------------------*/
INT adc_calib( EVENT_HEADER*, void* );
INT adc_calib_init( void );
INT adc_calib_bor( INT run_number );
INT adc_calib_eor( INT run_number );

/*-- New Bank Area -------------------------------------------------*/
BYTE           gSecEvent[ MAX_EVENT_SIZE ];
EVENT_HEADER 	*gPhysicsEventHeader = (EVENT_HEADER *) gSecEvent;
					// Trick used for allocating MAX_EVENT_SIZE bytes for bank.
WORD* 			gPhysicsEventData = ( WORD * )( gPhysicsEventHeader + 1 );		
					// Pointer to start of first data record

/* file for secondary .mid file */
int sec_fh;

/* The module name "Gamma" is used for the ODB tree under
   /Analyzer/Parameters. It maps the experim.h gamma struct.

ANA_MODULE adc_calib_module = {
  "Gamma",                       /* module name           */  
  "Pierre",                      /* author                */
  adc_calib,                     /* event routine         */
  adc_calib_bor,                 /* BOR routine           */
  adc_calib_eor,                 /* EOR routine           */
  adc_calib_init,                /* init routine          */
  NULL,                          /* exit routine          */
  &gamma_param,                  /* parameter structure   */
  sizeof(gamma_param),           /* structure size        */
  gamma_param_str,               /* initial parameters    */

/*-- module-local variables ----------------------------------------*/

extern TDirectory *gManaHistsDir;

/* Root Histo objects */
static TH1F* gAdcHists[ N_FRONTENDS ];

/*-- init routine --------------------------------------------------*/

#define TM_N_BINS  2048
#define TM_X_LOW      0
#define TM_X_HIGH  40000

INT adc_calib_init(void)
  char name[ 256 ];
  int fe_number = 2;
  int  i;
  char title[256];

  // Some booking for demo
  // Just book the crystals from frontend 2.
  for (i=0; i < N_STRUCT_ELEMENT; i++)
    sprintf(name, "%s-%2.2i" , h[i].name, fe_number);
    sprintf(title, "%s-%2.2i", h[i].title, fe_number);
    gAdcHists[i] = (TH1F*)gManaHistsDir->GetList()->FindObject(name);
    printf("Booking Histo:%s\n", name);

    if (gAdcHists[i] == NULL)
      gAdcHists[i] = new TH1F(name, title, h[i].nbins, h[i].xlow, h[i].xhigh);
  return SUCCESS;

/*-- BOR routine ---------------------------------------------------*/

INT adc_calib_bor(INT run_number)
char str[80];

  sprintf(str, "sec%05d.mid", run_number);
  sec_fh = open(str, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0644);
  if (sec_fh < 0)
     cm_msg(MERROR, "adc_calib_bor", "Cannot open secondary .mid file \"%s\"", str);

  return SUCCESS;

/*-- eor routine ---------------------------------------------------*/

INT adc_calib_eor(INT run_number)
  return SUCCESS;

/*-- event routine -------------------------------------------------*/

INT adc_calib(EVENT_HEADER *pheader, void *pevent)
  	INT      	n_items;
  	DWORD   	*pdata;
  	EV01_BANK *pev;
  	TREK_BANK *trek;
// Initialize the calculate output bank including the header.
	gPhysicsEventHeader->serial_number = (DWORD) - 1;
	gPhysicsEventHeader->event_id = 2;
	gPhysicsEventHeader->trigger_mask = 0;
	gPhysicsEventHeader->time_stamp = pheader->time_stamp;

// For demo assume each crystal in bank 2 is new event.  This really isn't 
// true, but it is analogous to splitting one midas event into multiple physics 
// events.

/* Get there with ID = 1 -> EVxx,  
   For demo histo EV02 EV_BANK all elements.

	Create a new bank TREK which is a structure bank.
	We are testing the breaking of a single midas event
	into individual physics events.  Thus we will take
	each crystal in EV02 and make it a separate event
	in the TREK output bank.
   	[local:Default:S]Bank switches>set TREK 1
   	for output

   Apply some calibration from the gamma ODB struct.

/* look for EV02 bank, return if not present, skip TMxx ....
   n_items: number of elements in the bank */
  	if ( !( n_items = bk_locate( pevent, "EV02", &pdata ) ) )
    	return 1;

// Loop through all items in bank.

	short nItems =  n_items/ sizeof( EV01_BANK );
	printf( "Number of bytes %d, number of items %d\n", n_items, nItems );
  	pev = (EV01_BANK *)pdata;
  	for ( short i = 0; i < nItems; i++ )
  /* fill histos not really elegant for now*/
  		gAdcHists[0]->Fill((float) pev->areahg, 1);
  		gAdcHists[1]->Fill((float) pev->arealg, 1);
  		gAdcHists[2]->Fill((float) pev->timehi, 1);
  		gAdcHists[3]->Fill((float) pev->timelo, 1);
  		gAdcHists[4]->Fill((float) pev->detid, 1);
  		gAdcHists[5]->Fill((float) pev->slop, 1);
  // create calibrated TREK bank.  Recall that this output bank mimics
  // the splitting up of the midas bank into physics events.
  		++(gPhysicsEventHeader->serial_number);  	// Update serial number.
  		bk_init32( gPhysicsEventData );				// Initialize storage.
  		bk_create( gPhysicsEventData, "TREK", TID_STRUCT, &trek );
  		trek->one = (double) pev->areahg * 1.0;
  		trek->two = (float) pev->timelo * 1.0;

  		printf("area: %e time: %f\n", trek->one, trek->two );

  		bk_close( gPhysicsEventData, trek+1 );
  		pev++; // Loop to next crystal's data.  	
      /* write event to secondary .mid file */
      gPhysicsEventHeader->data_size = bk_size(gPhysicsEventData);
      write(sec_fh, gPhysicsEventHeader, sizeof(EVENT_HEADER)+bk_size(gPhysicsEventData));

  /* close calculated bank */
  return SUCCESS;
  11   11 Mar 2004 Renee Poutissou Creation of secondary Midas output file.
Jan , 

Do you need to log this stage 1 output?  If not, you would use the 
eventbuilder mechanism to create your stage 2 events.  
I use the eventbuilder mechanism with success for my TWIST experiment.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5