04 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ODB key picker does not close when creating link / Edit-on-run string box too large
> > Actual result:
> > The key picker does not close.
05 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, ODB key picker does not close when creating link / Edit-on-run string box too large
> > Another more minor visual problem is the edit-on-start dialog. There seems to be no upper bound to the
> > size of the text box. In the attached screenshot, ShortString has a maximum length of 32 characters,
> > LongString has 255. Both are empty at the time of the screenshot. Maybe, the size should be limited to a
06 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> > status = select(1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
> > On error, -1 is returned, ... timeout becomes undefined.
06 Dec 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TMFE::Sleep() errors
> Commit [develop 06735d29] improve TMFE::Sleep()
Report of test_sleep on Ubuntu-22 (Intel E-2236) and MacOS 14.6.1 (M1 MAX Mac Studio).
17 Dec 2024, Lukas Gerritzen, Bug Report, [History plots] "Jump to current time" resets x range to 7d
To reproduce:
- Open a history plot, click [-] a few times until the x axis shows more than 7 days.
- Scroll to the past (left)
19 Dec 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, [History plots] "Jump to current time" resets x range to 7d
I had put in a check which limits the range to 7d into the past if you press the "play" button, but now I'm not sure why this was needed. I removed it again
things seem to be fine. Change is committed to develop.
22 Oct 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mhttpd message colouring
I commited a fix to mhttpd logic that decides which messages should be shown in
"red" colour- before, any message with square brackets and colons would be
highlighted in red. Now only messages matching the pattern [...:...] are
09 Nov 2004, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Bug Fix, New transition scheme
If cm_set_transition_sequence() is used for changing the sequence number, the
command odbedit> start/stop/resume/pause -v report the propre sequence but the
25 Feb 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fixed: double free in FORMAT_MIDAS ybos.c causing lazylogger crashes
We stumbled upon and fixed a "double free" bug in src/ybos.c causing crashes in
lazylogger writing .mid files in the FORMAT_MIDAS format (why does it use
ybos.c? Pierre says- for generic file i/o). Why this code had ever worked before
05 May 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix: minor bit rot in the example experiment
I fixed some minor bit rot in the example experiment: a few minor Makefile
problems, make the analyzer use the current histogram creation macros, etc. I
also added startup and shutdown scripts. These will be documented as we work
02 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix odb corruption when running analzer for the first time
I have been plagued by ODB corruption when I run the analyzer for the first time
after setting up the new experiment. Some time ago, I traced this to
mana.c::book_ttree() and now I found and fixed the bug, fix now commited to
18 Aug 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix race condition between clients on run start/stop, pause/resume
It turns out that the new priority sequencing of run state transitions had a
flaw: the frontends, the analyzer and the logger all registered at priority 500
and were invoked in essentially a random order. For example the frontend could
01 Sep 2005, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, fix race condition between clients on run start/stop, pause/resume
> It turns out that the new priority sequencing of run state transitions had a
> flaw: the frontends, the analyzer and the logger all registered at priority 500
> and were invoked in essentially a random order. For example the frontend could
17 Oct 2005, Exaos Lee, Bug Fix, "make install" error under MacOS X
Under MacOS X, "make install" will cours an error like this:
23 Nov 2005, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Endian swapping in mana.c
It was reported that following code in mana.c :
07 May 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, Update & add VME drivers
I commited fixes for a few minor compilation errors in the VME drivers
(vmicvme.c, etc)
I also added new drivers for the v513 latch and v560 scaler that I wrote for
18 May 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, removed a few "//" comments to fix compilation on VxWorks
Our VxWorks C compiler (gcc-2.8-something) does not like the "//" comments. Luckily, on VxWorks, we
only compile a small subset of midas, so there is no point in banning all "//" comments. But I did have to
convert a couple of them to /* commens */ in odb.c to make it compile. Changes to odb.c commited. K.O. |
18 May 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Fixed problems with reload of custom pages
We had a problem with custom pages and reloading of them. If they contain an ODB field which is editable, one can change the ODB value through the custom
page. The URL then contains a "?cmd=Set&value=x&index=x" section, which stays in the browser's address bar after the ODB value has been updated. If the
value changes later by some other means in the ODB, and one presses "reload" in the browser, the above URL gets executed again and the value gets changed |
25 May 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, fix crash in xml odb load
There is a crash in odbedit when loading some xml odb files: a missing check for NULL pointer when
loading an array of strings and one of the array elements is blank. This check is present when loading
other string values. Here is the diff:
25 May 2006, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Fixed compiler warnings with gcc 3.4.4
I fixed a couple of compiler warning which came up with the new gcc 3.4.4. Seems like the compiler gets more and more picky. There a still warning left
in ybos.c and in mcnaf.c, which I leave to the original author ;) |