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  464   10 Mar 2008 Exaos LeeSuggestionNew Makefile for building MIDAS
> Most experience with autoconf/automake is all negative. The promise was "never debug your Makefile ever 
> again!", delivered was "debug the configure script instead!". In practice, with autoconf/automake, you try to run 
> configure, kludge it until it stops crashing, then tweak the incomprehensible Makefiles it produces until the code 
> compiles.
> K.O.

I admit that the new one is fit to my flavor. For a common user, I think, a simple procedure of configure/make/install
is better than changing the Makefile manually because many users are lack of knowledges about Makefile. That's why 
I want to learn autotools. The configure script is generated automatically by "autoconf", so you needn't to debug it. 
For the developer, you need to debug the files for generating the configure script. For a common user, 
he/she only needs to run it. In fact, some more complex projects like ROOT use AUTOTOOLS and they don't include 
the original files which are needed for generating the "configure" script.  I prefer the MIDAS project includes such a 
script to make the compiling simpler and easier instead of changing the Makefile manually. 
  465   10 Mar 2008 Exaos LeeSuggestionNew Makefile for building MIDAS
> The Makefile is missing -lzip:

Sorry, spelling error.
The "LIBS +=" should be replaced by "LDFLAGS +="
  466   10 Mar 2008 Exaos LeeSuggestion"Makefile-by-EL" updated
> Not that the current Makefile is too pretty (I have seen worse), but it 
works and it is fairly compact for a project of 
> this complexity, it handles a large number of operating systems and build 
options very efficiently.
> I think you found that out with your rewriting exercise - your version of 
the Makefile contains all the same code, 
> just rearranged to suite your taste, with existing bugs preserved and new 
bugs added.

I derived the new Makefile from the original one so that feathers and bugs are 
also included. 
I havn't experiences on platforms other than Linux and MacOS, so I cannot 
recognize bugs on 
other platforms if they exists in the original one. And if there are bugs, 
hope users can figure
them out.

> As they say, the devil is in the details. I notice some subtle changes in 
your Makefile that make me go "what?":
> 1) the command for building the midas shared library used to be "ld -
shared", in your version, "-shared" is gone. 
> But check with the GCC manual, today's recommended command is probably "gcc -


> 2) mhdump is now linked with ROOT, but I wrote it recently enough to 
remember that it does not use ROOT

The building dependence on ROOT of mhdump may be eliminated by changing the 
specific target.

> 3) hand-crafted dependancies have been replaced with generic "almost 
every .o depends on every .h", which is 
> incorrect. The "almost every .o" part bothers me.

Fixed now.

> 4) "make clean" runs "rm -rf" - plain scary.


> 5) "$(shell ...)" is overused

Replaced with GNU make internal methods.

> I think by the end all these little details are sorted out and all the 
quirks are put back in, your Makefile will look no 
> better than the current Makefile.

I realized it now. But anyway, it looks tidy to me now. I still hope to use 
> > 2. The file is less than 400 lines now. The original one is more than 500 

The new one is about 430 lines. Hmmm, it reaches the original one which is 
more than 600 lines.

> It looks like your savings came from removing comments, removing hand-
crafted dependancy lists and replacing 
> fairly verbose "make install" targets (which we do not use anyway) with your 
own much simpler scripts.
> All the juicy bits needed to actually build all the code appear to take 
about as much space as before.
> Also the original mistake of recompiling programs when they only need 
relinking was not fixed. (For example, 
> when libmidas is updated, to update mhttpd, the current Makefile needlessly 
recompiles mhttpd.c. Better use 
> would be to compile mhttpd.c into mhttpd.o, then only a relink is needed).


> Most experience with autoconf/automake is all negative. The promise 
was "never debug your Makefile ever 
> again!", delivered was "debug the configure script instead!". In practice, 
with autoconf/automake, you try to run 
> configure, kludge it until it stops crashing, then tweak the 
incomprehensible Makefiles it produces until the code 
> compiles.
> K.O.

Maybe BUGS or FEATURES in this new one:
1. The shared and the static libmidas.a are built sperately. 
The "libmidas.a" is 
always built whether "NEED_SHLIB" is set or not. And all executables are built 
staticly default. 
I commented this in the Makefile-by-EL. Hence, if you want to use 
with PyMIDAS and
do not want to encounter "Segmentation fault" while executing the utilies 
linked dynamicly, you
may try this one.
2. I found that "minife" is failed to be built, so I remove it from the 
example list.
3. Some bugs while building on MacOS Tiger 10.4.11 PPC are commented out in 
the Makefile. These
bugs are still exists in the original one.
4. Using "VPATH" instead of adding pathnames.
5. Using "UTILS_SUID" to handle utilities which need SUID mode. And 
the "UTILS_SUID_NEED" may be
defined in the OS-specific field, so you need not to use OS-specific commands 
in the "install"
6. Using "tr" with "uname" in order to delete some extra "ifeq 
7. Other things, please see the file.

Anyway, easier building is my purpose. :-)
Attachment 1: Makefile-by-EL
#-include --- split the environment setup in a seperate file?

# initialized flags

#CC = icc
#FC = ifort
#LD = ld
CFLAGS   = -g -O3 -Wall -Wuninitialized -DINCLUDE_FTPLIB

## Environments setup for building MIDAS/PSI

## Prefix
ifndef PREFIX
PREFIX = /usr/local

# User defined flags for compiler

# Do you need to compile the shared library? If so, set "1" here.

# If RPATH needed ...

# If static ROOT libaries needed ...

# If strlcpy.o needed ...

# If zlib needed ...
NEED_ZLIB     = 1

# MIDAS max event size

# OS specific programs included

# ..? Why it is needed?

# Build examples or not? If so, set "1" here ...

## installer
INSTALL  = $(shell which install)

# **** CAUTION ****
# **** On MacOS Tiger, "/usr/bin/install" doesn't accept "-D" option!
# **** NEED to be fixed ...
ifndef INSTALL
INS_OPTS = -v -D

# MXML dir
ifndef MXML_DIR
MXML_DIR = ../mxml

# **** CAUTION ****
# **** On MacOS Tiger (10.4.11), the "MYSQL_CONFIG" will be always defined because
# **** "which" will always return something whether it finds the exec or not!
# **** NEED to be fixed!
MYSQL_CONFIG := $(shell which mysql_config 2> /dev/null)

MYSQLINCDIR := $(shell mysql_config --cflags | sed -e 's,^.*-I\([^ ]*\).*$$,\1,' -e s/\'//g)
NEED_MYSQL  := $(shell if test -e $(MYSQLINCDIR)/mysql.h ; then echo 1; fi)

## Check OS Type for OS-specified flags

# *** CAUTION *** Does "tr" exist on all POSIX platform?
OSTYPE = $(shell uname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), linux)
# > 2GB file support
CFLAGS  += -DOS_LINUX -fPIC -Wno-unused-function
LDFLAGS += -lutil -lpthread
NEED_ZLIB        = 1
SPECIFIC_OS_PRG += mlxspeaker dio

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), osf1)
FFLAGS  += -nofor_main -D 40000000 -T 20000000
LDFLAGS += -lc -lbsd

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), ultrix)

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), freebsd)
LDFLAGS += -lbsd -lcompat

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), darwin)
LDFLAGS += -lpthread
NEED_RANLIB      = 1
SPECIFIC_OS_PRG += mlxspeaker

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), cygwin_nt-5.1)
OSTYPE = cygwin

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), cygwin)
CFLAGS  += -DOS_LINUX -DOS_CYGWIN -Wno-unused-function
LDFLAGS += -lutil -lpthread

ifeq ($(OSTYPE), solaris)
LDFLAGS += -lsocket -lnsl

## Processing environment for building flags



CFLAGS     += -DHAVE_MYSQL $(shell $(MYSQL_CONFIG) --include)
LDFLAGS    += $(shell $(MYSQL_CONFIG) --libs)
endif # NEED_MYSQL

ROOTLIBS   := $(shell $(ROOTSYS)/bin/root-config --libs)
ROOTCFLAGS := $(shell $(ROOTSYS)/bin/root-config --cflags)

ROOTLIBS   += -Wl,-rpath,$(ROOTSYS)/lib

ROOTLIBS   := $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libRoot.a -lssl -ldl -lcrypt

endif # ROOTSYS

LDFLAGS    += -lz
endif # ZLIB

## Processing building targets

## Directories needed
INC_DIR = include
SRC_DIR = src
UTL_DIR = utils
DRV_DIR = drivers
EXM_DIR = examples

## Driectories which will be created
LIB_DIR = $(OS_DIR)/lib
BIN_DIR = $(OS_DIR)/bin


## Directories for install

## Utilities
UTILS = mserver mhttpd mlogger odbedit mtape  mhist    \
	mstat   mcnaf  mdump   mhdump  mchart odbhist  \
	melog   webpaw lazylogger   stripchart.tcl  \

# Utilities need to change SUID mode
UTILS_SUID_NEED = dio mhttpd webpaw

## Analyzer objects
ANALYZER  = $(LIB_DIR)/mana.o

ANALYZER += $(LIB_DIR)/hmana.o
ANALYZER += $(LIB_DIR)/rmana.o

## Objects for building $(LIBMIDAS_A) and $(LIBMIDAS_SO)
OBJS4LIB_ALL = midas.o system.o mrpc.o odb.o ybos.o ftplib.o history.o alarm.o elog.o
OBJS4LIB_A   = $(OBJS4LIB_ALL:%=$(LIB_DIR)/%) $(LIB_DIR)/cnaf_callback.o

MXML_OBJS_NEED  = mxml.o
MXML_OBJS_NEED += strlcpy.o


## Objects for install
OBJS_INS_NEED = mfe.o fal.o

## library
LIBMIDAS_A  = $(LIB_DIR)/libmidas.a


CFLAGS     += -shared -fPIC
LDFLAGS    += -shared
# if need to link utilities dynamically with, add this flag...
LDFLAGS_SH += -shared -L$(LIB_DIR) -lmidas
endif # NEED_SHLIB

## Examples
EXAMPLES = consume produce rpc_test msgdump minirc odb_test #minife - failed building!

## All executables
EXECS  = $(UTILS:%=$(BIN_DIR)/%)




all: check-mxml $(DIRS) $(LIBMIDAS_A) $(LIBMIDAS_SO) \

.PHONY: clean

examples: $(LIBMIDAS_A) $(EXAMPLES:%=$(BIN_DIR)/%)

## Static
	@rm -f $(EXECS)
	@$(MAKE) USERFLAGS=-static

## Install
install: install-utils install-includes install-libs \
	 install-drivers install-src install-examples
	@echo "..."
	@echo "... Happy working with MIDAS! "
	@echo "..."


	@echo "Making directory $@ ..."
	@mkdir -p $@

## Libraries
	@rm -f $@
	@echo "Creating $@ ..."
	@ar -crv $@ $^
	@ranlib $@

	@rm -f $@
	@echo "Creating $@ ..."
	@$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^

## MXML-check
	@if test ! -e $(MXML_DIR)/strlcpy.h ; then \
		echo "Please download mxml from: " ; \
		echo "" ;\
		exit 1; \
... 135 more lines ...
  467   10 Mar 2008 Exaos LeeSuggestion"Makefile-by-EL" updated
Sorry, this line:
should be replaced by
  469   11 Mar 2008 Exaos LeeSuggestion"Makefile-by-EL" updated
> The linking of mhttpd misses a "-lm":
> cc -g -O3 -Wall -Wuninitialized -DINCLUDE_FTPLIB -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DOS_LINUX
> -fPIC -Wno-unused-function   -DHAVE_ZLIB -Iinclude -Idrivers -I../mxml -o
> linux/bin/mhttpd linux/lib/mhttpd.o linux/lib/mgd.o linux/lib/libmidas.a -lutil
> -lpthread -lz
> linux/lib/mhttpd.o(.text+0xe08f): In function `show_custom_gif':
> src/mhttpd.c:5058: undefined reference to `log'
> linux/lib/mhttpd.o(.text+0xe0a8):src/mhttpd.c:5058: undefined reference to `log'

Strange. I tested it on Debian Linux 4.0r2 AMD64 with gcc 4.1.2, MIDAS SVN 4124. It worked fine.
Anyway, it can be fixed by addling "-lm" to the initial"LDFLAGS".

> The header of the makefile should contain a short description, the author(s), an
> $Id:$ tag for SVN, some explanation what "icc", "ifort" means, a note about the
> CFLAGS and a clear statement what can be modified by the user and why and what not.

OK. I will comment it in detail.
  579   18 May 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionQuestion about using mvmestd.h
The "mvmestd.h" uses the following function to open a VME device:
int mvme_open(MVME_INTERFACE **vme, int idx)
I found that the "driver/vme/sis3100/sis3100.c" uses the implementation as:
   /* open VME */
   sprintf(str, "/dev/sis1100_%02dremote", idx);
   (*vme)->handle = open(str, O_RDWR, 0);
   if ((*vme)->handle < 0)
      return MVME_NO_INTERFACE;

The problem is: I renamed my SIS1100 devices as /dev/sis1100/xxxxx. So I have to hack the "sis3100.c".
Shall we have some smart way? Smile
  582   20 May 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionQuestion about using mvmestd.h
> > The problem is: I renamed my SIS1100 devices as /dev/sis1100/xxxxx. So I have to hack the 
> "sis3100.c".
> As in the old joke, "Doctor, it hurts when I do *this*; Doctor answers: then don't do it!"
> But I am curious why you want to change the "manufacturer-default" device names. For the vmivme.c and 
> gefvme.c drivers that we use at TRIUMF, there is no obvious reason or gain from changing device names.
> K.O.

I used the old V2.04 driver for SIS1100/SIS3100. The old package contains a script which creates devices
as /tmp/sis1100_XXXX. So I created another script and installed it into /etc/init.d/. That script can be
invoked by using standard rc.d tools. In order to make the /dev directory tidy, it creates device files
into just one directory as /dev/sis1100/. That's the story.

Now, I found, the new sis1100.ko of version 2.12 can create devices automatically as /dev/sis1100_xxxx.
So, my script can be retired now. And also, I needn't to hack the "sis3100.c" anymore.
  608   18 Jul 2009 Exaos LeeForumjorway73a.c, Data taking hangs in the middle of run
> > > Could you give more info on your setup:
> > > - CAMAC controller model
> > Jorway 73A, we have three in hand and the problem doesn't depend on which controller
> > we were using.
> Dawei sent me a copy of his jorway73a.c scsi-camac driver. It is quite different from the
> file in the MIDAS distribution. Dawei tells me that the file from the MIDAS distribution
> does not compile. Stack traces from Dawei indicate a hang in this modified jorway73a.c
> scsi-camac driver.
> K.O.

I encountered too that the jorway73a.c cannot work for my SCM-301 CAMAC driver. The
"jorway73a.c" distributed with MIDAS seems to work with Jorway 73a reversion > 300. But my
module has the reversion number 203. :-( I hope you can paste the modified version here so
that I can try it if I have spare time.
  609   03 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumHow to distinguish the status and value returned from "mvme_read_value(...)"
The definition of mvme_read_value is as the following:
unsigned int EXPRT mvme_read_value(MVME_INTERFACE * vme, mvme_addr_t vme_addr);

Read single data from VME bus. Useful for register access. See example in

    	*vme 	  VME structure
    	vme_addr  source address (VME location).


Question: How to distinguish the status and value returned? Should the definition be something like
int EXPRT mvme_read_value(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, mvme_addr_t vme_addr, unsigned int *var);
  612   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumVME-related codes contribution
Hi, all

I have some codes while using MIDAS. I upload them here. They are tested with
SIS3100. I haven't other VME controllers, so I don't know whether they work with
other controllers. I just hope that they are helpful. You may find information
from the file "00README.txt" in the package My English is limited, I just hope
that you may catch my ideas. Smile

All my best.

Exaos Lee
Attachment 1:
  613   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumScripts to handle MIDAS sessions
Hi, all again

I have some scripts in "bash" and "Python" to handle MIDAS sessions. Please see the attached I didn't write instructions in detail of how to use them. But I think they are very simple. You may find how to use them by reading the codes and example files.

Best wishes.

Exaos Lee
Attachment 1:
  614   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumAbout python interface
Coding in Python is faster than in C (but running slower). So, some python interfaces are useful for testing purpose. I hope you may like the PyMVME module for VME bus testing.
  615   04 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumThe contents of the attachment
As requested from K.O., I paste the "00README.txt" as the following:
#-*- mode: outline -*-
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
#AUTHOR: Exaos Lee <Exaos DOT Lee AT gmail DOT com>

* Directories
  +--> 00README.txt : This file
  +--> bustester : Directory contains utilities for VME bus testing
  +--> modules   : APIs to handle VME modules
  +--> pyutil    : Uitilies in Python, including PyMVME
  +--> sis3100   : Provide lib_sis3100mvme.a/so using with "mvmestd.h"

* Utilities in Python

** PyMVME module

   The module "PyMVME" provides the following stuff:
      a. class StdVME
      	 -- contains standard VME informations.
      b. class MVME_INTERFACE
      	 -- the C structure MVME_INTERFACE wrapped in Python
      c. dict MVME_STATUS
      	 -- the return information defined in "mvmestd.h"
      d. the related useful aliases from "mvmestd.h"
      	 -- including "mvme_addr_t", "mvme_locaddr_t", "mvme_size_t"
      e. class MvmeDev
      	 -- the major class which provides methods to access VME bus.

   You may find examples of how to use module "PyMVME" from "" or
   scripts in dir "test". All of the examples are using "".
   You may find information later in this introduction.


   The script to find VME modules from CAEN. Now, it is still in test status
   and can only find ADCs, TDCs or QDCs.

* SIS3100 library to be used togather with "mvmestd.h"

  The directory "sis3100" contains sources to build libraries as the following:
  a. lib_sis3100.a     -- APIs declared in "sis3100_vme_calls.h"
  b. lib_sis3100mvme.a -- APIs declared in "mvmestd.h". It also contains the
     		       	  same APIs from lib_sis3100.a

  If you want to use shared libraries, especially when you are using utilities
  wrote in Python, you may rebuild the libraries as the following:

    $ cd sis3100
    $ make shared

* APIs to handle VME modules

** vadc_caen.h/c

   Provides APIs to handle ADC-type modules from CAEN, including:
      a. ADCs --- V785, V785N
      b. TDCs --- V775, V775N
      c. QDCs --- V792, V792N

* VME bus testers

  Still under development.

  619   21 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumLink error of "mcnaf"
The "utils/mcnaf.c" uses "camop()",
180:         printf("camop\n");
181:         camop();
But "drivers/camac/camacrpc.c" provides "cam_op()":
void cam_op()

If you compile each source into an object, you may encounter a link error as
mcnaf.c:(.text+0x3b1): undefined reference to `camop'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
The "mcstd.h" provides "camop". So, we need to change "camacrpc.c" to match the definition and fix the link error.
  621   29 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumAt last, I'm here again!
I always got a 503 server error while I tried to connect this log book the latest 
weeks. I don't know why. I hope it is not due to the network censorship because 
of the coming National Day of China. Anyway, good luck to me when I want to paste 
something here.
  622   31 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumLink error of "mcnaf"
I repeated the link error again. I also found the almost all sources located in "driver/camac/" using "cam_op()" but not "camop()". Please see the grep result below:
drivers/camac/camaclx.c:760:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/camacnul.c:200:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/camacrpc.c:563:void cam_op()
drivers/camac/cc7700pci.c:744:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/ces2117.c:227:void cam_op()
drivers/camac/ces8210.c:553:void cam_op(void)
drivers/camac/ces8210.c:576:    cam_op();
drivers/camac/ces8210.c:625:    cam_op();
drivers/camac/dsp004.c:692:void cam_op()
drivers/camac/hyt1331.c:1125:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/jorway73a.c:563:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/kcs2926.c:618:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/kcs2927.c:677:INLINE void cam_op()
drivers/camac/wecc32.c:554:INLINE void cam_op()

I also found why the default Makefile can pass away this problem. I found the "make" using the following command to compile the "mcnaf":
cc -g -O3 -Wall -Wuninitialized -Iinclude -Idrivers -I../mxml -Llinux/lib -DINCLUDE_FTPLIB   -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DHAVE_MYSQL -I/usr/include/mysql -DHAVE_ODBC -DHAVE_ZLIB -DOS_LINUX -fPIC -Wno-unused-function -o linux/bin/mcnaf utils/mcnaf.c drivers/camac/camacrpc.c linux/lib/libmidas.a -lutil -lpthread -lodbc -lz
I try to re-implement the link error again. So I wrote some test code.

1. anullf.h
#ifndef _ANULLF_H_
#define _ANULLF_H_ 1

#define EXTERNAL extern

#if defined( _MSC_VER )
#define INLINE __inline
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define INLINE __inline__
#define INLINE
/* make functions under WinNT dll exportable */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(MIDAS_DLL)
#define EXPRT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPRT

EXTERNAL INLINE void EXPRT camop() {  };


2. ma_1.c
#include "anullf.h"

void cam_op() {}

3. ma.c
#include "anullf.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)

Then, only compiling as below can pass:
$ gcc -O -o ma ma_1.c ma.c
If you remove the option "-O", compiling immediately fails in a link error. Whether you compile into objects then link them or just compile them together, you can pass with option "-O" or the similar options. It is because the compile could solve linking to a dummy function automatically with option "-O".

Anyway, we should fix this no matter changing the "mcstd.h" or codes located in "driver/camac/".
  623   31 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumWhy should we use "INLINE" here?
There are many "INLINE" definitions in "include/*.h". Both GNU C and C99 permit using inline functions. I still wonder why. Smile
  628   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportPrompt problem about odbedit
I tried to use odbedit to set the "/System/Prompt" to "%h:%e:%s %p> " and got a
problem: pressing "Return" doesn't work any more. But "[%h:%e:%s]%p> " works fine.
Please see the attachment.
Attachment 1: Screenshot-10.png
  629   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionBuilding MIDAS using CMake
I write some configure file to build MIDAS using CMake. The usage is simple:
1. Unzip the attachment, copy "CMakeLists.txt" and directory "cmake" into the
midas source tree.
   $ cp -rp CMakeLists.txt cmake/  <PATH-TO-MIDAS>/
2. make a separate directory, such as "build". It's a good habit to build a
project without polluting the source tree. :-)
   $ mkdir build
3. Executing cmake
   $ cd build && cmake <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
4. Make
   $ make

Or, you can generate Xcode project files:
  $ cmake -G Xcode <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
or using visual studio
  $ cmake -G "Visual Studio" <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
(I havn't Visual Studio and windows, so the above command is not tested.)
or using other IDEs, such as KDevelop3, Eclipse, etc, just type:
  $ cmake -G "KDevelop3" <PATH-TO-MIDAS>
  $ cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4" <PATH-TO-MIDAS>

I test the configure file with GNU make and CMake 2.6.4 on Debian Lenny. I
havn't add installation commands now. Maybe later. If anyone interests in it, I
may check it again. Anyway, I'm using it.
Attachment 1:
  630   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionSome screenshot using CMake with MIDAS
I didn't add optimization flags to compile, so I got link error while generating mcnaf as I reported before.
The screen-shots show that the configure files works because I have modified the "driver/camac/camacrpc.c".
Attachment 1: Screenshot-11.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot-13.png
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5