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ID Date Authorup Topic Subject
  1925   30 May 2020 Thomas LindnerBug Reportwrong run number

I fixed this particular case, so that I now I get the run number correctly.

But Konstantin will need to explain how this class is supposed to be used more generally.  The example programs have a mix with sometimes needing leading slashes and other times not:

Thomass-MacBook-Pro-3:rootana lindner$ grep -s 'runinfo/Run' */*.c*
libAnalyzer/TRootanaEventLoop.cxx:   fODB->RI("runinfo/Run number", &fCurrentRunNumber);
manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");
manalyzer/manalyzer_v0.cxx:   int run_number = midas->odbReadInt("/runinfo/Run number");
old_analyzer/analyzer.cxx:   gOdb->RI("runinfo/Run number", &gRunNumber);


> Hi,
> I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag (midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):
> if I build examples in ROOTANA I got wrong run number (always 0):
> [root@lxgentor examples]# ./ana.exe -r9090
> Using THttpServer in read/write mode
> TMidasOnline::connect: Connecting to experiment "exo" on host 
> ""
> MVOdb::SetMidasStatus: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "//runinfo/Run 
> number" returned status 312
> Opened output file with name : output00000000.root
> TDT724Waveform done init...... 
> Create Histos
> Create Histos
> TMidasOnline::eventRequest: Event request: buffer "SYSTEM" (2), event id 
> 0xffffffff, trigger mask 0xffffffff, sample 2, request id: 0
> it seems that some function try to get "//runinfo/Run number" (double slash) 
> instead of "/runinfo/Run number"...
> Thanks in advance,
> Gennaro
  2078   21 Jan 2021 Thomas LindnerInfoUsing external ELOG with newer mhttpd
A warning, in case others have the same problem I had.

In the past you could configure mhttpd so that the 'Elog' button would redirect to an external ELOG server; to do this you only needed to create and set the ODB variable '/Elog/URL' to the URL of your external ELOG server.

But with the newer MIDAS you need to set two ODB variables:

* "/Elog/URL" needs to be set to the URL of the external ELOG.
* "/Elog/External Elog" needs to be set to 'y'

I hadn't noticed this and was confused why my Elog button wasn't working after upgrading MIDAS.

MIDAS documentation was updated to reflect this change:
  2079   25 Jan 2021 Thomas LindnerSuggestionmhttpd browser caching
I have a more subtle point about the new ODB key for using an external elog I mentioned in [1].  I was very confused after changing the ODB "External Elog" because mhttpd still wasn't using my external elog URL.  I started trying to debug mhttpd.cxx, but found a lot of bits of mhttpd didn't seem to be getting called.  I eventually realized that my browser had been caching the responses for some (though not all) of the MIDAS navigation buttons.  Clearing my browser cache fixed the problem and allowed me to use the MIDAS button to the external ELOG.  This caching happens on my macbook for both Firefox 84.0.2 and Safari 13.1.

Many of the requests to mhttpd end up going to send_fp(), where we explicitly set the cache time to 24 hours.

   // send HTTP cache control headers                                                                                               
   time_t now = time(NULL);
   now += (int) (3600 * 24);
   struct tm* gmt = gmtime(&now);
   const char* format = "%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT";
   char str[256];
   strftime(str, sizeof(str), format, gmt);
   r->rsprintf("Expires: %s\r\n", str);

Some other MIDAS buttons don't seem to be cached by the browser; for instance the response for the 'OldHistory' button doesn't get cached.

Should we remove the cache instruction for at least some of the buttons?  At least for the elog button where we want the link direction to get switched by an ODB key the caching seems a bad idea.

  2081   25 Jan 2021 Thomas LindnerSuggestionmhttpd browser caching
I tried reloading the pages.  If I reloaded the actual elog page

then it bypassed the cache and got the correct updated page from mhttpd.

However, if when I reloaded the status page

and then clicked the Elog button then I just got the cached (old) page.  Admittedly reloading the status page doesn't make so much sense (once I thought about it), but it is what I tried first (I'm good at modelling unexpected user behaviour); so there is some risk that the user will try reloading the wrong page and will be stuck not getting the external elog page (until 24 hours runs out).

Anyway, I will update the documentation to note that you need to reload the elog page after changing this variable.  That's probably an adequate solution.

I certainly don't suggest getting rid of caching entirely.  I was trying to think whether there was a set of pages where it would make sense to disable the cache (like the elog page).  But maybe that will just cause more problems.

> Let me first explain a bit why caching is there. Once we had the case that someone from 
> TRIUMF opened a midas custom page at T2K. It took about one minute (!) to load the page. 
> When we looked at it, we found that the custom page pulled about 100 items with individual
> HTTP requests from Japan, each taking about one second for the roundtrip. Then we redesigned
> the custom page communication so that many ODB entries could be retrieved in one operation,
> which improved the loading time from 100s to about 2s.
> With the buttons we will have to make the same compromise. If we do not cache anything,
> loading the midas status page over the Pacific takes many seconds. If we cache all, any
> change on the midas side will not be reflected on the web page. So there is a compromise
> to be made. I thought I designed it such that the side menu is cached locally, but when
> the user presses "reload", then the full menu is fetched from the server. Of course one
> has to remember this, so changing the ELOG URL or other things on the menu require a
> reload (or wait a certain time for the cache to expire). So try again if that's working
> for you. If not, I can visit it again and check if there is any bug.
> If we go the route to disable the cache, better try this to T2K and see what you get before
> we commit ourselves to that. Last time TRIUMF people were complaining a lot about long
> load times.
> Best,
> Stefan
  2302   11 Nov 2021 Thomas LindnerForumMityCAMAC Login
Hi Hunter 

This sounds like a Triumf specific problem; 
not a MIDAS problem.  Please email me directly 
and we can try to solve this problem.

Thomas Lindner

 Hello all,
> I've recently acquired a MityCAMAC system 
that was built at TRIUMF and I'm 
> having issues accessing it over ethernet.
> The system: Ubuntu VM inside Windows 10 
> I've tried reconfiguring the network 
settings for the VM but nmap and arp/ip 
> commands have yielded me no results in 
finding the crate controller. 
> I was getting help from Pierre Amaudruz but 
I think he is now busy for some 
> time. I have the mac address of the crate 
controller and its name. The 
> controller seems to initialize fine inside 
of the CAMAC crate. The windows side 
> of the workstation also tells me that an 
unknown network is in fact connected.
> I suspect I either need to do something with 
an ssh key (which I thought we 
> accomplished but maybe not), or perhaps the 
domain name in the controller needs 
> to be changed. 
> If anybody has experience working with 
MityARM I would appreciate any advice I 
> could get.
> Best,
> Hunter Lowe
> UNBC Graduate Physics
  2522   01 Jun 2023 Thomas LindnerInfoMIDAS Workshop 2023
Dear MIDAS users,

We would like to arrange another MIDAS workshop, following on from previous successful workshops in 2015, 2017 and 2019.  The 
goals of the workshop would include:

- Getting updates from MIDAS developers on new features and other changes.
- Getting reports from MIDAS users on how they are using MIDAS, what is working and what is not
- Making plans for future MIDAS changes and improvements

This would be a one-day virtual workshop, planned for about 4 hours length.  The workshop will probably be after another of 
Stefan's visits to TRIUMF.

If you would be interested in participating in such a workshop, please help us choose the date by filling out this doodle poll:

Please fill in the poll by June 9, if you are interested.  We will announce the date soon after that.

  2534   13 Jun 2023 Thomas LindnerInfoMIDAS Workshop 2023 - Sept 13
Hi All,

Thanks to everyone who filled out the doodle poll.  

Based on the results we will plan to have this workshop on September 13, at 9AM-1PM (Vancouver) / 6PM-10PM (Geneva).  Apologies to 
those for whom this is a bad time/day; in particular for MIDAS users in Asia.

If you would like to present a report at the workshop on your experiment's MIDAS experience, then please email me (  
It would be great to know this in advance so that we can start preparing an agenda.  Feel free to also email me if there are topics 
that you would like addressed at the workshop.


> Dear MIDAS users,
> We would like to arrange another MIDAS workshop, following on from previous successful workshops in 2015, 2017 and 2019.  The 
> goals of the workshop would include:
> - Getting updates from MIDAS developers on new features and other changes.
> - Getting reports from MIDAS users on how they are using MIDAS, what is working and what is not
> - Making plans for future MIDAS changes and improvements
> This would be a one-day virtual workshop, planned for about 4 hours length.  The workshop will probably be after another of 
> Stefan's visits to TRIUMF.
> If you would be interested in participating in such a workshop, please help us choose the date by filling out this doodle poll:
> Please fill in the poll by June 9, if you are interested.  We will announce the date soon after that.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
  2554   11 Jul 2023 Thomas LindnerForumPossible ODB corruption! Webpages not loading!
Hi Anubhav,

I have fixed the ODB corruption problem.


Anubhav Prakash wrote:
The ODB server seems to have crashed/corrupted. I tried reloading the previous
working version of ODB(using the commands in folliwng image) but it didn't work.

I have also attached the screenshot of the site Any help to resolve this would be appreciated! Normally Prof. Thomas Lindner would solve such issues, but he is busy working at CERN till 17th of July, and we cannot afford to wait until then.

The following is the error: when I run bash /home/midptf/online/bin/

[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/ODBEdit" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/ODBEdit",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/ODBEdit"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "ODBEdit", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/mhttpd" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/mhttpd",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/mhttpd"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "mhttpd", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/Logger" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/Logger",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/Logger"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "Logger", db_get_record1() status 319

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1763:db_validate_db,ERROR] Warning: database
data area is 100% full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1283:db_validate_key,ERROR] hkey 643368, path
"/Alarms/Classes/<NULL>/Display BGColor", string value is not valid UTF-8

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot
malloc_data(256), called from db_set_link_data

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot
reallocate "/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes,
online database full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"
  2590   17 Aug 2023 Thomas LindnerInfoMIDAS Workshop 2023 - Sept 12-13
Dear All,

A quick update on the MIDAS workshop.  Based on the number of planned talks we have made the decision to switch to a two day workshop on Sept 12 and 13 
(rather than just Sept 13).  We decided 4 hours was not enough time to hear all the reports and have fruitful discussions; having a much longer meeting 
on a single day was a bad idea given the time zones involved.

We have a tentative agenda planned for the workshop, which you can see here:

We are still confirming some talks, so the agenda may still change a bit.  But the baseline plan will be that the workshop will be 

8:30AM-12:30PM (PDT) / 5:30PM-9:30PM (CEST)

on Sept 12-13.  We hope that these times still work for everyone planning to attend.


> Hi All,
> Thanks to everyone who filled out the doodle poll.  
> Based on the results we will plan to have this workshop on September 13, at 9AM-1PM (Vancouver) / 6PM-10PM (Geneva).  Apologies to 
> those for whom this is a bad time/day; in particular for MIDAS users in Asia.
> If you would like to present a report at the workshop on your experiment's MIDAS experience, then please email me (  
> It would be great to know this in advance so that we can start preparing an agenda.  Feel free to also email me if there are topics 
> that you would like addressed at the workshop.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> > Dear MIDAS users,
> > 
> > We would like to arrange another MIDAS workshop, following on from previous successful workshops in 2015, 2017 and 2019.  The 
> > goals of the workshop would include:
> > 
> > - Getting updates from MIDAS developers on new features and other changes.
> > - Getting reports from MIDAS users on how they are using MIDAS, what is working and what is not
> > - Making plans for future MIDAS changes and improvements
> > 
> > This would be a one-day virtual workshop, planned for about 4 hours length.  The workshop will probably be after another of 
> > Stefan's visits to TRIUMF.
> > 
> > If you would be interested in participating in such a workshop, please help us choose the date by filling out this doodle poll:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Please fill in the poll by June 9, if you are interested.  We will announce the date soon after that.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Thomas
  2594   06 Sep 2023 Thomas LindnerInfoMIDAS Workshop 2023 - Sept 12-13
Dear All, 

A final reminder about the MIDAS workshop in 6 days.  A (hopefully) finalized agenda is posted here:

In the overview section of the indico page you will find the zoom link for the workshop.

We plan for the workshop to have a lot of time for discussion. This means that the exact schedule of the workshop is a little uncertain; hence the actual start 
time of each talk will also have some uncertainty.  We have scheduled that each day's session will be around 3.5 hours, but it is possible that the sessions will 
be a little longer in reality.  Stefan and Pierre will try to ensure that we stay roughly on schedule.

Looking forward to seeing people there.


> Dear All,
> A quick update on the MIDAS workshop.  Based on the number of planned talks we have made the decision to switch to a two day workshop on Sept 12 and 13 
> (rather than just Sept 13).  We decided 4 hours was not enough time to hear all the reports and have fruitful discussions; having a much longer meeting 
> on a single day was a bad idea given the time zones involved.
> We have a tentative agenda planned for the workshop, which you can see here:
> We are still confirming some talks, so the agenda may still change a bit.  But the baseline plan will be that the workshop will be 
> 8:30AM-12:30PM (PDT) / 5:30PM-9:30PM (CEST)
> on Sept 12-13.  We hope that these times still work for everyone planning to attend.
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Thanks to everyone who filled out the doodle poll.  
> > 
> > Based on the results we will plan to have this workshop on September 13, at 9AM-1PM (Vancouver) / 6PM-10PM (Geneva).  Apologies to 
> > those for whom this is a bad time/day; in particular for MIDAS users in Asia.
> > 
> > If you would like to present a report at the workshop on your experiment's MIDAS experience, then please email me (  
> > It would be great to know this in advance so that we can start preparing an agenda.  Feel free to also email me if there are topics 
> > that you would like addressed at the workshop.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Thomas
> > 
> > 
> > > Dear MIDAS users,
> > > 
> > > We would like to arrange another MIDAS workshop, following on from previous successful workshops in 2015, 2017 and 2019.  The 
> > > goals of the workshop would include:
> > > 
> > > - Getting updates from MIDAS developers on new features and other changes.
> > > - Getting reports from MIDAS users on how they are using MIDAS, what is working and what is not
> > > - Making plans for future MIDAS changes and improvements
> > > 
> > > This would be a one-day virtual workshop, planned for about 4 hours length.  The workshop will probably be after another of 
> > > Stefan's visits to TRIUMF.
> > > 
> > > If you would be interested in participating in such a workshop, please help us choose the date by filling out this doodle poll:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Please fill in the poll by June 9, if you are interested.  We will announce the date soon after that.
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Thomas
  2531   13 Jun 2023 Thomas SengerForumInclude subroutine through relative path in sequencer
Hi, I would like to restructure our sequencer scripts and the paths. Until now many things are not generic at all. I would like to ask if it is possible to include files through a relative path for example something like 
INCLUDE ../chip/global_basic_functions
Maybe I just did not found how to do it.
  2753   03 May 2024 Thomas SengerSuggestionPossible addition to IF Statements
Hello there, 
in our setup we use many variables with many different exceptions. Would it be possible to implement something like an 
IF or/and IF statement? I believe that this is currently not possible.
Best regards, 
Thomas Senger
  2776   21 May 2024 Thomas SengerBug ReportParams not initialized when starting sequencer
Hi all,
On develop, the issue seems to be still there and is not fixed.
The parameters are currently "never" correctly initialized, only as "empty". Tried several times.
  2779   22 May 2024 Thomas SengerBug ReportParams not initialized when starting sequencer
Hi Zaher,
thanks for your help.
I just tried the bug fix, but it still seems not to work properly.
It seems that if the script is short, it will work, but if many SUBROUTINES are integrated, it does not work and the parameter are initialized empty.
Best regards,
  873   11 Apr 2013 Thorsten LuxForumPersistent ipcrm error

I have a problem with our DAQ which is based on Midas. Until now, for about 3 years, it worked quite well but since I tried to restart data taking after a break of 2 months, I get always the following error message:

[system.c:308:ss_shm_open,ERROR] Shared memory segment with key 0x4d008002 already exists, please remove it manually: ipcrm -M 0x4d008002
[midas.c:1950:cm_connect_experiment1,ERROR] cannot open database
Unexpected error #304

Then I tried the following to fix the problem:

-) I first checked with ipcs the shared memory segments:
0x4d008002 3244040 next 666 1077248 1
0x4d00006e 3276809 next 666 116444 1

Sometimes there is an additional line which I also delete.

-) I deleted with ipcrm -M 0x4d008002 / 0x4d00006e the shared memory segments

-) I removed the .SYS*.SHM files:
-rw-r--r-- 1 next users 0 Mar 16 2010 MIDAS/online/.ALARM.SHM
-rw-r--r-- 1 next users 0 Mar 16 2010 MIDAS/online/.ELOG.SHM
-rw-r--r-- 1 next users 0 Mar 16 2010 MIDAS/online/.HISTORY.SHM
-rw-r--r-- 1 next users 0 Mar 16 2010 MIDAS/online/.MSG.SHM
-rw-r--r-- 1 next users 1089536 Apr 11 15:46 MIDAS/online/.ODB.SHM
-rw-r--r-- 1 next users 116444 Apr 11 15:43 MIDAS/online/.SYSMSG.SHM
-rw-r--r-- 1 next users 16793660 Apr 11 15:43 MIDAS/online/.SYSTEM.SHM

-) I reboot the PC

-) I start the midas daemon using a shell script with the following lines:
cd /home/next/CAEN/A2818Drv/
sudo sh a2818_load
mhttpd -p 8080 -D

-) Normally I can start then a run but when I try to stop it I get again the error message from above.

In addition I get from time to time the following error messages:
[mhttpd,INFO] Client 'unknown' on buffer 'SYSMSG' removed by cm_watchdog because client pid 3287 does not exist
[NEXT DAQ,INFO] Client 'unknown' on buffer 'SYSMSG' removed by bm_wait_for_free_space because client pid 3280 does not exist
[mtransition,INFO] Client 'mhttpd' (PID 3229) on buffer 'ODB' removed by cm_watchdog (idle 47.4s,TO 10s)

Since all this did not help and although there was no update of the operation system, I decided the recompile the whole midas framework on this machine.
It compiled and I installed but the error persisted. In addition now I cannot start anymore the mlogger from the web interface but only manually. However, I can stop it from the web interface.

Do you have an idea what could be the problem? I start to be a bit desperate. Also because I am user of the DAQ system but the person who developed the system in the past, left already some years ago.

I am using a midas version from the 15.03.2010 (midas20100315.tar.gz) as it seems. In principle there is only one frontend device, a CAEN V1740 digitizer, connected to Midas.

  876   12 Apr 2013 Thorsten LuxForumPersistent ipcrm error
[quote="Stefan Ritt"][quote="Thorsten Lux"]In addition now I cannot start
anymore the mlogger from the web interface but only manually. However, I can
stop it from the web interface.[/quote]

At least that one can be fixed easily. Each program has a certain command with
which one can start it. This has to be put into the ODB under
/Programs/<program>. In your case you probably need

/Programs/Logger/Start command = mlogger -D

to start the logger from the Web page. To debug your run stop problems, I would
recommend to start all programs in a terminal window and look which one crashes
on the run end.


Hi Stefan,

under /Programs/Logger/Start command I have
/home/next/MIDAS/midas/linux/bin/mlogger -D . This command does not work if I
press the "Start Logger" button on the mhttpd webpage but when I copy and paste
this command to a terminal window, it does the job. 

Well, thanks to you both for the fast response. I wrote Konstantin an email with
the results of the tests he suggested me to do.

  878   12 Apr 2013 Thorsten LuxForumPersistent ipcrm error
> > Hi Stefan,
> > 
> > under /Programs/Logger/Start command I have
> > /home/next/MIDAS/midas/linux/bin/mlogger -D . This command does not work if I
> > press the "Start Logger" button on the mhttpd webpage but when I copy and paste
> > this command to a terminal window, it does the job. 
> > 
> > Well, thanks to you both for the fast response. I wrote Konstantin an email with
> > the results of the tests he suggested me to do.
> > 
> > Ciao
> Let me guess: mhttpd is started under root (to be able to connect to port 80), and for root the mlogger program 
> is not in the path. Try to put into the odb the full path:
> /Programs/Logger Start command = /usr/local/bin/mlogger -D

Yes, mhttpd is started as sudo, but I have the full path in the start command. And every user has the right to
execute mlogger. But okay, I will concentrate first to get the rest working again and then I will fight this problem.

  879   12 Apr 2013 Thorsten LuxForumPersistent ipcrm error

it seems that I solved the problem in a quite brutal way.
I opened the database with odbedit and saved first the whole database as a ASCII
file and then I did the same for each section separately. Then I closed odbedit.
Afterwards I deleted all .*.SHM files including .ODB.SHM and rebooted the system.
After the restart I opened odbedit and started mhttpd. With this blank system
the problem had disappeared. Afterwards I loaded section by section from the
previous created ASCII files. After each section I tested if I can start and
stop runs and it worked without problems. At the end I also loaded the ASCII
file which contained the whole database. In this case I got the following error
[odb.c:6038:db_paste,ERROR] found string exceeding MAX_STRING_LENGTH

However, after a reboot everything worked fine. I can start and stop runs, with
and without frontend, without any error message. Only the mlogger resisted to
work again. 

But also this problem we solved. It seems it was related to a missing library
path. It is strange since while in the mhttpd web page the command does not work
and is not giving any error message, copying the same command to a terminal and
to start it manually does the job. We solved it by putting the start of mlogger
in a simple shell script and to execute it then from the mhttpd web page.
Probably not an elegant solution but it does the job.

Well, with this I can enjoy my weekend to start over with data taking next week!

Thanks a lot!

  1581   28 Jun 2019 Thorsten LuxBug ReportStatus page reloads every second

We observed a strange behavior, from our point of view:
After some issues with with a 100% full database and recovering from this by 
creating a new odb file from a previous copy, the Midas status page started to 
reload/refresh every second while on the other hand it solved the 100% full 
There are no error messages and the pages looks like normal but it is impossible 
to start a new run due to the permanent reloading.
It is possible to click for example on odb and check the settings. 

Any idea what could be the problem and what the solution? 


  1583   29 Jun 2019 Thorsten LuxBug ReportStatus page reloads every second
I am sorry, yesterday evening I must have been a bit tired after a long day with a lot of 
problems and error messages, so that I did not realize that yes, the frontend was finally 
starting well again but by recovering the odb file from an old one, it was stuck in the 
transition "stopping run" and this caused the continuous reloading of the status page. 

A "obdedit -C stop" solved the problem. 

Sorry for this! 

 > We observed a strange behavior, from our point of view:
> > ... the Midas status page started to reload/refresh every second
> What version of midas is this? Run the odbedit "ver" command please. Also which
> browser on what OS is this? (chrome->about google chrome, firefox->about firefox).
> The current versions of midas do not reload the status page ever, and I think
> all the page-reload code has been removed and they cannot reload automatically.
> Old versions of the midas status page were designed to reload every 60 seconds or so.
> The reload interval is adjustable, but I do not think it was stored in ODB. It was
> accessed from the status page "config" button and I think it stored the reload
> period is a browser cookie.
> This reload value may have gotten confused, and in this case, to fix it,
> you can try to clear all the web cookies from the web page. Another test for this
> would be to try an alternate web browser, which would presumable not have the bad cookie
> and will not suffer from the reload problem.
> You can also open the web page debugger (google chrome -> right click menu -> inspect ->> 
> console & etc) and see if anything shows up there. I think you can set a break point
> on the page reload function and catch the place that causes the reload.
> K.O.
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