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ID Date Author Topic Subject
  139   29 Jul 2003 Konstantin Olchanski Have to link with -lpthread?
It appears that all midas applications are now required to link with the
pthreads library even if they do not use threads. This is caused by a
pthread_create() call from ss_thread_create() in system.c.

Is this the intended behaviour?

  141   26 Jul 2003 Konstantin Olchanski use "odbedit -C" to connect to corrupted ODB
Add switch "-C" to odbedit to allow it to connect to corrupted ODB. Then,
depending on corruption, the user can manually remove or correct the
corrupted entries. Also, some corruption is automatically fixed by "odbedit"
itself. I use this functionality to debug and fix broken ODBs.


For your enjoyment, here is the diff:

diff -r1.64 odbedit.c
> BOOL          corrupted;
<   debug = cmd_mode = FALSE;
>   debug = corrupted = cmd_mode = FALSE;
>     else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'C')
>       corrupted = TRUE;
<         printf("               [-c Command] [-c @CommandFile] [-s size]
[-g (debug)]\n\n");
>         printf("               [-c Command] [-c @CommandFile] [-s size]\n");
>         printf("               [-g (debug)] [-C (connect to corrupted
<   if (status != CM_SUCCESS)
>   else if ((status == DB_INVALID_HANDLE)&&corrupted)
>     {
>     cm_get_error(status, str);
>     puts(str);
>     printf("ODB is corrupted, connecting anyway...\n");
>     }
>   else if (status != CM_SUCCESS)
  142   26 Jul 2003 Konstantin Olchanski more ODB checks in src/odb.c
Add more checks to db_validate_key() for pkey->total_size, item_size and
num_values. Automatically correct total_size to be item_size*num_values (we
saw this corruption and tested this fix).


For your enjoyment, here is the diff:

RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/midas/src/odb.c,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -r1.64 odb.c
>   /* check key sizes */
>   if ((pkey->total_size < 0)||(pkey->total_size > pheader->key_size))
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "db_validate_key", "Warning: invalid key \"%s\"
total_size: %d", path, pkey->total_size);
>     return 0;
>     }
>   if ((pkey->item_size < 0)||(pkey->item_size > pheader->key_size))
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "db_validate_key", "Warning: invalid key \"%s\"
item_size: %d", path, pkey->item_size);
>     return 0;
>     }
>   if ((pkey->num_values < 0)||(pkey->num_values > pheader->key_size))
>     {
>     cm_msg(MERROR, "db_validate_key", "Warning: invalid key \"%s\"
num_values: %d", path, pkey->num_values);
>     return 0;
>     }
>   /* check and correct key size */
>   if (pkey->total_size != pkey->item_size*pkey->num_values)
>     {
>     cm_msg(MINFO,  "db_validate_key", "Warning: corrected key \"%s\" size:
total_size=%d, should be %d*%d=%d", path, pkey->total_size, pkey->item_size,
pkey->num_values, pkey
>     pkey->total_size = pkey->item_size*pkey->num_values;
>     }
  37   02 Jul 2003 Pierre-André Amaudruz Midas/ROOT Analyser situation
The current and future situation of the Midas analyzer is summarized in the
attachment below.

Box explanation:
Front end:
Midas code for accessing/gathering the hardware information into the Midas

Midas SHM:
Midas back end shared memory where the front end data are sent to.

Data logger collecting the midas events and storing them on a physical
logging device (Disk, Tape)

Midas Analyzer:
Midas client for event-by-event analysis. Incoming data can be either online
or offline.

Subprocess interfacing external (remote) midas client to the centralized
data collection and database system.

Standalone physics data analyzer (CERN).

Standalone Physics data analyser (CERN).

This diagram represents the data path from the Frontend to the analyzer in
online and offline mode. Each data path is annoted with a circled number
discussed below. In all cases, the data will flow from the front end
application to the midas back end data buffers which reside in a specific
share memory for a given experiment.

(1): From the shared memory, the midas analyzer can request events directly
and process them for output to divers destination.

(2): The data logger is a specific application which stores all the data to
 a storage media such as a disk or tape. This path is specific to the
creation of file.mid file format. The actual storage file in this .mid
format can be readout later on by the midas analyzer.

(3): The Midas analyzer has been developed originally for interfacing to the
PAW analyzer which uses its own shared memory segment for online display.
The analyzer can also save the data into a specific data format consistent
with PAW (HBOOK and Ntuples, extension .rz).

(4): Presently the data logger support a creation of the ROOT file format.
This file contains in the form of a Tree the midas event-by-event data. This
file is fully compatible with ROOT and therefore can be read out by the
standard ROOT application.

(5): Equivalent to the data logger, the analyzer receiving from the data
buffer or reading from a .mid file data can apply an event-by-event analysis
and on request produce a compliant ROOT file for further analysis. This
.root file can be composed of Trees as well as histograms.

(6): The possibility of ONLINE ROOT analysis has been implemented in a first
stage through the TMapFile (ROOT shared memory). While this configuration is
still in use an experiment, the intention is to deprecate it and replace it
with the data path (7).

(7): This path uses the network socket channel to transfer data out of the
analyzer to the ROOT environment. The current analyzer has a limited support
for ROOT analysis by only publishing on request the Midas analysis built in
histograms. No mean is yet implemented for Tree passing mechanism.

(8): The pass has not been yet investigated, but ROOT does provide
accessibility to external function calls which makes this option possible.
The ROOT framework will then perform dedicated event call to the main midas
data buffer using the standard midas communication scheme. The data format
translation from Midas banks to ROOT format will have to be taken care at
the user level in the ROOT environment.

Presently the Socket communication between Midas and ROOT (7) is under
revision by Stefan Ritt and René Brun. This revision will simplify the
remote access of an object such as an histogram. For the Tree itself, the
requirement would be to implement a "ring buffer" mechanism for remote tree
request. This is currently under discussion.

The path (8) has been suggested by Triumf to address small experiment setup
where only a single analyzer is required. This path minimize the DAQ
requirements by moving all the data analysis handling to the user.
The same ROOT analysis code would be applicable to a ONLINE as well as
OFFLINE analysis.

- Necessity of publishing raw data through the network for every instance of
the remote analyzer.
- Result sharing of the analysis cannot be done yet in real time.

- No need of extra task for data translation (midas/root).
- Unique data unpacking code part of the user code.
- Less CPU requirement.

Other issues:
- The current necessity of the Midas shared memory for the midas analyzer to
run is a concern in particular for offline analysis where a priori no midas
is available. 

- The handling of the run/analyzer parameters. Possible parameter extraction
from file.odb.
Attachment 1: midas-root.jpg
  143   26 Jun 2003 David Morris pthreads for Linux
Added ss_create_thread support for Linux in system.c
Added pthread library in main make file
  144   17 Jun 2003 Stefan Ritt example experiment makefile for NT
I have added ROOT support to midas\examples\experiment\makefile.nt. To 
compile the example experiment under Windows, one needs

1) Installed version of ROOT
2) Having ROOTSYS environment variable defined
3) Invoke "nmake -f makefile.nt" in the midas\examples\experiment directory

Please note that in the current release 3.05 of ROOT, sockets are not yet 
working under Windows, so the histogram server built into the analyzer 
cannot be accessed. It is however possible to output the analyzed data into 
a .root file and visualize it with the root browser like

analyzer -i run00001.mid -o run00001.root
  145   12 Jun 2003 Pierre-André Amaudruz Tape handling
- remove ss_tape_get_blockn from lazylogger.c
- add ss_tape_get_blockn to system.c
- add ss_tape_get_blockn prototype into midas.h
- fix buffer size for "dir" in mtape.c
- add block# for "dir" in mtape if command successful.
- handle TID_STRUCT bank type by display as 8bit in ybos.c (mdump)
  1   06 Jun 2003 Pierre-André Amaudruz Welcome
Dear Midas users,

As you certainly aware, ELOG (Electronic Logbook) has been written
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This web site using Elog is replacing the W-Agora Forum previously setup.

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We would like to encourage you to post your questions or comments at
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