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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  31 Jan 2023, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, "Soft interlock" possible? 
Is it possible to impose requirements on certain output variables in an interlock-like fashion? For example: "As long as the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, a light switched by a relay cannot be turned on."

A workaround would be to set an alarm on that variable and call a script which turns the light back off, but that might not be ideal in certain scenarios. For safety-critical situations, a PLC would be preferred, but I am missing an option between those two.
    Reply  31 Jan 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, "Soft interlock" possible? 
> Is it possible to impose requirements on certain output variables in an interlock-like fashion? For example: "As long as the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, a light switched by a relay cannot be turned on."
> A workaround would be to set an alarm on that variable and call a script which turns the light back off, but that might not be ideal in certain scenarios. For safety-critical situations, a PLC would be preferred, but I am missing an option between those two.

No, interlocks of that kind are not implemented in midas. And that is for a good reason. Interlocks are critical, so one must be sure 100% that they are working. This cannot be done with complex software such as midas. You have to use dedicated hardware for that. 
Most people use a PLC controller which is made for that. Midas is then only used to read and display the status of the interlock controller.

    Reply  08 Feb 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, histories capture 'ruy' 
> The histories capture key events from 'r' 'u' 'y' and 'Escape' for various functions like rescaling etc. However, this also means that if we include an editable modbvalue and a history in the same custom page then changing the modbvalue to something that includes 'ruy' is not possible.
> In mhistory.js we have
> // Keyboard event handler (has to be on the window!)
> window.addEventListener("keydown", this.keyDown.bind(this));
> I am not sure why it "has to be on the window". For now, I am bypassing this issue by changing the event listener to "keyup" but maybe there is a more elegant solution for this. Adding the event listener to the div element that includes the history does not seem to work.

I could reproduce the problem. I see two options there:

1) We replace 'r' with 'Ctrl-r' etc. 

2) We change the history JS code not to process keyboard inputs if we are currently editing a value.

I added 2) to give it a try. It works fine for me. The additional code is

MhistoryGraph.prototype.keyDown = function (e) {
   // don't consume events if we are editing a value
   if ( === "INPUT")

Feedback is welcome.

    Reply  09 Feb 2023, Zaher Salman, Suggestion, histories capture 'ruy' 
I agree with you, option 2 is better and works well. 
The only problem is that if you are showing multiple histograms in the same window the keyDown even will affect all of the histories in the window. 
This may be the intended behaviour, but I think that if we can find a way to have the event affecting only the intended history (focused element for example) it would be better.


> > The histories capture key events from 'r' 'u' 'y' and 'Escape' for various functions like rescaling etc. However, this also means that if we include an editable modbvalue and a history in the same custom page then changing the modbvalue to something that includes 'ruy' is not possible.
> > 
> > In mhistory.js we have
> > 
> > // Keyboard event handler (has to be on the window!)
> > window.addEventListener("keydown", this.keyDown.bind(this));
> > 
> > I am not sure why it "has to be on the window". For now, I am bypassing this issue by changing the event listener to "keyup" but maybe there is a more elegant solution for this. Adding the event listener to the div element that includes the history does not seem to work.
> I could reproduce the problem. I see two options there:
> 1) We replace 'r' with 'Ctrl-r' etc. 
> 2) We change the history JS code not to process keyboard inputs if we are currently editing a value.
> I added 2) to give it a try. It works fine for me. The additional code is
> MhistoryGraph.prototype.keyDown = function (e) {
>    // don't consume events if we are editing a value
>    if ( === "INPUT")
>       return;
>    ...
> }
> Feedback is welcome.
> Stefan
    Reply  09 Feb 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, histories capture 'ruy' 
> I agree with you, option 2 is better and works well. 
> The only problem is that if you are showing multiple histograms in the same window the keyDown even will affect all of the histories in the window. 
> This may be the intended behaviour, but I think that if we can find a way to have the event affecting only the intended history (focused element for example) it would be better.

The history panels are simple pictures from the perspective of the browser and have no concept of a focus. This would have to be tweaked somehow. If you want to reset a single history, 
just click on its reset button (circle arrow at the right top).

    Reply  27 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
Hi all,

> I agree, I think we can safely bump the limit from 100 Mbytes to 1 Gbyte, maybe 1.5 or 
> 1.99 Gbytes. Above that we run into 32-bit/31-bit cleanliness problems.
We just went in and changed: int odb_size_limit = INT_MAX;//100*1000*1000; in odb.cxx. And we could create ODBs with 1GB and 1.5 GB.

Since the DecodeSize function in odbinit has also foreseen yottabytes ;) (const char units[] = {'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'};) we think going to GB for the maximum ODB size would be create.

> there is a bug in odbinit, if initial odbinit fails, ODB with default size is creates, 
> and original rejected ODB size is written to .ODB_SIZE.TXT (an inconsistency).
Can#t we go with the maximum size here if the user inputs a larger size? So just below       printf("Checking ODB size...\n"); one could check for the odb_size_limit. In general one could move the odb_size_limit to midas.h so its not only available in odb.cxx.

    Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> > I agree, I think we can safely bump the limit from 100 Mbytes to 1 Gbyte, maybe 1.5 or 
> > 1.99 Gbytes. Above that we run into 32-bit/31-bit cleanliness problems.
> We just went in and changed: int odb_size_limit = INT_MAX;//100*1000*1000; in odb.cxx.

This is change is wrong. As I wrote, ODB is not 64-bit clean and it is not 32-bit clean. We think is is 31-bit clean, so maximum size would be slightly less than 2 Gbytes.

> And we could create ODBs with 1GB and 1.5 GB.

Congratulations. created != "it works". for proper test, you should fill it with 1.5 GB of stuff, save to json file, reload from json file, save to a different json file and compare that they have same contents (minus timestamps).

We could spend a lot of time making odb 32-bit clean and give you 4GB-max ODB, but would it be useful? For large ODB, "save to .json" already takes a long time ("save to .xml" is slower, "save to .odb" ditto, also buggy). We already have complaints that runs take forever to start because mlogger 
takes a long time to write the ODB save file.

P.S. 64-bit clean ODB will be binary incompatible, all internal pointers are 32-bit right now.

    Reply  27 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> This is change is wrong. As I wrote, ODB is not 64-bit clean and it is not 32-bit clean. We think is is 31-bit clean, so maximum size would be slightly less than 2 Gbytes.

I just wanted to show that changing it and creating bigger ODBs is in general possible.

My main intention was to trigger the discussion again. I also think in general 1GB is enough. But for our applications sometimes 100MB is just on the edge. 

> Congratulations. created != "it works". for proper test, you should fill it with 1.5 GB of stuff, save to json file, reload from json file, save to a different json file and compare that they have same contents (minus timestamps).

You’re right we did not properly test it. I will run this test with a 1GB ODB.

> We could spend a lot of time making odb 32-bit clean and give you 4GB-max ODB, but would it be useful? For large ODB, "save to .json" already takes a long time ("save to .xml" is slower, "save to .odb" ditto, also buggy). We already have complaints that runs take forever to start because mlogger 

> takes a long time to write the ODB save file.

I also agree that going in and making it 32-bit or even 64-bit clean is not worth the effort.

Also concerning the writing speed of the logger etc I am fully with you.

However, having the freedom to choose a bit bigger ODB would be great.

You said the writing into .odb is buggy. Do you mean it’s buggy in general or only in this specific case?

We save the ODB most of the time in the .odb format. 


    Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> You said the writing into .odb is buggy. Do you mean it’s buggy in general or only in this specific case?
> We save the ODB most of the time in the .odb format. 

I recommend JSON. Main advantage is you can read it using JSON decoder available for any language, no need to write custom code.

Other than that, the main issue is encoding of strings. For ODB this is key names and string values.

JSON was the first to standardize escape characters what can encode all valid UTF-8 UNICODE strings,
the system of escape characters is clean, easy to understand and easy to implement.

XML is not as well defined as JSON, i.e. go and try to find the XML BNF grammar. I am not sure if the MIDAS XML encoder
and decoder is fully UTF-8 clean, and if some unlucky combinations of characters break string encoding or decoding. This
is usually tested using a fuzzer (generates all possible, unlucky and unlikely string values). Most suspicious
would be quotes, and square and angle brackets. If some character combinations break encoding or decoding, likely
this cannot be fixed in MIDAS without breaking backwards self-compatibility (will not read old ODB files correctly).

Same applies for the ODB format, except that it is even more ad-hoc. Again, any problems are hard to fix without
breaking backward self-compatibility.

In addition, in the past, the ODB and XML decoders had trouble with very long strings, this has been
fixed some time ago.

    Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
my vote is to bump the ODB size limit to 1999*1000*1000 (not quite 2GB). but this needs to be tested. especially save and restore from ODB, XML and JSON files, including how long it takes to save and load a 1.9GB ODB. K.O.
    Reply  27 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> Congratulations. created != "it works".

Two other tings to consider:

1) The ODB shared memory is dumped into a binary file (".ODB.SHM") after the last client finished and read if the first client starts, to get it persistent. 
So this could slow down starting and stopping, but only the first client, so I guess it's not an issue.

2) Traditionally, the ODB gets dumped to the .mid file at the beginning and end of every run, so that one know the exact configuration of the experiment
for offline analysis. This can be turned off of course, but most experiments use it. If the ODB is dumped in any ASCII format, this can take quite long.
Assume it takes 10 seconds at the beginning of each run, and we take a run every five minutes. Then we loose 48 mins of precious beam time every day.

    Reply  28 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
> my vote is to bump the ODB size limit to 1999*1000*1000 (not quite 2GB). but this needs to be tested. especially save and restore from ODB, XML and JSON files, including how long it takes to save and load a 1.9GB ODB. K.O.

I had some fun with python and created a test script which can be executed in the MIDASSYS/online folder ( I did not really normalize the time so it will be different at different systems but I guess the trend is important (see create_time.pdf).
What is surprising to me is that even that I only write one STRING key to the time increases. Is this maybe related to what Stefan said about the run start - so that odbedit needs some time to load the bigger ODB?
Second thing is that also the creation / storing and load time is increasing. Should this be or is there a bug in the code I use or again is this related to the previous point?

The test of comparing the ODB after store / load / store already fails for the json format. I know I only test if the dicts are the same, so for timestamps this already fails.
But what is strange here is that sometimes the test works sometimes not and its different from run to run.

I will try to improve the test a bit more but for a short update this is how it looks so fare.

    Reply  28 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> Is this maybe related to what Stefan said about the run start - so that odbedit needs some time to load the bigger ODB?

At the run start mlogger writes the ODB to the .mid file. This needs conversion (binary ODB -> XML ASCII) which can take time.
This does NOT depend on the ODB size, but on the ODB *content*. Every key in the ODB takes time to convert. So if your ODB as 1.5 GB
but only a few keys, this is still fast. Only if you have 200 million keys int he ODB, then mlogger takes lots of time to convert
200 million values to XML or JSON strings.

    Reply  28 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> At the run start mlogger writes the ODB to the .mid file. This needs conversion (binary ODB -> XML ASCII) which can take time.
> This does NOT depend on the ODB size, but on the ODB *content*. Every key in the ODB takes time to convert. So if your ODB as 1.5 GB
> but only a few keys, this is still fast. Only if you have 200 million keys int he ODB, then mlogger takes lots of time to convert
> 200 million values to XML or JSON strings.
This was also my assumption. Is this the same for odbedit -c save FILE?
Because this is what I tested with the script and there one can see in the plot that the time increases to write the file if the ODB size increases.
The content of the ODB is always the same - one STRING key in the directory Test.

    Reply  28 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> > Congratulations. created != "it works".
> Two other tings to consider:
> 1) The ODB shared memory is dumped into a binary file (".ODB.SHM") after the last client finished and read if the first client starts, to get it persistent. 
> So this could slow down starting and stopping, but only the first client, so I guess it's not an issue.

typical disk writing speed is 100-1000 Mbytes/sec, so writing 1 GB .ODB.SHM will take 1-10 seconds. NFS over 1gige network is 100 Mbytes/sec, so 10 seconds to 
write .ODB.SHM. embedded ARM write speed to SD flash can be as low as 10 Mbytes/sec, so up to 100 seconds.

> 2) Traditionally, the ODB gets dumped to the .mid file at the beginning and end of every run, so that one know the exact configuration of the experiment
> for offline analysis. This can be turned off of course, but most experiments use it. If the ODB is dumped in any ASCII format, this can take quite long.
> Assume it takes 10 seconds at the beginning of each run, and we take a run every five minutes. Then we loose 48 mins of precious beam time every day.

new default is to save as JSON, (as of my last measurement) JSON encoder is faster than the XML (and ODB?) encoder, by default result is compressed by GZIP-1 (66 
Mbytes/sec is my old benchmark, should remeasure on new DDR5 machines), compressed JSON is written .mid.gz file at disk speed (as above). Alternatively, use LZ4 
compression, runs roughly at memcpy() speed, less compression, written to .mid.lz4 at disk speed.

if data storage is ZFS, ZFS built-in LZ4 compression is now enabled by default, so result writing uncompressed .mid file (no compression of ODB dump), should be 
roughly same as when using MIDAS LZ4 compression and writing .mid.lz4.

bottom line, I need to remeasure gzip and lz4 compression speeds on new computers (DDR4 AMD 5000 series and DDR5 AMD 7000 series).

    Reply  28 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
> > Is this maybe related to what Stefan said about the run start - so that odbedit needs some time to load the bigger ODB?
> At the run start mlogger writes the ODB to the .mid file. This needs conversion (binary ODB -> XML ASCII) which can take time.
> This does NOT depend on the ODB size, but on the ODB *content*.

Yes and no. They must be storing more than 100 Mbytes of stuff in ODB, if they are asking to bump ODB size from 100 Mbyte to 2 GByte ODB.

On the MIDAS, side, though, we have to plan for the worst case, if max ODB size 1.9 GB and it is full of data,
and mlogger (and odbedit save and load) take 10-30 seconds, then at least all timeouts (watchdog timeout, RPC timeout, etc)
must be increased accordingly.

Entry  10 May 2023, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, Desktop notifications for messages 
It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.

To get enable this myself, I hijacked the speech synthesis and I added the following to mhttpd_speak_now(text) inside mhttpd.js:
let notification = new Notification('MIDAS Message', {
    body: text,

I couldn't ask for the permission for notifications here, as Firefox threw the error "The Notification permission may only be requested from inside a short running user-generated event handler". Therefore, I added a button to config.html:
<button class="mbutton" onclick="Notification.requestPermission()">Request notification permission</button>

There might be a more elegant solution to request the permission.
Entry  10 May 2023, Lukas Gerritzen, Suggestion, Make sequencer more compatible with mobile devices 
When trying to select a run script on an iPad or other mobile device, you cannot enter subdirectories. This is caused by the following part:
if (script.substring(0, 1) === "[") {
   // refuse to load script if the selected a subdirectory

and the fact that the <option> elements are listening for double click events, which seem to be impossible on a mobile device.

The following modification allows browsing the directories without changing the double click behaviour on a desktop:
diff --git a/resources/load_script.html b/resources/load_script.html
index 41bfdccd..36caa57f 100644
--- a/resources/load_script.html
+++ b/resources/load_script.html
@@ -59,6 +59,28 @@

+   document.getElementById("msg_sel").onchange = function() {
+      script = this.value;
+      button = document.getElementById("load_button");
+      if (script.substring(0, 4) === "[..]") {
+         // Change button to go back
+         enable_button_by_id("load_button");
+         button.innerHTML = "Back";
+         button.onclick = up_subdir;
+      } else if (script.substring(0, 1) === "[") {
+         // Change button to load subdirectory
+         enable_button_by_id("load_button");
+         button.innerHTML = "Enter subdirectory";
+         button.onclick = load_subdir;
+      } else {
+         // Change button to load script
+         enable_button_by_id("load_button");
+         button = document.getElementById("load_button");
+         button.innerHTML = "Load script";
+         button.onclick = load_script;
+      }
+   }
 function set_if_changed(id, value)
    var e = document.getElementById(id);

This makes the code quoted above redundant, so the check can actually be omitted.
    Reply  10 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Make sequencer more compatible with mobile devices 

Lukas Gerritzen wrote:
When trying to select a run script on an iPad or other mobile device, you cannot enter subdirectories. This is caused by the following part:

We are working right now on a general file picker, which will replace also the file picker for the sequencer. So please wait until the new thing is out and then test it there.

    Reply  10 May 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Desktop notifications for messages 

Lukas Gerritzen wrote:
It would be nice to have MIDAS notifications pop up outside of the browser window.

There are certainly dozens of people who do "I don't like pop-up windows all the time". So this has to come with a switch in the config page to turn it off. If there is a switch "allow pop-up windows", then we have the other fraction of people using Edge/Chrome/Safari/Opera saying "it's not working on my specific browser on version x.y.z". So I'm only willing to add that feature if we are sure it's a standard things working in most environments.

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