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ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown Text Attachments
  2350   03 Mar 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiInfozlib required, lz4 internalas of commit 8eb18e4ae9c57a8a802219b90d4dc218eb8fdefb,
the gzip compression
library is required, not optional.
  2731   01 Apr 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoxz-utils bomb out, compression benchmarksyou may have heard the news of a major problem
with the xz-utils project, authors of the
popular "xz" file compression, 
  338   05 Feb 2007 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwrong version in include/midas.h?The present .../include/midas.h contains
[alpha@laddvme06 ~/online]$ grep 1.9.5 /home/alpha/packages/midas/include/*
  339   06 Feb 2007 Stefan RittBug Reportwrong version in include/midas.h?> The present .../include/midas.h contains
> [alpha@laddvme06 ~/online]$ grep 1.9.5
  1923   30 May 2020 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportwrong run number
I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag
  1925   30 May 2020 Thomas LindnerBug Reportwrong run numberHi,

I fixed this particular case, so that I now
  1926   30 May 2020 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportwrong run number
  1927   03 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwrong run number> I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag
(midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):
  1928   03 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwrong run number
> But Konstantin will need to explain how
this class is supposed to be used more generally.
  1929   03 Jun 2020 Gennaro TortoneBug Reportwrong run number> > I build MIDAS and ROOTANA using same tag
(midas-2020-03-a, rootana-2020-03-a):
> >
  1937   04 Jun 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwrong run number> > You made a mistake somewhere.

> you are right !
  2614   03 Oct 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixwrong array size after loading xml or json fileboth the xml and the json decoders have a
bug (fix pending). loading saved odb 
from xml and json file did not truncate arrays
  1268   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwhere to report bugs, stop form odbedit broken>
> What is the preferred channel to report
potential bugs (elog / bitbucket issues)?
  1039   13 Nov 2014 Tim GorringeForumusing single frontend with multiple "EQ_POLLED" equipments to generate different data streams

We have a MIDAS frontend that provides both
  1040   13 Nov 2014 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForumusing single frontend with multiple "EQ_POLLED" equipments to generate different data streams Hi Tim,

Multiple Polling equipment are possible,
  2000   29 Sep 2020 Amy RobertsForumusing python client to start and stop runI'm using a python client to start and stop
runs, and the following code *appears* 
to set the MIDAS state to "Run"
  2001   29 Sep 2020 Ben SmithForumusing python client to start and stop runThe ODB variable "/Runinfo/State" is a symptom
of starting/stopping a run, rather than the
  2002   06 Oct 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumusing python client to start and stop run> The ODB variable "/Runinfo/State" is a symptom
of starting/stopping a run, rather than the
  738   29 Dec 2010 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportuse of nested locks in MIDASA "nested" or "recursive" lock is a special
type of lock that permits a lock holder to
lock the same resources again and again,
  176   25 Nov 2004 chris pearsonForumuse of assert in mhttpd   We've had mhttpd aborting regularly since
upgrading from midas-1.9.3.  This
happens during elog queries, and is due to
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