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ID Date Author Topic Subject
  2428   16 Aug 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> > > Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code.
> The URL (reachable only within PSI) is

so malfunction is not in the midas history page, but in a custom page. I could help you debug it,
but you would have to provide the complete source code (javascript and html).

> Firefox is version 91.12.0esr (64-bit), but I had similar issues with chrome/chromium too.

my firefox is 103.something. when you say google-chrome has "similar issues",
I read it as "google-chrome does not show this same bug, but shows some other
bug somewhere else". (if I misread you, you have to write better).

but this gives you a front to attack your bugs. basically all browsers should render your
custom page exactly the same (unless you use some obscure or experimental feature, which I
recommend against).

so you tweak your page to identify the source of different rendering results, and try to eliminate it,
hopefully by the time you get your page render exactly the same everywhere, all the real bugs
have gotten shaken out, too. (this is similar to debugging a c++ program by compiling
it on linux, mac, windows, vax, raspbery pi, etc and checking that you get the same result everywhere).

> The hangs seem to happen randomly so I have not been able to reproduce it yet.

I find that javascript debuggers are not setup to debug hangs. I think debugger runs partially
inside the same javascript engine you are debugging, so both hang and debugging is impossible.

(latest google-chrome has another improvement, all pages from the same computer run in the same
javascript engine, so if one midas page stops (on exception or because I debug it), all midas pages
stop and I have to run two different browsers if I want to debug (i.e.) a history page crash
and look at odb at the same time. fun).

  2427   16 Aug 2022 Zaher SalmanBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
I found the bug. The problem is triggered by changing the firefox window. This calls a function that is supposed to change the size of the history plot and it works well when the history plots are visible but not if the history plots are hidden in a javascript tab (not another firefox tab).

Is there a clean way to resize the history plot if the parent div changes size?? The offending code is
mhist[i].mhg = new MhistoryGraph(mhist[i]);
mhist[i].resize = function () {
  2426   16 Aug 2022 Zaher SalmanBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> > Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following message in the console
> > 
> > 17:21:28.821 Script terminated by timeout at:
> > MhistoryGraph.prototype.drawTAxis@
> > MhistoryGraph.prototype.draw@
> > mhistory.js:2828:7
> > 
> > Any ideas how to resolve this??
> I have to reproduce the problem. Can you send me the full URL from your browser when you see that problem? Probably you have some "special" axis limits, so we don't see that 
> problem anywhere else.
> Stefan

Hi Stefan and Konstantin,

The URL (reachable only within PSI) is
Firefox is version 91.12.0esr (64-bit), but I had similar issues with chrome/chromium too.
The hangs seem to happen randomly so I have not been able to reproduce it yet. 
I have histories here (30 minutes each), but I have also histories popping up in modals though they do not cause any issues. 
I'll try to reproduce it in the coming few days and report again.

  2425   15 Aug 2022 Stefan RittBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following message in the console
> 17:21:28.821 Script terminated by timeout at:
> MhistoryGraph.prototype.drawTAxis@
> MhistoryGraph.prototype.draw@
> mhistory.js:2828:7
> Any ideas how to resolve this??

I have to reproduce the problem. Can you send me the full URL from your browser when you see that problem? Probably you have some "special" axis limits, so we don't see that 
problem anywhere else.

  2424   15 Aug 2022 Zaher SalmanBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following message in the console

17:21:28.821 Script terminated by timeout at:

Any ideas how to resolve this??
  2423   08 Aug 2022 Stefan RittInfoInformation for midas updates though git
> after I set "submodule.recurse true", I still have to type "git submodule update --
> init --recursive", without --recursive, mscb/mxml is empty and the build bombs.

Indeed, doesn't work for me either. If some git guru has some more insight, please post 

> P.S. the underlying issue is that the mxml submodule is now included twice 
> (midas/mxml and midas/mscb/mxml) and there is nothing to enforce that both copies are 
> the same. (No idea what happens if the two mxml's are different).

The version of each mxml is defined by last commit of the parent repository, which contains 
the hash of the submodule version. If we have to update mxml for some reason, we have to 
commit also mscb with the new version, and then midas with the same version of mxml. If one 
checks out midas then with 

git clone --recursive

one gets the same versions for mxml.
  2422   08 Aug 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoodb disallow key names that start or end with spaces
while testing the new odb editor, we ran into a number of problems with key names 
that start or end with spaces. we cannot think of any valid use case for such key 
names (subdirectories and variables) and we think they could only have been 
created by mistake. ODB now disallows such names. K.O.
  2421   08 Aug 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoInformation for midas updates though git
> git pull --recurse-submodules
> git submodule update --init --recursive
> git config submodule.recurse true

does not work for me, macos 12.4 git 2.32.1.

after I set "submodule.recurse true", I still have to type "git submodule update --
init --recursive", without --recursive, mscb/mxml is empty and the build bombs.

P.S. the underlying issue is that the mxml submodule is now included twice 
(midas/mxml and midas/mscb/mxml) and there is nothing to enforce that both copies are 
the same. (No idea what happens if the two mxml's are different).
  2420   08 Aug 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomidas on ubuntu LTS 22.04
reporting that as of commit 78f707c0686d22f8329c7a1f1c46d7dccf35ceff, midas builds 
without errors or warnings on Ubuntu LTS 22.04, 20.04, CentOS-7 and MacOS 12.4. 
(except for some warnings from mscb and msc). K.O.
  2419   08 Aug 2022 Stefan RittInfoImprovement of odbxx API
After some thought, I changed the API again and removed the flag in the constructor,
so the system now automatically choses the best algorithm depending if the client
is connected to a local or a remote API. So in all cases you use again the old syntax:

midas::odb o("/Equipment");

  2418   06 Aug 2022 Stefan RittInfoImprovement of odbxx API
While the odbxx API has been successfully used since the last months, a potential 
problem with large ODBs surfaced. If you have lots of data in the ODB and load it 
into an object like

midas::odb o("/Equipment");

this might take quite long, since each ODB value is fetched separately, which is 
very quick on a local machine but can take long over a client-server connection. 
For large experiments this can take up to minutes (!).

To get rid of this problem, the underlying object model has been modified. When an 
object is instantiated like above, then the whole ODB tree is fetched in an XML 
buffer in a single transfer, which even for large ODBs usually takes much less 
than a second. Then the XML buffer is decomposed on the client side and converted 
into the proper midas::odb objects. In one case this gave an improvement from 35 
seconds to 0.5 seconds which is significant. To enable the new method, the object 
can be created with a flag like

midas::odb o("/Equipment", true);

which then switches to the new method. One has to take care not to fool oneself 
(like I did) by printing the object like

midas::odb o("/Equipment", true);
std::cout << o << std::endl;

because each read access to any sub-object of o causes a separate read request to 
the server which again can take long. Therefore, one has to switch off the auto 
refresh via

midas::odb o("/Equipment", true);
std::cout << o << std::endl;

Accessing any sub-object of o then does not cause a client-server request, which 
is not necessary if all objects just have been pulled from the server before. If 
one keeps the object however for a long time in memory, one has to be aware that 
it only contains "old" values from the time if instantiation. If one needs more 
current ODB values, the auto read refresh has to be turned on again.

  2417   05 Aug 2022 Stefan RittInfoInformation for midas updates though git
Several submodules of midas have been re-organized, so if you want to pull the 
newest version, you need a 

git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive

before you can build again. To do this automatically the next time, you can do

git config submodule.recurse true

which needs git 2.14 or later. I hope this works for everybody. If there is a 
better way to do that (I'm not a big expert on git) please reply here.

  2416   18 Jul 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2022-05
There is a release branch for midas-2022-05 and corresponding git tag midas-2022-
05-b. This branch is known to be stable and is working well for the ALPHA 
experiment at CERN. Latest update to this branch fixes two problems in the 
mserver (rpc timeout and a use-after-free internal error).
  2415   18 Jul 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportRPC timeout for manalyzer over network
> In ALPHA, I get RPC timeouts running a (reasonably heavy) analyzer on a remote machine (connected directly via a ~30 meter 10Gbe Ethernet cable) after ~5 minutes of running. If I run the analyser locally, I dont not see a timeout...

there is a subtle bug in the mserver. under rare conditions, ss_suspend() will recurse in an unexpected way
and mserver will go to sleep waiting for data from a udp socket (that will never arrive, so sleep forever).
remote client will see it as an rpc timeout. in my tests (and in ALPHA-g at CERN, as reported by Joseph),
I see this rare condition to happen about every 5 minutes. in normal use, this is the first time we become
aware of this problem, the best I can tell this bug was in the mserver since day one.

to develop and
to release/midas-2022-05

The stack trace that shows the mserver hang/crash (sleep() is the stand-in for the sleep-forever socket read).

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f922c53f9e0 in __nanosleep_nocancel () from /lib64/
#1  0x00007f922c53f894 in sleep () from /lib64/
#2  0x0000000000451922 in ss_suspend (millisec=millisec@entry=100, msg=msg@entry=1) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/system.cxx:4433
#3  0x0000000000411d53 in bm_wait_for_more_events_locked (pbuf_guard=..., pc=pc@entry=0x7f920639b93c, timeout_msec=timeout_msec@entry=100, 
    unlock_read_cache=unlock_read_cache@entry=1) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:9429
#4  0x00000000004238c3 in bm_fill_read_cache_locked (timeout_msec=100, pbuf_guard=...) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:9003
#5  bm_read_buffer (pbuf=pbuf@entry=0xdf8b50, buffer_handle=buffer_handle@entry=2, bufptr=bufptr@entry=0x0, buf=buf@entry=0x7f9203d75020, 
    buf_size=buf_size@entry=0x7f920639aa20, vecptr=vecptr@entry=0x0, timeout_msec=timeout_msec@entry=100, convert_flags=0, 
    dispatch=dispatch@entry=0) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:10279
#6  0x0000000000424161 in bm_receive_event (buffer_handle=2, destination=0x7f9203d75020, buf_size=0x7f920639aa20, timeout_msec=100)
    at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:10649
#7  0x0000000000406ae4 in rpc_server_dispatch (index=11111, prpc_param=0x7ffcad70b7a0) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/progs/mserver.cxx:575
#8  0x000000000041ce9c in rpc_execute (sock=10, buffer=buffer@entry=0xe11570 "g+", convert_flags=0)
    at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:15003
#9  0x000000000041d7a5 in rpc_server_receive_rpc (idx=idx@entry=0, sa=0xde6ba0) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:15958
#10 0x0000000000451455 in ss_suspend (millisec=millisec@entry=1000, msg=msg@entry=0) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/system.cxx:4575
#11 0x000000000041deb2 in rpc_server_loop () at /home/agmini/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:15907
#12 0x0000000000405266 in main (argc=9, argv=<optimized out>) at /home/agmini/packages/midas/progs/mserver.cxx:390

  2414   25 Jun 2022 Joseph McKennaBug ReportRPC timeout for manalyzer over network

In ALPHA, I get RPC timeouts running a (reasonably heavy) analyzer on a remote machine (connected directly via a ~30 meter 10Gbe Ethernet cable) after ~5 minutes of running. If I run the analyser locally, I dont not see a timeout...

gdb trace:

#0  __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50
#1  0x00007ffff5d35859 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
#2  0x00005555555a2a22 in rpc_call (routine_id=11111) at /home/alpha/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:13866
#3  0x000055555562699d in bm_receive_event_rpc (buffer_handle=buffer_handle@entry=2, buf=buf@entry=0x0, buf_size=buf_size@entry=0x0, ppevent=ppevent@entry=0x0, pvec=pvec@entry=0x7fffffffd700,
    timeout_msec=timeout_msec@entry=100) at /home/alpha/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:10510
#4  0x0000555555631082 in bm_receive_event_vec (buffer_handle=2, pvec=pvec@entry=0x7fffffffd700, timeout_msec=timeout_msec@entry=100) at /home/alpha/packages/midas/src/midas.cxx:10794
#5  0x0000555555673dbb in TMEventBuffer::ReceiveEvent (this=this@entry=0x555557388b30, e=e@entry=0x7fffffffd700, timeout_msec=timeout_msec@entry=100) at /home/alpha/packages/midas/src/tmfe.cxx:312
#6  0x0000555555607b56 in ReceiveEvent (b=0x555557388b30, e=0x7fffffffd6c0, timeout_msec=100) at /home/alpha/packages/midas/manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx:1411
#7  0x000055555560d8dc in ProcessMidasOnlineTmfe (args=..., progname=<optimized out>, hostname=<optimized out>, exptname=<optimized out>, bufname=<optimized out>, event_id=<optimized out>,
    trigger_mask=<optimized out>, sampling_type_string=<optimized out>, num_analyze=0, writer=<optimized out>, multithread=<optimized out>, profiler=<optimized out>,
    queue_interval_check=<optimized out>) at /home/alpha/packages/midas/manalyzer/manalyzer.cxx:1534
#8  0x000055555560f93b in manalyzer_main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/basic_string.h:2304
#9  0x00007ffff5d37083 in __libc_start_main (main=0x5555555b1130 <main(int, char**)>, argc=8, argv=0x7fffffffdda8, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>,
    stack_end=0x7fffffffdd98) at ../csu/libc-start.c:308
#10 0x00005555555b184e in _start () at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_vector.h:94

Any suggestions? Many thanks
  2413   20 Jun 2022 Stefan RittForumAlarm on variable not updating
There are two functions to do that, one check the last write access, the other the last write access if the run is running. The alarm condition looks like:

access(/Equipment/.../Variables/Input[10]) > 60

which will cause an alarm if the Input[10] is not written for more than 60 seconds. The other function which checks the run status as well is like:

access_running(...odb key...) > 60

You can actually see an example on the MEG alarm page.

Rather than having an alarm for that I would however recommend that you program you frontend such that it realizes if it looses connections, then tries automatically to reconnect or trigger an alarm itself (so-called "internal" alarm). This is also how the MSCB system is working and is much more robust.

  2412   20 Jun 2022 jianrunBug ReportError in "midas/src/mana.cxx"
Dear Midas developers,

When we are running the examples in $MIDASSYS/examples/experiment/, we meet some 
problems when analyzing the results:
1. When we analyze the data using the analyzer: ./analyzer -i run00001.mid -o 
run00001.rz  , we find some bugs: 
Root server listening on port 9090...
Running analyzer offline. Stop with "!"
[Analyzer,ERROR] [mana.cxx:1832:bor,ERROR] HBOOK support is not compiled in
[Analyzer,INFO] Set run number 6 in ODB
Load ODB from run 6...OK
run00006.mid:2680  events, 0.00s
We think this occurs in the "midas/src/mana.cxx ". How can we solve this?

2. When we analyze the above data, an error also occurs: 
[Analyzer,ERROR] [odb.cxx:847:db_validate_name,ERROR] Invalid name 
"/Analyzer/Tests/Always true/Rate [Hz]" passed to db_create_key_wlocked: should 
not contain "["

We simply fixed that just by replacing the "Rate [Hz]" with "Rate" in the 
test_write in midas/src/mana.cxx 
We are curious whether you can fix the problem permanently in the next version, 
or we are not running the code properly. Thanks!
  2411   19 Jun 2022 Francesco RengaForumAlarm on variable not updating
Dear all,
I've an ODB equipment that sometimes loses the connection with the hardware, so that the variables are not updated anymore. The connection can be restored by restarting the frontend. It would be useful to have an alarm based on the time from the last update of some variable (i.e. the alarm is triggered if the variable is not updated for more than X seconds). Is there a method to implement such an alarm in MIDAS?

Thank you very much,
  2410   17 May 2022 Ben SmithInfoMIDAS switched to C++
>  - have you posted somewhere this guide about converting C frontends to C++?

There's documentation in the wiki at:

It includes a step-by-step guide of how to upgrade, what changes need to be made to frontends, and common issues that people had.
  2409   17 May 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switched to C++
> Hi, I have three naive questions about this:

all good questions, ask more of them.

>  - have you posted somewhere this guide about converting C frontends to C++?

yes, in this elog here I posted a guide for converting C mfe.c frontends to C++ and
a guide for converting mfe.c frontend to C++ TMFE frontend. please use the "find" function,
if you cannot find them, let me know, I will look for it for you.

>  - it was mentioned previously that there will be a 'tag the last "C" midas', which version is it?

correct. please run "git tag", tags before "midas-2019-05-cxx"is "C", after is "C++".

>  - it means that even a simple example like odb_test.c cannot be compile anymore? Even when using g++?
> g++ -I $HOME/daq/packages/midas/include/ -L $HOME/daq/packages/midas/lib/ odb_test.c -l midas
> is expected to fail or is just me glitching? Is it because of thread library differences?

yes, it is expected to fail, you have spaces after "-I", "-L" and "-l", incorrect g++ command syntax. after
correcting this, it may or may not work depending on what you have inside odb_test.c. I would be happy
to help you debug this, but please start a separate thread instead of necroposting into the C++ announcements.

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