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ID Date Author Topic Subject
  2310   26 Jan 2022 Frederik WautersForum.gz files
I adapted our analyzer to compile against the manalyzer included in the midas repo.

All our data files are .mid.gz, which now fail to process :(

frederik@frederik-ThinkPad-T550:~/new_daq/build/analyzer$ ./analyzer -e100 -s100 ../../run_backup_11783.mid.gz 
Registered modules: 1
file[0]: ../../run_backup_11783.mid.gz
Setting up the analysis!
TMReadEvent: error: short read 0 instead of -1193512213

Which is in the TMEvent* TMReadEvent(TMReaderInterface* reader) class in the midasio.cxx file

Reading the unzipped files works. But we have always processed our .gz files directly, for the unzipping we would need ~2x disk space.

Am I doing something wrong? I see that there is some activity on lz4 in the midasio repo, is gunzip next?
  2309   16 Dec 2021 Zaher SalmanForumDevice driver for modbus
Dear all, does anyone have an example of for a device driver using modbus or modbus tcp to communicate with a device and willing to share it? Thanks.
  2308   12 Dec 2021 Marius KoeppelBug ReportWritting MIDAS Events via FPGAs
Dear all,

in 13 Feb 2020 to 21 Feb 2020 we had a talk about how I try to create MIDAS events directly on a FPGA and 
than use DMA to hand the event over to MIDAS. In the thread I also explained how I do it in my MIDAS frontend. 

For testing the DAQ I created a dummy frontend which was emulating my FPGA (see attached file). The interesting code is 
in the function read_stream_thread and there I just fill a array according to the 32b BANKS which are 64b aligned (more or less
the lines 306-369). And than I do:

    uint32_t * dma_buf_volatile;
    dma_buf_volatile = dma_buf_dummy;

    copy_n(&dma_buf_volatile[0], sizeof(dma_buf_dummy)/4, pdata);

    rb_increment_wp(rbh, sizeof(dma_buf_dummy)); // in byte length

to send the data to the buffer.

This summer (Mai - July) everything was working fine but today I did not get the data into MIDAS. 
I was hopping around a bit with the commits and everything was at least working until: 3921016ce6d3444e6c647cbc7840e73816564c78.

  2307   02 Dec 2021 Alexey KalininBug Reportsome frontend kicked by cm_periodic_tasks
We have a small experiment with MIDAS based DAQ.
Status page shows :
ES	ESFrontend@	207	0.2	0.000
Trigger06	Sample Frontend06@	1.297M	0.3	0.000
Trigger01	Sample Frontend01@	1.297M	0.3	0.000
Trigger16	Sample Frontend16@	1.297M	0.3	0.000
Trigger38	Sample Frontend38@	1.297M	0.3	0.000
Trigger37	Sample Frontend37@	1.297M	0.3	0.000
Trigger03	Sample Frontend03@	1.297M	0.3	0.000
Trigger07	Sample Frontend07@	1.297M	0.3	0.000
Trigger04	Sample Frontend04@	59898	0.0	0.000
Trigger08	Sample Frontend08@	59898	0.0	0.000
Trigger17	Sample Frontend17@	59898	0.0	0.000

And SYSTEM buffers page shows:
ESFrontend	1968	198	47520	0	0x00000000	0		
193 ms
Sample Frontend06	1332547	1330826	379729872	0	0x00000000	
0		1.1 sec
Sample Frontend16	1332542	1330839	361988208	0	0x00000000	
0		94 ms
Sample Frontend37	1332530	1330841	337798408	0	0x00000000	
0		1.1 sec
Sample Frontend01	1332543	1330829	467136688	0	0x00000000	
0		34 ms
Sample Frontend38	1332528	1330830	291453608	0	0x00000000	
0		1.1 sec
Sample Frontend04	63254	61467	20882584	0	0x00000000	
0		208 ms
Sample Frontend08	63262	61476	27904056	0	0x00000000	
0		205 ms
Sample Frontend17	63271	61473	20433840	0	0x00000000	
0		213 ms
Sample Frontend03	1332549	1330818	386821728	0	0x00000000	
0		82 ms
Sample Frontend07	1332554	1330821	462210896	0	0x00000000	
0		37 ms
Logger	968742	0w+9500418r	0w+2718405736r	0	0x00000000	0	
GET_ALL Used 0 bytes 0.0%	303 ms
rootana	254561	0w+29856958r	0w+8718288352r	0	0x00000000	0		
762 ms

The problem is that eventually some of frontend closed with message 
:19:22:31.834 2021/12/02 [rootana,INFO] Client 'Sample Frontend38' on buffer 
'SYSMSG' removed by cm_periodic_tasks because process pid 9789 does not exist

in the meantime mserver loggging :
mserver started interactively
mserver will listen on TCP port 1175
double free or corruption (!prev)
double free or corruption (!prev)
free(): invalid next size (normal)
double free or corruption (!prev)

I can find some correlation between number of events/event size produced by 
frontend, cause its failed when its become big enough. 

frontend scheme is like this:

poll event time set to 0;

//if buffer not transferred return (continue cutting the main buffer)
//read main buffer from hardware
//buffer not transfered

read event{
// cut the main buffer to subevents (cut one event from main buffer) return;
//if (last subevent) {buffer transfered ;return}

What is strange to me that 2 frontends (1 per remote pc) causing this.

Also, I'm executing one FEcode with -i # flag , put setting eventid in 
frontend_init , and using SYSTEM buffer for all.

Is there something I'm missing?
  2306   02 Dec 2021 Stefan RittForumSequencer error with ODB Inc
Thanks for reporting that bug. Indeed there was a problem in the sequencer code which I fixed now. Please try the updated develop branch.

  2305   02 Dec 2021 Stefan RittBug ReportOff-by-one in sequencer documentation
> The documentation for the sequencer loop says:
> <quote>
> LOOP [name ,] n ... ENDLOOP	To execute a loop n times. For infinite loops, "infinite" 
> can be specified as n. Optionally, the loop variable running from 0...(n-1) can be accessed 
> inside the loop via $name.
> </quote>
> In fact the loop variable runs from 1...n, as can be seen by running this exciting 
> sequencer code:
> 1 COMMENT "Figuring out MSL"
> 2 
> 3 LOOP n,4
> 4   MESSAGE $n,1

Indeed you're right. The loop variable runs from 1...n. I fixed that in the documentation.

  2304   01 Dec 2021 Lars MartinBug ReportOff-by-one in sequencer documentation
The documentation for the sequencer loop says:

LOOP [name ,] n ... ENDLOOP	To execute a loop n times. For infinite loops, "infinite" 
can be specified as n. Optionally, the loop variable running from 0...(n-1) can be accessed 
inside the loop via $name.

In fact the loop variable runs from 1...n, as can be seen by running this exciting 
sequencer code:

1 COMMENT "Figuring out MSL"
3 LOOP n,4
4   MESSAGE $n,1
  2303   19 Nov 2021 Jacob ThorneForumSequencer error with ODB Inc

I am having problems with the midas sequencer, here is my code:

1  COMMENT "Example to move a Standa stage"
2  RUNDESCRIPTION "Example movement sequence - each run is one position of a single stage
4  PARAM numRuns
5  PARAM sequenceNumber
6  PARAM RunNum
8  PARAM positionT2
9  PARAM deltapositionT2
11 ODBSet "/Runinfo/Run number", $RunNum
12 ODBSet "/Runinfo/Sequence number", $sequenceNumber
14 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Type of Measurement", 2
15 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Number of Time Bins", 10
16 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Number of Sweeps", 1
17 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Dwell Time", 100000
19 ODBSet "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Device Driver/Set Position", $positionT2
21 LOOP $numRuns
22  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Ready", ==, 1
24  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Statistics/Events sent", >=, 1
25  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Runinfo/State", ==, 1
26  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Runinfo/Transition in progress", ==, 0
28  ODBInc "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Device Driver/Set Position", $deltapositionT2
32 ODBSet "/Runinfo/Sequence number", 0

The issue comes with line 28, the ODBInc does not work, regardless of what number I put I get the following error:

[Sequencer,ERROR] [odb.cxx:7046:db_set_data_index1,ERROR] "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Device Driver/Set Position" invalid element data size 32, expected 4

I don't see why this should happen, the format is correct and the number that I input is an int.

Sorry if this is a basic question.

  2302   11 Nov 2021 Thomas LindnerForumMityCAMAC Login
Hi Hunter 

This sounds like a Triumf specific problem; 
not a MIDAS problem.  Please email me directly 
and we can try to solve this problem.

Thomas Lindner

 Hello all,
> I've recently acquired a MityCAMAC system 
that was built at TRIUMF and I'm 
> having issues accessing it over ethernet.
> The system: Ubuntu VM inside Windows 10 
> I've tried reconfiguring the network 
settings for the VM but nmap and arp/ip 
> commands have yielded me no results in 
finding the crate controller. 
> I was getting help from Pierre Amaudruz but 
I think he is now busy for some 
> time. I have the mac address of the crate 
controller and its name. The 
> controller seems to initialize fine inside 
of the CAMAC crate. The windows side 
> of the workstation also tells me that an 
unknown network is in fact connected.
> I suspect I either need to do something with 
an ssh key (which I thought we 
> accomplished but maybe not), or perhaps the 
domain name in the controller needs 
> to be changed. 
> If anybody has experience working with 
MityARM I would appreciate any advice I 
> could get.
> Best,
> Hunter Lowe
> UNBC Graduate Physics
  2301   10 Nov 2021 Stefan RittForumIssue in data writing speed
Midas uses various buffers (in the frontend, at the server side before the SYSTEM buffer, the SYSTEM buffer itself, on the 
logger before writing to disk. All these buffers are in RAM and have fast access, so you can fill them pretty quickly. When
they are full, the logger writes to disk, which is slower. So I believe at 2 Hz your disk can keep up with your writing 
speed, but at 4 Hz (2x8MBx4=32 MB/sec) your disk starts slowing down the writing process. Now 32MB/s is pretty slow for
a disk, so I presume you have turned compression on which takes quite some time.

To verify this, disable logging. The disable compression and keep logging. Then report back here again.

> Dear all,
>        I've a frontend writing a quite big bunch of data into a MIDAS bank (16bit output from a 4MP photo camera). 
> I'm experiencing a writing speed problem that I don't understand. When the photo camera is triggered at a low rate (< 2 Hz) 
> writing into the bank takes a very short time for each event (indeed, what I measure is the time to write and go back 
> into the polling function). If I increase the rate to 4 Hz, I see that writing the first two events takes a sort time, 
> but the third event takes a very long time (hundreds of ms), then again the fourth and fifth events are very fast, and 
> the sixth is very slow. If I further increase the rate, every other event is very slow. The problem is not in the readout 
> of the camera, because if I just remove the bank writing and keep the camera readout, the problem disappears. Can you 
> explain this behavior? Is there any way to improve it?
> Below you can also find the code I use to copy the data from the camera buffer into the bank. If you have any suggestion 
> to improve it, it would be really appreciated.
> Thank you very much,
>           Francesco
>   const char* pSrc = (const char*)bufframe.buf;
>   for(int y = 0; y < bufframe.height; y++ ){
>     //Copy one row
>     const unsigned short* pDst = (const unsigned short*)pSrc;
>     //go through the row
>     for(int x = 0; x < bufframe.width; x++ ){
>       WORD tmpData = *pDst++; 
>       *pdata++ = tmpData;
>     }
>     pSrc += bufframe.rowbytes;
>   }
  2300   09 Nov 2021 Hunter LoweForumMityCAMAC Login
Hello all,

I've recently acquired a MityCAMAC system that was built at TRIUMF and I'm 
having issues accessing it over ethernet.

The system: Ubuntu VM inside Windows 10 machine.

I've tried reconfiguring the network settings for the VM but nmap and arp/ip 
commands have yielded me no results in finding the crate controller. 

I was getting help from Pierre Amaudruz but I think he is now busy for some 
time. I have the mac address of the crate controller and its name. The 
controller seems to initialize fine inside of the CAMAC crate. The windows side 
of the workstation also tells me that an unknown network is in fact connected.

I suspect I either need to do something with an ssh key (which I thought we 
accomplished but maybe not), or perhaps the domain name in the controller needs 
to be changed. 

If anybody has experience working with MityARM I would appreciate any advice I 
could get.

Hunter Lowe
UNBC Graduate Physics
  2299   09 Nov 2021 Francesco RengaForumIssue in data writing speed
Dear all,
       I've a frontend writing a quite big bunch of data into a MIDAS bank (16bit output from a 4MP photo camera). 
I'm experiencing a writing speed problem that I don't understand. When the photo camera is triggered at a low rate (< 2 Hz) 
writing into the bank takes a very short time for each event (indeed, what I measure is the time to write and go back 
into the polling function). If I increase the rate to 4 Hz, I see that writing the first two events takes a sort time, 
but the third event takes a very long time (hundreds of ms), then again the fourth and fifth events are very fast, and 
the sixth is very slow. If I further increase the rate, every other event is very slow. The problem is not in the readout 
of the camera, because if I just remove the bank writing and keep the camera readout, the problem disappears. Can you 
explain this behavior? Is there any way to improve it?

Below you can also find the code I use to copy the data from the camera buffer into the bank. If you have any suggestion 
to improve it, it would be really appreciated.

Thank you very much,

  const char* pSrc = (const char*)bufframe.buf;

  for(int y = 0; y < bufframe.height; y++ ){

    //Copy one row
    const unsigned short* pDst = (const unsigned short*)pSrc;

    //go through the row
    for(int x = 0; x < bufframe.width; x++ ){

      WORD tmpData = *pDst++; 

      *pdata++ = tmpData;


    pSrc += bufframe.rowbytes;

  2298   29 Oct 2021 Kushal KapoorBug ReportUnknown Error 319 from client
I’m trying to run MIDAS using a frontend code/client named “fetiglab”. Run stops 
after 2/3sec with an error saying “Unknown error 319 from client “fetiglab” on 

Frontend code compiled without any errors and MIDAS reads the frontend 
successfully, this only comes when I start the new run on MIDAS, here are a few 
more details from the terminal-

11:46:32 [fetiglab,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11268:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size 
mismatch for "/" (expected size: 1, size in ODB: 41920)

11:46:32 [Logger,INFO] Deleting previous file 

11:46:32 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [midas.cxx:5073:cm_transition,ERROR] transition START 
aborted: client "fetiglab" returned status 319

11:46:32 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [midas.cxx:5246:cm_transition,ERROR] Could not start a 
run: cm_transition() status 319, message 'Unknown error 319 from client 
'fetiglab' on host "localhost"'

TR_STARTABORT transition: cleanup after failure to start a run


I’ve also enclosed a screenshot for the same, any suggestions would be highly 
appreciated. thanks
  2297   29 Oct 2021 Frederik WautersBug Reportmidas::odb::iterator + operator | work around
ok, so retrieving as a std::array (as it was defined) does not work

    std::array<uint32_t,16> avalues = settings["FIR Energy"]["Energy Gap Value"];

but retrieving as an std::vector does, and then I have a standard c++ iterator which I can use in std stuff

    std::vector<uint32_t> values = settings["FIR Energy"]["Energy Gap Value"];

> I have 16 array odb key
> {"FIR Energy", {
>             {"Energy Gap Value", std::array<uint32_t,16>(10) },
> I can get the maximum of this array like 
> uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.end());
> but when I need the maximum of a sub range
> uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);
> I get
> /home/labor/new_daq/frontends/SIS3316Module.cpp:584:62: error: no match for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘midas::odb::iterator’ and ‘int’)
>   584 |   max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);
>       |                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
>       |                                                            |  |
>       |                                                            |  int
>       |               
> As the + operator is overloaded for midas::odb::iterator, I was expected this to work.
> (and yes, I can find the max element by accessing the elements on by one)
  2296   29 Oct 2021 Frederik WautersBug Reportmidas::odb::iterator + operator
I have 16 array odb key

{"FIR Energy", {
            {"Energy Gap Value", std::array<uint32_t,16>(10) },

I can get the maximum of this array like 

uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.end());

but when I need the maximum of a sub range

uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);

I get

/home/labor/new_daq/frontends/SIS3316Module.cpp:584:62: error: no match for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘midas::odb::iterator’ and ‘int’)
  584 |   max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);
      |                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
      |                                                            |  |
      |                                                            |  int

As the + operator is overloaded for midas::odb::iterator, I was expected this to work.

(and yes, I can find the max element by accessing the elements on by one)
  2295   25 Oct 2021 Stefan RittForumLogger crash
The short term solution would be to increase the logger timeout in the ODB under

/Programs/Logger/Watchdog timeout

and set it to 6000 (one minute). But that is curing just the symptoms. It would be 
interesting to understand the cause of this error. Probably the logger takes more than 10 
seconds to start or stop the run. The reason could be that the history grow too big (what 
we have right now in MEG II), or some disk problems. But that needs detailed debugging on 
the logger side.

  2294   25 Oct 2021 Francesco RengaForumLogger crash
     I'm experiencing crashes of the mlogger program on the time scale of a couple 
of days. The only messages from MIDAS are:

05:34:47.336 2021/10/24 [mhttpd,INFO] Client 'Logger' (PID 14281) on database 
'ODB' removed by db_cleanup called by cm_periodic_tasks (idle 10.2s,TO 10s)
05:34:47.335 2021/10/24 [mhttpd,INFO] Client 'Logger' on buffer 'SYSMSG' removed 
by cm_periodic_tasks (idle 10.2s, timeout 10s)

Any suggestion to further investigate this issue?

Thank you very much,
  2293   25 Oct 2021 Francesco RengaForummhttpd error
It worked, thank you very much!


> > Enable IPv6                     y
> Probably the IPv6 problem, see here elog:2269
> I asked to turn off IPv6 by default, or at least mention this in the documentation,
> but unfortunately nothing happened.
> Stefan
  2292   22 Oct 2021 Stefan RittForummhttpd error
> Enable IPv6                     y

Probably the IPv6 problem, see here elog:2269

I asked to turn off IPv6 by default, or at least mention this in the documentation,
but unfortunately nothing happened.

  2291   22 Oct 2021 Francesco RengaForummhttpd error
Dear all,
      I am trying to make the MIDAS web server for my DAQ project accessible from other machines. In the ODB, I activated the necessary flags:

Enable localhost port           y
localhost port                  8080
localhost port passwords        n
Enable insecure port            y
insecure port                   8081
insecure port passwords         y
insecure port host list         y
Enable https port               y
https port                      8443
https port passwords            y
https port host list            n
Host list
Enable IPv6                     y

Following the instructions on the Wiki I enabled the SSL support. When running mhttpd, I get these messages:

Mongoose web server will use HTTP Digest authentication with realm "CYGNUS_RD" and password file "/home/cygno/DAQ/online/htpasswd.txt"
Mongoose web server will use the hostlist, connections will be accepted only from: localhost
Mongoose web server listening on http address "localhost:8080", passwords OFF, hostlist OFF
Mongoose web server listening on http address "[::1]:8080", passwords OFF, hostlist OFF
Mongoose web server listening on http address "8081", passwords enabled, hostlist enabled
[mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:19166:mongoose_listen,ERROR] Cannot mg_bind address "[::0]:8081"
Mongoose web server will use https certificate file "/home/cygno/DAQ/online/ssl_cert.pem"
Mongoose web server listening on https address "8443", passwords enabled, hostlist OFF
[mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:19166:mongoose_listen,ERROR] Cannot mg_bind address "[::0]:8443"

and the server is not accessible from other machines. Any suggestion to solve or better investigate this problem?

Thank you very much,
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5