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  1637   30 Jul 2019 Stefan RittForumHow to convert C midas frontends to C++ (my problem solved)
> as a side comment, not all drivers are c++ compatible yet (e.g. mscbvr), so changes needed are small 

Right. We recently switched the whole midas to c++, but we could not cover all drivers. Most of them just need some type 
casting to compile under c++. I got already patches from several people which I'm happy to merge in. If you got mscbhvr 
or any other driver compile under c++, please send me the diff.

  1638   30 Jul 2019 Stefan RittInfoLimitations of MSL
> Would it be possible to add something like the following?
>  343 if (!isdigit(value1_var[i]) && value1_var[i] != '.')
>  344          break;

Actually isdigit() is completely wrong here, because it also fails the minus sign and the 'E' exponent, like in -1.2E-3 

So I changed it to strchr("0123456789.+-Ee", var[i]) which should cover this case. If you put 1.2.3, it takes it as 1.2. 

  1639   01 Aug 2019 Stefan RittForumHow to convert C midas frontends to C++ (my problem solved)
> Ok, so the detail that I missed was that the dummy functions
> INT poll_event(INT source[], INT count, BOOL test)
> {
>    return 1;
> };
> as shown in some of the older examples, work when you set
> INT poll_event(INT source, INT count, BOOL test)
> {
>    return 1;
> };

If you would have read elog:1526 more carefully (point a4) you would have saved yourself a lot of time.

  1640   05 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. We have in each front-end an equipment structure 
which defined the event id, event type, readout frequency etc. This is mapped to the ODB 


In the past, the ODB setting took precedence over the frontend structure. We defined this 
like 25 years ago and I forgot what the exact reason was. It causes however many people 
(including myself) to fall into this trap: You change something in the front-end EQUIPMENT 
structure, you restart the front-end, but the new setting does not take effect since the 
(old) ODB value took precedence. After some debugging you find out that you have to both 
change the EQUIPMENT structure (which defines the default value for a fresh ODB) and the 
ODB value itself.

So I changed it in the current develop tree that the front-end structure takes precedence. 
You still have a hot-link, so if you want to change anything while the front-end is running 
(like the readout period), you can do that in the ODB and it takes effect immediately. But 
when you start the front-end the next time, the value from the EQUIPMENT structure is 
taken again. So please be aware of this new feature.

Happy BC day,
  1643   06 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
Hi Thomas,

the change only affects Eqipment/<name>/common not the Equipment/<name>/Settings. 

The Common subtree is still hot-linked into the frontend, so when running things can be changed if needed. This mainly concerns the readout period of periodic events. 
Sometimes you want to change this quickly without restarting the frontend. Changing the other settings are kind of dangerous. If you change the ID of an event on the fly
you won't be able to analyze your data. So having this read-only in the ODB might be a good idea (you still need it in the ODB for the status page), except for the values
you want to change (like the readout period). 

Let's see what other people have to say.


> Hi Stefan,
> This change does not sound like a good idea to me.  I think that this change will cause just as much confusion as before; probably more since you are changing established behaviour.
> It is common that MIDAS frontends usually have a Settings directory in the ODB where details about the frontend behaviour are set.  The Settings directory might get initialized from strings in the frontend code, but after initialization the Settings in the ODB have precedence and define how the frontend will behave.  Indeed, most of my custom webpages are designed to control my frontend programs through their Settings ODB tree.
> So you have created a situation where Frontend/Settings in the ODB has precedence and is the main place for changing frontend behaviour; but Frontend/Common in the ODB is essentially meaningless and will get overwritten the next time the frontend restarts.  That seems likely to confuse people. 
> If you really want to make this change I suggest that you delete the Frontend/Common directory entirely; or make it read-only so that people aren't fooled into changing it.
> Thomas 
> > Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. We have in each front-end an equipment structure 
> > which defined the event id, event type, readout frequency etc. This is mapped to the ODB 
> > subtree
> > 
> > /Equipment/<name>/Common
> > 
> > In the past, the ODB setting took precedence over the frontend structure. We defined this 
> > like 25 years ago and I forgot what the exact reason was. It causes however many people 
> > (including myself) to fall into this trap: You change something in the front-end EQUIPMENT 
> > structure, you restart the front-end, but the new setting does not take effect since the 
> > (old) ODB value took precedence. After some debugging you find out that you have to both 
> > change the EQUIPMENT structure (which defines the default value for a fresh ODB) and the 
> > ODB value itself.
> > 
> > So I changed it in the current develop tree that the front-end structure takes precedence. 
> > You still have a hot-link, so if you want to change anything while the front-end is running 
> > (like the readout period), you can do that in the ODB and it takes effect immediately. But 
> > when you start the front-end the next time, the value from the EQUIPMENT structure is 
> > taken again. So please be aware of this new feature.
> > 
> > Happy BC day,
> > Stefan
  1644   06 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
After some internal discussion, I decided to undo my previous change again, in order not to break existing habits. Instead, I created a new function

set_odb_equipment_common(equipment, name);

which should be called from frontend_init() which explicitly copies all data from the equipment structure in the front-end into the ODB.

  1652   08 Aug 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionmidas cmake migration
Each CMakeLists.txt should specify which version of CMake it requires. The MIDAS CMakeLists.txt requires CMake 3.1 or later. 
We deliberately stayed away from fancy cutting edge CMake features in order to make midas easier to compile. On top of that,
midas is a much simpler package compared to root, so things are not so complicated.

  1655   08 Aug 2019 Stefan RittSuggestionmidas cmake migration
I just tried CMake 3.1.0 and it worked with midas. So I believe all versions between 3.1.0 and 3.6.1 are ok.

Actually playing around with different versions I realized that 3.0.0 is also ok, so I changed the requirement of midas down to 3.0

  1661   13 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
> Lacking any ideas for improvements, I vote for the status quo. (plus a review of the documentation to ensure we have clearly
> written up what each entry in "common" does and whether the user is permitted to edit it in odb).

I agree with that.

  1662   14 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
During my visit at TRIUMF we rewrote the history plotting functionality of midas. Instead of 
static GIF images, we have now interactive JavaScript panels where we can scroll, zoom, 
inspect values and much more (example is attached). We are now in a state where this is still 
work in progress, but already at this stage it might be useful for others to report any 

Simply upgrade the the newest develop branch of midas, and you will see two menu items 
"OldHistory" which is the old system and "History" which is the new system. In the new 
system, you can drag with the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out the 
time axis, and hover with your mouse over data points to see its value. If you zoom out, 
old data is loaded automatically in the background.

Following items are planned, but not yet implemented:

- Printing of run markers as in the old history

- Delete old data in the buffer to limit memory consumption if the browser window is 
   open for very long (weeks)

- Implement time interval selector (clock icon, select "last day", "last 8 hours" etc.)

- New settings dialog as a floating dialog box. At the moment, the setting page of the 
   old history system is used

- Export / Printing / Sending to ELOG any history plot

- Implement a formula for plotting data, such as "y = 12 * (x-14) +32". This will replace 
   the old "offset" and "factor" and is more flexible. The formula can be passed directly 
   to the JavaScript engine and will be executed on the web page. It should be also 
   possible to combine different channels, like the difference of two history values.

- Determine the number of digits for variable display from the axis limits. Like if a value 
   changes between 520001 and 520002 only, we need more digits than the usual 6.

Many of these things will be implemented in the next weeks. If you have any more idea 
or find some bugs, please report back to me.

Stefan for the midas team
  1666   28 Aug 2019 Stefan RittForumHistory plot problems for frontend with multiple indicies
My first question would be why are you using several font-ends at all? That makes things more 
complicated than needed. In the normal FE framework, you can define either several equipment 
served by one frontend, or even one equipment linked to several devices. In the MEG experiment 
we have one slow control frontend controlling ~100 devices without problem. In the old days there 
was a problem that some slow devices could throttle the readout, but since the invention of multi-
threaded slow control equipment, each device gets its own thread so they don't block each other.

  1674   06 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> 1) it would be nice to have an option to format the label output (see attachment 1)

That's clearly a bug, I will fix it.

> 2) the background of a history plot is very handy if you only show one measure.
> If you have multiple ones (see attachment 2), this is not the case anymore. It
> would be nice if the background could be enabled/disabled.

Looking at your plot, even without the background things look messy. Please note
that you can display only a single curve by double clicking on it (and back with Escape).
If all curves are on top of each other, you can get them apart a bit by zooming
in to the vertical axis, then double click. Let ma know if that works for you.

Best regards,
  Draft   07 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> This I found out, yet the attachment here shows another case where it would be useful to be
> able to disable the background, namely if you have positive and negative measures in one
> plot. Somehow it suggests that CH1 and CH2 show very different values, whereas it is only a
> difference in the sign of this variables.

Ok, I added 

- a correction which does the fill not to the bottom of the window, but only to the y=0 axis.
- a flag "Show graph fille" which lets you turn on and off the filling for each plot

  1678   07 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> This I found out, yet the attachment here shows another case where it would be useful to be
> able to disable the background, namely if you have positive and negative measures in one
> plot. Somehow it suggests that CH1 and CH2 show very different values, whereas it is only a
> difference in the sign of this variables.

Ok, I added an option which lets you switch off the background. 

I also changed the background drawing such that it only goes to the y=0 axis, not the bottom of the screen. 
That should help displaying negative values.

  1679   08 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> 1) it would be nice to have an option to format the label output (see attachment 1)

I fixed that in the current version.

  1683   12 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoHistory panels in custom pages
Indeed there was a bug in some JavaScript code, which I fixed here:

Note that your code will bring you the "old style" history panels (with GIF images). If you want the new style (interactive canvas panels), you need the following:

1) Add

<script src="mhistory.js"></Script>

to the top of your custom page

2) Add "mhistory_init();" to the "onload" function of your page, like

<body class="mcss" onloas="mhttpd_init('Example');mhistory_init();">

3) Change the class of the panel from "mhistory" to "mjhistory", like

<div class="mjshistory" data-group=...>

Best regards,
  1690   16 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
>  Also the new system is still incomplete, i.e. there is no trivial way to save a history plot into a file:

That has been implemented in meantime. Just click on the download arrow and you can save the current window in CSV or PNG format.

  1702   26 Sep 2019 Stefan RittForumOpen a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array

Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
Just a little question about the ODB hotlinks. Is it possible to open a hotlink
to a single element in and ODB array?

Yes it is with the now preferred function db_watch(). Following program will open a hot link to the /Experiment/Run number:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "midas.h"

int run_number;

void run_number_changed(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, int i, void *info)
int run_number, size;

/* get run number */
size = sizeof(run_number);
db_get_data(hDB, hKey, &run_number, &size, TID_INT);
printf("Run number is %d\n", run_number);


/* connect to experiment */
cm_connect_experiment("", "", "ODB Test", NULL);

/* open hot link to run number */
db_find_key(1, 0, "/runinfo/run number", &hKey);
db_watch(1, hKey, run_number_changed, NULL);

/* enter idle loop */
while (cm_yield(1000); != RPC_SHUTDOWN);

return 1;
  1720   06 Oct 2019 Stefan RittBug ReportHistory data size mismatch
I wonder why do you this via ODB links. The "standard" way of writing to the history should be to create events for an equipment and flag this equipment as being written to the
history. All variables under /Equipment/<name>/Variables then automatically go into the history and you don't have to worry about ODB links. Only variables not fitting the
equipment/variables scheme should be dealt with via ODB links, like variables under equipment/statistics or parameters in another ODB tree. In a typical midas experiment, only
very few variables typically go into the 'System' event. This is however probably not a solution to your problem. If you have a similar structure (doubles plus an odd number of floats)
under 'variables', you might get the same error. I'n in contact with KO to fix this problem at the root level.


> Logging a list of variables to the history via links in the history ODB subtree,
> we get messages as follows at every run start:
> 19:43:24.009 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2676:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch: expected 412 bytes, got 416 bytes
> 19:43:24.008 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2676:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch: expected 412 bytes, got 416 bytes
> 19:43:23.850 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:455:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch count: 25, expected 412 bytes, hs_write_event() called with as much as 416 bytes
> 19:43:23.850 2019/10/06 [Logger,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:455:hs_write_event,ERROR] Event 'System' data size mismatch count: 25, expected 412 bytes, hs_write_event() called with as much as 416 bytes
> The history calculates the size of a record from the size of the individual variables, (history_schema.cxx, L2666 ff), whereas the ODB delivers the data aligned/padded to the size of the largest value in the record.
> In our history, a long list of doubles (64 Bit) fas followed by three floats (32 bit), leading to a padded response from the ODB, 4 byte longer than the history expects.
> Quick fix: Add another 32 bit dummy variable to the history. Gets rid of the error messages...
> Should probably be fixed at a deeper level...
  1723   10 Oct 2019 Stefan RittBug ReportHistory data size mismatch
> Yes, we could have
> kept that apart, yes, in this case a double would also work (and not break things), but a bug is a bug...
> I could think of senisble use cases where doubles and ints are mixed and I also know quite a few areas where it makes
> sense to use floats...

I agree with Nik that we should fix this on the midas level. Since it happens in history_schema.cxx which was written by KO, maybe he can have a look.

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