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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  01 Oct 2009, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Bug Report, mfe.c: poll_event() before frontend_init() 
The latest version of mfe.c has a problem where poll_event() is called before
frontend_init() and this causes a crash because in poll_event() we try to access
VME before it is initialized in frontend_init(). K.O.
    Reply  01 Oct 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, mfe.c: poll_event() before frontend_init() 
> The latest version of mfe.c has a problem where poll_event() is called before
> frontend_init() and this causes a crash because in poll_event() we try to access
> VME before it is initialized in frontend_init(). K.O.

Oops, that sneaked in when doing the last modification to display the frontend status. 
I refactored register_equipment() so that frontend_init() gets called before 
    Reply  03 Dec 2019, Joseph McKenna, Info, mfe.c: MIDAS frontend's 'Equipment name' can embed hostname, determined at run-time 
A little advertised feature of the modifications needed support the msysmon program is 
that MIDAS equipment names can support the injecting of the hostname of the system 
running the frontend at runtime (register_equipment(void)).

A special string ${HOSTNAME} can be put in any position in the equipment name. It will 
be replaced with the hostname of the computer running the frontend at run-time. Note, 
the frontend_name string will be trimmed down to 32 characters.
Example usage: msysmon

EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {

  { "${HOSTNAME}_msysmon",   /* equipment name */    {
      EVID_MONITOR, 0,      /* event ID, trigger mask */
      "SYSTEM",             /* event buffer */
      EQ_PERIODIC,          /* equipment type */
      0,                    /* event source */
      "MIDAS",              /* format */
      TRUE,                 /* enabled */
      RO_ALWAYS,            /* Read when running */
      10000,                /* poll every so milliseconds */
      0,                    /* stop run after this event limit */
      0,                    /* number of sub events */
      1,                    /* history period */
      "", "", ""
    read_system_load,/* readout routine */
  { "" }
    Reply  11 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, merged: midas JSON-RPC interface 
The JSON RPC branch has been merged into main MIDAS. Other than adding new functions, there are no changes to existing MIDAS functionality.

This is the current JSON RPC schema: (from the MIDAS Help page)

Autogenerated schema for all MIDAS JSON-RPC methods
cm_exist?      | calls MIDAS cm_exist() to check if given MIDAS program is running
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | name           | string         | name of the program, corresponding to ODB /Programs/name
               |          | unique?        | bool           | bUnique argument to cm_exist()
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | status         | integer        | return status of cm_exist()
cm_shutdown?   | calls MIDAS cm_shutdown() to stop given MIDAS program
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | name           | string         | name of the program, corresponding to ODB /Programs/name
               |          | unique?        | bool           | bUnique argument to cm_shutdown()
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | status         | integer        | return status of cm_shutdown()
db_copy?       | get copies of given ODB subtrees in the "save" json encoding
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | paths[]        | array of ODB subtree paths, see note on array indices
               |          |                | array of       | string 
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | data[]         | copy of ODB data for each path
               |          |                | array of       | object 
               |          | status[]       | return status of db_copy_json() for each path
               |          |                | array of       | integer
               |          | last_written[] | last_written value of the ODB subtree for each path
               |          |                | array of       | number 
db_create?     | get copies of given ODB subtrees in the "save" json encoding
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params[] | array of ODB paths to be created
               |          | array of       | arguments to db_create() and db_resize()
               |          |                | path           | string  | ODB path
               |          |                | type           | integer | MIDAS TID_xxx type
               |          |                | array_length?  | integer | optional array length, default is 1
               |          |                | string_length? | integer | for TID_STRING, optional string length, default is NAME_LENGTH
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | status[]       | return status of db_create() for each path
               |          |                | array of       | integer
db_get_values? | get values of ODB data from given subtrees
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | paths[]        | array of ODB subtree paths, see note on array indices
               |          |                | array of       | string 
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | data[]         | values of ODB data for each path, all key names are in lower case, all symlinks are followed
               |          |                | array of       | any    
               |          | status[]       | return status of db_copy_json() for each path
               |          |                | array of       | integer
               |          | last_written[] | last_written value of the ODB subtree for each path
               |          |                | array of       | number 
db_paste?      | write data into ODB
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | paths[]        | array of ODB subtree paths, see note on array indices
               |          |                | array of       | string 
               |          | values[]       | data to be written using db_paste_json()
               |          |                | array of       | any    
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | status[]       | return status of db_paste_json() for each path
               |          |                | array of       | integer
get_debug?     | get current value of mjsonrpc_debug
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | any            | there are no input parameters
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | integer        | current value of mjsonrpc_debug
get_schema?    | Get the MIDAS JSON-RPC schema JSON object
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | any            | there are no input parameters
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | object         | returns the MIDAS JSON-RPC schema JSON object
null?          | RPC method always returns null
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | any            | method parameters are ignored
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | null           | always returns null
set_debug?     | set new value of mjsonrpc_debug
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | integer        | new value of mjsonrpc_debug
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | integer        | new value of mjsonrpc_debug
start_program? | start MIDAS program defined in ODB /Programs/name
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | name           | string         | name of the program, corresponding to ODB /Programs/name
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | status         | integer        | return status of ss_system()
user_example1? | example of user defined RPC method that returns up to 3 results
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | arg            | string         | example string argment
               |          | optional_arg?  | integer        | optional example integer argument
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | string         | string         | returns the value of "arg" parameter
               |          | integer        | integer        | returns the value of "optional_arg" parameter
user_example2? | example of user defined RPC method that returns more than 3 results
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | arg            | string         | example string argment
               |          | optional_arg?  | integer        | optional example integer argument
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | string1        | string         | returns the value of "arg" parameter
               |          | string2        | string         | returns "hello"
               |          | string3        | string         | returns "world!"
               |          | value1         | integer        | returns the value of "optional_arg" parameter
               |          | value2         | number         | returns 3.14
user_example3? | example of user defined RPC method that returns an error
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | params   | arg            | integer        | integer value, if zero, throws a JSON-RPC error
               | -------------------------------------------------------
               | result   | status         | integer        | returns the value of "arg" parameter

Entry  26 Nov 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mdump max number of banks and dump of 32-bit banks 
By request from Renee, I increased the MIDAS BANKLIST_MAX from 64 to 1024 and
after fixing a few buglets where YB_BANKLIST_MAX is used instead of (now bigger)
BANKLIST_MAX, I can do a full dump of ND280 FGD events (96 banks).

I also noticed that "mdump -b BANK" did not work, it turns out that it could not
handle 32bit-banks at all. This is now fixed, too.

svn rev 4624
Entry  29 Mar 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mdump can read lz4 and bz2 files now 
I converted mdump file i/o from older mdsupport library to newer midasio library 
and it can now read .mid, .mid.gz, .mid.lz4 and .mid.bz2 files. Output should be 
identical to what it printed before, if you see any differences, please report 
them here or on bitbucket. K.O.
    Reply  17 Mar 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mbedtls, mhttpd mongoose 6.16 update 
> > > the update of mhttpd to mongoose version 6.16 was committed to the develop branch of midas.

current code looks for the mbedtls library in ../mbedtls (next to midas)

if cmake misdetects it, turn it off by setting NO_MBEDTLS (same as NO_ROOT & co)

if you do want to build mhttpd with mbedtls, do this:

cd .../midas
cd ../
git clone
cd mbedtls
git submodule update --init ### this will populate the "crypto" directory
make ### if "python2" is missing, building of test suite programs will fail, but the libraries needed for midas will be built

cd ../midas
make cmake...

    Reply  30 Mar 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, mbedtls, mhttpd mongoose 6.16 update 
I had some quick look at the new mongoose code and didn't find anything I dislike. Did a quick test of the proxy which worked and is nice to have. 
Agree with all KO said about authentication.

So if there are no complaints, I would suggest that we move the summary of this thread into the official documentation.

Entry  03 Mar 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, manalyzer updated 
manalyzer was updated to latest version. mostly multi-threading improvements from 
Joseph and myself. K.O.
Entry  22 Jun 2024, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, manalyzer thread safety and custom http IP binding 
Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post two pull requests, if not, please let me know where I should be submitting them

Both are fairly small changes, please see them listed below (more details written on the PRs themselves)

- Enable ROOT's thread safety when running in multithreaded mode

This helps avoid users having to write their call to a global thread lock when calling ->Fill() on ROOT histograms and Trees

- Add command argument to specify an IP of the root HTTP server to bind to

This was a problem I painted around when at ALPHA (quickly hardcoding the right external IP address into the local build. Obviously a bad habit)
Entry  31 Oct 2003, Konstantin Olchanski, , mana.c without ROOT and HBOOK 
Stephan, why did you prohibit building mana.c without ROOT and HBOOK
support? I think such a configuration is valid and should be allowed.

Also, this prohibition broke the Midas Makefile, it now bombs building
mana.c. The Makefile is setup for building hmana.c with HBOOK support,
rmana.c with ROOT support (if ROOTSYS is set) and mana.c without HBOOK and
ROOT support (currently bombs on #error in mana.c).

    Reply  01 Nov 2003, Stefan Ritt, , mana.c without ROOT and HBOOK 
> Stephan, why did you prohibit building mana.c without ROOT and HBOOK
> support? I think such a configuration is valid and should be allowed.

Oops, sorry, my fault. I forgto that people use mana.c without ROOT and 
HBOOK. The reason I made the change was that people forgot the -DHVAE_HBOOK 
in their makefile. In that case, no HBOOK init is done in mana.c and the 
first histogram booking in the user code crashes HBOOK.

So please take the #error statement out of mana.c (I'm away in two hours for 
one week), but think about preventing the above mentionend problem. I don't 
know any way for the makefile or mana.c to figure out if there is any HF1 
call in the user code. Actually HF1 should return a "proper" error message 
than just crashing.

One possibility is that we put an additional layer on top of the histogram 
boooking/filling. These macros are converted to their HBOOK or ROOT 
equivalents depending on the HAVE_HBOOK/HAVE_ROOT. If none of both is 
present, the histogram booking macro can produce a runtime error. This has 
the additional advantage that users can switch from HBOOK to ROOT without 
change of their user code.
    Reply  01 Nov 2003, Konstantin Olchanski, , mana.c without ROOT and HBOOK 
> > Stephan, why did you prohibit building mana.c without ROOT and HBOOK
> > support? I think such a configuration is valid and should be allowed.
> Oops, sorry, my fault. I forgto that people use mana.c without ROOT and 
> HBOOK. The reason I made the change was that people forgot the -DHVAE_HBOOK 
> in their makefile. In that case, no HBOOK init is done in mana.c and the 
> first histogram booking in the user code crashes HBOOK.

Ahem. There is only so much rope we can give out to prevent people from shooting
themselves in the foot...

> So please take the #error statement out of mana.c


> One possibility is that we put an additional layer on top of the histogram 
> boooking/filling. These macros are converted to their HBOOK or ROOT 
> equivalents depending on the HAVE_HBOOK/HAVE_ROOT. If none of both is 
> present, the histogram booking macro can produce a runtime error. This has 
> the additional advantage that users can switch from HBOOK to ROOT without 
> change of their user code.

I can't think of anything other than wrapping every HBOOK call with "if
(!hbook_is_initialized) initialize_hbook();". But then, where is PAWC
coming from anyway?!?

We could also print a warning message "This mana.c has no HBOOK support. If you
see HBOOK crashes, please relink with hmana,c". Ugly, but informative, plus it
points anybody who knows how to read towards a solution.

    Reply  27 Jun 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, make linux32 bombs on el7 in crc32c.c, ERROR INSTALLING 32BIT MIDAS LIBRARIES ON 64BIT HOST MACHINE 
Reproduced on el7 (CentOS7). Same thing works on el6 (SL6).

The error is in the SSE4.2-assembly-accelerated library for computing crc32c checksums. I do 
not understand this assembly stuff enough to tell what goes wrong.

In any case, "make linux32" is intended for VME processors that cannot run 64-bit code. These 
processors also happen to not have the SSE4.2 instructions needed for this code to actually 
work, so one solution would be to always disable crc32c SSE4.2-assembly-acceleration for the 
linux32 target.

Note that the original reported was running "make linux32" with the idea of generating code for 
the 32-bit ARM processor.

Here the situation is like this: the required CRC32C instructions are present on 64-bit capable 
ARM processors (RPi3, etc) and probably work in 32-bit mode, and I found the assembly-
language crc32c library that uses them. It needs to be added to MIDAS and tested.

For the older 32-bit-only ARM processors (Cyclone5 FPGA, Rpi2 and older) I do not see any 
hardware accelerated crc32c implementations, so it uses software computed CRC32 always. 
(P.S.: I see the current linux kernels have a hardware accelerated library for CRC32C, not sure if 
it can be imported into MIDAS easily).


> $ make linux32 ...
> g++ -m32 -c -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wuninitialized -Iinclude -
> Idrivers -Imxml -Imscb/include -DHAVE_FTPLIB -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DHAVE_ZLIB -
> -DOS_LINUX -fPIC -Wno-unused-function -o lib/crc32c.o src/crc32c.cxx
> src/crc32c.cxx: In function ‘uint32_t crc32c_hw(uint32_t, const void*, size_t)’:
> src/crc32c.cxx:283:66: error: ‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints
>                      : "r"(next), "0"(crc0), "1"(crc1), "2"(crc2));
>                                                                   ^
> src/crc32c.cxx:303:66: error: ‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints
>                      : "r"(next), "0"(crc0), "1"(crc1), "2"(crc2));
>                                                                   ^
> src/crc32c.cxx: In function ‘uint32_t crc32c(uint32_t, const void*, size_t)’:
> src/crc32c.cxx:348:34: error: PIC register clobbered by ‘%ebx’ in ‘asm’
>                  : "%ebx", "%edx"); \
>                                   ^
> src/crc32c.cxx:362:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘SSE42’
>      SSE42(sse42);
>      ^
> make[1]: *** [lib/crc32c.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hh19285/packages/midas'
> make: *** [linux32] Error 2
> Could you please help with getting past this? otherwise we may need to change 
> our whole experimental setup.
> Thank you in advance
    Reply  28 Jun 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, make linux32 bombs on el7 in crc32c.c, ERROR INSTALLING 32BIT MIDAS LIBRARIES ON 64BIT HOST MACHINE 
> Reproduced on el7 (CentOS7). Same thing works on el6 (SL6).

Fixed in commit dd937e6. Only enable SSE4.2 crc32c for 64-bit compilation. Still not sure why it worked for 32-bit 
compilation on el6 (SL6).


> The error is in the SSE4.2-assembly-accelerated library for computing crc32c checksums. I do 
> not understand this assembly stuff enough to tell what goes wrong.
> In any case, "make linux32" is intended for VME processors that cannot run 64-bit code. These 
> processors also happen to not have the SSE4.2 instructions needed for this code to actually 
> work, so one solution would be to always disable crc32c SSE4.2-assembly-acceleration for the 
> linux32 target.
> Note that the original reported was running "make linux32" with the idea of generating code for 
> the 32-bit ARM processor.
> Here the situation is like this: the required CRC32C instructions are present on 64-bit capable 
> ARM processors (RPi3, etc) and probably work in 32-bit mode, and I found the assembly-
> language crc32c library that uses them. It needs to be added to MIDAS and tested.
> For the older 32-bit-only ARM processors (Cyclone5 FPGA, Rpi2 and older) I do not see any 
> hardware accelerated crc32c implementations, so it uses software computed CRC32 always. 
> (P.S.: I see the current linux kernels have a hardware accelerated library for CRC32C, not sure if 
> it can be imported into MIDAS easily).
> K.O.
> > $ make linux32 ...
> > g++ -m32 -c -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wuninitialized -Iinclude -
> > Idrivers -Imxml -Imscb/include -DHAVE_FTPLIB -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DHAVE_ZLIB -
> > -DOS_LINUX -fPIC -Wno-unused-function -o lib/crc32c.o src/crc32c.cxx
> > src/crc32c.cxx: In function ‘uint32_t crc32c_hw(uint32_t, const void*, size_t)’:
> > src/crc32c.cxx:283:66: error: ‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints
> >                      : "r"(next), "0"(crc0), "1"(crc1), "2"(crc2));
> >                                                                   ^
> > src/crc32c.cxx:303:66: error: ‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints
> >                      : "r"(next), "0"(crc0), "1"(crc1), "2"(crc2));
> >                                                                   ^
> > src/crc32c.cxx: In function ‘uint32_t crc32c(uint32_t, const void*, size_t)’:
> > src/crc32c.cxx:348:34: error: PIC register clobbered by ‘%ebx’ in ‘asm’
> >                  : "%ebx", "%edx"); \
> >                                   ^
> > src/crc32c.cxx:362:5: note: in expansion of macro ‘SSE42’
> >      SSE42(sse42);
> >      ^
> > make[1]: *** [lib/crc32c.o] Error 1
> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hh19285/packages/midas'
> > make: *** [linux32] Error 2
> > 
> > Could you please help with getting past this? otherwise we may need to change 
> > our whole experimental setup.
> > 
> > Thank you in advance
Entry  18 Oct 2008, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, make linux32 & co 
The Makefile targets for crosscompiling MIDAS are now documented in the MIDAS
Doxygen documentation:

make linux32 & make clean32
make linux64 & make clean64
make crosscompile
make dox

This has to do with which flavour of MIDAS is built by default: 32-bit or 64-bit.

This is how this works now.

Default flavour is determined by ROOT. If ROOTSYS points to 32-bit ROOT, then
32-bit MIDAS is built, if 64-bit ROOT, then 64-bit MIDAS. This works well after
the ROOT team added the correct "-m32" and "-m64" flags to "rootconfig --cflags".

If for some reason, we also need a non-default flavour of MIDAS, for example
when the main daq computer runs 64-bit MIDAS, but one frontend has to run on a
"32-bit only" VME processor, you say "make linux32". This creates the
"linux-m32/{lib,bin}" tree that you then reference in the Makefile of your
special frontend (i.e. instead of "-L$MIDASSYS/linux/lib" say
"-L$MIDASSYS/linux-m32/lib"). "make linux64" works the same way.

These non-default flavours of MIDAS are compiled with most special features
disabled: no ROOT, no MYSQL, etc.

When building "make linux32", you may also see errors caused by missing 32-bit
libraries - many 64-bit Linux distributions do not install the full 32-bit
development environment by default - so some header files and libraries may be
reported as missing. These not-installed-by-default 32-bit packages are usually
easy to install using commands like "yum install libxxx-devel.i386".

Entry  29 Jan 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, make dox 
The capability to generate doxygen documentation of MIDAS was restored.

Use "make dox" and "make cleandox",
find generated documentation in ./html,
look at it via "firefox html/index.html".

The documentation is not generated by default - it takes quite a long time to build all the call graphs.

And the call graphs is what makes this documentation useful - without some visual graphical 
representation it is quite difficult to understand some parts of MIDAS. Both caller and callee graphs are 

Note that doxygen documentation for the javascript functions in mhttpd.js is also generated, making a 
handy reference in addition to the full documentation on the MIDAS Wiki.

    Reply  30 Jan 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, make dox 
> The capability to generate doxygen documentation of MIDAS was restored.
> Use "make dox" and "make cleandox",
> find generated documentation in ./html,
> look at it via "firefox html/index.html".
> The documentation is not generated by default - it takes quite a long time to build all the call graphs.
> And the call graphs is what makes this documentation useful - without some visual graphical 
> representation it is quite difficult to understand some parts of MIDAS. Both caller and callee graphs are 
> generated.
> Note that doxygen documentation for the javascript functions in mhttpd.js is also generated, making a 
> handy reference in addition to the full documentation on the MIDAS Wiki.
> K.O.

To generate the files, you need doxygen installed which not everybody has. Is there a web site where one can see the generated graphs?

    Reply  18 Feb 2014, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, make dox 
> > The capability to generate doxygen documentation of MIDAS was restored.
> > 
> > Use "make dox" and "make cleandox",
> > find generated documentation in ./html,
> > look at it via "firefox html/index.html".
> > 
> To generate the files, you need doxygen installed which not everybody has.

On most Linux systems, doxygen is easy to install. Red Hat instructions are here:

On MacOS, doxygen is easy to install via macports: sudo port install doxygen

> Is there a web site where one can see the generated graphs?

there is no cron job to update this, but I may update it infrequently.

    Reply  19 Feb 2014, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, make dox 
> On most Linux systems, doxygen is easy to install. Red Hat instructions are here: 
> On MacOS, doxygen is easy to install via macports: sudo port install doxygen
> > Is there a web site where one can see the generated graphs?
> there is no cron job to update this, but I may update it infrequently.
> K.O.

Great, thanks a lot!

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5