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  1524   22 Apr 2019 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoswitch of MIDAS to C++, how much C++?
Dear Konstantin and others,
our recent discussion stimulated my curiosity and I wrote a small frontend for the trigger board of our experiment in C++.
The underlying hardware details are not relevant here. I would just like to briefly report and discuss what I found out.

I have written all the frontend files (but the bus driver) in C++11:
  • my_frontend.cpp
  • driver/class/my_class_driver.cpp
  • driver/device/my_device_driver.cpp

All went quite smoothly, but I feel that the overall structure is still very C-like (that may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the point of view).
As far as I know, the MIDAS frontend mfe.c has still only the C version (I couldn't find any mfe.cxx). This means that all the points of contact between the MIDAS frontend code and the user
frontend code must be C compatible (no C++ features or name mangling). To accomplish this I needed to slightly modify the midas.h header file like this:
@@ -1141,7 +1141,13 @@ typedef struct eqpmnt {
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
 INT device_driver(DEVICE_DRIVER *device_driver, INT cmd, ...);
+#ifdef __cplusplus

I also tested the new strcomb1 function and it seems to work OK.

I have attached a source file to show how I implemented the device driver in C++. The code is not meant to be compilable: it is just to show how I implemented it. This is the most C++-like syntax that I could come out with. Feel free to comment it and if you think that it could be improved let me know.

Best Regards
Attachment 1: example.cpp
class myDevice {

  // Here goes what in C was the MY_DEVICE_INFO struct
  MY_DEVICE_SETTINGS m_settings;    /* Settings struct of the device */
  void *m_bd_info;                  /* private info of bus driver    */
  HNDLE m_hkey;                     /* ODB key for bus driver info   */
  INT m_channels;                   /* number of channels            */

  myDevice( HNDLE hkey, INT channels, INT(*bd) (INT cmd, ...) )

	// Here goes what in C was my_device_init


  INT myCommand(INT channel, ... /* other arguments */ )

	// Implementation of my_command


	// Here goes what in C was my_device_exit

/*---- device driver entry point -----------------------------------*/

INT my_device(INT cmd, ...)
  va_list argptr;
  HNDLE hKey;
  INT channels, channel, status;
  float *pvalue;
  myDevice *pMyDevice;
  INT (*bd) (INT, ...);

  va_start(argptr, cmd);
  status = FE_SUCCESS;

  switch (cmd) {
  case CMD_INIT:
	hKey = va_arg(argptr, HNDLE);
	pMyDevice = va_arg(argptr, myDevice *);
	channels = va_arg(argptr, INT);
	va_arg(argptr, DWORD); // flags
	bd = va_arg(argptr, INT (*) (INT, ...));
	try { pMyDevice = new myDevice(hKey, channels, bd); }
	catch (const std::exception& e) {
	  cm_msg(MERROR, __func__, " init: %s", e.what());
	  status = FE_ERR_DRIVER;

	pMyDevice = va_arg(argptr, myDevice *);
	channel = va_arg(argptr, INT);
	// other arguments
	try { status = pMyDevice->myCommand(channel, /* other arguments */); }
	catch (const std::exception& e) {
	  cm_msg(MERROR, __func__, " my command: %s", e.what());
	  if (status == FE_SUCCESS) status = FE_ERR_DRIVER;

  case CMD_EXIT:
	pMyDevice = va_arg(argptr, myDevice *);



  return status;
  1525   23 Apr 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoswitch of MIDAS to C++, how much C++?
> Dear Konstantin and others, our recent discussion stimulated my curiosity and I wrote a small frontend for the trigger board of our 
experiment in C++.


> my_frontend.cpp

In MIDAS we are using .cxx, not .cpp, per ROOT coding convention

> the overall structure is still very C-like

this is object-oriented programming done in C. (actually C++ looks exactly the same if you look behind the curtain)

right now we do not hope to rewrite the slow control class driver framework in C++, but if somebody does it,
we should be happy to add it to midas.

for the mfe.c framework, I have a new C++ class based frontend framework in development (and already in use
in the ALPHA-g experiment at CERN). There is a number of lose ends to polish befire I can add it to midas.
And as usual the last 10% of the work consume 90% of the time.

> the MIDAS frontend mfe.c has still only the C version (I couldn't find any mfe.cxx). 
> This means that all the points of contact between the MIDAS frontend code and the user frontend code must be C compatible
> (no C++ features or name mangling).

this will change with the switch to C++, mfe.c will become mfe.cxx and I shall add the required definitions to mfe.h (or midas.h, TBD)

> To accomplish this I needed to slightly modify the midas.h header file like this:
> +#ifdef __cplusplus
> +extern "C" {
> +#endif
>  INT device_driver(DEVICE_DRIVER *device_driver, INT cmd, ...);

I intend for all "extern "C"" to go away, everything will use the C++ linkage (and name mangling). This will break existing frontends
and I will need to write clear instructions on converting them to the new scheme.

> I also tested the new strcomb1 function and it seems to work OK.


> I have attached a source file to show how I implemented the device driver in C++

Yup, looks familiar, I have a couple of C++ frontends written like this, too.

  1526   30 Apr 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoHow to convert C midas frontends to C++
To convert a MIDAS frontend to C++ follow this checklist:

a) add #include "mfe.h" after include of midas.h and fix all compilation errors.

NOTE: there should be no "extern C"  brackets around MIDAS include files.

NOTE: Expect to see following problems:

a1) duplicate or mismatched declarations of functions defined in mfe.h
a2) frontend_name and frontend_file_name should be "const char*" instead of "char*"
a3) duplicate "HNDLE hDB" collision with hDB from mfe.c - not sure why it worked before, either use HNDLE hDB from mfe.h or use "extern HNDLE hDB".
a4) poll_event() and interrupt_configure() have "source" as "int[]" instead of "int" (why did this work before?)
a5) use of "extern int frontend_index" instead of get_frontend_index() from mfe.h
a6) bk_create() last argument needs to be cast to (void**)
a7) "bool debug" collides with "debug" from mfe.h (why did this work before?)

b) remove no longer needed "extern C" brackets around mfe related code. Ideally there should be no "extern C" brackets anywhere.

c) in the Makefile, change CC=gcc to CC=g++ for compiling and linking everything as C++

c1) fix all compilation problems. most valid C code will compile as valid C++, but there is some known trouble:
- return value of malloc() & co needs to be cast to the correct data type: "char* s = (char*)malloc(...)"
- some C++ compilers complain about mismatch between signed and unsigned values

If you need help with converting your frontend from C to C++, I will be most happy
to assist you - post your compiler error messages to this forum or email them to me privately.

Good luck,
  1528   11 May 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoswitch of MIDAS to C++, which C++?
> [which c++]
> - Linux RHEL/SL/CentOS6 - gcc 4.4.7, no C++11.
> - Linux RHEL/SL/CentOS7 - gcc 4.8.5, full C++11, no C++14, no C++17

The construct I now always use:

class X {
int a = 0; // do not leave data members uninitialized, see "Non-static data member initializers", N2756 and N2628

is only available starting from gcc 4.7, see

Another nail into the coffin of "pre c++11" c++ and el < el7.


  1531   22 May 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoswitch of MIDAS to C++
> switch MIDAS to C++

switch to C++ will proceed as follows:

- create a new branch off develop (feature/switch_to_cxx)
- remove all extern "C", ifdef c++, etc
- switch Makefile from gcc to g++
- test
- merge into develop
- before merge, tag the last "C" midas
- cut a new release branch (tentatively feature/midas-2019-06)

the last recommended "pre-C++" midas will remain the midas-2019-03 release (where we can retroactively apply bug fixes, as I just did a few minutes ago).

  1532   28 May 2019 Stefan RittInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
Great news! I got convinced by some colleagues to switch midas to Cmake. After spending about one day, I wrote some initial CMakeLists.txt file and am so excited about the advantages that I regret 
not having done this step much earlier. Here is some information:

- The Cmake and old Makefile systems can co-exist. So the old "make" in the midas root still works as previously.

- To use Cmake, do

midas$ mkdir build
midas$ cd build
midas/build$ cmake ..
midas/build$ make

Depending on your installation, it might be necessary to call "cmake3" instead of "cmake". The configuration requires Cmake 3.0 or later.

- After successful compilation, all programs and libraries are in the "build" directory. We kind of concluded that a system-wide midas installation (like under /usr/local/bin) is not necessary these days, 
as long as you have your MIDASSYS and PATH environment variables defined correctly. Some examples move all files from "build" to "bin"/"lib" under midas, but I'm not sure if we need that.

- Interestingly enough, in my iMac(Late 2015), the old Makefile build takes 19.5s, which the new one take 12s. So apparently some clever dependency checking is done in Cmake.

- The compile options are now handled in the Cmake cache file which is important to remember. Changing option(USE_SSL ON) in CMakeLists.txt just modifies the default value on a fresh install. To 
change the flags between compilations, use the "ccmake .." interface instead. This lets you also switch from Debug to Release mode easily.

- I love how the library handling is done. The code

  find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
  target_link_libraries(mhttpd midas ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES})

is so much simpler than our clumsy conditional compiling we needed in the old Makefile. 

- Cmake is the basis of the CLion IDE which is my favourite development environment now ( So I can work inside the IDE and see the full project, I can do interactive 
debugging etc. and still do a simple 'make' on systems where CLion is not installed. I can only recommend everybody to have a look at CLion. It is free for university teachers and open source 
developers (like I got my free license because of ELOG).

- The CMakeLists.txt is not yet complete. It does not contain cross compilation, since I don't have access to these compilers. 

- The next step will be to add a CMakeLists.txt into each "example" directory and build everything hierarchically. 

- I'm a novice in cmake. If someone of your has more experience (and I'm sure that there are plenty of people out there!), please have a look at my CMakeLists.txt and check if things can be made 
simpler or more elegantly.

- Any comment are as usual welcome.

Have fun,
  1533   28 May 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> Great news!

Some additional information.

1) cmake3 is available on all currently supported systems:

- SL6 (el6), CentOS7 (el7): yum install cmake3 (from EPEL) (invoke as "cmake3")
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: apt-get install cmake (invoke as "cmake").
- MacOS: install "mac ports", then "port install cmake"
- Windows - we hope to revive windows10 support this summer

> - To use Cmake, do
> midas$ mkdir build
> midas$ cd build
> midas/build$ cmake ..
> midas/build$ make
> - After successful compilation, all programs and libraries are in the "build" directory

The old "linux", "darwin", etc subdirectories go away. Makefiles for frontends and analyzers become simplified
and can refer to MIDAS in a standard way:

header files: -I$(MIDASSYS)/include
libraries and object files: -L$(MIDASSYS)/build/lib -lmidas
executables: PATH += $(MIDASSYS)/build/bin

> ... cross compilation ...

We will review the situation with cross-compilation once the dust settles a little bit on changes
with cmake and with the switch to C++.

Since cross-compilation environments are rarely standardized, I do not expect cmake to be of much help and most
likely we will have a simplified Makefile for cross-building feature-reduced versions of MIDAS - probably only
the pieces needed for running remotely-connected frontends (see "ifdef LOCAL_ROUTINES").

  1534   28 May 2019 Stefan RittInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> > - After successful compilation, all programs and libraries are in the "build" directory
> > 
> The old "linux", "darwin", etc subdirectories go away. Makefiles for frontends and analyzers become simplified
> and can refer to MIDAS in a standard way:
> header files: -I$(MIDASSYS)/include
> libraries and object files: -L$(MIDASSYS)/build/lib -lmidas
> executables: PATH += $(MIDASSYS)/build/bin

Actually the library and executables go directly into the build directory (without "lib" and "bin"), so we need

header files: -I$(MIDASSYS)/include
libraries and object files: -L$(MIDASSYS)/build -lmidas
executables: PATH += $(MIDASSYS)/build

Or course that can be changed in the Cmake file, but not sure if that would be necessary/useful.
  1535   29 May 2019 Stefan RittInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> > > - After successful compilation, all programs and libraries are in the "build" directory
> > > 
> > 
> > The old "linux", "darwin", etc subdirectories go away. Makefiles for frontends and analyzers become simplified
> > and can refer to MIDAS in a standard way:
> > 
> > header files: -I$(MIDASSYS)/include
> > libraries and object files: -L$(MIDASSYS)/build/lib -lmidas
> > executables: PATH += $(MIDASSYS)/build/bin
> Actually the library and executables go directly into the build directory (without "lib" and "bin"), so we need
> header files: -I$(MIDASSYS)/include
> libraries and object files: -L$(MIDASSYS)/build -lmidas
> executables: PATH += $(MIDASSYS)/build
> Or course that can be changed in the Cmake file, but not sure if that would be necessary/useful.

Actually I like the proposed separation between the library and the binaries, so I reworked it again. Now we have

header files: -I$(MIDASSYS)/include
libraries and object files: -L$(MIDASSYS)/lib -lmidas
executables: PATH += $(MIDASSYS)/bin

When issuing a "cmake .." followed by a "make" in the build directory, everything ends up in the build directory. To 
move things to the lib and bin directories, do a "make install". Seems to me like this is the standard way for
many packages so we should follow it.

Furthermore, I followed a proposal from KO to separate the code in the "src" directory between library source code
and programs. I moved all programs now to a separate "progs" directory, and left only code for the midas library in
the "src" directory. New CMakeLists.txt have been written for the "progs" and "utils" directories.

Care has been taken so that even when source files were moved around, their revision history is kept to "git annotate"
still works.

This is quite a change so sorry if this breaks some existing installations, but it will make things much easier in the future.

  1539   03 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> 1) cmake3 is available on all currently supported systems:
> - SL6 (el6), CentOS7 (el7): yum install cmake3 (from EPEL) (invoke as "cmake3")
> - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: apt-get install cmake (invoke as "cmake").
> - MacOS: install "mac ports", then "port install cmake"
> - Windows - we hope to revive windows10 support this summer

- el8 (RHEL8): cmake 3.11.something is part of the base system (latest cmake), (invoke as "cmake", the best I can tell).

  1540   05 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switched to C++
The last bits of code to switch MIDAS to C++ have been committed, see tag midas-2019-05-cxx.

Since the cmake conversion is still in progress, for now, I recommend using the old "make" build for trying this update.

From the switch to C++, the biggest change is the requirement that frontend programs be build and linked
using the C++ compiler. Since mfe.o and the rest of MIDAS are built with C++, building frontends
with C is no longer possible.

To help with this, I will post a short guide for converting C frontends to C++.

  1541   05 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
Status update on the cmake conversion:

- we have cmake builds working on all supported systems (el6, el7, ubuntu 18.04 LTS, macos 10.13, 10.14)
- I am happy with the result - for example, include file dependancies work much better now
- we are still fixing a few problems where the cmake build is different from the old make build (mfe.o, mlogger/rmlogger, etc)
- until all of these problems are straightened out, we cannot finalize the instructions for writing experiment makefiles (do we have to use -lmfe or 
we can keep the old mfe.o)

After everything is finalized, I hope to post a short guide for converting experiment makefiles to the new system.

The next release of MIDAS (midas-2019-06 series) will be the first C++ midas and cmake will be the primary build system.

  1542   05 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoHow to convert C midas frontends to C++
> To convert a MIDAS frontend to C++ follow this checklist:

Pierre A.-A. reminded me that include files for CAEN libraries have  to
use "extern C" brackets:

some 3rd party libraries (CAEN, etc) are written in C (or require C linkage),
if their include files are not C++ compatible (do not have "extern C" brackets
for all exported symbols), the experiment frontend code must say something like this:

extern "C" {
#include "3rd-party-c-library.h"

Note: "#ifdef cplusplus" is not needed because we already know we are C++, not C.

  1546   10 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfostatus of self-signed https certificates
> > > In the mean time, we continue to recommend that mhttpd should be used behind a password protected https proxy (i.e. apache 
> > > httpd, etc).

There we go. google-chrome 74 refuses to connect to mhttpd configured with a self-signed certificate generated per instructions printed by mhttpd.

Here is the full error text (there is no button to "let me connect to it anyway"):

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more
Help improve Safe Browsing by sending some system information and page content to Google. Privacy policy normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Google Chrome tried to connect to this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an 
attacker is trying to pretend to be, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Google Chrome stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.

You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.
  1553   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> Status update on the cmake conversion:

It looks like cmake cannot do several things we need for building midas.

- it looks like cmake does not support bare object files as 1st class build targets.

We build at least two bare object files: mfe.o and mana.o for use by frontends and analyzers (and I am about
to add one more for the manalyzer). They all contain main() functions and cannot be in libmidas.a.

Stefan & co managed to kludge cmake to build mfe.o but so far I have been unable to figure out how to tell cmake
to actually use it for linking. Replacing "mfe" for -llibmfe in target_include_libraries() with "mfe.o" yields -llibmfe.o, clearly
they do not support linking to bare library object files.

So to avoid fighting cmake, libmfe.a and libmana.a are here to stay.

- it looks like cmake does not like building variant executables and object files, i.e. "with ROOT" and "without ROOT".

I need to set "-DHAVE_ROOT" for building "with ROOT" and unset it via remove_definitions() for building "without ROOT",
but remove_definitions() and add_definitions() do not work on a per-target basis, instead they operate
per-directory and per-project.

In midas, we build mlogger without ROOT (to avoid tangling it with the ROOT RPATH and ROOT shared libraries),
but if ROOT is present, we build rmlogger "with ROOT support". Same for the analyzer (mana.o and rmana.o).

For now we have this:
- mana.o is built with ROOT if ROOT is detected
- rmana.o is not built
- rmlogger is not built (not clear why)

  1557   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> > Status update on the cmake conversion:

After the latest updates from Stefan & co, it looks like the cmake builds are working correctly,
there is only one bug remaining (rmlogger is not built). (rmana.o is also not built, but I think only 0 people use it).

I will test this in a couple of our test experiments, write the instructions for migrating from the old midas and tag a new release (midas-2019-06)

  1558   17 Jun 2019 Stefan RittInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> - it looks like cmake does not like building variant executables and object files, i.e. "with ROOT" and "without ROOT".
> I need to set "-DHAVE_ROOT" for building "with ROOT" and unset it via remove_definitions() for building "without ROOT",
> but remove_definitions() and add_definitions() do not work on a per-target basis, instead they operate
> per-directory and per-project.

You should not use per-directory and per-project definitions, but per-target definitions, such as

target_compile_options(mhttpd PRIVATE -DMG_ENABLE_SSL)

> In midas, we build mlogger without ROOT (to avoid tangling it with the ROOT RPATH and ROOT shared libraries),
> but if ROOT is present, we build rmlogger "with ROOT support". Same for the analyzer (mana.o and rmana.o).
> For now we have this:
> - mana.o is built with ROOT if ROOT is detected
> - rmana.o is not built
> - rmlogger is not built (not clear why)

I added rmlogger to the install instructions. I believe it was always built, but just not installed into the /bin directory.

  1562   18 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> target_compile_options(rmlogger PRIVATE -DHAVE_ROOT)

Got it. Now I can build the duplets of mana.o and rmana.o (and .a) - mana always without ROOT, rmana with ROOT if available. This is the same as 
the old Makefile, the best I can tell.

With the fix to rmlogger, all known problems with the cmake build seem to be fixed.

  1589   04 Jul 2019 Lukas GerritzenInfoLimitations of MSL
I am missing a few features. Do any of the following exist and I have just
overlooked them?

- Arithmetics:
    SET foo, 2
    SET bar, 2
    SET FOOBAR, $foo + $bar
    -> FOOBAR is 2, not 4

- Vectors/arrays
    As far as I understand, "SET" only allows for single variables and no 
    "scripting" in variable names, i. e. doing something like the following
    SET var_1, 0
    SET var_2, 0
    LOOP n, 10
        IF something
            SET var_${n}, 1
    The only way I could think of doing something similar is via the ODB.
    I don't know if it's good practice to fill the ODB with variables like this.

- Loading scripts at run time (see other bug)
    That would allow for script manipulation, even though it's kind of dirty, it
    might be useful in some cases.

- Obtaining results from external scripts
    A way to pass things from external scripts would be the solution to all
    problems. Something that is not implemented could be done in a bash or
    python script instead. 

  1593   05 Jul 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoLimitations of MSL
> I am missing a few features.

MSL did not start out as a fully featured programming language.

Rather than extending it until it becomes one, I think a better approach would be to take
one of the existing extensible scripting language libraries and extend it with midas functions.

For example, LUA ( seems to be popular.

There were also requests for a midas extension for PYTHON (actually this has been done before,
but never added to the midas repository. I still have that code and I suppose it could be resurrected).


> Do any of the following exist and I have just
> overlooked them?
> - Arithmetics:
>     SET foo, 2
>     SET bar, 2
>     SET FOOBAR, $foo + $bar
>     -> FOOBAR is 2, not 4
> - Vectors/arrays
>     As far as I understand, "SET" only allows for single variables and no 
>     "scripting" in variable names, i. e. doing something like the following
>     scripted: 
>     SET var_1, 0
>     SET var_2, 0
>     ...
>     LOOP n, 10
>         ...
>         IF something
>             SET var_${n}, 1
>         ENDIF 
>     The only way I could think of doing something similar is via the ODB.
>     I don't know if it's good practice to fill the ODB with variables like this.
> - Loading scripts at run time (see other bug)
>     That would allow for script manipulation, even though it's kind of dirty, it
>     might be useful in some cases.
> - Obtaining results from external scripts
>     A way to pass things from external scripts would be the solution to all
>     problems. Something that is not implemented could be done in a bash or
>     python script instead. 
> Cheers
> Lukas
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5