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  1594   08 Jul 2019 Stefan RittInfoLimitations of MSL
Sure some existing scripting languages can be used, but they fall short of a few important items in larger experiments:

- they are typically run from a local terminal in the counting house. A remote observer of the experiment has no idea which script is running and at which state it is.

- if DAQ crashes during a script or is aborted, it has to be restarted from the beginning. If you run a sequence of let's say 100 runs taking 8 hours, and on run #98 something goes wrong, you are screwed if you have to start at run #1 again.

This are the main reasons why I developed the midas sequencer. Having everything web-based, everybody can watch remotely how far the sequence progressed. If the whole DAQ crashes, the sequence resumes from the crash point, not from the beginning. This is by saving the current state into the ODB. So even if the sequencer itself is stopped and restarted, that still works.

I agree that the MSL is missing a few calculations, and I was just waiting to get a few specific requests. I will either add new functions such as basic calculations like adding and subtracting variables, or I will create a way to call an external shell like bash to do calculations. I put this high on my todo list.

  1595   08 Jul 2019 Lukas GerritzenInfoLimitations of MSL
Thank you two!

Actually, both solutions would allow me to fix my problem and I can see use cases for both. Having everything web-based is useful in bigger setups. However, in a testbeam environment, a python script is probably the more straight-forward solution. This gives access to the whole system of ones DAQ PC for whatever tricks one would like to perform.

Konstantin, would you mind resurrecting and sharing the python code? So far, my workaround is to call odbedit, which is not ideal for many reasons.

  1599   08 Jul 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoLimitations of MSL
> Konstantin, would you mind resurrecting and sharing the python code?

Not until September or later.

I encourage you to start an "issue" in the bitbucket repository (a "request for improvement") and contact
Thomas L. to see if we can/should discuss it at the incoming midas workshop at TRIUMF.

> So far, my workaround is to call odbedit, which is not ideal for many reasons.

Yes, this has been the way to do it for years...

Also I was thinking of writing an command line tool to invoke midas json-rpc methods (via mhttpd),
then you can do from command line or from a script everything that a web page can do. (of course
you can do it today, by using "curl" to send http requests to mhttpd directly).

  1600   08 Jul 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoLimitations of MSL
Hi, Stefan, on second thought, I agree, I do not know of any scripting language implementation (packaged as a library or not) that
can store it's state in a file ("checkpoint the execution") and that can execute it's program "one line at a time", like the midas
sequencer does now. In the most severe case, one invocation of msequencer executes one line of the msl script.


> Sure some existing scripting languages can be used, but they fall short of a few important items in larger experiments:
> - they are typically run from a local terminal in the counting house. A remote observer of the experiment has no idea which script is running and at which state it is.
> - if DAQ crashes during a script or is aborted, it has to be restarted from the beginning. If you run a sequence of let's say 100 runs taking 8 hours, and on run #98 something goes wrong, you are screwed if you have to start at run #1 again.
> This are the main reasons why I developed the midas sequencer. Having everything web-based, everybody can watch remotely how far the sequence progressed. If the whole DAQ crashes, the sequence resumes from the crash point, not from the beginning. This is by saving the current state into the ODB. So even if the sequencer itself is stopped and restarted, that still works.
> I agree that the MSL is missing a few calculations, and I was just waiting to get a few specific requests. I will either add new functions such as basic calculations like adding and subtracting variables, or I will create a way to call an external shell like bash to do calculations. I put this high on my todo list.
> Stefan
  1606   09 Jul 2019 Stefan RittInfoLimitations of MSL
> Yes, this has been the way to do it for years...

Calling odbedit -c ... ist certainly not the most effective way, but it works. I just tried on my Mac and found that I can call odbedit about 150 times per second. So not so bad if you have a limited operations to perform.

  1621   16 Jul 2019 Lukas GerritzenInfoLimitations of MSL
Dear Stefan,

another thing which does not work is the comparison of floating point numbers.

The script:

IF 1.1 > 1.0 
    MESSAGE "foo" 

Produces an error "Invalid number in comparison". This is due to isdigit() being used to find the numerical values in the condition at progs/msequencer.cxx:343.

Would it be possible to add something like the following?
 343 if (!isdigit(value1_var[i]) && value1_var[i] != '.')
 344          break;
Which would only leave open a problem with some string like "2.3.4"

  1624   21 Jul 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoerror handling is hard
Happy summer to everybody.

When programming in general, and when programming MIDAS, there is always a struggle
with error handling. Too much? Too little? Visually, some MIDAS functions are 90% error handling, 10% useful work, if that.

What is the right way to do this?
Where is the balance?
Would c++ exceptions help or hinder?
How to make it better?

It turns out that the Go community have been struggling with exactly this for the last year or so.

Read the (ultimately rejected) proposal for improved error handling in Go. All the problems and difficulties
and struggles facing the programmer and the language designer spread right in front of us.

(To remember, Go is this:
The language designers are Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and "some other people"
(Dennis Ritchie is no longer with us). These people gave us UNIX and C (and C++, the C++ guy was
their next-door-office mate), when that crowd speaks, I listen)

That write-up refers to some blogger's vivid illustration how correct error handling is hard,
with special focus on error handling in the presence of exceptions:

I read all this stuff and said, "wow, this is the reader's digest version of my life in computer programming".

The clincher from this last guy? "My point isn’t that exceptions are bad.
My point is that exceptions are too hard and I’m not smart
enough to handle them."

"back to writing some error handling code",
  1638   30 Jul 2019 Stefan RittInfoLimitations of MSL
> Would it be possible to add something like the following?
>  343 if (!isdigit(value1_var[i]) && value1_var[i] != '.')
>  344          break;

Actually isdigit() is completely wrong here, because it also fails the minus sign and the 'E' exponent, like in -1.2E-3 

So I changed it to strchr("0123456789.+-Ee", var[i]) which should cover this case. If you put 1.2.3, it takes it as 1.2. 

  1640   05 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. We have in each front-end an equipment structure 
which defined the event id, event type, readout frequency etc. This is mapped to the ODB 


In the past, the ODB setting took precedence over the frontend structure. We defined this 
like 25 years ago and I forgot what the exact reason was. It causes however many people 
(including myself) to fall into this trap: You change something in the front-end EQUIPMENT 
structure, you restart the front-end, but the new setting does not take effect since the 
(old) ODB value took precedence. After some debugging you find out that you have to both 
change the EQUIPMENT structure (which defines the default value for a fresh ODB) and the 
ODB value itself.

So I changed it in the current develop tree that the front-end structure takes precedence. 
You still have a hot-link, so if you want to change anything while the front-end is running 
(like the readout period), you can do that in the ODB and it takes effect immediately. But 
when you start the front-end the next time, the value from the EQUIPMENT structure is 
taken again. So please be aware of this new feature.

Happy BC day,
  1642   06 Aug 2019 Thomas LindnerInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
Hi Stefan,

This change does not sound like a good idea to me.  I think that this change will cause just as much confusion as before; probably more since you are changing established behaviour.

It is common that MIDAS frontends usually have a Settings directory in the ODB where details about the frontend behaviour are set.  The Settings directory might get initialized from strings in the frontend code, but after initialization the Settings in the ODB have precedence and define how the frontend will behave.  Indeed, most of my custom webpages are designed to control my frontend programs through their Settings ODB tree.

So you have created a situation where Frontend/Settings in the ODB has precedence and is the main place for changing frontend behaviour; but Frontend/Common in the ODB is essentially meaningless and will get overwritten the next time the frontend restarts.  That seems likely to confuse people. 

If you really want to make this change I suggest that you delete the Frontend/Common directory entirely; or make it read-only so that people aren't fooled into changing it.


> Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. We have in each front-end an equipment structure 
> which defined the event id, event type, readout frequency etc. This is mapped to the ODB 
> subtree
> /Equipment/<name>/Common
> In the past, the ODB setting took precedence over the frontend structure. We defined this 
> like 25 years ago and I forgot what the exact reason was. It causes however many people 
> (including myself) to fall into this trap: You change something in the front-end EQUIPMENT 
> structure, you restart the front-end, but the new setting does not take effect since the 
> (old) ODB value took precedence. After some debugging you find out that you have to both 
> change the EQUIPMENT structure (which defines the default value for a fresh ODB) and the 
> ODB value itself.
> So I changed it in the current develop tree that the front-end structure takes precedence. 
> You still have a hot-link, so if you want to change anything while the front-end is running 
> (like the readout period), you can do that in the ODB and it takes effect immediately. But 
> when you start the front-end the next time, the value from the EQUIPMENT structure is 
> taken again. So please be aware of this new feature.
> Happy BC day,
> Stefan
  1643   06 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
Hi Thomas,

the change only affects Eqipment/<name>/common not the Equipment/<name>/Settings. 

The Common subtree is still hot-linked into the frontend, so when running things can be changed if needed. This mainly concerns the readout period of periodic events. 
Sometimes you want to change this quickly without restarting the frontend. Changing the other settings are kind of dangerous. If you change the ID of an event on the fly
you won't be able to analyze your data. So having this read-only in the ODB might be a good idea (you still need it in the ODB for the status page), except for the values
you want to change (like the readout period). 

Let's see what other people have to say.


> Hi Stefan,
> This change does not sound like a good idea to me.  I think that this change will cause just as much confusion as before; probably more since you are changing established behaviour.
> It is common that MIDAS frontends usually have a Settings directory in the ODB where details about the frontend behaviour are set.  The Settings directory might get initialized from strings in the frontend code, but after initialization the Settings in the ODB have precedence and define how the frontend will behave.  Indeed, most of my custom webpages are designed to control my frontend programs through their Settings ODB tree.
> So you have created a situation where Frontend/Settings in the ODB has precedence and is the main place for changing frontend behaviour; but Frontend/Common in the ODB is essentially meaningless and will get overwritten the next time the frontend restarts.  That seems likely to confuse people. 
> If you really want to make this change I suggest that you delete the Frontend/Common directory entirely; or make it read-only so that people aren't fooled into changing it.
> Thomas 
> > Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. We have in each front-end an equipment structure 
> > which defined the event id, event type, readout frequency etc. This is mapped to the ODB 
> > subtree
> > 
> > /Equipment/<name>/Common
> > 
> > In the past, the ODB setting took precedence over the frontend structure. We defined this 
> > like 25 years ago and I forgot what the exact reason was. It causes however many people 
> > (including myself) to fall into this trap: You change something in the front-end EQUIPMENT 
> > structure, you restart the front-end, but the new setting does not take effect since the 
> > (old) ODB value took precedence. After some debugging you find out that you have to both 
> > change the EQUIPMENT structure (which defines the default value for a fresh ODB) and the 
> > ODB value itself.
> > 
> > So I changed it in the current develop tree that the front-end structure takes precedence. 
> > You still have a hot-link, so if you want to change anything while the front-end is running 
> > (like the readout period), you can do that in the ODB and it takes effect immediately. But 
> > when you start the front-end the next time, the value from the EQUIPMENT structure is 
> > taken again. So please be aware of this new feature.
> > 
> > Happy BC day,
> > Stefan
  1644   06 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
After some internal discussion, I decided to undo my previous change again, in order not to break existing habits. Instead, I created a new function

set_odb_equipment_common(equipment, name);

which should be called from frontend_init() which explicitly copies all data from the equipment structure in the front-end into the ODB.

  1649   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoc++11 for RHEL/SL/CentOS-6
The default el6 (RHEL/SL/CentOS-6) compiler is gcc-4.4.7, it does not support c++11, not even a little bit.

Do this to install newer c++ compilers and build MIDAS with c++11:

ssh root@sl6machine
# yum install centos-release-scl-rh
# yum install devtoolset-8
# yum install cmake3
# scl -l

$ ssh user@sl6machine
$ scl enable devtoolset-8 bash
$ gcc -v
gcc version 8.3.1 20190311 (Red Hat 8.3.1-3) (GCC) 
$ cd git/midas
$ make cclean
$ make cmake3
$ ls -l bin/odbedit

  1650   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS will use C++11
After much discussion, and following the MIDAS workshop at TRIUMF, we made the decision to use C++11 in MIDAS.

There are many benefits, and only one drawback - no c++11 compilers in the default OS install on older computers (i.e. 
RHEL/SL/CentOS before el7). (the same applies to our use of cmake).

Specifically for el6, the solution is to use c++11 compatible gcc-8 from devtoolset-8, see

The c++11 features we most welcome - initialization of class members at declaration time (no more forgetting to add initialization to 
each and every constructor), c++ threads and mutexes, lambdas and "auto".

  1656   09 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
> Today I fixed a long-annoying problem. ...
> /Equipment/<name>/Common
> In the past, the ODB setting took precedence over the frontend structure...
> We defined this like 25 years ago and I forgot what the exact reason was.
> It causes however many people (including myself) to fall into this trap: ...

There is good number of confusions regarding entries in /eq/xxx/common:

- for some of them, the frontend code settings take precedence and overwrite settings in odb ("frontend file name")
- for some of them, ODB takes precedence and frontend code values are ignored ("read on" and "period")
- for some of them, changes in ODB take effect immediately (via db_watch) ("period")
- for some of them, frontend restart is required for changes to take effect (output event buffer name "buffer")
- some of them continuously update the odb values ("status", "status color")

I do not think there is a simple way to improve on this.

(One solution would replace the single "common" with several subdirectories, "per function",
one would have items where the code takes precedence, one would have items where odb takes
precedence (in effect, "standard settings"), one will have items that the frontend always updates
and that should not be changes via odb ("frontend name", etc). I am not sure this one solution
is necessarily an "improvement").

Lacking any ideas for improvements, I vote for the status quo. (plus a review of the documentation to ensure we have clearly
written up what each entry in "common" does and whether the user is permitted to edit it in odb).

  1661   13 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoPrecedence of equipment/common structure
> Lacking any ideas for improvements, I vote for the status quo. (plus a review of the documentation to ensure we have clearly
> written up what each entry in "common" does and whether the user is permitted to edit it in odb).

I agree with that.

  1662   14 Aug 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
During my visit at TRIUMF we rewrote the history plotting functionality of midas. Instead of 
static GIF images, we have now interactive JavaScript panels where we can scroll, zoom, 
inspect values and much more (example is attached). We are now in a state where this is still 
work in progress, but already at this stage it might be useful for others to report any 

Simply upgrade the the newest develop branch of midas, and you will see two menu items 
"OldHistory" which is the old system and "History" which is the new system. In the new 
system, you can drag with the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out the 
time axis, and hover with your mouse over data points to see its value. If you zoom out, 
old data is loaded automatically in the background.

Following items are planned, but not yet implemented:

- Printing of run markers as in the old history

- Delete old data in the buffer to limit memory consumption if the browser window is 
   open for very long (weeks)

- Implement time interval selector (clock icon, select "last day", "last 8 hours" etc.)

- New settings dialog as a floating dialog box. At the moment, the setting page of the 
   old history system is used

- Export / Printing / Sending to ELOG any history plot

- Implement a formula for plotting data, such as "y = 12 * (x-14) +32". This will replace 
   the old "offset" and "factor" and is more flexible. The formula can be passed directly 
   to the JavaScript engine and will be executed on the web page. It should be also 
   possible to combine different channels, like the difference of two history values.

- Determine the number of digits for variable display from the axis limits. Like if a value 
   changes between 520001 and 520002 only, we need more digits than the usual 6.

Many of these things will be implemented in the next weeks. If you have any more idea 
or find some bugs, please report back to me.

Stefan for the midas team
  1673   06 Sep 2019 Andreas SuterInfoNew history plot facility
I like the new history system very much, but I stumbled over a couple of issues.
I used the version "Thu Aug 29 08:24:29 2019 +0200 -
midas-2019-06-b-244-gdd6585bb on branch develop":

1) it would be nice to have an option to format the label output (see attachment 1)

2) the background of a history plot is very handy if you only show one measure.
If you have multiple ones (see attachment 2), this is not the case anymore. It
would be nice if the background could be enabled/disabled.

> During my visit at TRIUMF we rewrote the history plotting functionality of
midas. Instead of 
> static GIF images, we have now interactive JavaScript panels where we can
scroll, zoom, 
> inspect values and much more (example is attached). We are now in a state
where this is still 
> work in progress, but already at this stage it might be useful for others to
report any 
> feedback.
> Simply upgrade the the newest develop branch of midas, and you will see two
menu items 
> "OldHistory" which is the old system and "History" which is the new system. In
the new 
> system, you can drag with the mouse to scroll, use the mouse wheel to zoom in
and out the 
> time axis, and hover with your mouse over data points to see its value. If you
zoom out, 
> old data is loaded automatically in the background.
> Following items are planned, but not yet implemented:
> - Printing of run markers as in the old history
> - Delete old data in the buffer to limit memory consumption if the browser
window is 
>    open for very long (weeks)
> - Implement time interval selector (clock icon, select "last day", "last 8
hours" etc.)
> - New settings dialog as a floating dialog box. At the moment, the setting
page of the 
>    old history system is used
> - Export / Printing / Sending to ELOG any history plot
> - Implement a formula for plotting data, such as "y = 12 * (x-14) +32". This
will replace 
>    the old "offset" and "factor" and is more flexible. The formula can be
passed directly 
>    to the JavaScript engine and will be executed on the web page. It should be
>    possible to combine different channels, like the difference of two history
> - Determine the number of digits for variable display from the axis limits.
Like if a value 
>    changes between 520001 and 520002 only, we need more digits than the usual 6.
> Many of these things will be implemented in the next weeks. If you have any
more idea 
> or find some bugs, please report back to me.
> Best,
> Stefan for the midas team
  1674   06 Sep 2019 Stefan RittInfoNew history plot facility
> 1) it would be nice to have an option to format the label output (see attachment 1)

That's clearly a bug, I will fix it.

> 2) the background of a history plot is very handy if you only show one measure.
> If you have multiple ones (see attachment 2), this is not the case anymore. It
> would be nice if the background could be enabled/disabled.

Looking at your plot, even without the background things look messy. Please note
that you can display only a single curve by double clicking on it (and back with Escape).
If all curves are on top of each other, you can get them apart a bit by zooming
in to the vertical axis, then double click. Let ma know if that works for you.

Best regards,
  1675   06 Sep 2019 Andreas SuterInfoNew history plot facility
> > 2) the background of a history plot is very handy if you only show one measure.
> > If you have multiple ones (see attachment 2), this is not the case anymore. It
> > would be nice if the background could be enabled/disabled.
> Looking at your plot, even without the background things look messy. Please note
> that you can display only a single curve by double clicking on it (and back with Escape).
> If all curves are on top of each other, you can get them apart a bit by zooming
> in to the vertical axis, then double click. Let ma know if that works for you.

This I found out, yet the attachment here shows another case where it would be useful to be
able to disable the background, namely if you have positive and negative measures in one
plot. Somehow it suggests that CH1 and CH2 show very different values, whereas it is only a
difference in the sign of this variables.

It's not all the important but I would like to mention this is the early stage before
everything is fully frozen.
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