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    Reply  25 Apr 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, CLOCK_REALTIME on MacOS 
> > /Users/francesco/MIDAS/midas/src/system.cxx:3187:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 
> >    clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ltm);
> > 
> > Is it related to my (old) version of MacOS? Can I fix it somehow?

I think the "set clock" function is a holdover from embedded operating systems
that did not keep track of clock time, i.e. VxWorks, and similar. Here a midas program
will get the time from the mserver and set it on the local system. Poor man's ntp,
poor man's ntpd/chronyd.

We should check if this function is called by anything, and if nothing calls it, maybe remove it?

Entry  25 Apr 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, new mac! 
I received my new 2020 mac book air, so between Stefan and myself, MacOS support for 
MIDAS is assured for 5 more years at the least. K.O.
    Reply  26 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, CLOCK_REALTIME on MacOS 
> > > /Users/francesco/MIDAS/midas/src/system.cxx:3187:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 
> > >    clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ltm);
> > > 
> > > Is it related to my (old) version of MacOS? Can I fix it somehow?
> I think the "set clock" function is a holdover from embedded operating systems
> that did not keep track of clock time, i.e. VxWorks, and similar. Here a midas program
> will get the time from the mserver and set it on the local system. Poor man's ntp,
> poor man's ntpd/chronyd.
> We should check if this function is called by anything, and if nothing calls it, maybe remove it?
> K.O.

It's called in mfe.cxx via cm_synchronize:

/* set time from server */

This was for old VxWorks systems which had no ntp/crond. Was asked for by Pierre long time ago. I don't use it 
(have no VxWorks). We can either remove it completely, or remove just the MacOSX part and just exit the program 
if called with an error message "not implemented on this OS".

Entry  12 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, New ODB++ API odbxx_test.cxx
Since the beginning of the lockdown I have been working hard on a new object-oriented interface to the online database ODB. I have the code now in an initial state where it is ready for 
testing and commenting. The basic idea is that there is an object midas::odb, which represents a value or a sub-tree in the ODB. Reading, writing and watching is done through this 
object. To get started, the new API has to be included with

   #include <odbxx.hxx>

To create ODB values under a certain sub-directory, you can either create one key at a time like:

   midas::odb o;
   o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);   // this creates /Test/Settings
   o.set_auto_create(true);            // this turns on auto-creation
   o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types
   o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
   o["String Key"] = "Hello";

or you can create a whole sub-tree at once like:

  midas::odb o = {
    {"Int32 Key", 1},
    {"Double Key", 1.23},
    {"String Key", "Hello"},
    {"Subdir", {
      {"Another value", 1.2f}

To read and write to the ODB, just read and write to the odb object

   int i = o["Int32 Key];
   o["Int32 Key"] = 42;
   std::cout << o << std::endl;

This works with basic types, strings, std::array and std::vector. Each read access to this object triggers an underlying read from the ODB, and each write access triggers a write to the 
ODB. To watch a value for change in the odb (the old db_watch() function), you can use now c++ lambdas like:[](midas::odb &o) {
      std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;

Attached is a full running example, which is now also part of the midas repository. I have tested most things, but would not yet use it in a production environment. Not 100% sure if there 
are any memory leaks. If someone could valgrind the test program, I would appreciate (currently does not work on my Mac).

Have fun!


    Reply  20 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New ODB++ API 
>    midas::odb o;
>    o["foo"] = 1;

This is an excellent development.

ODB is a tree-structured database, JSON is a tree-structured data format,
and they seem to fit together like hand and glove. For programming
web pages, Javascript and JSON-style access to ODB seems to work really well.

And now with modern C++ we can have a similar API for working with ODB tree data,
as if it were Javascript JSON tree data.

Let's see how well it works in practice!

    Reply  20 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, New ODB++ API odbxx_test.cxx
In meanwhile, there have been minor changes and improvements to the API:

Previously, we had:

>    midas::odb o;
>    o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);   // this creates /Test/Settings
>    o.set_auto_create(true);            // this turns on auto-creation
>    o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types
>    o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
>    o["String Key"] = "Hello";

Now, we only need:

      o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types

no "true" needed any more. If the ODB tree does not exist, it gets created. Similarly, set_auto_create() can be dropped, it's on by default (thought this makes more sense). Also the iteration over subkeys has 
been changed slightly.

The full example attached has been updated accordingly. 

    Reply  20 May 2020, Pintaudi Giorgio, Info, New ODB++ API 
All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ...
    Reply  20 May 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New ODB++ API 
> All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
> I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ...

Yes, I have designed new C-style MIDAS ODB APIs twice now (VirtualOdb in ROOTANA and MVOdb in ROOTANA and MIDAS),
and I was never happy with the results. There is too many corner cases and odd behaviour. Let's see how
this C++ interface shakes out.

For use in analyzers, Stefan's C++ interface still need to be virtualized - right now it has only one implementation
with the MIDAS ODB backend. In analyzers, we need XML, JSON (and a NULL ODB) backends. The API looks
to be clean enough to add this, but I have not looked at the implementation yet. So "watch this space" as they say.

Entry  09 Jun 2020, Isaac Labrie Boulay, Info, Preparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers. VME_address_jumpers_broken_link.PNG
Hey folks,

I'm currently working on setting up a MIDAS experiment and I am following the 
"Setup MIDAS experiment at Triumf" page on 

The 3rd line of the hardware checklist under the "Prepare VME hardware section" 
has a link to a page that doesn't exit anymore, I'm trying to figure out how to 
setup the VME address jumpers on the VME modules.

Does anyone know how to setup the VME modules? Or, can anyone send me a link to 

Thanks a lot for your time.

    Reply  10 Jun 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Preparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers. 
Hi, if you are not using any VME hardware, then you have no VME address jumpers to 

    Reply  12 Jun 2020, Isaac Labrie Boulay, Info, Preparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers. 
> Hi, if you are not using any VME hardware, then you have no VME address jumpers to 
> set.
> K.O.

Hi thanks for taking the time to help me out. I am using a VME-MWS in this experiment.

Let me know what you think.

Entry  19 Jun 2020, Isaac Labrie-Boulay, Info, Building/running a Frontend Task 
To build a frontend task, the user code and system code are compiled and linked 
together with the required libraries, by running a Makefile (e.g. 
../midas/examples/experiment/Makefile in the MIDAS package).

I tried building the CAMAC example frontend and I get this error:

g++: error: /home/rcmp/packages/midas/drivers/camac/ces8210.c: No such file or 
g++: error: /home/rcmp/packages/midas/linux/lib/libmidas.a: No such file or 
make: *** [camac_init.exe] Error 1

Obviously, I'm running the "make all" command from the camac directory. Why 
would I get this "no such file" error? Do I need to download the MIDAS packages 
inside my experiment directory?

Thanks for helping me out.

Entry  24 Jun 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, New image history system available Screenshot_2020-06-24_at_17.21.11_.png
I'm happy to report that the Corona Lockdown in Europe also had some positive side 
effects: Finally I found time to implement an image history system in midas, 
something I wanted to do since many years, but never found time for that.

The idea is that you can incorporate any network-connected WebCam into the midas 
history system. You specify an update interval (like one minute) and the logger 
fetches regularly images from that webcam. The images are stored as raw files in 
the midas history directory, and can be retrieved via the web browser similarly to 
the "normal" history. Attached is an image from the MEG Experiment at PSI to give 
you some idea.

The cool thing now is that you can go "backwards" in time and browse all stored 
images. The buttons at each image allow you to step backward, forward, and play a 
movie of images, forward or backward. You can query for a certain date/time and 
download a specific image to your local disk. You can even synchronize all time 
axes, drag left and right on each image to see your experiment from different 
cameras at the same time stamps. You see a blue ribbon below each image which shows 
time stamps for which an image is available. 

Initially, only the most recent image is loaded to speed up loading time. As soon 
as you click on the image or one of the arrow buttons, previous images are loaded 
progressively, which you can see in the ribbon bar becoming blue. For slow internet 
connections this can take some time. For typical webcams and one minute update 
period you get typically a few GB per week.

To make this happen, you define a new ODB subtree 

  Name:          Name of Camera
  Enabled:       Boolean to enable readout of camera
  URL            URL to fetch an image from the camera
  Period         Time period in seconds to fetch a new image
  Storage hours  Number of hours to store the images (0 for infinite)
  Extension      Image file extension, usually ".jpg" or ".png"
  Timescale      Initial horizontal time scale (like 8h)

The tricky part is to obtain the URL from your camera. For some cameras you can get 
that from the manual, others you have to "hack": Display an image in your browser 
using the camera's internal web interface, inspect the source code of your web page 
and you get the URL. For AXIS cameras I use, the URL is typically


For the Netatmo cameras I have at home (which I used during development in my home 
office), the procedure is more complicated, but you can google it. The logger is 
now linked against the CURL library to fetch images, so it also support https://. 
If libcurl is not installed on your system, the image history functionality will be 

I tested the system for a few days now and it seem stable, which however does not 
mean that it is bug-free. So please report back any issue. The change is committed 
to the current develop branch.

I hope this extension helps all those people who are forced to do more remote 
monitoring of experiment during these times.

Entry  28 Jun 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd https support openssl -> mbedtls 
For password protection of midas web pages, https is required, good old http 
with passwords transmitted in-the-clear is no longer considered secure. Latest 
recommendation is to run mhttpd behind an industry-standard https proxy, for 
example apache httpd. These proxies provide built-in password protection and 
have integration with certbot to provide automatic renewal of https 

That said, for a long time now mhttpd provides native https support through the 
mongoose web server library and the openssl cryptography library.

Unfortunately, for years now, we have been running into trouble with the midas 
build process bombing out due to inconsistent versions and locations of system-
provided and user-installed openssl libraries. Despite our best efforts (and 
through the switch to cmake!) these problems keep coming back and coming back.

Luckily, latest versions of mongoose support the mbedtls cryptography library. I 
have tested it and it works well enough for me to switch the MIDAS default build 
from "openssl if found" to "mbedtls if-asked-for-by-user".

Starting with commit e7b02f9, cmake builds do not look for and do not try to use 
openssl. mhttpd is built without support for https. This is consistent with the 
recommendation to run it behind an apache httpd password protected https proxy.

To enable https support using mbedtls, run "make mbedtls". This will "git clone" 
the mbedtls library and add it to the midas build. mhttpd will be built with 
https support enabled.

To disable mbedtls support, use "make cmake NO_MBEDTLS=1" or run "make 
clean_mbedtls" (this will remove the mbedtls sources from the midas build).

To restore previous use of openssl, set the cmake variable "USE_OPENSSL".

In my test, mhttpd with https through mbedtls and a letsencrypt certificate gain 
a score of "A" from SSLlabs. (very good).

(you have to use progs/mtcproxy to run this test - SSLlabs only probe port 443 
and mtcproxy will forward it to mhttpd port 8443. to build, run "make 


    Reply  28 Jun 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd https support openssl -> mbedtls 
To add. Using https with either openssl or mbedtls requires obtaining an https certificate. This can be self-
signed, or signed by a higher authority, or issued by the "let's encrypt" project.

mhttpd is looking for this certificate in the file ssl_cert.pem.

If this file does not exist, mhttpd will print the instructions for creating it using openssl (self-signed) or 
using certbot (instantaneously and automatically issued let's encrypt certificate).

The certbot route is recommended:

1) (as root) setup certbot (i.e. see my CentOS and Ubuntu instructions on DAQWiki)
2) (as root) copy /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOME/fullchain.pem and privkey.pem to $MIDASSYS
3) cat fullchain.pem privkey.pem > ssl_cert.pem
4) start mhttpd, watch the first few lines it prints to confirm it found the right certificate file.

The only missing piece for using this in production is lack of integration
with certbot automatic certificate renewal:

- a script has to run for steps (2) and (3) above
- mhttpd has to tell openssl/mbedtls to reload the certificate file (alternative is to automatically restart 
mhttpd, bad!).

As an alternative, we can wait for the mongoose web server library and for the mbedtls crypto library to "grow" 
certbot-style automatic certificate renewal features. (unavoidable, in my view).

Entry  28 Jun 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Makefile update 
I reworked the MIDAS Makefile to simplify things and to remove redundancy with functions 
provided by cmake.

When you say "make", the list of options is printed.

The first and main options are "make cmake" and "make cclean" to run the cmake build.

This is my recommended way to build midas - the output of "make cmake" was tuned to provide 
the information need to debug build problems (all compiler commands, command line switches 
and file paths are reported). (normal "cmake VERBOSE=1" is tuned for debugging of cmake and 
for maximum obfuscation of problems building the actual project).

Build options are implemented through cmake variables:

options that can be added to "make cmake":

for example "make cmake NO_ROOT=1" to disable auto-detection of ROOT.

Two more make targets create reduced builds of midas:

"make mini" builds a subset of midas suitable for building frontend programs. Big programs 
like mlogger and mhttpd are excluded, optional components like CURL or SQLITE are not needed.

"make remoteonly" builds a subset of midas suitable for building remotely connected 
frontends. Big parts of midas are excluded, many system-dependent functions are excluded, 
etc. This is intended for embedded applications, such as fpga, uclinux, etc.

But wait, there is more. Here is the full list:

daqubuntu:midas$ make

   make cmake     --- full build of midas
   make cclean    --- remove everything build by make cmake

   options that can be added to "make cmake":

   make dox       --- run doxygen, results are in ./html/index.html
   make cleandox  --- remove doxygen output

   make htmllint  --- run html check on resources/*.html

   make test      --- run midas self test

   make mbedtls   --- enable mhttpd support for https via the mbedtls https library
   make update_mbedtls --- update mbedtls to latest version
   make clean_mbedtls  --- remove mbedtls from this midas build

   make mtcpproxy --- build the https proxy to forward root-only port 443 to mhttpd https 
port 8443

   make mini      --- minimal build, results are in linux/{bin,lib}
   make cleanmini --- remove everything build by make mini

   make remoteonly      --- minimal build, remote connetion only, results are in linux-
   make cleanremoteonly --- remove everything build by make remoteonly

   make linux32   --- minimal x86 -m32 build, results are in linux-m32/{bin,lib}
   make clean32   --- remove everything built by make linux32

   make linux64   --- minimal x86 -m64 build, results are in linux-m64/{bin,lib}
   make clean64   --- remove everything built by make linux64

   make linuxarm  --- minimal ARM cross-build, results are in linux-arm/{bin,lib}
   make cleanarm  --- remove everything built by make linuxarm

   make clean     --- run all 'clean' commands


    Reply  15 Jul 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, Makefile update 
Please note that you can also compile midas in the standard cmake way with

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make install

in the root midas directory. You might have to use "cmake3" on some systems.

Entry  15 Jul 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, Minimal CMakeLists.txt for your midas front-end 
Since a few people asked me, here is a "minimal" CMakeLists.txt file for a user-written front-end 
program "myfe":


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

# Check for MIDASSYS environment variable
   message(SEND_ERROR "MIDASSYS environment variable not defined.")


   set(LIBS -lpthread -lutil -lrt)

add_executable(myfe myfe.cxx)

target_include_directories(myfe PRIVATE ${MIDASSYS}/include)
target_link_libraries(crfe ${MIDASSYS}/lib/libmfe.a ${MIDASSYS}/lib/libmidas.a ${LIBS})
Entry  07 Aug 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, update of MYSQL history documentation 
I updated the documentation for setting up a MYSQL (MariaDB) database for 
recording MIDAS history:

One thing to note: the "writer" user must have the "INDEX" permission, otherwise 
many things will not work correctly.

Included are the instructions for importing exiting *.hst history files into the 
SQL database: mh2sql --mysql mysql_writer.txt *.hst

Let me know if there is interest in adding support for writing into Postgres SQL 
database. We used to support both MySQL and Postgres through the ODBC library, 
but in the new code, each database has to be supported through it's native API. 
There is code for SQLITE, MYSQL, but no code for Postgres, although it is not too 
hard to add.

Entry  10 Aug 2020, Mathieu Guigue, Info, MidasConfig.cmake usage 
As the Midas software is installed using CMake, it can be easily integrated into 
other CMake projects using the MidasConfig.cmake file produced during the Midas 

This file points to the location of the include and libraries of Midas using three 

Then the CMakeLists file of the new project can use the CMake find_package 
functionalities like:
find_package (Midas REQUIRED)
    MESSAGE(STATUS "Found midas: libraries ${MIDAS_LIBRARIES}")
    pbuilder_add_ext_libraries (${MIDAS_LIBRARIES})
    message(FATAL "Unable to find midas")
include_directories (${MIDAS_INCLUDE_DIR})
pbuilder_add_ext_libraries is a CMake macro allowing to automatically add the 
libraries into the project: this macro can be found here:
If such macro doesn't exist, the linkage to each executable/library can be done 
similarly to using: 

target_link_libraries(crfe ${MIDAS_LIBARIES} ${LIBS})

The current version of the MidasConfig.cmake is minimal and could for example 
include a version number: this would allow to define a e.g. minimal version of 
Midas needed by the new project.
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