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ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown
  219   01 Sep 2005 Stefan RittBug Fixfix race condition between clients on run start/stop, pause/resume
> It turns out that the new priority sequencing of run state transitions had a
> flaw: the frontends, the analyzer and the logger all registered at priority 500
> and were invoked in essentially a random order. For example the frontend could
> get a begin-run transition before the logger and so start sending data before
> the logger opened the output file. Same for the analyzer and same for the end of
> run. Also the sequencing for pause/resume run and begin/end run was different
> when the two pairs ought to have identical sequencing.
> I now commited changes to mana.c and mlogger.c changing their transition sequencing:
> start and resume:
> 200 - logger (mlogger.c, no change)
> 300 - analyzer (mana.c, was 500)
> 500 - frontends (mfe.c, no change)
> stop and pause:
> 500 - frontends (mfe.c, no change)
> 700 - analyzer (mana.c, was 500)
> 800 - mlogger (mlogger.c, was 500)
> P.S. However, even after this change, the TRIUMF ISAC/Dragon experiment still
> see an anomaly in the analyzer, where it receives data events after the
> end-of-run transition.
> K.O.

Thanks for fixing that bug. It happend because during the implementatoin of the priority
sequencing we have up the pre/post tansition, which took care of the proper sequence
between the logger, frontend and analyzer. The way you modified the sequence is
absolutely correct. It is important to have >10 numbers "around" the frontends (like
450...550) in case one has an experiment with >10 frontends which need to make a
transition in a certain sequence (like the DANCE experiment in Los Alamos).
  212   02 Aug 2005 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfix odb corruption when running analzer for the first time
I have been plagued by ODB corruption when I run the analyzer for the first time
after setting up the new experiment. Some time ago, I traced this to
mana.c::book_ttree() and now I found and fixed the bug, fix now commited to
midas cvs. In book_ttree(), db_find("/Analyzer/Bank switches") was returning an
error and setting hkey to zero. Then we called db_open_record() with hkey==0,
which cased ODB corruption later on. The normal db_validate_hkey() did not catch
this because it considers hkey==0 to be valid (when most likely it is not). K.O.
  671   20 Nov 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfix odb corruption from too long client names
odb.c rev 4622 fixes ODB corruption by db_connect_database() if client_name is
too long. Also fixed is potential ODB corruption by too long key names in
db_create_key(). Problem kindly reported by Tim Nichols of T2K/ND280 experiment.
  2359   22 Mar 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfix for event buffer corruption in bm_flush_cache()
multithreaded frontends have an unusual event buffer corruption if the write 
cache is enabled. For a long time now I had to disable the write cache on
all multithreaded frontends in alpha-g, I was hitting this bug quite often.
(somehow I do not see this problem reported on bitbucket!)

last week I reworked the multithread locking of event buffers, in hope
that this bug will turn up, but nope, all mutexes and locking look okey,
except for a number of unrelated problems (races against bm_close_buffer()
were the most troublesome to fix).

but finally found the trouble.

first, some background.

because multiprocess locking is expensive, frontends that generate
a large number of small events can use the write cache to reduce
this overhead. instead of locking the shared memory event buffer for
each event, events are accumulated in the write cache, and periodic
calls to bm_flush_buffer() flush them to shared memory. For best effect,
one should increase the size of the write cache until lock rate is around

it turns out introduction of multithreading broke bm_flush_cache().

it does this:

- int ask_free = pbuf->wp; // how much data we have in the write cache now
- call bm_wait_for_free_space(ask_free); // ensure we have this much free shared 
memory space
- copy pbuf->wp worth if events to shared memory

looks okey at first sight. this is what happens to trigger the bug:

- int ask_free = pbuf->wp; // ok
- call bm_wait_for_free_space(ask_free); // ok, but if shared memory is full, it 
will go to sleep waiting for free space
- in the mean time, another thread calls bm_send_event(), this adds more data to 
the write cache, moves pbuf->wp
- bm_wait_for_free_space() eventually returns
- copy pbuf->wp worth of data to shared memo KABOOM! shared memory corruption!

we just overwrote some unlucky event in shared memory: we only have "ask_free"
free bytes available, but pbuf->wp moved and now has more data,
and it does not fit, and there is no check against it.

of course in the single threaded world this bug did not exist, there was no 
other thread to call bm_send_event() while bm_flush_cache() is sleeping.

the obvious fix is to ask for more free space if cached data does not fit.

this is now implemented on the branch feature/buffer_mutex. after a bit more 
tested I will merge it into develop.

so that's it?

not so fast. there was more going on. as described, the bug will only happen
when shared memory event buffer is full. (i.e. rarely or never). It turns
out the old version of thread locking code was defective and permitted
a race between bm_send_event() and bm_send_event() in another thread:

thread 1: while (1) { bm_send_event(very small event); }
thread 2:
-> bm_send_event(very big event)
-> no space in the cache for the very big event, call bm_flush_cache()
-> bm_flush_cache() asks bm_wait_for_free_space() to make space for cached data
-> this was done with write cache mutex released (mistake!)
-> at the same time bm_send_event(very small event) added 1 more small event to 
the cache
-> back in bm_flush_cache() write cache mutex is locked correctly, we copy 
cached data to shared memory and again KABOOM because we now have more data than 
we asked free space for.

So in the original implementation, corruption was possible even when share 
memory event buffer was pretty much empty.

The reworked locking code closed that loop hole - bm_flush_cache() is now
called with write cache locked, and bm_send_event() from another thread
cannot confuse things, unless shared memory buffer is full and we go to
sleep inside bm_wait_for_free_space(). And this is now fixed, too.

  2360   22 Mar 2022 Stefan RittBug Fixfix for event buffer corruption in bm_flush_cache()
Thanks Konstantin for your detailed description. 

I wonder why we never saw this problem at PSI. Here is the reason: In multil-threaded environments, we never call bm_send_event() directly 
from all threads (since in the old days nothing was thread safe in midas). Instead, we use a collector thread which gets all events via the 
rb_xxx functions from the individual readout threads. This is well integrated into the mfe.cxx framework. Look at examples/mtfe/mfte.cxx. 
Each thread does (simplified):

while (true) {
  do {
     status = rb_get_wp(&pevent);
  } while (status == DB_TIMEOUT)

  bm_compose_event_threadsafe(pevent, ..., &serial_number);
  ... fill event ...

  rb_increment_wp(sizeof(EVENT_HEADER) + pevent->data_size);

The framework now collects all these events in receive_trigger_event() which runs in the main thread:

  for (i=0 ; i<n_thread ; i++) {
     rb_get_rp(i, pevent);
     if (pevent->serial_number == prev_serial+1)
  prev_serial = pevent->serial_number;
  rb_increment_rp(sizeof(EVENT_HEADER) + pevent->data_size);

This code ensures that all events are in the right sequence (before the serial numbers where mixed up) and that all events are sent only 
from a single thread, so the write buffer can be used effectively without complicated multi-thread locks.

This solution works nicely at PSI since many years, maybe you should put some thought to use it in your tmfe framework in Alpha-g as well 
instead of struggling with all your locks.

  2361   23 Mar 2022 Ivo SchulthessBug Fixfix for event buffer corruption in bm_flush_cache()
Thanks for the investigation. Back in 2020, we had some issues of losing data between the system buffer and the logger writing them to disk ( This was polled equipment but we had a multithreaded FE running at the same time. Could this be related to the same problem?

Best, Ivo
  2363   23 Mar 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfix for event buffer corruption in bm_flush_cache()
I confirm, there is no problem in single-threaded programs, and
there is no problem if all bm_send_event() and bm_flush_cache() are called
from the same thread.

> ... instead of struggling with all your locks.

it is better to have midas fully thread safe. ODB has been so for a long time,
event buffer partially (except for this bug), now fully.

without that the problem still exists, because in many frontends,
bm_flush_buffer() is called from the main thread, and will race
against the "bm_send_event() thread". Of course you can do
everything on the main thread, but this opens you to RPC timeouts
during run transitions (if you sleep in bm_wait_for_free_space()).

also the SYSMSG buffer is subject to the same bug. cm_msg() is of course
safe to call from anywhere, but cm_msg_flush_buffer() and cm_periodic_tasks()
can be called from any thread, and they issue bm_send_event(SYSMSG),
and there will be mysterious crashes and SYSMSG corruptions, probably
only during message storms, but still!

  2367   24 Mar 2022 Stefan RittBug Fixfix for event buffer corruption in bm_flush_cache()
> > ... instead of struggling with all your locks.
> it is better to have midas fully thread safe. ODB has been so for a long time,
> event buffer partially (except for this bug), now fully.
> without that the problem still exists, because in many frontends,
> bm_flush_buffer() is called from the main thread, and will race
> against the "bm_send_event() thread". Of course you can do
> everything on the main thread, but this opens you to RPC timeouts
> during run transitions (if you sleep in bm_wait_for_free_space()).

Just for the record: in the mfe.cxx framework both bm_send_event() and 
bm_flush_buffer() are called from the main thread, as can be seen in the 
midas/examples/mtfe/mtfe.cxx example.

But I agree that having all buffer operations thread safe is a clear benefit.

  2369   24 Mar 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfix for event buffer corruption in bm_flush_cache()
> Thanks for the investigation. Back in 2020, we had some issues
> of losing data between the system buffer and the logger writing them
> to disk ( This was polled equipment
> but we had a multithreaded FE running at the same time. Could this be related to the same problem?

I think we will have to follow up on your problem 1966 separately.

I think this bug cannot lose events. Writing events to the write cache has correct
locking, no loss here. writing write cache to shared memory has correct locking,
no loss there. the bug will cause the *next* event in the event buffer to be overwritten,
this will be detected by most programs as shared memory corruption and everybody
will quit. (mhttpd, mserver, odbedit will probably survive).

I guess there could be unlucky corruption that looks like nothing was corrupted,
but this will affect only a few events right at the shared memory read/write
pointer, it so happens that they are the oldest events in the buffer and likely
mlogger already wrote them to disk. mlogger read pointer will likely follow
the shared memory write pointer closely, well ahead of the shared memory
read pointer which always pointe to the older event and where this bug's corruption
will happen.

So no, I do not think this bug can cause event loss between frontend and mlogger.

  258   25 May 2006 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfix crash in xml odb load
There is a crash in odbedit when loading some xml odb files: a missing check for NULL pointer when 
loading an array of strings and one of the array elements is blank. This check is present when loading 
other string values. Here is the diff:

-bash-3.00$ diff odb.c odb.c-new
<                db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, mxml_get_value(child), size, i, tid);
>                if (mxml_get_value(child) == NULL)
>                   db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, "", size, i, tid);
>                else
>                   db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, mxml_get_value(child), size, i, tid);

  263   08 Jun 2006 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfix compilation of musbstd.h, add it back to libmidas
I fixed the compilation of musbstd.h (it required -DHAVE_LIBUSB on Linux, but
nothing knew about defining it) and put musbstd.o back into libmidas (USB
support should be part of the standard base midas library). K.O.
  267   09 Jun 2006 Stefan RittBug Fixfix compilation of musbstd.h, add it back to libmidas
> I fixed the compilation of musbstd.h (it required -DHAVE_LIBUSB on Linux, but
> nothing knew about defining it) and put musbstd.o back into libmidas (USB
> support should be part of the standard base midas library). K.O.

I'm not so sure about that. One could consider musbstd.o as a driver, and the
philosophy used for midas programs is that drivers get added explicitly when
compiling a frontend. We do not put mvmestd.c and mcstd.c into libmidas since for
different interfaces a different driver might be required. If we at some point use
an usb library different than libusb.a, we would have to compile different
libmidas for these different drivers.

I know it's convenient to have things in libmidas and not having to specify it
expliceitely for each frontend, but it is then somehow inconsistent with drivers
for vme and camac. So please reconsider this again.

- Stefan
  2424   15 Aug 2022 Zaher SalmanBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following message in the console

17:21:28.821 Script terminated by timeout at:

Any ideas how to resolve this??
  2425   15 Aug 2022 Stefan RittBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following message in the console
> 17:21:28.821 Script terminated by timeout at:
> MhistoryGraph.prototype.drawTAxis@
> MhistoryGraph.prototype.draw@
> mhistory.js:2828:7
> Any ideas how to resolve this??

I have to reproduce the problem. Can you send me the full URL from your browser when you see that problem? Probably you have some "special" axis limits, so we don't see that 
problem anywhere else.

  2426   16 Aug 2022 Zaher SalmanBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> > Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code. After stopping the script manually to get firefox back in control I have the following message in the console
> > 
> > 17:21:28.821 Script terminated by timeout at:
> > MhistoryGraph.prototype.drawTAxis@
> > MhistoryGraph.prototype.draw@
> > mhistory.js:2828:7
> > 
> > Any ideas how to resolve this??
> I have to reproduce the problem. Can you send me the full URL from your browser when you see that problem? Probably you have some "special" axis limits, so we don't see that 
> problem anywhere else.
> Stefan

Hi Stefan and Konstantin,

The URL (reachable only within PSI) is
Firefox is version 91.12.0esr (64-bit), but I had similar issues with chrome/chromium too.
The hangs seem to happen randomly so I have not been able to reproduce it yet. 
I have histories here (30 minutes each), but I have also histories popping up in modals though they do not cause any issues. 
I'll try to reproduce it in the coming few days and report again.

  2427   16 Aug 2022 Zaher SalmanBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
I found the bug. The problem is triggered by changing the firefox window. This calls a function that is supposed to change the size of the history plot and it works well when the history plots are visible but not if the history plots are hidden in a javascript tab (not another firefox tab).

Is there a clean way to resize the history plot if the parent div changes size?? The offending code is
mhist[i].mhg = new MhistoryGraph(mhist[i]);
mhist[i].resize = function () {
  2428   16 Aug 2022 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> > > Firefox is hanging/becoming unresponsive due to javascript code.
> The URL (reachable only within PSI) is

so malfunction is not in the midas history page, but in a custom page. I could help you debug it,
but you would have to provide the complete source code (javascript and html).

> Firefox is version 91.12.0esr (64-bit), but I had similar issues with chrome/chromium too.

my firefox is 103.something. when you say google-chrome has "similar issues",
I read it as "google-chrome does not show this same bug, but shows some other
bug somewhere else". (if I misread you, you have to write better).

but this gives you a front to attack your bugs. basically all browsers should render your
custom page exactly the same (unless you use some obscure or experimental feature, which I
recommend against).

so you tweak your page to identify the source of different rendering results, and try to eliminate it,
hopefully by the time you get your page render exactly the same everywhere, all the real bugs
have gotten shaken out, too. (this is similar to debugging a c++ program by compiling
it on linux, mac, windows, vax, raspbery pi, etc and checking that you get the same result everywhere).

> The hangs seem to happen randomly so I have not been able to reproduce it yet.

I find that javascript debuggers are not setup to debug hangs. I think debugger runs partially
inside the same javascript engine you are debugging, so both hang and debugging is impossible.

(latest google-chrome has another improvement, all pages from the same computer run in the same
javascript engine, so if one midas page stops (on exception or because I debug it), all midas pages
stop and I have to run two different browsers if I want to debug (i.e.) a history page crash
and look at odb at the same time. fun).

  2429   17 Aug 2022 Stefan RittBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
The problem lies in your function mhistory_init_one() in Mudas.js:1965. You can only call "new MhistoryGraph(e)" with an element "e" which is something like

<div class="mjshistory" data-group="..." data-panel="..." data-base-u-r-l="" title="">

Please note the "data-base-u-r-l". This gets automatically added by the function mhistory_init() in mhistory.js:48. The URL is necessary sot that the upper right button in a history graph works which goes to a history page only showing the current graph.

In you function mhistory_init_one() you forgot the call

   mhist.dataset.baseURL = baseURL; 

where baseURL has to come from the current address bar like

   let baseURL = window.location.href;
   if (baseURL.indexOf("?cmd") > 0)
      baseURL = baseURL.substr(0, baseURL.indexOf("?cmd"));
   baseURL += "?cmd=history";

If you duplicate some functionality from mhistory.js, please make sure to duplicate it completely.

  2430   17 Aug 2022 Zaher SalmanBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> The problem lies in your function mhistory_init_one() in Mudas.js:1965. You can only call "new MhistoryGraph(e)" with an element "e" which is something like
> <div class="mjshistory" data-group="..." data-panel="..." data-base-u-r-l="" title="">
> Please note the "data-base-u-r-l". This gets automatically added by the function mhistory_init() in mhistory.js:48. The URL is necessary sot that the upper right button in a history graph works which goes to a history page only showing the current graph.
> In you function mhistory_init_one() you forgot the call
>    mhist.dataset.baseURL = baseURL; 
> where baseURL has to come from the current address bar like
>    let baseURL = window.location.href;
>    if (baseURL.indexOf("?cmd") > 0)
>       baseURL = baseURL.substr(0, baseURL.indexOf("?cmd"));
>    baseURL += "?cmd=history";
> If you duplicate some functionality from mhistory.js, please make sure to duplicate it completely.

Thanks Stefan, but this was not the problem since I am setting the baseURL. You may have looked at the code during my debugging.

Some of my histories are placed in an IFrame object. I eventually realized that my code fails when it tries to resize a history which is placed in an invisible IFrame. I resolved the issue by making sure that I am resizing plots only if they are in a visible IFrame.
  Draft   17 Aug 2022 Stefan RittBug Reportfirefox hangs due to mhistory
> Some of my histories are placed in an IFrame object. I eventually realized that my code fails 
> when it tries to resize a history which is placed in an invisible IFrame. I resolved the issue 
> by making sure that I am resizing plots only if they are in a visible IFrame.

Just to be clear: You could resolve everything on your side, or do you need to change anything in mhistory.js?

Just a tip: IFrames are not good to put anything in. I recommend just to dynamically crate a <div> element, 
append it to the document body, make it floating and initially invisible. Then put all inside that div. Have
a look how control.js do it. T
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