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ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown
  97   24 Nov 2003 Stefan Ritt cannot shutdown defunct clients
> But there is one problem with "cleanup". It has a hardwired timeout of
> 2 seconds.  This is a problem for tasks like lazylogger which set a timeout
> of 60 seconds when moving the tape. So BEWARE, if you issue the "cleanup"
> command, it might kill some clients who have setup their timeout to longer
> than 2 seconds. 
> I have asked Stefan to change this before. He said that, to be effective,
> the timeout value used for "cleanup" has to be rather short. 
> One possibility, would be to allow for a user entered "cleanup" timeout.
> The default could stay at 2 seconds. 

I changed the behaviour of cleanup by adding an extra parameter 
ignore_timeout to cm_cleanup(). Now, in ODBEdit, a "clanup" obeys the 
timeout set by the clients. The problem with that is if the logger crashes 
for example, and it's timeout is set o 5 min., it cannot be clean-up'ed any 
more for the next five minutes, and therefor not be restarted wasting 
precious beam time. That's why I hard-wired originally the "cleanup" timout 
to 2 sec. Now I added a flag "-f" to the ODBEdit cleanup command which works 
in the old fashion with a 2 sec. timeout. So a "cleanup" alone won't kill a 
looger which currently rewinds a tape or so, but a "cleanup -f" does.

I also changed internal timeouts from INT to DWORD, which should fix the 
problem Konstantin reported recently (re-starting an experiment after 
several weeks). New changes are commited, but I only did basic tests. So 
please try the new code and tell me if there is any problem.

- Stefan
  2257   09 Jul 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfocannot push to bitbucket
the day has arrived when I cannot git push to bitbucket. cloud computing rules!

I have never seen this error before and I do not think we have any hooks installed,
so it must be some bitbucket stuff. their status page says some kind of maintenance
is happening, but the promised error message is "repository is read only" or something 

I hope this clears out automatically. I am updating all the cmake crud and I have no idea 
which changes I already pushed and which I did not, so no idea if anything will work for 
people who pull from midas until this problem is cleared out.

daq00:mvodb$ git push
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Enumerating objects: 3, done.
Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 247 bytes | 247.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: null value in column "attempts" violates not-null constraint
remote: DETAIL:  Failing row contains (13586899, 2021-07-10 01:13:28.812076+00, 1970-01-01 
00:00:00+00, 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00, 65975727, null).
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''

  1649   08 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoc++11 for RHEL/SL/CentOS-6
The default el6 (RHEL/SL/CentOS-6) compiler is gcc-4.4.7, it does not support c++11, not even a little bit.

Do this to install newer c++ compilers and build MIDAS with c++11:

ssh root@sl6machine
# yum install centos-release-scl-rh
# yum install devtoolset-8
# yum install cmake3
# scl -l

$ ssh user@sl6machine
$ scl enable devtoolset-8 bash
$ gcc -v
gcc version 8.3.1 20190311 (Red Hat 8.3.1-3) (GCC) 
$ cd git/midas
$ make cclean
$ make cmake3
$ ls -l bin/odbedit

  1748   06 Dec 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoc++11 for RHEL/SL/CentOS-6
> The default el6 (RHEL/SL/CentOS-6) compiler is gcc-4.4.7, it does not support c++11, not even a little bit.

The previously posted instructions are incomplete - one cannot cross-compile 32-bit executables (i.e. for running on 32-bit VME 
processors) because 64-bit packages are missing 4 files for the 32-bit C++ standard library (libstdc++_nonshared.a).

After a bit of searching I found the missing files, i.e. here:

There are 2 options:

a) install the 32-bit development package:
rpm -vh --install

b) install just the 4 missing files from here:

After doing this, "make linux32" builds. (requires latest midas-2019-09 for minor Makefile fixes)


> Do this to install newer c++ compilers and build MIDAS with c++11:
> ssh root@sl6machine
> # yum install centos-release-scl-rh
> # yum install devtoolset-8
> # yum install cmake3
> # scl -l
> devtoolset-8
> ...
> $ ssh user@sl6machine
> $ scl enable devtoolset-8 bash
> $ gcc -v
> COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/opt/rh/devtoolset-8/root/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/lto-wrapper
> gcc version 8.3.1 20190311 (Red Hat 8.3.1-3) (GCC) 
> $ cd git/midas
> $ make cclean
> $ make cmake3
> $ ls -l bin/odbedit
> K.O.
  1320   10 Nov 2017 Frederik WautersBug Reportbug in init of hv class driver
bug in init

I used the lv.c class driver, combined with a custom device driver, to control 
our Keithley2611B source meter. This to set negative voltage on Si detectors.

In the 'init' routing, the class driver sets the hv:

  hv_info->demand_mirror[i] = MIN(hv_info->demand[i], hv_info->voltage_limit[i]);

This fails for negative voltage, as it sets the (negative) voltage limit, instead 
of the demand voltage. A simple 'fabs' solves this.

suggestion for 'idle'

I let the device do the ramping, not the driver. This also means I have to reset 
the state of the device (current limit) after ramping. The easiest way to to 
this, is using CMD_IDLE of the device driver. This is currently not done in the 
hv.c class driver.
  1324   17 Nov 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportbug in init of hv class driver
Hi, Frederick, this is my personal opinion on the slow controls hv classes, I have
used them a couple of times and I found them full of little buglets like this,
plus some incomplete functions, plus some missing features, plus it is all
written in C trying to do object oriented programming. On the balance my opinion
is that it is less work to write a high voltage control program in C++ from scratch
using the regular midas frontend infrastructure compared to having to understand
the hv class driver, write the missing bits, fix the little buglets, debug
the crashes in the C string handling, and what not. (For example I had to debug
mysterious failures to pass float and double values through the C stdarg interface,
there are more fun things to do out there).


> bug in init
> -----------
> I used the lv.c class driver, combined with a custom device driver, to control 
> our Keithley2611B source meter. This to set negative voltage on Si detectors.
> In the 'init' routing, the class driver sets the hv:
>   hv_info->demand_mirror[i] = MIN(hv_info->demand[i], hv_info->voltage_limit[i]);
> This fails for negative voltage, as it sets the (negative) voltage limit, instead 
> of the demand voltage. A simple 'fabs' solves this.
> suggestion for 'idle'
> ---------------------
> I let the device do the ramping, not the driver. This also means I have to reset 
> the state of the device (current limit) after ramping. The easiest way to to 
> this, is using CMD_IDLE of the device driver. This is currently not done in the 
> hv.c class driver.
  1325   21 Nov 2017 Stefan RittBug Reportbug in init of hv class driver
> bug in init
> -----------
> I used the lv.c class driver, combined with a custom device driver, to control 
> our Keithley2611B source meter. This to set negative voltage on Si detectors.
> In the 'init' routing, the class driver sets the hv:
>   hv_info->demand_mirror[i] = MIN(hv_info->demand[i], hv_info->voltage_limit[i]);
> This fails for negative voltage, as it sets the (negative) voltage limit, instead 
> of the demand voltage. A simple 'fabs' solves this.
> suggestion for 'idle'
> ---------------------
> I let the device do the ramping, not the driver. This also means I have to reset 
> the state of the device (current limit) after ramping. The easiest way to to 
> this, is using CMD_IDLE of the device driver. This is currently not done in the 
> hv.c class driver.

I can't find the line you quote in the class driver. Why don't you make a git pull request
and I will approve it.

The original idea behind the hv driver is that all voltages in the ODB and the class driver are
positive. If you have a negative power supply, then the voltage is inverted at the device
driver level. That's why you have MIN and MAX in the class driver.

  1327   21 Nov 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportbug in init of hv class driver
> The original idea behind the hv driver is that all voltages in the ODB and the class driver are
> positive. If you have a negative power supply, then the voltage is inverted at the device
> driver level. That's why you have MIN and MAX in the class driver.

This rings a bell. I used the hv class driver to write a frontend for the L1440 mainframe (negative voltage),
on ODB it will be positive values, when writing to the device I had to add a minus sign,
and when reading back they came back negative and I had to add an fabs() in the comparison
between readback and demand.

Persons with bipolar power supplies need not apply.

  323   21 Jan 2007 Denis BilenkoBug Reportbuffer bugs

We've been using midas and have stumbled upon some inconsistent behaviour:
1. Blocking calls to midas api aren't usable when client is connected through
mserver. This is true at least for bm_receive_event, but seems to be a more
general problem - midas application has call cm_yield within 10 seconds (or
whatever timeout is set) to remain alive.
That not the case when RPC is not used.

2. On Windows, two processes on the same machine can send/receive events to
each other only if they both use midas locally (through shared mem) or they
both use midas via RPC (through mserver), but not if they use different ways.

3. Receiving/sending same events from the same process - was possible in
1.9.5-1, not so in the current version (revision 3501, mxml revision 45). Is this an intended behavior fix?
To explain how to reproduce bugs, I will use 2 helper programs and - for receiving and sending events respectively. You don't need
them, just something to send and receive events. (These are part of pymidas, which will be
released to public any time soon, but is quite usable already).

They both accept
* --path option in "host/experiment" format (for cm_connect_experiment call)
* --log option which command them to trace all midas' calls to terminal have two ways of receiving events
1) via looping over bm_receive_event
2) via providing callback to bm_request_event and looping over cm_yield(400) call

Example of use:
first-console$ python receive
second-console$ python 123
[first console]
id=2007 mask=2007 serial=2007 time=1169372833 len=3 '123'

1. Blocking calls to midas api aren't usable when client is connected through
$ python --log --path receive"
cm_connect_experiment('', 'online', '', None)
bm_open_buffer('SYSTEM', 1048576, &c_long(2)) -> BM_CREATED
bm_request_event(2, -1, -1, 2, &c_long(0), None)
... wait for a couple of seconds ...
[midas.c:9348:rpc_call] rpc timeout, routine = "bm_receive_event"
[system.c:3570:send_tcp] send(socket=0,size=8) returned -1, errno: 88 (Socket 
operation on non-socket)
[midas.c:9326:rpc_call] send_tcp() failed

bm_receive_event(2, ...) -> RPC_TIMEOUT

bm_remove_event_request(2, 0) -> BM_INVALID_HANDLE
bm_close_buffer(2) -> BM_INVALID_HANDLE

2. Missing events on windows
a) Both use midas locally - works
   1: python receive
   2: python 123
   1: id=2007 mask=2007 serial=2007 time=1169372833 len=3 '123'
b) Both use midas via RPC - works
   1: python --path dispatch
   2: python --path 123
   1: id=2007 mask=2007 serial=2007 time=1169373366 len=3 '123'
c) Receiver uses midas locally, sender uses mserver - doesn't work on windows
   1: python dispatch
   2: python --path 123
   1: (nothing printed)
d) The other way around - doesn't work on windows
   1: python --path dispatch
   2: python 123
   1: (nothing printed)
No such problem on linux.

3. Receiving/sending same events from the same process.
To reproduce this, just request events, send one and then try to receive
it – via cm_yield. I care for this, because I have a test in pymidas which
relies on this behavior.

hope this will help.
  326   22 Jan 2007 Stefan RittBug Reportbuffer bugs

Denis Bilenko wrote:
1. Blocking calls to midas api aren't usable when client is connected through mserver. This is true at least for bm_receive_event, but seems to be a more general problem - midas application has call cm_yield within 10 seconds (or whatever timeout is set) to remain alive.
That not the case when RPC is not used.

The 10 seconds timeout you see comes from the RPC layer. If you call bm_receive_event and it blocks, then the client will consider a RPC timeout after 10 seconds. Has nothing to do with cm_yield(). Calling a blocking function via a sever connection is not a good idea anyhow, since this process then cannot respond on anything else, like run transitions. That's why I never used it and that's why I have not realized that behaviour. I did change it however such that bm_receive_event, if called without the ASYNC flag, disables the RPC timeout for this call and restores it afterwards. This is now in midas.c revision 3502. You can try this with midas/examples/lowlevel/produce and consume easily.

Denis Bilenko wrote:
2. On Windows, two processes on the same machine can send/receive events to each other only if they both use midas locally (through shared mem) or they both use midas via RPC (through mserver), but not if they use different ways.

I just tried again and it did work. I used produce/consume. If you enter just <return> for the host name, these programs connect locally. So I tried both producer locally, consumer remote, and vice versa, and both worked. I did however use consume with the callback functionality. I did not try your Python programs however. If you find out that produce/consume does work and your Python program don't, then adapt your Python programs to resemble produce/consume.

Denis Bilenko wrote:
3. Receiving/sending same events from the same process - was possible in 1.9.5-1, not so in the current version (revision 3501, mxml revision 45). Is this an intended behavior fix?

Yes. It was introduced in revision 3186 on July 28th, 2006. It fixed a problem that the buffer level was always shown as 100% full, even if there were no other clients registered. By ignoring the own process, the buffer level now correctly shows the "contents" of a buffer from 0..100%. It also gave a small speed improvement. If you want to send events to the own process, you have to do it from the calling level. Like if you call bm_send_event(), you call manually process_event or however your event receiving routine is called. This is also much faster than going through the buffer.
  327   23 Jan 2007 Denis BilenkoBug Reportbuffer bugs
1 & 3 - thanks for the fix and the explanation, as for 2 - I've tried consume and produce
and still has a problem:

Config: GET_ALL, event id = 1, event size = 10, Receive via callback,
OS = Windows XP SP2
I restart mserver manually from command-line every time (not using system service).
I start produce first, then I start consume.
In two cases of four starting 'consume' causes 'produce' to exit immediatelly.
Guess which two Smile

both local or both remote - works (i.e. non-zero rates in both consoles)
produce local, consume via rpc and vice versa - 'produce' exits with error

1. produce via rpc, consume locally

first console:
ID of event to produce: 1
Host to connect:
Event size: 10
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.64 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.64 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.63 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.64 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.61 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.62 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.62 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.64 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.63 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.63 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.64 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.62 MB/sec

## Now I've started consume in the other console ##

[system.c:3570:send_tcp] send(socket=1900,size=8136) returned -1, errno: 0 (No error)
send_tcp() returned -1
[midas.c:9669:rpc_send_event] send_tcp() failed
rpc_send_event returned error 503, event_size 10
second console:
ID of event to request: 1
Host to connect:
Get all events (0/1): 1
Receive via callback ([y]/n):
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 0
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 0
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 0
Received break. Aborting...
mserver's output:
D:\denis\cmd\midas\current\06jan21-export\midas\NT\bin\mserver.exe started interactively
[midas.c:2315:bm_validate_client_index] Invalid client index 0 in buffer 'SYSTEM'.
Client name 'Power Consumer', pid 1964 should be 3216
2. produce locally, consume via rpc
ID of event to produce: 1
Host to connect:
Event size: 10
Client 'Producer' (PID 2584) on 'ODB' removed by cm_watchdog (idle 144.1s,TO 10s)
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.20 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.20 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.11 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.13 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.06 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.20 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 2.96 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.11 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.18 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.13 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.17 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.19 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.08 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 3.06 MB/sec

## Now I've started consume ##

[midas.c:2315:bm_validate_client_index] Invalid client index 0 in buffer 'SYSTEM'. Client name '', pid 0 should be 760
Second console:
ID of event to request: 1
Host to connect:
Get all events (0/1): 1
Receive via callback ([y]/n):
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 0
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 0
Received break. Aborting...
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 0
mserver haven't said anything.

3. Both remote (just for comparison)
ID of event to produce: 1
Host to connect:
Event size: 10
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.65 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.65 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.60 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.64 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.63 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.61 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.63 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.65 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.65 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.67 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.65 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.65 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.65 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:  66.8 %, Rate: 0.66 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec
Level:  66.8 %, Rate: 0.31 MB/sec
Level:  57.2 %, Rate: 0.15 MB/sec
Level:  57.3 %, Rate: 0.14 MB/sec
Level:  57.3 %, Rate: 0.15 MB/sec
Level:  57.3 %, Rate: 0.14 MB/sec
Level:  57.3 %, Rate: 0.14 MB/sec
Level:  57.3 %, Rate: 0.14 MB/sec
Received break. Aborting...
Received 2nd break. Hard abort.
[midas.c:1581:] cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program
Second console:
ID of event to request: 1
Host to connect:
Get all events (0/1): 1
Receive via callback ([y]/n):
[consume.c:73:process_event] Serial number mismatch: Ser: 1397076, OldSer: 0, ID: 1, size: 10
Level:  37.1 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.15 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  95.4 %, Rate: 0.08 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  66.8 %, Rate: 0.14 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  66.8 %, Rate: 0.12 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  76.3 %, Rate: 0.12 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  95.4 %, Rate: 0.11 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  57.3 %, Rate: 0.15 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  66.8 %, Rate: 0.11 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  85.9 %, Rate: 0.11 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  95.5 %, Rate: 0.12 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:  57.4 %, Rate: 0.15 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   9.7 %, Rate: 0.15 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
[Producer] [midas.c:1581:] cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.03 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Received break. Aborting...
  328   23 Jan 2007 Stefan RittBug Reportbuffer bugs

Denis Bilenko wrote:
1 & 3 - thanks for the fix and the explanation, as for 2 - I've tried consume and produce
and still has a problem

Acknowledged. I could reproduce it with the information you supplied, thank you very much. Also the data rate is slower than what I expect. I will investigate and fix this, but it could take some time.
  329   24 Jan 2007 Stefan RittBug Reportbuffer bugs
I tried again and could not reproduce the problem. Last time I was probably confused by some old mserver.exe executable I had lying around. I updated to the most recent version (3516) and did a C:\midas> nmake -f makefile.nt. Last time I was also confused about the low rate, but that was caused by a mserver.exe executable which was not compiled with optimization. For small event sizes (such as 10 bytes) there is a big difference between optimized and non-optimized code. So I got:

First Console wrote:
ID of event to produce: 1
Host to connect: localhost
Event size: 10
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.46 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.42 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.42 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.44 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.42 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.44 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.44 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.40 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.42 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.44 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.43 MB/sec


Second Console wrote:
ID of event to request: 1
Host to connect:
Get all events (0/1): 1
Receive via callback ([y]/n):
[consume.c:73:process_event] Serial number mismatch: Ser: 1169666, OldSer: 0, ID
: 1, size: 10
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.00 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.42 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.42 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   2.4 %, Rate: 0.35 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.50 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.41 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Level:   0.0 %, Rate: 0.40 MB/sec, ser mismatches: 1
Received break. Aborting...

Actually sending remote and receiving local is a very common thing. Most experiments use that. They have a remote frontend, and the logger and analyzer work locally. If that would not work, all these experiments would have a problem. So I only can encourage you to try again, make sure to update and recompile the executables. Maybe delete any old *.SHM file. Maybe try on another PC or under Linux.
  1145   26 Nov 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobrowser compatibility test: synchronous ajax deprecated
> > I checked again on browser compatibility:
> > 
> > el6: firefox 38 - ok, google-chrome 27 - no
> > el7: firefox 38 - ok, google-chrome 46 - ok
> > ubuntu: firefox 42 - ok
> > 
> > mac os, windows - we say "latest firefox or google-chrome is required", then - ok
> > 
> > So we are probably okey with using javascript Promises with MIDAS...
> [too bad about chrome on SL6] ... include a polyfill library like Lie (

Results of cross-browser testing.

MacOS 10.10.5:

google-chrome 46: Promise ok, Programs page ok, Overlay ok
firefox 42: Promise ok, Programs page ok, Overlay ok.
safari 9.0.1: Promise ok, Programs page ok, Overlay ok.

Linux SL6.7:

google-chrome 27: "Promise not defined"
firefox 38.4.0: Promise ok, Programs page ok, Overlay ok.
konqueror 4.3.4: no go "Can't find variable: JSON"
chromium/google-chrome 38: ok

Linux SL7.1:

google-crome 46: ok
firefox 38.4.0: ok
konqueror 4.10.5: no go, mhttpd.js parse error


1) firefox is good everywhere
2) google-chrome is good on Mac, Windows and el7 Linux
3) chromium/google-chrome 38 is good on el6 Linux (SL6/CentOS6).

We are good to proceed with adopting the Promise API for MIDAS.

  523   04 Nov 2008 Suannah DavielBug Reportbool values in "/custom/images/my_image.gif/labels/src" seem to lose their format string
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature:

Writing a boolean label on an image seems to produce rather strange behaviour.

For example,
odb>ls /Equipment/gas/settings/my_bool -lt
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
my_bool                         BOOL    1     4     14m  0   RWD  y

odb>cd /custom/images/my_image.gif/labels
Src                             /Equipment/gas/settings/my_bool
Format                          val: %d (bool)
Font                            Medium
X                               10
Y                               10
Align                           0
FGColor                         FFFFFF
BGColor                         FF8800

Instead of the expected string "val: y (bool)", only the value of the key
appears, i.e. "y". 
The behaviour is the same whether I use %d, %u, %s, %c etc as the format character. 
  525   09 Nov 2008 Stefan RittBug Reportbool values in "/custom/images/my_image.gif/labels/src" seem to lose their format string
> Not sure if this is a bug or a feature:
> Writing a boolean label on an image seems to produce rather strange behaviour.
> For example,
> odb>ls /Equipment/gas/settings/my_bool -lt
> Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> my_bool                         BOOL    1     4     14m  0   RWD  y
> odb>cd /custom/images/my_image.gif/labels
> odb>ls
> Src                             /Equipment/gas/settings/my_bool
> Format                          val: %d (bool)
> Font                            Medium
> X                               10
> Y                               10
> Align                           0
> FGColor                         FFFFFF
> BGColor                         FF8800
> Instead of the expected string "val: y (bool)", only the value of the key
> appears, i.e. "y". 
> The behaviour is the same whether I use %d, %u, %s, %c etc as the format character. 

That has been fixed in rev. 4379
  516   23 Oct 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportbm_wait_for_free_space never sleeps inside the mserver
When mserver receives events from remote client, writes them into a data buffer and this data buffer 
becomes 100% full, we see mserver go into 100% consumption.

It turns out this happens because bm_wait_for_free_space() never sleeps, instead, it busy-loops waiting 
for free space. bm_wait_for_free_space() does call ss_suspend(), but ss_suspend() does not sleep 
because there is pending data in the event network connection and it want to process it.

Best solution I have is to use silly "if (ss_suspend()!=SS_TIMEOUT) sleep(1);"

Also read this explanation: (bm_cleanup is needed to detect that the client holding the buffer at 100% 
full (a stuck or dead GET_ALL reader, mevb in our case), has been killed off and we can continue as 

       /* signal other clients wait mode */
       pheader->client[bm_validate_client_index(pbuf)].write_wait = requested_space;
+      bm_cleanup("bm_wait_for_free_space", ss_millitime(), FALSE);
       status = ss_suspend(1000, MSG_BM);
+      /* make sure we do sleep in this loop:
+       * if we are the mserver receiving data on the event
+       * socket and the data buffer is full, ss_suspend() will
+       * never sleep: it will detect data on the event channel,
+       * call rpc_server_receive() (recursively, we already *are* in
+       * rpc_server_receive()) and return without sleeping. Result
+       * is a busy loop waiting for free space in data buffer */
+      if (status != SS_TIMEOUT)
+         sleep(1);
       /* validate client index: we could have been removed from the buffer */
       pheader->client[bm_validate_client_index(pbuf)].write_wait = 0;

  1403   24 Oct 2018 Ryu SawadaInfobm_receive_event timeout in ROME
Hi all

There is a bug report in the ROME repository which says bm_receive_event timeouts.

Does anybody have any ideas what could causing the problem ?

  1420   26 Dec 2018 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobm_receive_event timeout in ROME
> There is a bug report in the ROME repository which says bm_receive_event timeouts.
> Does anybody have any ideas what could causing the problem ?

There could be a problem with causing bm_receive_event() to wait for an event for a time longer than 
the rpc timeout. This rings a very small bell for me. But I do not remember the details.

As I now go through the midas event buffer code, I will check that bm_receive_event() connected 
through the mserver has correctly working timeouts.

Thank you for reminding me about this difficulty.

  2215   15 Jun 2021 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoblog - convert tmfe_rev0 event builder to develop-branch tmfe c++ framework
Now we are converting the alpha-g event builder from rev0 tmfe (midas-2020-xx) to the new tmfe c++
framework in midas-develop. Earlier, I followed the steps outlined in this blog
to convert this event builder from mfe.c framework to rev0 tmfe.

- get latest midas-develop
- examine progs/tmfe_example_everything.cxx
- open feevb.cxx
- comment-out existing main() function
- from tmfe_example_everything.cxx, copy class FeEverything and main() to the bottom of feevb.cxx
- comment-out old main()
- make sure we include the correct #include "tmfe.h"
- rename example frontend class FeEverything to FeEvb
- rename feevb's "rpc handler" and "periodic handler" class EvbEq to EqEvb
- update class declaration and constructor of EqEvb from EqEverything in example_everything: EqEvb extends TMFeEquipment, 
EqEvb constructor calls constructor of base class (c++ bogosity), keep the bits of the example that initialize the 
equipment "common"
- in EqEvb, remove data members fMfe and fEq: fMfe is now inherited from the base class, fEq is now "this"
- in FeEvb constructor, wire-in the EqEvb constructor: FeSetName("feevb") and FeAddEquipment(new EqEvb("EVB",__FILE__))
- migrate function names:
- fEq->SendEvent() with EqSendEvent()
- fEq->SetStatus() with EqSetStatus()
- fEq->ZeroStatistics() with EqZeroStatistics() -- can be removed, taken care of in the framework
- fEq->WriteStatistics() with EqWriteStatistics() -- can be removed, taken care of in the framework
- (my feevb.o now compiles, but will not work, yet, keep going:)
- EqEvb - update prototypes of all HandleFoo() methods per example_everything.cxx or per tmfe.h: otherwise the framework 
will not call them. c++ compiler will not warn about this!
- migrate old main():
- restore initialization of "common" and other things done in the old main():
- TMFeCommon was merged into TMFeEquipment, move common->Foo = ... to the EqEvb constructor, consult tmfe.h and 
for current variable names.
- consider adding "fEqConfReadConfigFromOdb = false;" (see
- if EqEvb has a method Init() called from old main(), change it's name to HandleInit() with correct arguments.
- split EqEvb constructor: leave initialization of "common" in the constructor, move all functions, etc into HandleInit()
- move fMfe->SetTransitionSequenceFoo() calls to HandleFrontendInit()
- move fMfe->DeregisterTransition{Pause,Resume}() to HandleFrontendInit()
- old main should be empty now
- remove linking tmfe_rev0.o from feevb Makefile, now it builds!
- try to run it!
- it works!
- done.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5