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  1876   23 Apr 2020 Ivo SchulthessSuggestionSequencer loop break
> You can do that with the "GOTO" statement, jumping to the first line after the loop.
> Here is a working example:
> LOOP runs, 5
>      WAIT Seconds 3
>      IF $runs > 2
>          GOTO 7
>      ENDIF
> MESSAGE "Finished", 1
> Best,
> Stefan

Hoi Stefan

Thanks for your answer. As I understand it, this has to be in the sequence script before 
running. So, in the end, it is not different than just saying "LOOP runs, 2" and 
therefore the number of runs has do be known in advance as well. Or is there an option to 
change the script on runtime? What I would like, is to start a sequence with "LOOP runs, 
infinite" and when I come back to the experiment after falling asleep being able to break 
the loop after the next iteration, but still execute everything after ENDLOOP, i.e. the 
MESSAGE statement in your example. Because if I do a "Stop after current run", this seems 
not to happen. 

Best, Ivo
  1877   23 Apr 2020 Stefan RittSuggestionSequencer loop break
> > You can do that with the "GOTO" statement, jumping to the first line after the loop.
> > 
> > Here is a working example:
> > 
> > 
> > LOOP runs, 5
> >      WAIT Seconds 3
> >      IF $runs > 2
> >          GOTO 7
> >      ENDIF
> > MESSAGE "Finished", 1
> > 
> > Best,
> > Stefan
> Hoi Stefan
> Thanks for your answer. As I understand it, this has to be in the sequence script before 
> running. So, in the end, it is not different than just saying "LOOP runs, 2" and 
> therefore the number of runs has do be known in advance as well. Or is there an option to 
> change the script on runtime? What I would like, is to start a sequence with "LOOP runs, 
> infinite" and when I come back to the experiment after falling asleep being able to break 
> the loop after the next iteration, but still execute everything after ENDLOOP, i.e. the 
> MESSAGE statement in your example. Because if I do a "Stop after current run", this seems 
> not to happen. 
> Best, Ivo

First, you have the sequencer button "Stop after current run", but that does of course ot
execute anything after ENDLOOP. 

Second, you can put anything in the IF statement. Like create a variable on the ODB like
/Experiment/Run parameters/Stop loop and set this to zero. Then put in your script:

ODBGET /Experiment/Run parameters/Stop loop, flag
IF $flag == 1
   GOTO 7

So once you want to stop the loop, set the flag in the ODB to one.

  1885   25 Apr 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionSequencer loop break
> LOOP runs, 5
> ...

Classical loop constructs usually include "break" (exit the loop) and "continue" (loop again!) 
constructs. I would say it is an unfortunate omission if they are not present in the midas sequencer.

But Stefan is right, of course, both commands are just funny names for "goto".

  1094   19 Aug 2015 Pierre GorelBug ReportSequencer limits
While I know some of those limits/problems have been already been reported from
DEAP (and maybe corrected in the last version), I am recording them here:

Bugs (not working as it should): 
- "SCRIPT" does not seem to take the parameters into account
- The operators for WAIT are incorrectly set:
the default ">=" and ">" are correct, but "<=", "<", "==" and "!=" are all using
">=" for the test. 

Possible improvements:
- in LOOP, how can I get the index of the LOOP? I used an extra variable that I
increment, but it there a better way?
- PARAM is giving "string" (or a bool) whose size is set by the user input. The
side effect is that if I am making a loop starting at "1", the incrementation
will loop at "9" -> "1". If I start at "01", the incrementation will give "2.",
"3.",... "9.", "10"... The later is probably what most people would use.
- ODBGet (and ODBSet?) does seem to be able to take a variable as a path... I
was trying to use an array whose index would be incremented.
  1095   19 Aug 2015 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzBug ReportSequencer limits
These issues have been addressed by Stefan during his visit at Triumf last month.
The latest git has those fixes.

> While I know some of those limits/problems have been already been reported from
> DEAP (and maybe corrected in the last version), I am recording them here:
> Bugs (not working as it should): 
> - "SCRIPT" does not seem to take the parameters into account


> - The operators for WAIT are incorrectly set:
> the default ">=" and ">" are correct, but "<=", "<", "==" and "!=" are all using
> ">=" for the test. 


> Possible improvements:
> - in LOOP, how can I get the index of the LOOP? I used an extra variable that I
> increment, but it there a better way?

See LOOP doc
 LOOP cnt, 10
   ODBGET /foo/bflag, bb 
   IF $bb==1 THEN
     SET cnt, 10

> - PARAM is giving "string" (or a bool) whose size is set by the user input. The
> side effect is that if I am making a loop starting at "1", the incrementation
> will loop at "9" -> "1". If I start at "01", the incrementation will give "2.",
> "3.",... "9.", "10"... The later is probably what most people would use.


> - ODBGet (and ODBSet?) does seem to be able to take a variable as a path... I
> was trying to use an array whose index would be incremented.

To be checked.
  1096   19 Aug 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportSequencer limits
> See LOOP doc
>  LOOP cnt, 10
>    ODBGET /foo/bflag, bb 
>    IF $bb==1 THEN
>      SET cnt, 10
>    ELSE 
>      ... 

Looks like we have PE
  1097   20 Aug 2015 Stefan RittBug ReportSequencer limits
> > - ODBGet (and ODBSet?) does seem to be able to take a variable as a path... I
> > was trying to use an array whose index would be incremented.
> To be checked.

It does not take a variable as a path, but as an index. So you can do

LOOP i, 5

  WAIT seconds, 3
  ODBSET /System/Tmp/Test[$i], $i


And you will get

[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 3
[4] 4
[5] 5

  2303   19 Nov 2021 Jacob ThorneForumSequencer error with ODB Inc

I am having problems with the midas sequencer, here is my code:

1  COMMENT "Example to move a Standa stage"
2  RUNDESCRIPTION "Example movement sequence - each run is one position of a single stage
4  PARAM numRuns
5  PARAM sequenceNumber
6  PARAM RunNum
8  PARAM positionT2
9  PARAM deltapositionT2
11 ODBSet "/Runinfo/Run number", $RunNum
12 ODBSet "/Runinfo/Sequence number", $sequenceNumber
14 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Type of Measurement", 2
15 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Number of Time Bins", 10
16 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Number of Sweeps", 1
17 ODBSet "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Settings/Detector/Dwell Time", 100000
19 ODBSet "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Device Driver/Set Position", $positionT2
21 LOOP $numRuns
22  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Ready", ==, 1
24  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Equipment/Neutron Detector/Statistics/Events sent", >=, 1
25  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Runinfo/State", ==, 1
26  WAIT ODBvalue, "/Runinfo/Transition in progress", ==, 0
28  ODBInc "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Device Driver/Set Position", $deltapositionT2
32 ODBSet "/Runinfo/Sequence number", 0

The issue comes with line 28, the ODBInc does not work, regardless of what number I put I get the following error:

[Sequencer,ERROR] [odb.cxx:7046:db_set_data_index1,ERROR] "/Equipment/MTSC/Settings/Devices/Stage 2 Translation/Device Driver/Set Position" invalid element data size 32, expected 4

I don't see why this should happen, the format is correct and the number that I input is an int.

Sorry if this is a basic question.

  2306   02 Dec 2021 Stefan RittForumSequencer error with ODB Inc
Thanks for reporting that bug. Indeed there was a problem in the sequencer code which I fixed now. Please try the updated develop branch.

  2732   02 Apr 2024 Zaher SalmanInfoSequencer editor
Dear all,
Stefan and I have been working on improving the sequencer editor to make it look and feel more like a standard editor. This sequencer v2 has been finally merged into the develop branch earlier today.

The sequencer page has now a main tab which is used as a "console" to show the loaded sequence and it's progress when running. All other tabs are used only for editing scripts. To edit a currently loaded sequence simply double click on the editing area of the main tab or load the file in a new tab. A couple of screen shots of the new editor are attached.

For those who would like to stay with the older sequencer version a bit longer, you may simply copy resources/sequencer_v1.html to resources/sequencer.html. However, this version is not being actively maintained and may become obsolete at some point. Please help us improve the new version instead by reporting bugs and feature requests on bitbucket or here.

Best regards,

  2733   02 Apr 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoSequencer editor
> Stefan and I have been working on improving the sequencer editor ...

Looks grand! Congratulations with getting it completed. The previous version was 
my rewrite of the old generated-C pages into html+javascript, nothing to write 
home about, I even kept the 1990-ies-style html formatting and styling as much as 

  952   31 Jan 2014 Stefan RittInfoSeparation of MSCB subtree
Since several projects at PSI need MSCB but not MIDAS, I decided to separate the two repositories. So if you 
need MIDAS with MSCB support inside mhttpd, you have to clone MIDAS, MXML and MSCB from bitbucket 
(or the local clone at TRIUMF) as described in

I tried to fix all Makefiles to link to the new locations, but I'm not sure if I got all. So if something does not 
compile please let me know.

  960   18 Feb 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoSeparation of MSCB subtree
> Since several projects at PSI need MSCB but not MIDAS, I decided to separate the two repositories. So if you 
> need MIDAS with MSCB support inside mhttpd, you have to clone MIDAS, MXML and MSCB from bitbucket 
> (or the local clone at TRIUMF) as described in
> I tried to fix all Makefiles to link to the new locations, but I'm not sure if I got all. So if something does not 
> compile please let me know.
> -Stefan

After this split, Makefiles used to build experiment frontends need to be modified for the new location of the mscb tree:


  530   26 Nov 2008 Jimmy NgaiInfoSend email alert in alarm system
Dear All,

We have a temperature/humidity sensor in MIDAS now and will add a liquid level 
sensor to MIDAS soon. We want the operators to get alerted ASAP when the 
laboratory environment or the liquid level reached some critical levels. Can 
MIDAS send email alerts or SMS alerts to cell phones when the alarms are 
triggered? If yes, how can I config it?

Many thanks!

Best Regards,
  531   26 Nov 2008 Stefan RittInfoSend email alert in alarm system
> We have a temperature/humidity sensor in MIDAS now and will add a liquid level 
> sensor to MIDAS soon. We want the operators to get alerted ASAP when the 
> laboratory environment or the liquid level reached some critical levels. Can 
> MIDAS send email alerts or SMS alerts to cell phones when the alarms are 
> triggered? If yes, how can I config it?

Sure that's possible, that's why MIDAS contains an alarm system. To use it, define 
an ODB alarm on your liquid level, like

/Alarms/Alarms/Liquid Level
Active	                 y
Triggered	         0 (0x0)
Type	                 3 (0x3)
Check interval	        60 (0x3C)
Checked last	1227690148 (0x492D10A4)
Time triggered first	(empty)
Time triggered last	(empty)
Condition	        /Equipment/Environment/Variables/Input[0] < 10
Alarm Class	        Level Alarm
Alarm Message	        Liquid Level is only %s

The Condition if course might be different in your case, just select the correct 
variable from your equipment. In this case, the alarm triggers an alarm of class 
"Level Alarm". Now you define this alarm class:

/Alarms/Classes/Level Alarm
Write system message	y
Write Elog message	n
System message interval	600 (0x258)
System message last	0 (0x0)
Execute command	        /home/midas/level_alarm '%s'
Execute interval	1800 (0x708)
Execute last	        0 (0x0)
Stop run	        n
Display BGColor	        red
Display FGColor	        black

The key here is to call a script "level_alarm", which can send emails. Use 
something like:

echo $1 | mail -s \"Level Alarm\"
odbedit -c 'msg 2 level_alarm \"Alarm was sent to\"'

The second command just generates a midas system message for confirmation. Most 
cell phones (depends on the provider) have an email address. If you send an email 
there, it gets translated into a SMS message.

The script file above can of course be more complicated. We use a perl script 
which parses an address list, so everyone can register by adding his/her email 
address to that list. The script collects also some other slow control variables 
(like pressure, temperature) and combines this into the SMS message.

For very sensitive systems, having an alarm via SMS is not everything, since the 
alarm system could be down (computer crash or whatever). In this case we use 
'negative alarms' or however you might call it. The system sends every 30 minutes 
an SMS with the current levels etc. If the SMS is missing for some time, it might 
be an indication that something in the midas system is wrong and one can go there 
and investigate.
  1397   24 Sep 2018 Lars MartinSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class
I was planning to use the alarm system to display an information banner when a
certain valve is open, but I would like it to go away again when the valve is
Is there a way to achieve that? Maybe reset the alarm from an alarm script?
(Seems like a hack...)
Maybe this could be a useful feature, to be able to define an alarm class that
resets itself once the condition is no longer met?
  1398   24 Sep 2018 Lukas GerritzenSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class
If you run an external script anyway, you can also call "odbedit -c alarm" to
reset all alarms. Or you could try to set the "Triggered" entry of that certain
alarm to 0 (again, with odbedit), that could also work.
  1399   25 Sep 2018 Stefan RittSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class
> If you run an external script anyway, you can also call "odbedit -c alarm" to
> reset all alarms. Or you could try to set the "Triggered" entry of that certain
> alarm to 0 (again, with odbedit), that could also work.

That would not really help, because you cannot trigger a script AFTER an alarm occurred. Having 
"self-resetting" alarms is actually not a bad idea. I could add a flag "Auto reset" which is false by 
default and can be set to true for this functionality. Will keep that in mind for the next 
development cycle.

  1400   25 Sep 2018 Stefan RittSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class
> I was planning to use the alarm system to display an information banner when a
> certain valve is open, but I would like it to go away again when the valve is
> closed.
> Is there a way to achieve that? Maybe reset the alarm from an alarm script?
> (Seems like a hack...)
> Maybe this could be a useful feature, to be able to define an alarm class that
> resets itself once the condition is no longer met?

Actually you can implement such a thing already now pretty quickly using custom javascript on 
the status page. Just read the valve state regularly from the ODB and dynamically modify the 
status page to show or hide a banner. Look how custom pages work in midas and try to apply 
this to the status page status.html which you find in the resources directory.

  1422   26 Dec 2018 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionSelf-resetting alarm class
> > If you run an external script anyway, you can also call "odbedit -c alarm" to
> > reset all alarms. Or you could try to set the "Triggered" entry of that certain
> > alarm to 0 (again, with odbedit), that could also work.
> That would not really help, because you cannot trigger a script AFTER an alarm occurred. Having 
> "self-resetting" alarms is actually not a bad idea. I could add a flag "Auto reset" which is false by 
> default and can be set to true for this functionality. Will keep that in mind for the next 
> development cycle.

I second, this is a good idea. Sometimes I want "sticky" alarms that stay on to indicate that a bad thing happened in the 
past, sometimes I want self-resetting alarms that go away when a bad thing turns back into a good thing.

When I do this in a frontend, I manually trigger the alarm and manually clear the alarm, i.e. you can see this
done in ~addaq/online/src/fectrl.cxx

Use al_trigger_alarm() and al_reset_alarm().

This can also be done through the json-rpc interface - both calls are available as rpc commands - and so easy to use 
from javascript. (but there is no simple unix command line tool to issue json-rpc requests. ouch. must write one now.)

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