13 Sep 2023, Nick Hastings, Forum, Hide start and stop buttons
Hi Stefan,
> Indeed the ODB settings are obsolete.
13 Sep 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Hide start and stop buttons
> Hi Stefan,
> > Indeed the ODB settings are obsolete.
14 Sep 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Hide start and stop buttons
I believe the original "hide run start / stop" was added specifically for ND280 GSC MIDAS. I do not know
why it was removed. "hide pause / resume" is still there. I will restore them. Hiding logger channel
section should probably be automatic of there is no /logger/channels, I can check if it works and what
14 Sep 2023, Nick Hastings, Forum, Hide start and stop buttons
> > > Indeed the ODB settings are obsolete.
14 Sep 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Hide start and stop buttons
> I believe the original "hide run start / stop" was added specifically for ND280 GSC MIDAS. I do not know
> why it was removed. "hide pause / resume" is still there. I will restore them. Hiding logger channel
> section should probably be automatic of there is no /logger/channels, I can check if it works and what
15 Sep 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Hide start and stop buttons
> I believe the original "hide run start / stop" was added specifically for ND280 GSC MIDAS. I do not know
> why it was removed. "hide pause / resume" is still there. I will restore them. Hiding logger channel
> section should probably be automatic of there is no /logger/channels, I can check if it works and what
23 Oct 2023, Francesco Renga, Forum, Device with inputs and outputs
Dear all,
I'm writing a very simple device driver starting from the nulldev.cxx
24 Oct 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Device with inputs and outputs
The "multi" class driver takes care of that. It properly calls the SET and GET functions
with the correct index. The code for that is in multi.cxx:105:
13 Nov 2023, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
Good evening,
I am setting up Midas (v2.1) for a new experiment. We want to save the data in the ROOT format. We installed ROOT from source (v6.28/06), and ROOTSYS is |
13 Nov 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
> I am setting up Midas (v2.1) for a new experiment. We want to save the data in the ROOT format. We installed ROOT from source (v6.28/06), and ROOTSYS
is set. When we compile Midas, it says that it found ROOT. We set up a second logger channel where we set the filename to run%05d.root, the format to ROOT,
and the output to ROOT. Nevertheless, when starting a run, the logger writes the error that "channel '1' requested ROOT output, but mlogger is built without |
13 Nov 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
When you do "cmake .." in the build directory, you will see
-- MIDAS: Found ROOT version xxx in yyy
14 Nov 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
> Finally, make sure you start "rmlogger" and not "mlogger". Only "rmlogger" contains the ROOT binding.
Stefan is right. I forgot this. As solution to our troubles, mlogger is built without root support. use rmlogger instead.
14 Nov 2023, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
> Stefan is right. I forgot this. As solution to our troubles, mlogger is built without root support. use rmlogger instead.
> K.O.
14 Nov 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
No, I'm not aware of this problem, but I suspect that your events somehow got corrupted. You can try the mdump utility
or the "Event Dump" web page to peek into your events, maybe you see an issue there. To give you more detailed information,
I would have to reproduce your problem, which is probably hard without your hardware.
15 Nov 2023, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, mlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
> No, I'm not aware of this problem, but I suspect that your events somehow got corrupted. You can try the mdump utility
> or the "Event Dump" web page to peek into your events, maybe you see an issue there. To give you more detailed information,
> I would have to reproduce your problem, which is probably hard without your hardware.
21 Nov 2023, Ivo Schulthess, Forum, Polled frontend writes data to ODB without RO_ODB
Good morning,
In our setup, we have a neutron detector that creates up to 16 MB of polled (EQ_POLLED) data in one event (event limit = 1) that we do not want to have |
22 Nov 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Polled frontend writes data to ODB without RO_ODB
I cannot confirm that. I just tried myself with examples/experiment/frontend.cxx, removed the RO_ODB, and the trigger events did NOT get copied to the ODB.
Actually you can debug the code yourself. The relevant line is in mfe.cxx:2075:
22 Nov 2023, Pavel Murat, Forum, run number from an external (*SQL) db?
Dear MIDAQ developers,
I wonder if there is a non-intrusive way to have an external (wrt MIDAS)*SQL database
22 Nov 2023, Ben Smith, Forum, run number from an external (*SQL) db?
> I wonder if there is a non-intrusive way to have an external (wrt MIDAS)*SQL database
> serving as a primary source of the run number information for a MIDAS-based DAQ system?
> - like a plugin with a getNextRunNumber() function, for example, or a special client?
22 Nov 2023, Stefan Ritt, Forum, run number from an external (*SQL) db?
> - multiple subdetectors are taking test data during early commissioning
> - a postgres db is a single sorce of run numbers.
> - test runs taken by different subsystems are assigned different [unique] run numbers and