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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  1268   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportwhere to report bugs, stop form odbedit broken
> What is the preferred channel to report potential bugs (elog / bitbucket issues)? 

I prefer that bugs be reported on this forum here. Most bugs affect every midas user, so best to notify the 
whole community.

Bitbucket have a nice bug tracking system, but there is a couple of problems:
a) only a couple of people see the bug reports for midas, minimizing probability of fix.
b) bug reports on bitbucket stay on bitbucket, we do not have backups and archives
of bug reports, if tomorrow bitbucket goes belly-up, our bug database goes poof! with them.
c) I can search the bug report on this forum using "grep" (i am sure there is a "find" button
on the bitbucket web page and it finds what I am looking for right away).

So if you have a bug report that others should know about (i.e. the "+" button on the status page does 
not work), I say use this forum.

If you have a bug that you think is unique to you, not interesting to others (i.e. my midas crashes when I 
do X), file it on bitbucket. If you see no activity on the bitbucket for a week or two, repost it here.

  1269   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportbadly managed case in history_schema.cxx: dat file empty
> For an unknown reason, Logger died few days ago while writing the history. The
> file mhf_1489577446_20170315_system.dat was created, but was empty.

I ran into same problem installing new midas in the alpha experiment at cern. It should be fixed now:


> When trying to restart Logger, I would get a seg fault without any special error
> message.
> I tracked the issue to the "read_file_schema" function in history_schema.cxx
> * L4731, a pointer to HsFileSchema *s is declared.
> * L4747, We enter a while(1) loop.
> * L4749, get char on the filename.
> In our case, the file was empty, so the variable "b" gets NULL and the loop breaks.
> Problem: the memory allocation for "s" is later in the loop, L4768.
> Upon exiting the loop, L4854, we try to access record_size on a NULL pointer ==>
> SegFault. 
> It would be nice to at least have a message before breaking the loop...
  1270   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportstop form odbedit broken
> when I try to stop a run from odbedit I get a core dump.
> [ODBEdit1,INFO] Run #31 stopped odbedit: src/system.c:1223: ss_shm_flush:
> Assertion `size == mmap_size[handle]' failed. Aborted (core dumped)

I am puzzled. The crash is at the very end of everything (save odb shared memory to odb.shm),
does the run actually stop, or the crash is before the run is fully stopped? (I guess if you want
to run more odbedit commands after stopping the run, so you care about not crashing).

  1271   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> I shall check on the use of MAX_STRING_LENGTH at least in odb itself...

Ok, I looked at the use of MAX_STRING_LENGTH in ODB (odb.c):

a) it is not used in any critical places for the database itself, so it is not a limit on maximum length of TID_STRING data. good.
b) it is used in the code for saving/loading odb from .odb files (old format), not sure how it works against overlong strings, but probably 
c) it is used in the code for saving odb to odb.xml files. Overlong strings are truncated (I added a message about it).
d) code for loading/saving to json files handles overlong strings okey.
e) odbedit "ls" truncates overlong strings, mhttpd has some oddities against overlong strings.
f) db_sprintf() truncates string text to MAX_STRING_LENGTH to avoid output buffer overflow (should use db_snprintf() instead).

Conclusion, overlong strings should be okey, but do not use the old .odb and .xml save files. (mlogger saves odb to output .mid file in xml 
format, we should switch it to use json format).

> > CSS File = STRING : [1024] mhttpd.css
> > Sqlite dir = STRING : [1024]
> > History dir = STRING : [1024]
> > Sound = STRING : [1000] alarm.mp3
> > are exceeding the MAX_STRING_LENGTH 256 (defined in msystem.h)

So these should not cause any corruption or problem unless actual content length exceeds 255 bytes,
even then they are okey if odb is only saved and loaded into json files.

> > 1) I get the error message that some strings are too long (exceeding
> > MAX_STRING_LENGTH). Unfortunately the underlying routine doesn't tell which ODB
> > variables this is.

this is in db_check_record(), where it compares odb content with user-supplied data descriptions (there is no system-supplied
data descriptions with strings longer than MAX_STRING_LENGTH).

so I think what happened is you created a data structure with overlong strings, passed it to db_paste() or something,
db_check_record() complained about it, and db_paste() corrupted memory.

> > 
> > 2) After this reload, essentially nothing is working anymore. Any client I tried to start just crashed.
> > 

Somebody corrupted some shared memory, most likely it was db_paste() corrupted odb shared memory.

  1272   15 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> > 
> > I shall check on the use of MAX_STRING_LENGTH at least in odb itself...
> > 
> Ok, I looked at the use of MAX_STRING_LENGTH in ODB (odb.c):

Fixed a small buglet, now saving and reloading odb in the old ".odb" format will silently truncate all overlong strings to 256 bytes. (I think it always did that).

  1276   22 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> > Fixed a small buglet, now saving and reloading odb in the old ".odb" format will silently truncate all overlong strings to 256 bytes. (I think it always did that).
> Not sure that we want that. There might be cases where people want to store long strings. I would remove the truncation completely when saving .odb or .xml files, and fix the load routines to 
> deal with overlong strings.

Since I just looked at the code for reading/writing .odb format, I see that it uses fixed size buffer for reading lines from a file,
currently 2*MAX_STRING_LENGTH). I am not in the mood to rewrite and retest all that code. Never looked at the xml reader,
probably has same problem (xml writer truncates long strings via truncation in db_sprintf()).

Since we already have the json odb reader/writer that handles unlimited string length correctly (also handles unicode and
unusual odb names), perhaps we should make json as the default and be done with it.

  1277   22 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> ODB name lengths (the name of a key) are limited to 256 characters, the length of strings in the ODB should NOT be limited.

Right, I was not ever aware of such limitation until I just now looked at the .odb and .xml writing code. Definitely string length
is truncated to MAX_STRING_LENGTH on writing, chokes or truncates on reading.

The new json reader/writer handles overlength strings correctly. I would say we should deprecate the old formats and go forward
with json. Most current software can work with json data much easier than xml or custom .odb.

> I see now that db_paste & co. is hopelessly broken. To fix it, everything should be changed to std::string which is in my opinion 
> the only 'clean' solution. That would also remove the cumbersome strlcpy and strlcat.

Yes, that's the code for reading .odb format.

> But looking at odb.c, replacing everything with std::string would probably take a brave programmer a couple of weeks. Not sure if we should dive into that adventure right now.

I agree. Too much of an adventure.

Simpler solution could be add a db_get_data(), db_get_value() that allocates a data buffer of correct size (user has to remember to free it).

> a) The strings "CSS File", "Sqlite dir" etc. reported below get reduced to 256 characters (MAX_STRING_LENGTH).

We should fix the inconsistency, my vote is it should be either MAX_STRING_LENGTH or PATH_MAX (from limits.h).

  1280   26 Apr 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoadded db_get_value_string()
Since we have been regularly running into problems with db_get_xxx(TID_STRING) and string buffers of mismatched size,
I now implemented db_get_value_string(hdb, hkey, key_name, index, &string, create).

It works the same as db_get_value(TID_STRING), except that the string value is returned into an std::string object,
memory allocation is handled by std::string and there is no string length limit (other than std::string limits).

Accessing string arrays is done explicitly via an "index" parameter, if index is bigger than odb array size DB_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned
without logging an error message (e.g. db_get_data_index() will log an error). This makes is safe to iterate over array entries with a simple
loop of index from 0 and up until db_get returns an error.

As before, if the odb entry does not exist, it will be created (if create==true) and initialized with the value of the string parameter (zero-terminated in odb).

There is also newly added db_set_value_string() and cm_get_path_string(). if you want more of these, please ask, or send patches.

  1284   02 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoadded db_resize_string()
> Since we have been regularly running into problems with db_get_xxx(TID_STRING) and string buffers of mismatched size,
> I now implemented db_get_value_string(hdb, hkey, key_name, index, &string, create).

I run into problems with string arrays - non-array strings have unlimited length, but string arrays have fixed string length, usually set at creation time.

This causes a problem with growing arrays using db_get_value_string(), when converting a non-array variable to an array, the wrong
string length gets used, and one gets an array with useless string length. There is no way to specify the correct array string length
without adding more parameters to db_get_value_string() and confusing and complicating it for the typical case where it is used
against simple (non-array) odb entries.

To clarify the situation, db_get_value_string() was changed to reject attempts to resize an array and
calls of db_get_value_string(index>0 and create==TRUE) now return an error.

To create and resize string arrays, I added a new function - db_resize_array(hdb, hkey, key_name, num_values, max_string_size).

num_values is the new array size, making it possible to grow or shrink an array
max_string_size is the new string size, making it possible to change the array string length after the array was created (there was no midas function to do this before now).

I added a json-rpc call for db_resize_string().

But it still needs to be added to odbedit and mhttpd.

  1285   02 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmhttpd inline-editor and web MAX_STRING_LENGTH, stop form odbedit broken
> > I shall check on the use of MAX_STRING_LENGTH at least in odb itself...

Also tested the web interface:

In the odb editor, overlong strings show truncated to MAX_STRING_LENGTH (via db_sprintf()),
but the odb inline-editor can handle overlong strings correctly.

The inline-editor implementation that uses ODBSet() had a string length limitation to maximum
URL length (ODBSet uses AJAX jset with call parameters encoded into the URL).

I now converted the inline-editor to use the json-rpc api (uses http post) and I confirm that this can handle
arbitrary long strings.

  1286   02 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomhttpd inline-editor change
I changed the mhttpd odb inline editor to use the json-rpc interface. Good things:

- browser no longer complains about obsolete synchronous ajax calls
- can edit strings of arbitrary length (was limited to the max URL length)
- funny characters " (quote), > and < (angle brackets) are correctly escaped.
- after editing, the actual value from odb is loaded and displayed (confirming that the edit "took").

  1287   02 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiForumProblem with logger at run start
> Wed Apr 26 23:03:12 2017 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:9106:rpc_client_connect,ERROR] cannot connect to host "scar
> lett", port 44858: connect() returned -1, errno 113 (No route to host)

Forgot to reply to this: if you read the error messages, you will see the actual problem is "no route to host". Next step
is to ping the same hostname or try "telnet hostname 22" (cut-and-paste the hostname from the error message
to avoid the common pitfall of not seeing a typo, i.e. ping host00 works while midas connect to hostOO does not (zero vs capital-o)).
In your case you had the wrong hostname ("foo" and "foo.localdomain" resolve to different IP addresses, one works the other
one does not). You can also try to use the IP address instead of hostname, this will avoid hostname resolution problems
(inconsistency between /etc/hosts and hostnames in DNS is very easy to have when using self-made private networks).

  1288   02 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportrun start/stop oddity
I should really get around to fix this junk error message:

> 07:13:32.335 2017/04/19 [Logger,ERROR] [midas.c:14079:rpc_server_receive,ERROR]
> rpc check ok, abort canceled

What happens is this. For each run transition, cm_transition does RPC calls
to each client telling them to transition. So even if you run only on localhost, there is still
tcp connections being created and broken to do these RPCs. These connections are
typically created and left open, but when you stop odbedit, it's connections would
be closed/broken. Now in the midas rpc code there is confusion between the main rpc
connection for remote clients and temporary rpc connections for run transitions. This
confusion is the cause of these junk error messages - first the code thinks that the main rpc
connection is closed it it should commit suicide (abort), then it find that it was
just an rpc connection and there is no need to die.

> - Enable non-localhost RPC -> y
> - Disable RPC hosts check  -> y

this is unsafe:

if you only run on localhost, "enable non-localhost rpc" should be "n" and midas will no listen to any 
outside connections (except for mhttpd, of course).

if you have remote clients, enable non-localhost rpc and enter their hostnames to the access control list.

"disable rpc hosts check" is for the case where you do not know the hostnames of your remote clients, 
for example when they come from dynamic ip addresses on a wifi network.

In this case you tell midas to accept connections from everybody everywhere in the world
and hopefully you have a firewall somewhere to prevent the evil hackers from actually connecting.
I hope this is not your situation.

  1289   02 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoadded db_get_value_string()
> Just some thought for discussion:

Even more thoughts:

- c++ interface for odb. been there, done that. see VirtualODB in rootana. Can access live ODB, XML odb dump from midas file, even ODB through http/mhttpd (needs to be converted to json rpc api).
- c++11. the ROOT team made the decision for us, for all practical reasons. RH/SL/CentOS <= 6 are left for dead. (but we still have machines as old as SL4).
- odb interface via severe operator overloading. writing "let x=42;" to simulate the universe from the big band to thermal death is elegant (overload operator= of class "let")
  but there is a surprise for naive programmer (long run time, large memory consumption)
- c++ exceptions. defective by design, as they do not carry enough debug information (i.e. java exceptions carry the full stack trace). in the typical case, it is impossible to tell
  who and why is throwing exceptions. error handling is reduced to "main() { try { real_main } catch exception { printf("sorry!"); }}.
- converting midas to a new simplified odb api. typical use via db_get_value() is already one (or two) line of code that cannot be reduced (have to specify odb path, tid, etc),
  so little is gained from using a different api. getting rid of db_find_key()/db_get_key() would be helpful, but with db_get_value(), they are hardly ever used in new code.

There are weaknesses in the current api, would be nice to fix them some day, and a c++ api seems like the right way to go:

- fix the race condition between db_enum_key() and db_delete_key(). (it is same as between "ls" and "rm" - with nfs, try to "rm" on one client while running "ls" on another, fun!)
- fix the race condition between odb handles (pointers into shared memory) and db_delete_key() (and whatever else moves the keys around). This means using full odb paths for
  all odb api functions.
- make it all work nice multithreaded - the above race conditions would become only worse if we encourage heavy use of threads in midas.

And I do need a "no-odb" odb api for my "no-midas" midas frontend framework (where I can build and run the frontend without linking and connecting with a real midas),
in practice it means all api "get" calls have to take a "default" value that is returned right back to me when I am not connected (or linked) with a real odb.

Good fodder for this summer discussions.


> Rather than "spicing up" the MIDAS library here and there with C++ objects such as std::string, wouldn't it make more sense to "cleanly" wrap an ODB value in a C++ class? We could use then 
> both APIs in parallel, and encourage the C++ API for new developments. We could then write things like:
>    ODBKEY<std::string> name("/Experiment/Name"); // constructor calls automatically db_get_value
>    name = "New Name"; // overloading the "=" operator, will call db_set_value()
> or even
>    ODBKEY<std::vector, std::string> nameArray("...");
>    for (auto &s : nameArray)
>       std::cout << s << std::endl; // print all elements of string array
> so we treat ODB arrays as vectors, which fixes array boundary violations nicely.
> If the key does not exist, we could properly throw exceptions and forget about tons of nested return parameters for error conditions.
> Many nice things could be done, common errors could be prevented, and we can do a "smooth" migration: We don't have to change the whole library completely, just where we feel it's currently 
> needed. So over time the code would be "objectified". Would be nice if we could rely on C++11 (like the "auto" feature above). Not sure about VxWorks, but every other OS should be fine.
> Stefan
> > Since we have been regularly running into problems with db_get_xxx(TID_STRING) and string buffers of mismatched size,
> > I now implemented db_get_value_string(hdb, hkey, key_name, index, &string, create).
> > 
> > It works the same as db_get_value(TID_STRING), except that the string value is returned into an std::string object,
> > memory allocation is handled by std::string and there is no string length limit (other than std::string limits).
> > 
> > Accessing string arrays is done explicitly via an "index" parameter, if index is bigger than odb array size DB_OUT_OF_RANGE is returned
> > without logging an error message (e.g. db_get_data_index() will log an error). This makes is safe to iterate over array entries with a simple
> > loop of index from 0 and up until db_get returns an error.
> > 
> > As before, if the odb entry does not exist, it will be created (if create==true) and initialized with the value of the string parameter (zero-terminated in odb).
> > 
> > There is also newly added db_set_value_string() and cm_get_path_string(). if you want more of these, please ask, or send patches.
> > 
> > K.O.
  1292   16 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmhttpd / history / export data
> A handy feature of the history of the mhttpd is to export the data. However, this 
> seems to be broken. It currently only works if the run marker flag is activated by 
> fails otherwise.

imo, it never worked properly. I think the best hope for working "export" button
is an "export as json" which gives you basically the output of hs_read_buffer() in the json
format. With options for "raw data" or "binned, with mean, rms, min, max for each bin".

  1293   16 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()
Suddenly the mhttpd odb inline editor is truncating the odb string entries to the actual length of the 
stored string value, this causes db_get_record() explode with "structure mismatch" errors. (Not my 
fault, You Honor! Honest!). For example, I see these errors from al_check() after changing 
"/programs/foo/start command" - suddenly it cannot get the program_info record.

What a mess.

Actually, this is not a new mess, midas was always been rather brittle with db_get_record()
and db_open_record(), always unhappy if something goes wrong in odb, like a lost
entry in equipment statistics or an extra variable in equipment common, etc.

To patch it all up, I added a function db_get_record1() which knows the structure of the data
and can call db_check_record() to fix the odb structure and make db_get_record() happy.
Many places in midas now use it, making odb structure mismatches "self healing" in a way.

But when looking at uses of db_get_record(), I notices that in many places it can be trivially
replaced by one or two db_get_value(). I did change this in a couple of places in mhttpd.
This way of coding is more robust against unexpected contents in odb and is easier
to maintain going forward, when new odb entries must be added for new functionality.

Most uses of db_get_record() are now converted to db_get_record1(), except where it is
used in together with of db_open_record(). (which uses db_get_record() internally).

To fix the db_open_record() uses, I considered adding db_open_record1() which would
also know the data structure and automatically repair any mismatch, but I think instead of that,
I will switch them to use db_watch() (in conjunction with manual db_get_record()/get_record1()
and plain db_get_value()).

When adding automatic repair mechanism like this, one should beware of "update wars",
where two midas programs built against slightly different versions of midas would
each try to change odb in it's way, in an endless loop. (yes, it did happen, more than once).
One solution to this is to assign an "owner" to each data structure, the "consumers"
of the data have to deal with anything missing or unexpected. If they use db_get_value()
it should all be happy. (if the owner has to be reassigned, back to the wars again, until
everything is rebuilt against the same version of midas).

P.S. In languages lacking reflection, like C and C++, it is impossible to trivially implement
a mapping from a data structure to an external entity, such as db_get_record() to map C struct
into ODB. Many attempts have been made, i.e. ROOT CINT, all of them brittle, hard
to maintain, generally unsatisfactory. Java was the first mainstream language
to have reflection. Modern languages, such as Go, have reflection from day 1. Of course
all scripting languages, perl, python, javascript, always had reflection. The C++ language
standard will get reflections some day. Today one can easily do reflection in C++ using the Clang
compiler, the main reason for ROOT v6 switching from CINT to Clang.

  1294   31 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomodified db_watch() arguments
for reasons unknown, db_watch() did not have an "info" parameter passed through to the callback 
handler function, like it is done with db_open_record().

This omission makes it difficult to write db_watch handler functions that must watch multiple odb 
trees - db_watch only delivers the hkey of the modified item inside the tree, leaving us with no 
simple way to tell which tree it came from. An example of this is mfe.c watching the Common 
structure for multiple equipments. There are other
uses for the "info" parameter, for example it is needed to implement c++ wrapper classes.

this omission is now corrected at the cost of changing the definition db_watch().

all uses of db_watch() in the midas tree have been corrected, but all out-of-tree programs
will not compile. For quick conversion, add a NULL parameter to db_watch() calls and add a 
"void*info" parameter to your watch handler function.

sorry about this disturbance,
  1295   31 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()
> What a mess.

The mess with db_get_record() and db_open_record() is even deeper than I thought. There are several anomalies.

Records opened by db_open_record() are later accessed via db_get_record() which requires
that the odb structure and the C structure match exactly.

Of course anybody can modify anything in odb at any time, so there are protections against
modifying the odb structures "from under" db_open_record():

a) db_open_record(MODE_WRITE) makes the odb structure immutable by setting the "exclusive" flag. This works well. In the past 
there were problems with "exclusive mode" getting stuck behind dead clients, but these days it is efficiently cleaned and recovered 
by the odb validation code at the start of all midas programs.

b) db_create_record(), db_reorder_key() and db_delete_key() refuse to function on watched/hotlinked odb structures. One would 
think this is good, but there is a side-effect. If I run "odbedit watch /", all odb delete operations fail (including deletion of temporary 
items in /system/tmp).

c) db_create_key() and db_set_data()/db_set_value() do not have such protections, and they can (and do) add new odb entries and 
change size of existing entries (especially size of strings), and make db_get_record() fail. note that db_get_record() inside 
db_open_record() fails silently and odb hotlinks mysteriously stop working.

One could keep fixing this by adding protections against modification of hotlinked odb structures, but unfortunately, one cannot tell
db_watch() hotlinks from db_open_record() hotlinks. Only the latter ones require protection. db_watch() does not require such 
protections because it does not use db_get_record() internally, it leaves it to the user to sort out any mismatches.

Also it would be nice if "odbedit watch /" did not have the nasty side effect of making all odb unchangable (presently it only makes
things undeletable).

To sort it all out, I am moving in this direction:

1) replace all uses of db_get_record() with db_get_record1() which automatically cures any structure mismatch
2) replace all uses of db_open_record(MODE_READ) with db_watch() in conjunction with db_get_record1(). This is done in mfe.c 
and seems to work ok.
2a) automatic repair of structure mismatch is presently defeated by db_create_record() refusing to work on hotlinked odb entries.
3) with db_get_record() and db_open_record(MODE_READ) removed from use, turn off hotlink protection in item (b) above. This will 
fix problem (2a).
4) maybe replace db_open_record(MODE_WRITE) with explicit db_set_record(). I personally do not like it's "magical" operation, 
when in fact, it is just a short hand for "db_get_key/db_set_record" hidden inside db_send_changed_records().
4a) db_open_record(MODE_WRITE) works well enough right now, no need to touch it.

  1296   31 May 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()
> 2) replace all uses of db_open_record(MODE_READ) with db_watch() in conjunction with db_get_record1().

Done to all in-tree programs, except for mana.c (not using it), sequencer.cxx (cannot test it) and a few places where watching a TID_INT.

Nothing more needs to be done, other than turn off the check for hotlink in db_create_record() & co (removed #define CHECK_OPEN_RECORD in odb.c).


$ grep db_open_record src/* | grep MODE_READ
src/lazylogger.cxx:   status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &run_state, sizeof(run_state), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL); // watch a TID_INT
src/mana.cxx:   db_open_record(hDB, hkey, NULL, 0, MODE_READ, banks_changed, NULL);
src/mana.cxx:   db_open_record(hDB, hkey, NULL, 0, MODE_READ, banks_changed, NULL);
src/mana.cxx:          db_open_record(hDB, hkey, &out_info, sizeof(out_info), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);
src/mana.cxx:      db_open_record(hDB, hKey, ar_info, sizeof(AR_INFO), MODE_READ, update_request,
src/midas.c:   status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &_requested_transition, sizeof(INT), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);
src/mlogger.cxx:      status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, hist_log[index].buffer, size, MODE_READ, log_history, NULL);
src/mlogger.cxx:                     db_open_record(hDB, hVarKey, NULL, varkey.total_size, MODE_READ, log_system_history, (void *) (POINTER_T) index);
src/mlogger.cxx:               db_open_record(hDB, hHistKey, NULL, size, MODE_READ, log_system_history, (void *) (POINTER_T) index);
src/odbedit.cxx:            db_open_record(hDB, hKey, data, size, MODE_READ, key_update, NULL);
src/sequencer.cxx:   status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &seq, sizeof(seq), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);
8s-macbook-pro:midas 8ss$ 
  1298   06 Jun 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportproblem with odb strings and db_get_record()
> Done to all in-tree programs, except for mana.c (not using it), sequencer.cxx (cannot test it) and a few places where watching a TID_INT.
> Nothing more needs to be done, other than turn off the check for hotlink in db_create_record() & co (removed #define CHECK_OPEN_RECORD in odb.c).

Fixed a bug in mfe.c - it was overwriting odb /eq/xxx/common with default values. fixed now.

Running with CHECK_OPEN_RECORD seems to work okey so far. Will test some more before proposing to make it the default.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5