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IDdown Date Author Topic Subject
  997   26 May 2014 Clemens SauerzopfForumRunning a frontend on Arduino Yun

I'm trying to get a frontend running on an arduino yun single board computer
(cpu is Atheros AR9331 and OS is a linux derivate ) 

The idea is to use this device for some slow control for our experiment (ASACUSA
Antihydrogen) we are using midas as main DAQ system and we would like to
integrate the slow control with this small boards. My question is: How can I
compile the midas library with the openwrt crosscompiler? the system discspace
is very limited (6 MB) therefore I don't want to have mysql, zlib an so on.
Other software can be stored on an sd-card.

 In the end what I would need is only creating hotlinks to the odb on our server
to get and report the current and desired values.

Do you have any suggestions on how to realize something like that?

  996   22 May 2014 Razvan Stefan GorneaForumWeird problem on new installation

I reduced the parameter space a little bit and I think the problem is somewhere in the framework. What I did is first to make a short program which accesses the ODB and I was able to access the Settings record. Everything seems to work fine, if parts or all of the record is missing then it is created automatically, etc.

Then I reduced my frontend to essentially a few lines in the frontend_init() which are identical to what I did in the small test program. Still when running the frontend it doesn't work and db_create_record() returns the error DB_OPEN_RECORD. I have tried something crazy, i.e. to disconnect the experiment and then reconnect in the frontend_init() and I was able to write the Settings record in the ODB! I have checked in mfe.c and odb.c and I think when my frontend_init() gets called, the record is already open!

Does anybody skilled with Midas know what I can do to solve or investigate this problem further?

This is the small program that can successfully access the ODB and create the Settings record.

// test program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "midas.h"
#include "v1740_daq_settings.h"


int main(void)
  int status;
  char temp_name[NAME_LENGTH];
  status = cm_connect_experiment("", "", "test", NULL);
  if (status != CM_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Oups could not connect to the experiment\n");
    return 1;
  cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
  status = db_create_record(hDB, 0, OWNER_EQUIPMENT, v1740_conf_str);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Oups failed to create DB record!\nCall to db_create_record() has returned %d", status);
    return 2;
  cm_get_experiment_name(temp_name, NAME_LENGTH-1);
  cm_msg(MINFO, "test", "experiment name is <|%s|>", temp_name);
  printf("The test is successful!\nNo errors occurred!\n");
  return 0;

This is the frontend_init() part (there is nothing left in the frontend anyway). This is exactly the same code like the previous one, but it won't work! So I concluded that the problem is already present when frontend_init() gets call in mfe.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "midas.h"
#include "v1740_daq_settings.h"

/* make frontend functions callable from the C framework */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/*-- Globals -------------------------------------------------------*/

/* The frontend name (client name) as seen by other MIDAS clients   */
char *frontend_name = "Charge Frontend";
/* The frontend file name, don't change it */
char *frontend_file_name = __FILE__;

/* frontend_loop is called periodically if this variable is TRUE    */
BOOL frontend_call_loop = FALSE;

/* a frontend status page is displayed with this frequency in ms */
INT display_period = 2100;

/* maximum event size produced by this frontend */
INT max_event_size = 2304 * 1024 + 128;

/* maximum event size for fragmented events (EQ_FRAGMENTED) */
INT max_event_size_frag = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

/* buffer size to hold events */
INT event_buffer_size = 64 * (2304 * 1024 + 128);

V1740_DAQ_CONF_STR(v1740_conf_str); // string representation for the database record for the configuration of the v1740 DAQ board 
HNDLE hDB = 0; // handle on database
HNDLE hConf = 0; // handle for the configuration section

/*-- Function declarations -----------------------------------------*/

INT frontend_init();
// ... etc ...

/*-- Equipment list ------------------------------------------------*/

#undef USE_INT

EQUIPMENT equipment[] = {
  {"CAEN_V1740",                // equipment name
    {1, 0,                      // event ID, trigger mask
    "SYSTEM",                   // event buffer
    EQ_POLLED | EQ_MANUAL_TRIG, // equipment type
    LAM_SOURCE(0, 0xFFFFFF),    // event source crate 0, all stations
    "MIDAS",                    // data format
    TRUE,                       // equipment enabled
    RO_RUNNING,                 // read only when running and update ODB
    500,                        // poll for 500 ms
    0,                          // stop run after this event limit
    0,                          // number of sub events
    0,                          // don't log history
    "", "", "",
    read_CAEN_V1740_event,         // readout routine


#ifdef __cplusplus

INT frontend_init()
  INT rstat = SUCCESS; // temp variable for Midas func. return codes
  char temp_name[NAME_LENGTH];
//   cm_disconnect_experiment();
//   cm_msg(MINFO, frontend_name, " *** DISCONNECTED FROM THE EXPERIMENT *** ");
//   rstat = cm_connect_experiment("", "", frontend_name, NULL);
//   if (rstat != CM_SUCCESS) {
//     cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "Oups could not connect to the experiment");
//     return rstat;
//   }
//   cm_msg(MINFO, frontend_name, " *** CONNECTED AGAIN TO THE EXPERIMENT *** ");
  // get handle on database
  cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
  // create or check for configuration data structure
  rstat = db_create_record(hDB, 0, OWNER_EQUIPMENT, v1740_conf_str);
  if (rstat != DB_SUCCESS) {
    cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "could not create record for the V1740 DAQ configuration");
    cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "call to db_create_record returned %d", rstat);
    cm_get_experiment_name(temp_name, NAME_LENGTH-1);
    cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "experiment name is <|%s|>", temp_name);
    return rstat;
  cm_msg(MINFO, frontend_name, " *** SUCCESSFULLY CREATED THE RECORD IN ODB *** ");

  return 11;
//  return SUCCESS;
  995   19 May 2014 Razvan Stefan GorneaForumWeird problem on new installation


I have a very weird problem on a new installation of Midas running also new code. My old code was written with the CAEN VME library and run from an older PC with a CAEN interface. I now moved to a GEFanuc V7769 with a Tundra II bridge and the frontend is using the UniverseII VME library. I'm mentioning this just to point out that the code is new, not just the Midas installation. I don't think the change of VME library has anything to do with my problem.
Anyway, except the VME access, the frontend code is the same. Especially, all accesses to the online data base are identical. The main problem I'm facing is that I can not create the record with the frontend configuration data in the ODB. Here is a bit of code from my frontend_init()
rstat = db_create_record(hDB, 0, OWNER_EQUIPMENT, v1740_conf_str);
if (rstat != DB_SUCCESS) {
  cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "could not create record for the V1740 DAQ configuration");
  cm_msg(MERROR, frontend_name, "call to db_create_record returned %d", rstat);
  return rstat;
and these are some messages from the Midas log
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Program Charge Frontend on host lheppc78 started
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [frontend.c:153:Charge Frontend,ERROR] could not create record for the V1740 DAQ configuration
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,ERROR] [frontend.c:154:Charge Frontend,ERROR] call to db_create_record returned 320
Mon May 19 18:23:42 2014 [Charge Frontend,INFO] Program Charge Frontend on host lheppc78 stopped
The error 320 is essentially saying that there is a client which has already opened this key! But I'm pretty sure there is not!
I have checked the path OWNER_EQUIPMENT. I also used odbedit to make folders and variables in /Equipment/. I erased the hidden files in my data folder. I checked for experiment definition. I even follow an example in the docs how to clean up corrupted shared memory, erased /dev/shm.*, etc. I essentially checked item by item my old installation with the new one and everything seems the same.
So at this point I'm very puzzled!!! I don't know what to look for further. Do you have any idea what I could check for!?!
There were a few things that when wrong while getting ready the new installation but I solved them. So just to mention in case it is important.
A) I had difficulties to start the system on the new machine. Some hidden files in the data folder: .ODB.SHM .SYSTEM.SHM etc. where somehow created with root:root ownership and then mlogger et co. could not start! Also, some files in /dev/shm/ where created the same and it gave some problems. I solved these simply by chown all to user:group But I don't understand why this happened and I don't remember having to do that on my old system.
B) I use Slackware and I had this problem that instead of having the ODBC library I had only the iODBC and so I made the switch to that to be able to compile (which by the way seemed fine). I have no idea if this could somehow be related to my current problem.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Razvan Gornea
  994   28 Apr 2014 Tom StuttardForumWords written as zero in Midas bank

I am having some trouble with the data in my Midas bank. I am filling a midas
bank in my frontend (one of several in my system), and this bank is then being
added to the overall event by the event builder.

I check the data as it enters the bank, and also check again after I close the
bank in my frontend (using pdata's original value), and in both cases my data is
as I expect.

However, when I view the data in the .mid file (using mdump), there is a
problem. The correct number of words are there, and the values are correct up
until the 148th word. However, all subsequent words are 0.

I have also noticed that if I change my word size from 32bit (DWORD) to 16bit
(WORD), I observe the same behaviour except that now the first 296 words are
correct and all others are zero.

Note that other frontends in the system are not suffering this issue.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to solve this problem?
  993   17 Apr 2014 Stefan RittForumC++11 error
> Thanks for the suggestion. It looks like it is instead the TRIGGER_ALL that is causing the problem. TRIGGER_ALL is defined as -1 in midas.h. If I replace TRIGGER_ALL with 0 in the 
> frontend, it compiles, but if I use -1, I get the same error. I do not think that I want my trigger mask set to 0. Do you have a suggestion of how to get around this?

Ok, then it's clear. The trigger mask inside the EQUIPMENT_INFO is defined as 16-bit unsigned int (WORD). So the -1 gets expanded into a 64-bit signed int, then the compiler complains about truncating this to 16-bit. 

Just try instead TRIGGER_ALL to write


or even


that should do the job. Basically you want all 16 bits to be "1" if yo do not use this feature.

Best regards,
  992   16 Apr 2014 Wes GohnForumC++11 error
> > I am having some trouble creating a frontend that interacts with some libraries that use C++11. 
> > 
> > The flag I added to my MIDAS Makefile to get the C++11 part of the code to work is -std=c++0x. This 
> > causes an error in the equipment description in the frontend code.
> > 
> > The error I get is:
> > 
> > frontend.cpp:149: error: narrowing conversion of ‘-0x00000000000000001’ from ‘int’ to ‘WORD’ inside { 
> > }
> > 
> > This corresponds to the following in the MIDAS frontend code.
> > 
> > EQUIPMENT equipment[] = { 
> >   {
> >    "MWPC",                           /* equipment name */
> >    {1, TRIGGER_ALL,                  /* event ID, trigger mask */
> >      "BUF2",                        /* event buffer */
> >      EQ_POLLED | EQ_EB,              /* equipment type */
> >      LAM_SOURCE(0, 0xFFFFFF),        /* event source crate 0, all stations */
> >      "MIDAS",                        /* format */
> >      TRUE,                           /* enabled */
> >      RO_RUNNING,                     /* read only when running */
> >      1,                              /* poll for 1ms */
> >      0,                              /* stop run after this event limit */
> >      0,                              /* number of sub events */
> >      0,                              /* don't log history */
> >      "", "", "",},
> >     read_trigger_event,              /* readout routine */
> >   },
> > 
> >    {""}
> > };  <- this is line 149
> > #ifdef __cplusplus
> > }
> > #endif
> > 
> > Do you know a way to make this compatible with C++11?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> Is this maybe related to the LAM_SOURCE(0, 0xFFFFFFFF) where 0xFFFFFFFF is -1. I guess you are not using CAMAC, so just replace the 
> LAM_SOURCE(...) with zero and try again.
> /Stefan

Thanks for the suggestion. It looks like it is instead the TRIGGER_ALL that is causing the problem. TRIGGER_ALL is defined as -1 in midas.h. If I replace TRIGGER_ALL with 0 in the 
frontend, it compiles, but if I use -1, I get the same error. I do not think that I want my trigger mask set to 0. Do you have a suggestion of how to get around this?

To answer the other questions, we are running on SLF6. I am building a frontend for a MWPC to read data from CAEN TDCs.
  991   16 Apr 2014 Stefan RittForumC++11 error
> I am having some trouble creating a frontend that interacts with some libraries that use C++11. 
> The flag I added to my MIDAS Makefile to get the C++11 part of the code to work is -std=c++0x. This 
> causes an error in the equipment description in the frontend code.
> The error I get is:
> frontend.cpp:149: error: narrowing conversion of ‘-0x00000000000000001’ from ‘int’ to ‘WORD’ inside { 
> }
> This corresponds to the following in the MIDAS frontend code.
> EQUIPMENT equipment[] = { 
>   {
>    "MWPC",                           /* equipment name */
>    {1, TRIGGER_ALL,                  /* event ID, trigger mask */
>      "BUF2",                        /* event buffer */
>      EQ_POLLED | EQ_EB,              /* equipment type */
>      LAM_SOURCE(0, 0xFFFFFF),        /* event source crate 0, all stations */
>      "MIDAS",                        /* format */
>      TRUE,                           /* enabled */
>      RO_RUNNING,                     /* read only when running */
>      1,                              /* poll for 1ms */
>      0,                              /* stop run after this event limit */
>      0,                              /* number of sub events */
>      0,                              /* don't log history */
>      "", "", "",},
>     read_trigger_event,              /* readout routine */
>   },
>    {""}
> };  <- this is line 149
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> }
> #endif
> Do you know a way to make this compatible with C++11?
> Thanks!

Is this maybe related to the LAM_SOURCE(0, 0xFFFFFFFF) where 0xFFFFFFFF is -1. I guess you are not using CAMAC, so just replace the 
LAM_SOURCE(...) with zero and try again.

  990   15 Apr 2014 Wes GohnForumC++11 error
I am having some trouble creating a frontend that interacts with some libraries that use C++11. 

The flag I added to my MIDAS Makefile to get the C++11 part of the code to work is -std=c++0x. This 
causes an error in the equipment description in the frontend code.

The error I get is:

frontend.cpp:149: error: narrowing conversion of ‘-0x00000000000000001’ from ‘int’ to ‘WORD’ inside { 

This corresponds to the following in the MIDAS frontend code.

EQUIPMENT equipment[] = { 
   "MWPC",                           /* equipment name */
   {1, TRIGGER_ALL,                  /* event ID, trigger mask */
     "BUF2",                        /* event buffer */
     EQ_POLLED | EQ_EB,              /* equipment type */
     LAM_SOURCE(0, 0xFFFFFF),        /* event source crate 0, all stations */
     "MIDAS",                        /* format */
     TRUE,                           /* enabled */
     RO_RUNNING,                     /* read only when running */
     1,                              /* poll for 1ms */
     0,                              /* stop run after this event limit */
     0,                              /* number of sub events */
     0,                              /* don't log history */
     "", "", "",},
    read_trigger_event,              /* readout routine */

};  <- this is line 149
#ifdef __cplusplus

Do you know a way to make this compatible with C++11?

  989   17 Mar 2014 Zhi LiForum[need help] simple example frontend for CAEN VX1721
Hi Pierre,

Thanks for your instructions. Before I run the wavedump software, I need to load a driver file for A2818, thus I think I've got this interface of A2818.

I would be grateful to have a look at the frontend example used for v1720 (closer to v1721 I suppose), would you be so kind to offer me the Makefile as well? I
really want to have a compilable/executable DAQ frontend for vme modules, and know better how to link to CAEN library in the Makefile.

About hardware currently used in the vme crate(A2818), there is a VME controller(V2718, CONET VME Bridge), and a FADC(VX1721 waveform digitizer). I'm now preparing
this DAQ system to compare relative quantum efficiency, timing resolution, 1 pe distribution of photomultipliers, also measure decay time of cosmic muons, and
electron spectrum. Humbly, I want to know your opinion on whether I need additional hardware to finish these experiments.


> Hi Li,
> You mention that you've got the wavedump working. It suggests that you have a A3818 
> interface, can you confirm that?
> If so, you can make a Midas frontend using the CAEN libraries to access your VX1721. I can provide you with a frontend example used for the V1720 or V1740. The 
> modifications for the VX1721 shouldn't be too hard as most of the CAEN digitizers 
> are fortunately based on a similar configuration mechanism.
> If you have a Midas CAMAC frontend, the trick would be to replace the CAMAC calls by 
> the appropriate CAENComm_xxx() for the equivalent functionality.
> Can you remind me what hardware do you have in your lab for acquisition?
> CAMAC controller, VME controller etc.
> Cheers, PAA
> > Dear guys,
> > 
> > I’m Zhi Li from China, and I’m now working on my graduation project, which now
> > basically gets stuck in the part of preparing the frontend for my FADC (CAEN
> > VX1721) using Midas.
> > 
> > Now the current set-up includes a VME crate, a CAEN v2718 (Optical Bridge and
> > Controller) and a CAEN VX1721(8ch 8bit 500MS/s Waveform digitizer). The hardware
> > set-up has been finished and I could capture the analog waveform using CAEN
> > software(wavedump). 
> > 
> > Could anyone please tell me what are the basic things to do for using MIDAS?
> > I’ve installed MIDAS in PC and it works well for CAMAC, but do I need any extra
> > hardware module on using VME crate? Also, how to download
> > Universe-II VME driver?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Li
  988   17 Mar 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoODB JSON support
> > > odbedit can now save ODB in JSON-formatted files.
> encode NaN, Inf and -Inf as JSON string values "NaN", "Infinity" and "-Infinity". (Corresponding to the respective Javascript values).

A new standard just came out - Oasis OData JSON format 4.0 -

Section 7.1 reads:

> Values of types [...] Edm.Single, Edm.Double, and Edm.Decimal are represented as JSON numbers, except for NaN, INF, and –INF which are represented as strings.

This is consistent with what we do in MIDAS - encode special numbers as strings. For now I think we stay with Javascript-standard "Infinity", "-Infinity",
but if more standards start using "INF", "-INF", maybe we will switch. It is easy enough to support both encodings in the JSON parser and in the ODB decoder.
  987   17 Mar 2014 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzForum[need help] simple example frontend for CAEN VX1721
Hi Li,

You mention that you've got the wavedump working. It suggests that you have a A3818 
interface, can you confirm that?

If so, you can make a Midas frontend using the CAEN libraries to access your VX1721. I can provide you with a frontend example used for the V1720 or V1740. The 
modifications for the VX1721 shouldn't be too hard as most of the CAEN digitizers 
are fortunately based on a similar configuration mechanism.
If you have a Midas CAMAC frontend, the trick would be to replace the CAMAC calls by 
the appropriate CAENComm_xxx() for the equivalent functionality.

Can you remind me what hardware do you have in your lab for acquisition?
CAMAC controller, VME controller etc.

Cheers, PAA

> Dear guys,
> I’m Zhi Li from China, and I’m now working on my graduation project, which now
> basically gets stuck in the part of preparing the frontend for my FADC (CAEN
> VX1721) using Midas.
> Now the current set-up includes a VME crate, a CAEN v2718 (Optical Bridge and
> Controller) and a CAEN VX1721(8ch 8bit 500MS/s Waveform digitizer). The hardware
> set-up has been finished and I could capture the analog waveform using CAEN
> software(wavedump). 
> Could anyone please tell me what are the basic things to do for using MIDAS?
> I’ve installed MIDAS in PC and it works well for CAMAC, but do I need any extra
> hardware module on using VME crate? Also, how to download
> Universe-II VME driver?
> Thanks,
> Li
  986   17 Mar 2014 Stefan RittInfoWindows support droped?
> The Windows executables are no longer included in the midas git repository. Old versions are still available in 
> the git repository - they got pulled in during conversion from svn.
> One reason for removing them is that neither myself, nor Pierre, nor Stefan have ready access to a Windows 
> development environment and we cannot keep Windows binaries up to date. Theoretically we can setup a 
> Windows machine just for compiling MIDAS, but then there is a question of which Windows we should use and 
> how much priority we should put into it. I do not think there is any demand for MIDAS on Windows at TRIUMF.

I double checked and can confirm that the executables in GIT are very old. So I tried to compile the current version for Windows. I found that I had to change lots 
of places (basically all the new files written by KO) to make it work again, so it took me half a day, but now should be fine.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to keep .exe files in GIT, maybe we should remove it some day, but for the moment I updated the executables to the current 
version. Feedback welcome.

  985   17 Mar 2014 Zhi LiForum[need help] simple example frontend for CAEN VX1721
Dear guys,

I’m Zhi Li from China, and I’m now working on my graduation project, which now
basically gets stuck in the part of preparing the frontend for my FADC (CAEN
VX1721) using Midas.

Now the current set-up includes a VME crate, a CAEN v2718 (Optical Bridge and
Controller) and a CAEN VX1721(8ch 8bit 500MS/s Waveform digitizer). The hardware
set-up has been finished and I could capture the analog waveform using CAEN

Could anyone please tell me what are the basic things to do for using MIDAS?
I’ve installed MIDAS in PC and it works well for CAMAC, but do I need any extra
hardware module on using VME crate? Also, how to download
Universe-II VME driver?

  984   14 Mar 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiForummlogger problem
> I stumbled over a problem which I cannot pin point and would appreciate suggestions.
> [nemu@lem00 2014]$ odbedit -e nemu
> odbedit: src/odb.c:753: db_update_open_record: Assertion `xkey->notify_count == pkey-
>notify_count' failed.
> Aborted

I think this is a real bug in MIDAS - I will have to take a look to figure out where this is coming from. At the 
least, if I cannot replace the assert with some corrective action, I may replace it with an error message.

I am glad you could recover by reloading odb.

  983   14 Mar 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoWindows support droped?
> In the old SVN midas world it was typically such that the Windows dll's and
> exe's were ready to be used when checking out.

The Windows executables are no longer included in the midas git repository. Old versions are still available in 
the git repository - they got pulled in during conversion from svn.

One reason for removing them is that neither myself, nor Pierre, nor Stefan have ready access to a Windows 
development environment and we cannot keep Windows binaries up to date. Theoretically we can setup a 
Windows machine just for compiling MIDAS, but then there is a question of which Windows we should use and 
how much priority we should put into it. I do not think there is any demand for MIDAS on Windows at TRIUMF.

(Personally, I think Windows is no longer a viable platform for any business use - with Microsoft focusing on 
"experiences", "tiles", touch screens, portable devices, and other gimmicks - rather than on providing a solid OS 
to get work done)

> I am not so sure this is the case
> for the current version, since when I use the packed dll's  and exe's (e.g.
> odbedit.exe) I get the warning that this is running midas 2.0.0 but the current
> version (on the linux server) is 2.1. What does this mean?

You can ignore this message. Stefan incremented the MIDAS version when we migrated to git, but
there are no changes to the MIDAS RPC mechanism and we are still fully compatible with old versions,
at least in the MIDAS RPC and in the mserver.

So tools like odbedit.exe should still work okey when connecting from Windows to MIDAS running on Linux or 

But old frontend programs may cause some trouble because the ODB layout changed somewhat with new things 
added to /eq/xxx/common. Simplest is to try, if it works, it works.

> 1) A little bug in the packed windows part, but up-to-date dll's and exe's?
> 2) The dll's and exe's are not bundled any more to up-to-date version?

Case (2) is the case. Personally I do not have any capability to build Windows binaries. Same for Pierre and I think 
for Stefan.

> If 2) is the case, I would like to get a hint how to build midas under Windows
> (Windows 7), since we still have some few Windows clients.  

I do not think pre-built executables will ever return - the new way of things is to "cut-and-paste" the "git clone" 
command from a web page, type "make", and be done with it. If your OS does not have "git", "make" & etc, you 
should switch to a real OS.

On the MIDAS software side, we have no problem with supporting Windows - same as on any other platform, 
please try to build and run it, report any problems, fixes, patches and improvements - we will commit them into 
the midas repository.

  982   14 Mar 2014 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomidas wiki updated to mediawiki 1.22.4
The midas wiki at was updated to mediawiki 1.22.4 - the latest production version. 
If you see any problems, please report them to this elog. K.O.
  981   12 Mar 2014 Andreas SuterInfoWindows support droped?
In the old SVN midas world it was typically such that the Windows dll's and
exe's were ready to be used when checking out. I am not so sure this is the case
for the current version, since when I use the packed dll's  and exe's (e.g.
odbedit.exe) I get the warning that this is running midas 2.0.0 but the current
version (on the linux server) is 2.1.

What does this mean?

1) A little bug in the packed windows part, but up-to-date dll's and exe's?
2) The dll's and exe's are not bundled any more to up-to-date version?

If 2) is the case, I would like to get a hint how to build midas under Windows
(Windows 7), since we still have some few Windows clients.  
  980   11 Mar 2014 Andreas SuterForummlogger problem

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Andreas Suter wrote:
I stumbled over a problem which I cannot pin point and would appreciate suggestions.

I set up an experiment, and all of a sudden I noticed the following behaviour.

I can start any number of frontends without any problems as long as mlogger is NOT running.
I can also start mlogger without any problems. However, as soon as I started the mlogger, I cannot start anything else any more (including odbedit). I get the following assertion:
16:07:06 [Logger,INFO] Program Logger on host lem00 started
[nemu@lem00 2014]$ odbedit -e nemu
odbedit: src/odb.c:753: db_update_open_record: Assertion `xkey->notify_count == pkey->notify_count' failed.
This is even happening if I stop all frontends, start only the mlogger and afterwards try to start odbedit.

I tried to see if this is a generic feature on a test experiment, but there I cannot reproduce it. It seems that there is either something wrong with the ODB, something wrong with hotlinks, ..., I don't know.

I would appreciated suggestions how pin point the issue.

K.O. put that in:

He should have a look at it.

Have you tried to rebuild your ODB from scratch? (Save in XML, then delete .ODB.SHM, then load again form XML)?


Yes, I could recover the ODB by falling back to a previous dump. Still, I would like to know what is the exact meaning of the above assertion. It might help to understand what are the likely cause which results in the assertion.

  979   11 Mar 2014 Stefan RittForummlogger problem

Andreas Suter wrote:
I stumbled over a problem which I cannot pin point and would appreciate suggestions.

I set up an experiment, and all of a sudden I noticed the following behaviour.

I can start any number of frontends without any problems as long as mlogger is NOT running.
I can also start mlogger without any problems. However, as soon as I started the mlogger, I cannot start anything else any more (including odbedit). I get the following assertion:
16:07:06 [Logger,INFO] Program Logger on host lem00 started
[nemu@lem00 2014]$ odbedit -e nemu
odbedit: src/odb.c:753: db_update_open_record: Assertion `xkey->notify_count == pkey->notify_count' failed.
This is even happening if I stop all frontends, start only the mlogger and afterwards try to start odbedit.

I tried to see if this is a generic feature on a test experiment, but there I cannot reproduce it. It seems that there is either something wrong with the ODB, something wrong with hotlinks, ..., I don't know.

I would appreciated suggestions how pin point the issue.

K.O. put that in:

He should have a look at it.

Have you tried to rebuild your ODB from scratch? (Save in XML, then delete .ODB.SHM, then load again form XML)?

  978   11 Mar 2014 Andreas SuterForummlogger problem
I stumbled over a problem which I cannot pin point and would appreciate suggestions.

I set up an experiment, and all of a sudden I noticed the following behaviour.

I can start any number of frontends without any problems as long as mlogger is NOT running.
I can also start mlogger without any problems. However, as soon as I started the mlogger, I cannot start anything else any more (including odbedit). I get the following assertion:
16:07:06 [Logger,INFO] Program Logger on host lem00 started
[nemu@lem00 2014]$ odbedit -e nemu
odbedit: src/odb.c:753: db_update_open_record: Assertion `xkey->notify_count == pkey->notify_count' failed.
This is even happening if I stop all frontends, start only the mlogger and afterwards try to start odbedit.

I tried to see if this is a generic feature on a test experiment, but there I cannot reproduce it. It seems that there is either something wrong with the ODB, something wrong with hotlinks, ..., I don't know.

I would appreciated suggestions how pin point the issue.
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