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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  1533   28 May 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> Great news!

Some additional information.

1) cmake3 is available on all currently supported systems:

- SL6 (el6), CentOS7 (el7): yum install cmake3 (from EPEL) (invoke as "cmake3")
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: apt-get install cmake (invoke as "cmake").
- MacOS: install "mac ports", then "port install cmake"
- Windows - we hope to revive windows10 support this summer

> - To use Cmake, do
> midas$ mkdir build
> midas$ cd build
> midas/build$ cmake ..
> midas/build$ make
> - After successful compilation, all programs and libraries are in the "build" directory

The old "linux", "darwin", etc subdirectories go away. Makefiles for frontends and analyzers become simplified
and can refer to MIDAS in a standard way:

header files: -I$(MIDASSYS)/include
libraries and object files: -L$(MIDASSYS)/build/lib -lmidas
executables: PATH += $(MIDASSYS)/build/bin

> ... cross compilation ...

We will review the situation with cross-compilation once the dust settles a little bit on changes
with cmake and with the switch to C++.

Since cross-compilation environments are rarely standardized, I do not expect cmake to be of much help and most
likely we will have a simplified Makefile for cross-building feature-reduced versions of MIDAS - probably only
the pieces needed for running remotely-connected frontends (see "ifdef LOCAL_ROUTINES").

  1538   03 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForummidas wiki updated to mediawiki 1.27.5
the midas wiki was updated to the latest LTS point release 1.27.5.

Also, an installation error was fixed that prevented confirmation of new accounts (git checkout 
REL1_28 instead of REL1_27, resulting in a version mismatch).

Support for MediaWiki LTS release 1.27 ends this Summer.

Next LTS release series is 1.31, see

This version requires php version 7 or newer which comes standard with ubuntu LTS 18.04 
and el8 (RHEL8), but not with el6 (SL6) and el7 (CentOS-7).

I guess we shall start planning this upgrade and the move of the wiki to a new host machine.

  1539   03 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> 1) cmake3 is available on all currently supported systems:
> - SL6 (el6), CentOS7 (el7): yum install cmake3 (from EPEL) (invoke as "cmake3")
> - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: apt-get install cmake (invoke as "cmake").
> - MacOS: install "mac ports", then "port install cmake"
> - Windows - we hope to revive windows10 support this summer

- el8 (RHEL8): cmake 3.11.something is part of the base system (latest cmake), (invoke as "cmake", the best I can tell).

  1540   05 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switched to C++
The last bits of code to switch MIDAS to C++ have been committed, see tag midas-2019-05-cxx.

Since the cmake conversion is still in progress, for now, I recommend using the old "make" build for trying this update.

From the switch to C++, the biggest change is the requirement that frontend programs be build and linked
using the C++ compiler. Since mfe.o and the rest of MIDAS are built with C++, building frontends
with C is no longer possible.

To help with this, I will post a short guide for converting C frontends to C++.

  1541   05 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
Status update on the cmake conversion:

- we have cmake builds working on all supported systems (el6, el7, ubuntu 18.04 LTS, macos 10.13, 10.14)
- I am happy with the result - for example, include file dependancies work much better now
- we are still fixing a few problems where the cmake build is different from the old make build (mfe.o, mlogger/rmlogger, etc)
- until all of these problems are straightened out, we cannot finalize the instructions for writing experiment makefiles (do we have to use -lmfe or 
we can keep the old mfe.o)

After everything is finalized, I hope to post a short guide for converting experiment makefiles to the new system.

The next release of MIDAS (midas-2019-06 series) will be the first C++ midas and cmake will be the primary build system.

  1542   05 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoHow to convert C midas frontends to C++
> To convert a MIDAS frontend to C++ follow this checklist:

Pierre A.-A. reminded me that include files for CAEN libraries have  to
use "extern C" brackets:

some 3rd party libraries (CAEN, etc) are written in C (or require C linkage),
if their include files are not C++ compatible (do not have "extern C" brackets
for all exported symbols), the experiment frontend code must say something like this:

extern "C" {
#include "3rd-party-c-library.h"

Note: "#ifdef cplusplus" is not needed because we already know we are C++, not C.

  1543   06 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2019-03-h
> > the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.

A bug fix update for midas-2019-03:

- fix broken expand_env() in mhttpd
- fix "Invalid name passed to db_create_key: should not be an empty string" in midas.log when loading the MIDAS status page if one of the alarms has empty 
class name.

odbedit "ver" should report: Thu Jun 6 18:02:14 2019 -0700 - midas-2019-03-h on branch feature/midas-2019-03

  1544   07 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForummidas wiki updated to mediawiki 1.27.7
the midas wiki was updated to the latest LTS point release 1.27.7, the latest (last?) security update.

mediawiki series 1.27 is now officially EOL, see

they recommend that all users upgrade to the current LTS series 1.31.

for us it means moving the wiki from the present el6 (SL6) computer to
a more up-to-date platform (el8 or ubuntu LTS 18.04).

  1545   10 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> > > the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.
> A bug fix update for midas-2019-03:
> odbedit "ver" should report: Thu Jun 6 18:02:14 2019 -0700 - midas-2019-03-h on branch feature/midas-2019-03

For building this release of MIDAS, please use mxml branch feature/midas-2019-03, tag mxml-2019-03-a:

cd .../mxml
git fetch
git checkout feature/midas-2019-03

Going forward, I will try to remember to tag the mxml version that corresponds to specific midas versions.

  1546   10 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfostatus of self-signed https certificates
> > > In the mean time, we continue to recommend that mhttpd should be used behind a password protected https proxy (i.e. apache 
> > > httpd, etc).

There we go. google-chrome 74 refuses to connect to mhttpd configured with a self-signed certificate generated per instructions printed by mhttpd.

Here is the full error text (there is no button to "let me connect to it anyway"):

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more
Help improve Safe Browsing by sending some system information and page content to Google. Privacy policy normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Google Chrome tried to connect to this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an 
attacker is trying to pretend to be, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Google Chrome stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.

You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.
  1547   10 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasebin and lib symlinks, mxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> > > > the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.

The latest version of MIDAS puts libraries and executables in $MIDASSYS/lib and bin (the "linux" part of pathname is removed).

Some packages (rootana) have been already changed to use this new scheme and they will not build against older versions of midas. 
I recommend that you create following symlinks to make old versions of midas compatible with the new scheme:

cd $MIDASSYS # (~/packages/midas)
ln -s linux/bin .
ln -s linux/lib .

  1550   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForumStrange JS array creation
> db_create_key(hDB, 0, "Equipment/Switching/Variables/DATA_WRITE", TID_INT);

you can also do this from javascript, too, using the db_create rpc call, see mjsonrpc_db_create() and 

> for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
>         modbset("/Equipment/Switching/Variables/DATA_WRITE[" + String(i) + "]", parseInt(lines[i]));
> }

this is wrong.

a) you are programming javascript as if it were C/C++. You think this code wrote lines.length() values 
to ODB, when what the code actually did is queued lines.length() RPC requests for later execution. 
Eventually some time later, each RPC request will open a connection to mhttpd, send a request, wait 
for mhtttpd to process it, etc. Where do you wait for the completion of all these RPCs before 
proceeding as if all the data has been successfully written to ODB? (answer: you cannot, javascript 
cannot "wait for things", instead you have to make chains of event handlers. javascript != C/C++. 
They are completely different).

b)  you should write the whole array in one operation instead of looping over each element. see 
mjsonrpc_db_paste() and example.html.

> After calling this function I have an array in the ODB now. For my understanding
> calling an INT like an array shouldn't be possible. So is this dangerous to do?

I do not understand your question about "calling an INT like an array". You are not calling anything 
called "INT". Your code has a loop, a call to parseInt() (defined where?) and a call modbset() 
(defined in mhttpd.js). It looks like correct javascript (it does not do what I think you expected it to 
do), what do you think is dangerous?

  1551   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.js
The modbset() function in mhttpd.js is not used anywhere in midas and it misleads midas users into thinking that it works like the old ODBSet() function, when 
it can not and it does not.

To explain the difference:

1) ODBSet() used synchronous RPC requests, which have been deprecated by the powers that be. Read more here:

2) in midas, we followed these instructions and developed an asynchronous RPC mechanism for calling midas functions from javascript. (we use the Promise 
construct, but the underlying JSON-RPC compatible communications can be used directly, without it).

3) using the asynchronous RPC is not as easy as the old ODBSet() & co - instead of just making a call "to write to ODB", one has to create a chain of nested 
event handler functions and one has to do at least some error handling.

4) this makes it impossible to program midas custom pages in javascript as if it were C/C++. (Please direct your complaints to the "web" and "javascript" 
powers that be).

5) to help writing midas custom pages, we have a good number of examples. For example, example.html has example
code for calling pretty much every midas json rpc function.

5a) to see the complete list of all rpc functions available in your copy of midas, follow the link to "json-rpc schema, text format" on the midas "help" page.

6) if you are writing a new custom page we suggest you start with one of the example templates in .../resources, a_example, a_template.

7) if you are updating an existing custom page, good luck. synchronous rpc seems to still work in most browsers, so the old OSBSet() & co should continue to 
work for now. For new code you should use the async rpc (with Promises, like we do for all midas pages). In practice this means a complete rewrite of each 
custom page (welcome to the 21st century).

Note that we have two separate js files in midas:

- midas.js is intended as a general purpose library for writing midas custom pages
- mhttpd.js is not intended for general use and contains javascript code used by mhttpd internally

The function itself is here, in case somebody needs it:

-function modbset(path, value)
-/* shortcut for mjsonrpc_db_paste() with standard error handling */
-   if (Array.isArray(path)) {
-      mjsonrpc_db_paste(path,value).then(function(rpc) {}).catch(function(error) {
-         mjsonrpc_error_alert(error); });
-   } else {
-      mjsonrpc_db_paste([path],[value]).then(function(rpc) {}).catch(function(error) {
-         mjsonrpc_error_alert(error); });
-   }

  1552   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasebin and lib symlinks, mxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> If i'm not mistaken the proper commands are
> mkdir linux
> ln -s ../bin linux/bin
> ln -s ../lib linux/lib

This is for making the new midas look like the old midas. My instructions were for making the old midas looking like the new midas.

Old midas:
packages/midas/linux/bin, linux/lib with symlinks for
packages/midas/bin -> linux/bin, etc

New midas:
packages/midas/bin, lib with symlinks for
packages/midas/linux/bin -> ../bin, etc.

  1553   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> Status update on the cmake conversion:

It looks like cmake cannot do several things we need for building midas.

- it looks like cmake does not support bare object files as 1st class build targets.

We build at least two bare object files: mfe.o and mana.o for use by frontends and analyzers (and I am about
to add one more for the manalyzer). They all contain main() functions and cannot be in libmidas.a.

Stefan & co managed to kludge cmake to build mfe.o but so far I have been unable to figure out how to tell cmake
to actually use it for linking. Replacing "mfe" for -llibmfe in target_include_libraries() with "mfe.o" yields -llibmfe.o, clearly
they do not support linking to bare library object files.

So to avoid fighting cmake, libmfe.a and libmana.a are here to stay.

- it looks like cmake does not like building variant executables and object files, i.e. "with ROOT" and "without ROOT".

I need to set "-DHAVE_ROOT" for building "with ROOT" and unset it via remove_definitions() for building "without ROOT",
but remove_definitions() and add_definitions() do not work on a per-target basis, instead they operate
per-directory and per-project.

In midas, we build mlogger without ROOT (to avoid tangling it with the ROOT RPATH and ROOT shared libraries),
but if ROOT is present, we build rmlogger "with ROOT support". Same for the analyzer (mana.o and rmana.o).

For now we have this:
- mana.o is built with ROOT if ROOT is detected
- rmana.o is not built
- rmlogger is not built (not clear why)

  1555   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.js
If it's a function intended for general use, it should be in midas.js.

The documentation for such a function should be made very clear that:

a) it does not actually write to ODB, instead it queues a request for writing, this request is executed at a later (undefined) time.

b) the following javascript code results in undefined behaviour:

modbset("/foo/bar", 1); // queue rpc request
modbset("/foo/bar", 2); // queue rpc request
// is ODB /foo/bar set to 1 or 2?

Why? The best I know javascript does not require for RPCs to execute in-order, so the second RPC may be issued
before the first one. More likely both RPCs are started roughly at the same time (i.e. in different RPC worker
threads), in which case we do not know in which order they will be processed by mhttpd, which is also
multithreaded and does not necessarily execute requests in the same order as (i.e.) they connect to the rpc port 8080.

To answer the question "1 or 2", the answer is neither, as at that point in the code, the RPC requests
probably have not started executing yet, and even if they did, mhttpd most likely did not write anything
into odb yet, as processing RPC requests takes much longer than executing a few lines of javascript.

So to ensure correct sequence of writes and to ensure that something was actually written to odb,
one has to roll out the full ladder of promise event handlers.

Is correct sequence of writes important? Maybe yes, maybe no.

But if you use modbset() without being aware of these issues, you will write code
for ramping high voltage like this:

modbset("/eq/hv/set/voltage", 0); // set voltage to zero
modbset("/eq/hv/set/hv_enable", 1); // enable high voltage
modbset("/eq/hv/set/voltage", 50); // start slow
modbset("/eq/hv/set/voltage", 1000); // ramp to half-way
modbset("/eq/hv/set/voltage", 1900); // stop a bit before the final voltage
modbset("/eq/hv/set/voltage", 2000); // !!! ramping from 0 to 2000 should never be done in one step !!!

And as the author of all this RPC code, I promise that some day you will see the voltage
on the detector go directly from 0 to 2000 (then up and down to 50, 1000 and 1900).

To me, this makes helpful helper functions actually dangerous to use.

Now that I have experience with sync RPC (from C/C++) and async RPC (with Promises in javascript),
I would say that synchronous C/C++ style programming is much easier
and much less verbose and much easier to read and to modify/adjust compared to the javascript-style
ladder of nested event handlers.

I now see that synchronous requests are again permitted if one uses the "Web Worker API". Maybe we should revisit
the MIDAS javascript RPC code and see if we can use this web worker stuff to officially support synchronous RPC requests,

About the sync rpc deprecation, read more here:


> I disagree. The modbset() function is used in many custom pages at PSI because people are tired of typing mjsonrpc_db_paste([path],[value]) vs. modbset(path, value). We need to keep 
> modbset() which is well documented at 
> Since modbset() does call the underlying mjsonrpc_db_paste(), it is as good or bad as that function. Plus it adds standard error handling to avoid the need of catching errors for each and 
> every mjsonrpc_db_paste() call. If it is believed that modbset() has a problem, then this should be fixed in the source code of modbset(). Removing that function is not an option.
> Stefan
  1556   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixrestored modbset() in midas.js
> The modbset() function is used in many custom pages at PSI ...

I restored this function in midas.js with a documentation blurb warning about it's asynchronous nature and about the possibility of out-of-order writes.

The more I think about this, the more it looks to me that we should look at this web worker api business to support
synchronous communications for MIDAS web pages.

  1557   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> > Status update on the cmake conversion:

After the latest updates from Stefan & co, it looks like the cmake builds are working correctly,
there is only one bug remaining (rmlogger is not built). (rmana.o is also not built, but I think only 0 people use it).

I will test this in a couple of our test experiments, write the instructions for migrating from the old midas and tag a new release (midas-2019-06)

  1560   18 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.js
> A ladder of promise event handlers is certainly one possibility to enforce the order of ODB writes, but I wonder if we could so something simpler:
> - modbset creates an object remembering the status of the RPC request. Initially, this object receives the status "open request"
> - when the rpc call got executed successfully, the callback sets the state of the above object to "request succeeded" or "request failed" (in case of error)
> - if a new modbset comes BEFORE the previous one has completed, the function queues the new request in a data field of the above object
> - if a rpc call finishes, and a queued new rpc request is present, it gets executed
> This would be relatively easy to be implemented and keep the order of the rpc calls. Does that make sense?

Yes, this is a neat idea, I am really happy with how a complete rpc request can be held by one object, and we can make queues of them, etc.

Anyhow here is the proof of the pudding. I added a test to example.html, there are two buttons, one makes 5 modbset() calls, second has a ladder of 5 db_paste calls. Then I watch 
the result in odbedit. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is the modbset(), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 is the ladder of db_paste calls:

$ odbedit
[local:javascript1:S]/>watch Example/int
Watch key "/Example/int" to be modified, abort with any key

/Example/int = 1
/Example/int = 2
/Example/int = 3
/Example/int = 4
/Example/int = 5

/Example/int = 1
/Example/int = 5 <== fault
/Example/int = 5
/Example/int = 5
/Example/int = 5

/Example/int = 1
/Example/int = 2
/Example/int = 3
/Example/int = 5 <== 4 and 5 reversed
/Example/int = 4 <== 4 and 5 reversed

/Example/int = 6
/Example/int = 7
/Example/int = 8
/Example/int = 9
/Example/int = 10

/Example/int = 6
/Example/int = 8 <== should be 7
/Example/int = 8
/Example/int = 9
/Example/int = 10

/Example/int = 6
/Example/int = 7
/Example/int = 8
/Example/int = 9
/Example/int = 10

I immediately notice that we have a race condition between the RPCs, db_watch notifications and db_get_value() in the watch handler:
there are 5 rpcs, 5 watch notifications, 5 calls to db_get_value() in the watch handler, but sometimes the handler is too slow
and the data in odb changes before it reads it, thus duplicate values (missing "7" above). (The old db_open_record() had a "hidden"
db_get_value() inside it, while db_watch() requires an explicit db_get_value() call, making it obvious why we get
the wrong (newer) data sometimes).

Possible fixes for this is to slow down the RPCs (the race condition is still there, probability is reduced) or send the changed
data as part of the notification. If this were C/C++, a "sleep(1)" between modbset() calls would have fixed it,
but there is no sleeping and waiting in javascript. (I guess one could use a ladder of timers).

Other than that, I am surprised how easy it was to see that indeed out-of-order RPCs can happen, see the case
of out-of-order 4 and 5 above. It only took me maybe 5-10 clicks on the button to see that. I expected that I would
need to try several browsers or use a slow network connection, but here it is, on my home mac, localhost network,
google chrome browser.

Below is the test code. I do NOT vote that everybody should use ladders of db_paste calls.

function test_modbset() {
           modbset("/example/int", 1);
           modbset("/example/int", 2);
           modbset("/example/int", 3);
           modbset("/example/int", 4);
           modbset("/example/int", 5);

        function test_chained_db_paste() {
           var paths = [ "/example/int" ];
           mjsonrpc_db_paste(paths,[6]).then(function(rpc) {
              mjsonrpc_db_paste(paths,[7]).then(function(rpc) {
                 mjsonrpc_db_paste(paths,[8]).then(function(rpc) {
                    mjsonrpc_db_paste(paths,[9]).then(function(rpc) {
                       mjsonrpc_db_paste(paths,[10]).then(function(rpc) {
                          // nothing


        <input type=button value='test modbset()' onClick='test_modbset();'></input>
        <input type=button value='test chained db_paste()' onClick='test_chained_db_paste();'></input>

  1562   18 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS switching to Cmake
> target_compile_options(rmlogger PRIVATE -DHAVE_ROOT)

Got it. Now I can build the duplets of mana.o and rmana.o (and .a) - mana always without ROOT, rmana with ROOT if available. This is the same as 
the old Makefile, the best I can tell.

With the fix to rmlogger, all known problems with the cmake build seem to be fixed.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5