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ID Date Author Topic Subject
  2621   16 Oct 2023 Ben SmithBug ReportPython midas.file_reader get_eor_odb_dump()
Thanks for the bug report Gennaro! 

I've fixed the code so that we'll now find the end-of-run ODB dump even if the user is already at the end of the file when they call get_eor_odb_dump().

  2620   09 Oct 2023 Stefan RittInfoNew equipment display
An additional functionality has been implemented on the equipment table:

You can now select several elements by Ctrl/Shift-Click on their names, then change the 
first one. After a confirmation dialog, all selected variables are then set to the new 
value. This way one can very easily change all values to zero etc.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-10-09_at_21.56.25.png
  2619   06 Oct 2023 Stefan RittInfoNew equipment display
Since a long time we tried to convert all "static" mhttpd-generated pages to 
dynamic JavaScript. With the new history panel editor we were almost there. Now I 
committed the last missing piece - the equipment display. This is shown when you 
click on some equipment on the main status page, or if you define some Alias with 


This is now a dynamic display, so the values change if they change in the ODB. The 
also flash briefly in yellow to visually highlight any change. In addition, these 
pages have a unit display, and some values can be edited. This is controlled by 
following settings:

/Equipment/<name>/settings/Unit <variable>

where <name> is the name of the equipment and <variable> the variable array name 
under /Equipment/<name>/Variables/<variable>

If the unit setting is not present, just a blank column is shown.

The other setting is


which may contain a comma-separated string of variables which can be editied on 
the equipment page.

In addition, one can save/export the equipment in a json file, which is the same 
as a ODB save of that branch. A load or import however only loads values into the 
ODB which are under the "Editable" setting above. This allows a simple editor for 
HV values etc.

  2618   06 Oct 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiInfonew history panel editor
the new history panel editor has been activated. it is meant to work the same as 
the old editor, with some improvements to the history variables selection page. 
this new version is written in html+javascript and it will be easier to improve, 
update and maintain compared to the old version written in c++. the old history 
panel editor is still usable and accessible by pressing the "edit in old editor" 
button. please report any problem, quirks and improvements in this thread or in 
the bitbucket bug reports. K.O.
  2617   06 Oct 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiInfodefault midas history switched to "FILE" and "PerVariable" history
We are very happy with the "FILE" implementation of MIDAS history and it is time 
to make it the default for new experiments. This history driver works best if 
"per variable" history is alos enabled. (SQL history already only works in "per-
variable" mode). commit 676051b3024965bd8a04da112965a141d5f61a39
  2616   06 Oct 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportError accessing history files
> two fixes forthcoming:
> a) check for short read in the 2nd place that I missed
> b) two write() are replaced by 2 memcpy() to a preallocated buffer and 1 write()

commit 713ec4a583365d57ffcd700ceeb09dcc14518295

  2615   06 Oct 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportError accessing history files
> Still get the same error with the latest version:
> 3:28 [mhttpd,ERROR] [history_schema.cxx:2913:FileHistory::read_data,ERROR] Cannot read 
> '/data2/history/mhf_1692391703_20230818_hv_tc.dat', read() errno 2 (No such file or directory)

I figured it out. I claim defense of temporary insanity and old age senility.

1) I added the "short read" check in one place, missed the second place
2) writes of history were meant to be atomic, and they are atomic in my head, but not in the midas 

   status = write(s->writer_fd, &t, 4);
   if (status != 4) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "FileHistory::write_event", "Cannot write to \'%s\', write(timestamp) errno 
%d (%s)", s->file_name.c_str(), errno, strerror(errno));
      return HS_FILE_ERROR;

   status = write(s->writer_fd, data, expected_size);
   if (status != expected_size) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "FileHistory::write_event", "Cannot write to \'%s\', write(%d) errno %d 
(%s)", s->file_name.c_str(), data_size, errno, strerror(errno));
      return HS_FILE_ERROR;

that's not atomic, that's two separate writes. history reader hits the history file between the 
two writes and gets a short read of 4 bytes timestamp instead of full record size. that's the 
error message reported by mhttpd.

two fixes forthcoming:
a) check for short read in the 2nd place that I missed
b) two write() are replaced by 2 memcpy() to a preallocated buffer and 1 write()

Overall, I am pretty happy that this is the only bug in the FILE history code found in N years, 
and it does not even cause data corruption...

  2614   03 Oct 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixwrong array size after loading xml or json file
both the xml and the json decoders have a bug (fix pending). loading saved odb 
from xml and json file did not truncate arrays in odb to the size of arrays in 
the file. for example, if /example/double_array has size 20 in odb, but size 5 
in xml or json file, after loading the file, array size is still 20.

this is unexpected: after loading an odb save file we expect odb to return to 
same state as when odb save file was created. we do not expect some arrays to 
have half of their elements restored from file and half their elements left 

save and restore from .odb file does not have this problem.

I think this is a bug and I committed (but did not yet push) a fix for both xml 
and json odb decoder.

I have run this problem while writing the new history panel editor, where 
deleting variables did not work because json rpc db_paste() was not truncating 
any arrays.

I am still finishing up the last few bits of the new history panel editor, and 
there is a bit of time to discuss and comment this odb change before I push it 
to midas.

  2613   03 Oct 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug ReportPython midas.file_reader get_eor_odb_dump()

the method get_eor_odb_dump() of midas.file_reader does not contain an
initial jump_to_start() and this is a problem if the following access
pattern is used:


mfile = midas.file_reader.MidasFile("run00008.mid.lz4")
begin_odb = mfile.get_bor_odb_dump().data

# loop on data events

end_odb = mfile.get_eor_odb_dump().data


in this case the script ends with a RuntimeError (Unable to find EOR event) and
force user to do a manual mfile.jump_to_start() before mfile.get_eor_odb_dump();

  2612   01 Oct 2023 Stefan RittBug ReportODB page and hex values
Thanks for reporting this bug, I fixed it in the last commit.

  2611   30 Sep 2023 Gennaro TortoneBug ReportODB page and hex values

I was playing with MIDAS devel branch and I realized that
if I set an ODB INT32 key to a value using new ODB web interface 
it is reported in parenthesis always as (0xFFFFFFFF);

I tested with different browser and result is the same while this 
never happens in OldODB web interface...

Attachment 1: 10.png
  2610   26 Sep 2023 Stefan RittInfomjsonrpc_db_save / mjsonrpc_db_load have been dropped
The JavaScript function

mjsonrpc_db_save / mjonrpc_db_load

have been dropped from the API because they were not considered safe. Users 
should use now the new function




These function have the additional advantage that the file is not loaded 
directly into the ODB but goes into the JavaScript code in the browser, which 
can check or modify it before sending it to the ODB via mjsonrpc_db_paste(). 

Access of these functions is limited to <experiment>/userfiles/* where 
<experiment> is the normal MIDAS experiment directory defined by "exptab" or 
"MIDAS_DIR". This ensures that there is no access to e.g. system-level files. If 
you need to access a directory not under "userfile", us symbolic links.

These files can be combined with file_picker(), which lets you select files on 
the server interactively.

  2609   26 Sep 2023 Stefan RittSuggestionscroll when browsing for a link
> When making a link in the odb (web interface) a nice browser window pop's up. There is however not scrolling possible in the window. As a result, you can not reach a odb key if it is nested to deeply. 
> Trying to type out the Link target in the field only allows for 32 characters

Thanks for reporting the bug with the pop-up not being able to scroll, I fixed that and committed the change.

I do however not understand the issue with 32 characters. The link NAME should not be more than 32 chars (which applies to all ODB keys). 
But if I try I can write more than 32 chars in the link target.

  2608   24 Sep 2023 Frederik WautersSuggestionscroll when browsing for a link
Another small user experience request:

When making a link in the odb (web interface) a nice browser window pop's up. There is however not scrolling possible in the window. As a result, you can not reach a odb key if it is nested to deeply. 

Trying to type out the Link target in the field only allows for 32 characters

context: we are setting up a bunch of Links in the History
  2607   20 Sep 2023 Stefan RittBug Reportepics fe "Start Command"
Thanks for reporting this problem. It has been fixed today, so the start command is only written if it's emtpy.

  2606   19 Sep 2023 Frederik WautersBug Reportepics fe "Start Command"
The epics frontend overwrites the "start command" odb after each start:

  // set start command in ODB
   midas::odb efe("/Programs/EPICS Frontend");
   std::string p(__FILE__);
   std::string s("build/epics_fe");
   auto i = p.find("epics_fe.cxx");
   p.replace(i, s.length(), s);
   p = p.substr(0, i + s.length());
   efe["Start command"].set_string_size(p, 256);

this should be set such that it only writes when the key is not there. It causes the following issue: on a pc with multiple experiments defined, you need to start the fe's with a "-e <name>" flag. 
  2605   15 Sep 2023 Stefan RittForumHide start and stop buttons
> I believe the original "hide run start / stop" was added specifically for ND280 GSC MIDAS. I do not know 
> why it was removed. "hide pause / resume" is still there. I will restore them. Hiding logger channel 
> section should probably be automatic of there is no /logger/channels, I can check if it works and what 
> happens if there is more than one logger channel. K.O.

Actually one thing is the functionality of the /Experiment/Start-Stop button in status.html, but the other is 
the warning we get from mhttpd:

[mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:1957:init_mhttpd_odb,ERROR] ODB "/Experiment/Start-Stop Buttons" is obsolete, please 
delete it.

This was added by KO on Nov. 29, 2019 (commit 2366eefc). So we have to decide re-enable this feature (and 
remove the warning above), or keep it dropped and work on changes of status.hmtl.

  2604   14 Sep 2023 Stefan RittForumHide start and stop buttons
> I believe the original "hide run start / stop" was added specifically for ND280 GSC MIDAS. I do not know 
> why it was removed. "hide pause / resume" is still there. I will restore them. Hiding logger channel 
> section should probably be automatic of there is no /logger/channels, I can check if it works and what 
> happens if there is more than one logger channel. K.O.

Very likely it was "forgotten" when the status page was converted to a dynamic page by Shouyi Ma. Since he is 
not around any more, it's up to us to adapt status.html if needed.

  2603   14 Sep 2023 Nick HastingsForumHide start and stop buttons

> > > Indeed the ODB settings are obsolete.
> > 
> > I just applied for an account for the wiki.
> > I'll try add a note regarding this change.
> Please coordinate with Ben Smith at TRIUMF <>, who coordinates the documentation. 

I will tread lightly. 

> I would not go to change the CSS file. You only can hide some tables. But in a while I'm sure you
> want to ADD new things, which you only can do by editing the status.html file. You don't have to
> change midas/resources/status.html, but can make your own "custom status", name it differently, and
> link /Custom/Default in the ODB to it. This way it does not get overwritten if you pull midas.

We have *many* custom pages. The submenus on the status page:

&#9656; FGD
&#9656; TPC
&#9656; TRIPt

hide custom pages with all sorts of good stuff.

> > The logging channels are easily removed with the css (see attachment), but it might be
> > nice if the string "Run Status" table title was also configurable by css. For this
> > slow control system I'd probably change it to something like "GSC Status". Again
> > this is a minor thing, I could trivially do this by copying the resources/status.html
> > to the experiment directory and editing it.
> See above. I agree that the status.html file is a bit complicated and not so easy to understand
> as the CSS file, but you can do much more by editing it.

I may end up doing this since the events and data columns do not provide particularly
useful information in this instance. But for now, the css route seems like a quick and
fairly clean way to remove irrelevant stuff from a prominent place at the top of the page.
> > Lots of fun new stuff migrating from circa 2012 midas to midas-2022-05-c :-)
> I always advise people to frequently pull, they benefit from the newest features and avoid the
> huge amount of work to migrate from a 10 year old version.

The long delay was not my choice. The group responsible for the system departed in 2018, and
and were not replaced by the experiment management. Lack of personnel/expertise resulted in
a "if it's not broken then don't fix it" situation. Eventually, the need to update the PCs/OSs
and the imminent introduction of new sub-detectors resulted people agreeing to the update. 


  2602   14 Sep 2023 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHide start and stop buttons
I believe the original "hide run start / stop" was added specifically for ND280 GSC MIDAS. I do not know 
why it was removed. "hide pause / resume" is still there. I will restore them. Hiding logger channel 
section should probably be automatic of there is no /logger/channels, I can check if it works and what 
happens if there is more than one logger channel. K.O.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5