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   +  Reply  30 Jul 2003, Greg, , List of Development Components for MIROODAS 
Entry  14 Aug 2003, Greg, ,  
Entry  14 Aug 2003, Greg, , Miroodas 
Entry  20 Dec 2003, Joe, , cleanup by Joe 
Entry  20 Dec 2003, Konstantin, , remove Greg King from email list 
Entry  20 Dec 2003, Konstantin, , Simplify Makefile 
Entry  20 Dec 2003, Konstantin, , silence message "No Loaded Online Histograms" 
Entry  20 Dec 2003, Konstantin, , Fix Chuma's CVS access 
Entry  01 Jan 2004, Konstantin, , Implement "Draw in next pad" and ilk 
Entry  09 Jan 2004, Joe, , draw in first pad 
Entry  12 Jan 2004, Joe, , drop down menu changes 
Entry  15 Jan 2004, Joe, , context menu added, etc. 
Entry  16 Jan 2004, Joe, , x-axis zoom with online histograms 
Entry  19 Jan 2004, Joe, , context menu for online histograms 
Entry  03 Mar 2004, Joe, , new tabbed gui  
Entry  05 Mar 2004, Joe, , MIDASviewer update 
Entry  10 Mar 2004, Joe, , Peak finding added to MIDASviewer 
Entry  12 Mar 2004, Joe, , online groups added to MIDASviewer 
Entry  31 Mar 2004, Joe, , latest version of the root viewer gui 
Entry  08 Apr 2004, Joe, , context menu progress with TTriumfFileGUI 
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5