16 Jul 2019, Hassan, Bug Report, Cannot find dictionary modules
We've been attempting to make and run the executables in the
16 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Cannot find dictionary modules
> [lm17773@it038146 examples]$ ./ana.exe
> Error in <TCling::RegisterModule>: cannot find dictionary module
> TFancyHistogramCanvasDict_rdict.pcm
16 Jul 2019, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, Cannot find dictionary modules
I just wanted to be certain about how serious this problem is. These error message always happens for me when I
18 Jul 2019, Hassan, Bug Report, Cannot find dictionary modules
We are getting these warning of dictionary modules missing and nothing happens. I would have expected some graphical
interface to load up. I have tried copying these .pcm files from the packages/rootana/obj folder to
16 Sep 2016, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, ROOT v6 status
ROOT v6 has been around for a while now, finally got around to test it with ROOTANA.
a) using root-v6-06-08
30 Sep 2016, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, ROOT v6 status
> ROOT v6 has been around for a while now, finally got around to test it with ROOTANA.
The problems with loading rdict.pcm files and c++ .h header files is resolved, ROOTANA should be fully usable with ROOTv6:
10 Mar 2016, Thomas Lindner, Info, New forum for rootana MIDAS analyzer
This is a new forum for discussing the rootana MIDAS analyzer.
Code is on bitbucket: