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Entry  19 Aug 2015, Pierre Gorel, Bug Report, Sequencer limits 
    Reply  19 Aug 2015, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Bug Report, Sequencer limits 
       Reply  19 Aug 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Sequencer limits 
       Reply  20 Aug 2015, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Sequencer limits 
Message ID: 1094     Entry time: 19 Aug 2015     Reply to this: 1095
Author: Pierre Gorel 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: Sequencer limits 
While I know some of those limits/problems have been already been reported from
DEAP (and maybe corrected in the last version), I am recording them here:

Bugs (not working as it should): 
- "SCRIPT" does not seem to take the parameters into account
- The operators for WAIT are incorrectly set:
the default ">=" and ">" are correct, but "<=", "<", "==" and "!=" are all using
">=" for the test. 

Possible improvements:
- in LOOP, how can I get the index of the LOOP? I used an extra variable that I
increment, but it there a better way?
- PARAM is giving "string" (or a bool) whose size is set by the user input. The
side effect is that if I am making a loop starting at "1", the incrementation
will loop at "9" -> "1". If I start at "01", the incrementation will give "2.",
"3.",... "9.", "10"... The later is probably what most people would use.
- ODBGet (and ODBSet?) does seem to be able to take a variable as a path... I
was trying to use an array whose index would be incremented.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5