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Entry  18 Feb 2021, Pintaudi Giorgio, Bug Report, Unexpected end-of-file 
    Reply  18 Feb 2021, Pintaudi Giorgio, Bug Report, Unexpected end-of-file Screenshot_from_2021-02-19_15-41-23.png
       Reply  25 Feb 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Unexpected end-of-file 
Message ID: 2094     Entry time: 18 Feb 2021     Reply to this: 2095
Author: Pintaudi Giorgio 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: Unexpected end-of-file 
Sometimes when I mess around with the history plots I get the following error:

[mhttpd,ERROR] [history.cxx:97:xread,ERROR] Error: Unexpected end-of-file when 
reading file "/home/wagasci-ana/Data/online/210219.hst"

I have tried the following without success:

- Remove the MIDAS history files
- Restart mhttpd and mlogger

I do not know what triggers the error but when it triggers the above message is 
printed hundres of times a second, completely spamming the message log.

It happened again today after I set the label of a frontend too long making 
mlogger crash. After fixing the label length, the above message appeared and it 
does not seem to go away.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5