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Entry  31 Mar 2022, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
    Reply  04 Apr 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
       Reply  27 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
          Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
             Reply  27 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                   Reply  28 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
                      Reply  28 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                         Reply  28 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                         Reply  28 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
             Reply  27 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                Reply  28 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                   Reply  09 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                      Reply  12 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                         Reply  12 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                            Reply  13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                               Reply  13 Jun 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                  Reply  13 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                               Reply  13 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                  Reply  13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                     Reply  13 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                        Reply  13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                           Reply  15 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                              Reply  28 Jul 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                                 Reply  09 Aug 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
Message ID: 2527     Entry time: 12 Jun 2023     In reply to: 2525     Reply to this: 2528
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Maximum ODB size 
> correction: ODB shared memory is saved to .ODB.SHM each time a client stops, this is db_close_database().

The original design of the midas shared memory (back in the 1990's) was that the ODB shared memory file gets
only saved into the .ODB.SHM when the *last* client exits. This ensures to keep the ODB persistent when the
shared memory gets deleted. I vaguely remember I put something in like:

  destroy_flag = (pheader->num_clients == 0);

  if (destroy_flag)
     ss_shm_flush(pheader->name, pdb->shm_adr, pdb->shm_size, pdb->shm_handle);

Now I see that the "if (destory_flag)" is missing. Not sure if it was removed once, or if it actually never
was there. But I see no point in flushing the ODB when a client ends. We need the flushing only before the
shared memory gets deleted. We we have to ensure that the share memory and the binary dump file stay in sync
(like if all midas clients die at the same time), we could add some code to flush the ODB like once per minute,
but not attach it to db_close_database(). I know several experiments using "odbedit -c xxx" in vast quantities,
so all these experiments would then benefit.

Note: Mu3e at PSI also uses 100 MB ODB, and they really need it.

Thoughts and opinions?

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