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Entry  31 Mar 2022, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
    Reply  04 Apr 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
       Reply  27 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
          Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
             Reply  27 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                Reply  27 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                   Reply  28 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size
                      Reply  28 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                         Reply  28 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                         Reply  28 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
             Reply  27 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                Reply  28 Apr 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                   Reply  09 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                      Reply  12 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                         Reply  12 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                            Reply  13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                               Reply  13 Jun 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                  Reply  13 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                               Reply  13 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                  Reply  13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                     Reply  13 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                        Reply  13 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                           Reply  15 Jun 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                              Reply  28 Jul 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
                                                 Reply  09 Aug 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Maximum ODB size 
Message ID: 2578     Entry time: 09 Aug 2023     In reply to: 2565
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Maximum ODB size 
> > RFE filed:
> >
> Implemented and closed:
> Stefan

Stefan's comments from the closed bug report:

Ok I implemented some periodic flushing. Here is what I did:


/System/Flush/Flush period : TID_UINT32 /System/Flush/Last flush : TID_UINT32

which control the flushing to disk. The default value for “Flush period” is 60 seconds or one minute.

All clients call db_flush_database() through their cm_yield() function
db_flush_database() checks the “Last flush” and only flushes the ODB when the period has expired. This test is 
done inside the ODB semaphore so that we don’t get a race condigiton
If the period has expired, db_flush_database() calls ss_shm_flush()
ss_shm_flush() tries to allocate a buffer of the shared memory. If the allocation is not successful (out of 
memory), ss_shm_flush() writes directly to the binary file as before.
If the allocation is successful, ss_shm_flush() copies the share memory to a buffer and passes this buffer to a 
dedicated thread which writes the buffer to the binary file. This causes ss_shm_flush() to return immediately and 
not block the calling program during the disk write operation.
Added back the “if (destroy_flag) ss_shm_flush()” so that the ODB is flushed for sure before the shared memory 
gets deleted.
This means now that under normal circumstances, exiting programs like odbedit do NOT flush the ODB. This allows to 
call many “odbedit -c” in a row without the flush penalty. Nevertheless, the ODB then gets flushed by other 
clients latest 60 seconds (or whatever the flush period is) after odbedit exits.

Please note that ODB flushing has two purposes:

When all programs exit, we need a persistent storage for the ODB. In most experiments this only happens very 
seldom. Maybe at the end of a beam time period.
If the computer crashes, a recent version of the ODB is kept on disk to simplify recovery after the crash.
Since crashes are not so often (during production periods we have maybe one hardware failure every few years) the 
flushing of the ODB too often does not make sense and just consumes resources. Flushing does also not help from 
corrupted ODBs, since the binary image will also get corrupted. So the only reason for periodic flushes is to ease 
recovery after a total crash. I put the default to 60 seconds, but if people are really paranoid they can decrease 
it to 10 seconds or so. Or increase it to 600 seconds if their system does not crash every week and disks are 

I made a dedicated branch feature/periodic_odb_flush so people can test the new functionality. If there are no 
complaints within the next few days, I will merge that into develop.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5