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Entry  28 Jan 2024, Pavel Murat, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
    Reply  28 Jan 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
       Reply  28 Jan 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? Screenshot_2024-01-29_at_07.20.50.png
          Reply  29 Jan 2024, Pavel Murat, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
          Reply  29 Jan 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
             Reply  03 Feb 2024, Pavel Murat, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
                Reply  08 Feb 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
                   Reply  11 Feb 2024, Pavel Murat, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
                      Reply  13 Feb 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
                         Reply  15 Feb 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
                            Reply  15 Feb 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
                               Reply  15 Feb 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
                                  Reply  19 Feb 2024, Pavel Murat, Forum, number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
Message ID: 2686     Entry time: 28 Jan 2024     Reply to this: 2687
Author: Pavel Murat 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: number of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ? 
Dear MIDAS experts, 

- I have a detector configuration with a variable number of hardware components - FPGA's receiving data 
  from the detector. They are described in ODB using a set of keys ranging 
  from "/Detector/FPGAs/FPGA00" .... to "/Detector/FPGAs/FPGA68".
  Each of "FPGAxx" corresponds to an ODB subdirectory containing parameters of a given FPGA. 

  The number of FPGAs in the detector configuration is variable - [independent] commissioning 
  of different detector subsystems involves different number of FPGAs.

  In the beginning of the data taking one needs to loop over all of "FPGAxx", 
  parse the information there and initialize the corresponding FPGAs.

The actual question sounds rather trivial - what is the best way to implement a loop over them? 

- it is certainly possible to have the number of FPGAs introduced as an additional configuration parameter, 
  say, "/Detector/Number_of_FPGAs", and this is what I have resorted to right now.

  However, not only that loooks ugly, but it also opens a way to make a mistake 
  and have the Number_of_FPGAs, introduced separately, different from the actual number 
  of FPGA's in the detector configuration.
I therefore wonder if there could be a function, smth like 

    int db_get_n_keys(HNDLE hdb, HNDLE hKeyParent)

returning the number of ODB keys with a common parent, or, to put it simpler, 
a number of ODB entries in a given subdirectory.

And if there were a better solution to the problem I'm dealing with, knowing it might be helpful 
for more than one person - configuring detector readout may require to deal with a variable number 
of very different parameters.

-- many thanks, regards, Pasha
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