18 Dec 2012, xelap, Forum, midas installation on SL6.3
I try to do make in zlib folder and got this
cc -O -o example example.o -L. -lz
/usr/bin/ld: errno: TLS definition in /lib/libc.so.6 section .tbss mismatches
09 Jan 2013, wenliang li, Bug Report, Outputting ADC and TDC data into ROOT tree with the MIDAS SVN Revision:5347.
Dear Midas Experts
I am Wenliang Li, a graduate student from University of Regina. Our group have
06 Sep 2012, shaun, Bug Report, "cannot find recent history file"
Hi, when attempting to access a history window the following message is repeated
over and over in the MIDAS message log:
05 Feb 2008, qinzeng peng, Forum, rpc timeout, related to event_size and watch dog? need help
Dear all,
I'm trying to write a simulation code on midas. What I did is just modify the
06 Feb 2008, qinzeng peng, Forum, rpc timeout, related to event_size and watch dog? need help
[quote="Stefan Ritt"]Most likely you changed the maximal event size in midas.h, but you did not re-compile [B]all[/B] programs.[/quote]
Every time I changed midas.h or system header files, I did the re-compile with following procedure:
01 Sep 2006, pohl, Forum, Hytec 5331 CAMAC kernel 2.6 driver problem
I am new to this list.
08 Jun 2010, nicholas, Forum, check out from svn
do: svn co svn+ssh://svn@savannah.psi.ch/afs/psi.ch/project/meg/svn/midas/trunk
shows: ssh: connect to host savannah.psi.ch port 22: Connection timed out
08 Jun 2010, nicholas, Forum, check out from svn
> do: svn co svn+ssh://svn@savannah.psi.ch/afs/psi.ch/project/meg/svn/midas/trunk
> midas
> shows: ssh: connect to host savannah.psi.ch port 22: Connection timed out
28 Aug 2019, lcp, Forum, History plot problems for frontend with multiple indicies
> > That makes things more
20 Jun 2022, jianrun, Bug Report, Error in "midas/src/mana.cxx"
Dear Midas developers,
When we are running the examples in $MIDASSYS/examples/experiment/, we meet some
08 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
Hi all,
I am having some issues getting the ODBINC command to work within the MIDAS
09 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
> Please post the output of odbedit "ls -l" for /eq/ar.../variables. (you posted the
> variable name as an image, and I cannot cut-and-paste the odb path!). BTW data size 4 is
> correct, 4 bytes for INT32/UINT32/FLOAT. For DOUBLE it should be 8. For you it prints 32
14 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
> I tried following script:
> ODBSET /Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables/_S_, 10
14 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
> >
> > [local:mu3eMSci:S]/>cd Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables
> > [local:mu3eMSci:S]Variables>ls -l
14 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
> Just post here a minimal script which produces the error, so that I can try myself.
> ... and make sure that you have the latest develop version of midas.
14 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
> > I noticed that "Jacob Thorne" in the forum had the same issue as us in Novemeber last
> > year. Indeed we have not installed any later versions of MIDAS since then so we will
> > double check we have the latest version.
15 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
> > But the error still persists. Is there another way to update which we are missing?
> The bug was definitively fixed in this modification:
16 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue
> > But the error still persists. Is there another way to update which we are missing?
> The bug was definitively fixed in this modification:
12 Jun 2010, hai qu, Forum, crash on start run
Dear experts,
I use fedora 12 and midas 4680. there is problem to start run when the frontend
14 Jun 2010, hai qu, Forum, crash on start run
> - does your feTCPPacketReceiver die during the start-of-run? Maybe you do some segfault
> int he begin-of-run routine. Can you STOP a run?
when start a run, it bring the mtransition process and I guess the server try to talk to the