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IDdown Date Author Topic Subject Text Attachments
  636   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportCompiling error of "src/history_odbc.cxx"[quote="Exaos Lee"]Version svn-r4556, I got
a compiling error as below:
The detail error log is attached. I used
  635   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportCompiling error of "src/history_odbc.cxx"Version svn-r4556, I got a compiling error
as below:
  634   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionCould not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command> Ok, I added a command

> odbedit -c "create STRING Test[8][40]"
  633   06 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportDelete key "/A_Str" problemAnother problem while using odbedit.
I tried the batch mode of "odbedit". I created
a key as "/A_Str" by mistake and 
  631   03 Sep 2009 Stefan RittBug ReportPrompt problem about odbedit> I tried to use odbedit to set the "/System/Prompt"
to "%h:%e:%s %p> " and got a
> problem: pressing "Return" doesn't work
  630   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionSome screenshot using CMake with MIDASI didn't add optimization flags to compile,
so I got link error while generating mcnaf
as I reported before.
  629   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionBuilding MIDAS using CMakeI write some configure file to build MIDAS
using CMake. The usage is simple:
1. Unzip the attachment, copy "CMakeLists.txt" 
  628   03 Sep 2009 Exaos LeeBug ReportPrompt problem about odbeditI tried to use odbedit to set the "/System/Prompt"
to "%h:%e:%s %p> " and got a
problem: pressing "Return" doesn't work any
  627   03 Sep 2009 Stefan RittSuggestionCould not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." command> Hi,
> I am writing shell scripts to create some
tree structure in an ODB. When 
  626   03 Sep 2009 Stefan RittForumWhy should we use "INLINE" here?[quote="Exaos Lee"]There are many "INLINE"
definitions in "include/*.h". Both GNU C
and C99 permit using inline functions. I
  625   03 Sep 2009 Stefan RittForumTimeout during run transition> Dear All,

> I'm using SL5 and MIDAS rev 4528. Occasionally,
  624   01 Sep 2009 Jimmy NgaiForumTimeout during run transitionDear All,

I'm using SL5 and MIDAS rev 4528. Occasionally,
  623   31 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumWhy should we use "INLINE" here?There are many "INLINE" definitions in "include/*.h".
Both GNU C and C99 permit using inline functions.
I still wonder why. :-)
  622   31 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumLink error of "mcnaf"I repeated the link error again. I also found
the almost all sources located in "driver/camac/"
using "cam_op()" but not "camop()". Please
  621   29 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumAt last, I'm here again!I always got a 503 server error while I tried
to connect this log book the latest 
weeks. I don't know why. I hope it is not
  620   21 Aug 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiForumLink error of "mcnaf"> If you compile each source into an object,
you may encounter a link error ...
  619   21 Aug 2009 Exaos LeeForumLink error of "mcnaf"The "utils/mcnaf.c" uses "camop()",
180:         printf("camop\n");
  618   18 Aug 2009 Denis CalvetSuggestionCould not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." commandHi,
I am writing shell scripts to create some
tree structure in an ODB. When 
  617   10 Aug 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomisc changes from PIENU and T2K> FYI - committed the last changes from TRIUMF
DAQ systems for PIENU and T2K/ND280 FGD and
  616   10 Aug 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomisc changes from PIENU and T2KFYI - committed the last changes from TRIUMF
DAQ systems for PIENU and T2K/ND280 FGD and
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5