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    Reply  14 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
I now understand Stefan's and Thomas's proposal a little bit better.

In my mind only one issue remains - when we say "we will serve files from directory X", how
to we prevent mhttpd from serving files outside this directory by using trick URLs containing ".."
and/or other gimmicks.

The code I currently put in mhttpd, disallows multi-level URL path names (by rejecting names that contain the directory separator "/").

This has the effect of keeping the mhttpd URL space flat (without subdirectories).

http://localhost:8080/Status.html  <--- no multi level URLs like we used to have:
http://localhost:8080/CS/Custom.html <--- no more of these

Keeping the URL space restricted to one level is important if we do not want to defeat
the recent change to the mhttpd URL scheme - if mhttpd runs behind a proxy, without
a "Base URL" (which we just removed), we can only use relative URLs to navigate
between midas pages and if we permit multi-level URLs, it becomes hard to get
back to the status page without the ugly counting of ".." URL elements (which ugly and
brittle code we also just recently removed) (n.b. to navigate from CS/Custom.html
to the status page, one must redirect to "../Status.html").

But this whole beautiful cathedral falls apart from one valid use case: we want to serve "jsroot"
from a subdirectory called "jsroot" - this is how this package is packaged and we do not want
to mess with it just to make midas happy.

So at the least we must enable serving of multi-level URL path names to serve 3rd party packages.

The most trivial way out is to replace the URL check "/ is not permitted" with ".. is not permitted".

(One could also have a list of all permitted subdirectories in ODB, but this would be hard to use and 
difficult to implement. Not my favourite solution.)

This will break the flatness of the mhttpd URLs (no subdirectories). But maybe it is sufficient
to write down "do not do this!" and close with "wontfix" all bug reports about "my custom page
is at http://localhost:8080/mycustomdir/new/verynew/custom.html, how come the [status] button
does not take me back to the status page?".


> Parsing all URL in mhttpd to prevent /etc/passwd etc. to be returned is tricky, because people can use escape sequences etc. Therefore I think it is much better to restrict file access 
> on the file system level when opening a file. The only escape there one could have is "..", which can be tested easily. 
> Therefore, I propose to restrict file access to two well-defined directories, which is one system directory and one user directory. The system directory should be defined via 
> $MIDASSYS/resources, and the user directory should be the experiment directory (as defined in exptab) followed by "resources". So if MIDASSYS equals to /usr/local/midas and the 
> experiment directory equals to /home/users/exp for example, we would only have these two directories (and of course the subdirectories within these) served by mhttpd:
> $MIDASSYS/resource -> /usr/local/midas/resources
> <exptab>/resources -> /home/users/exp/resources
> These directories should be hard-wired into mhttpd, and not go through and ODB entry, since otherwise one could manipulate the ODB entries (knowingly or unknowingly) and open a 
> back-door. 
> If users need a more complex structure, they can put soft links into these directories.
> The code which opens a resource file should then first evaluate $MIDASSYS, then add "/resources/", then add the requested file name, make sure that there is no ".." in the file name, 
> then open the file. If not existing, do the same for the <exptab>/resources/ directory.
> This change will break most experiments, and forces people to move their custom pages to different directories, but I think it's the only clean solution and we just have to bite the 
> bullet.
> Comments are welcome.
> Stefan
    Reply  14 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
> In my mind only one issue remains - when we say "we will serve files from directory X", how
> to we prevent mhttpd from serving files outside this directory by using trick URLs containing ".."
> and/or other gimmicks.
> Disallow multi-level URL path names (by rejecting names that contain the directory separator "/").
> Replace the URL check "/ is not permitted" with ".. is not permitted".

    Reply  14 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
> > In my mind only one issue remains - when we say "we will serve files from directory X", how
> > to we prevent mhttpd from serving files outside this directory by using trick URLs containing ".."
> > and/or other gimmicks.
> > 
> > Disallow multi-level URL path names (by rejecting names that contain the directory separator "/").
> > Replace the URL check "/ is not permitted" with ".. is not permitted".

and, from Mitre's "Common Weakness Enumeration", with examples:

    Reply  21 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
> In my mind only one issue remains - when we say "we will serve files from directory X", how
> to we prevent mhttpd from serving files outside this directory by using trick URLs containing ".."
> and/or other gimmicks.
> So at the least we must enable serving of multi-level URL path names to serve 3rd party packages.
> The most trivial way out is to replace the URL check "/ is not permitted" with ".. is not permitted".

This change is "in". commit

mhttpd should be able to serve "jsroot" and other 3rd packages now.

    Reply  21 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
> Before the days of javascript and ajax and web 2.0, MIDAS introduced "custom pages" for
> building graphical display that could show "live" data from MIDAS and that could
> have buttons and controls to operate slow controls equipment, etc.

As summary of latest gyrations, this is how mhttpd can be used to serve custom pages:

a) old custom pages path:

?cmd=custom&page=XXX serves filename contained in ODB /Custom/XXX if it exists. Value of ODB /Custom/Path is prepended to the filename unless it already starts with a "/"

b) alternate custom pages path:

if ODB /Custom/URL or /Custom/URL& or /Custom/URL! exist, serves filename contained in corresponding ODB entry. Again value of ODB /Custom/Path is prepended to the filename 
unless it already starts with a "/".

In both cases, ".." is not permitted in the custom page name to avoid ODB path traversal attack (escape from /Custom subdirectory by using custom page names like "../System/blah").

c) new custom page path:

if ODB /Custom/Path exists and is not empty, it is prepended to the URL and this forms the filename (ODB[/Custom/Path] + "/" + URL). If this file exists, it is served. To prevent directory 
traversal attacks, ".." is not permitted in the URL.

d) resource search path:

file given by the URL is searched in the resource search path (see "resource paths" on the mhttpd help page, typically $MIDASSYS/resources, etc), e.g.
http://localhost:8080/status.html -> serves $MIDASSYS/resources/status.html.

this is the normal way to serve all standard midas web pages.

to (a) prevent directory traversal attack and (b) enforce flat namespace (no URL subdirectories), send_resource() disallows "/" (and "\" on Windows) anywhere in the filename.


1) path traversal attacks are detailed here, MIDAS is subject to both filesystem and ODB path traversal attacks.

2) methods (c) and (d) are duplicative. In the next rework of mhttpd (update of mongoose library, update of multithreading,
update of web server configuration in ODB, etc), we will probably change serving of custom files along the lines
proposed by Stefan and Thomas.

3) the "old custom pages" code will most likely remain as is: it works with the new url scheme, it does not suffer from path traversal attacks and it is still used by some experiments.

    Reply  18 Feb 2008, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Great! But I failed to run it. :( 
I encountered the error message as the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 42, in <module>
    import midas
  File "/opt/MIDAS.PSI/Resources/PyMIDAS/pymidas/midas/", line 140, in
    cmidas = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PIL/", line 431, in LoadLibrary
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PIL/", line 348, in __init__
OSError: /opt/MIDAS.PSI/Versions/Current/lib/ undefined symbol:

Compiling the MIDAS library using NEED_SHLIB=1 causes the same "undefined
reference" error. But it can be fixed by adding "-shared" to CFLAGS in the
Makefile. Though the can be successfully created, the above error is
still there. Can anybody help me?

Platform: Ubuntu Linux 7.10 with gcc 4.1
MIDAS version: 2.0.0, svn-4106
Python version: 2.5.1
Entry  27 Jun 2019, Hassan, Bug Report, Getting an error when trying to compile a frontend file 
When we run the following commands on the hostname(DAQ machine) and the remote
cd $HOME/online
cp $MIDASSYS/examples/experiment/* .

We get errors such as
On Rpi:
pi@raspberrypi:~/online/fe_test $ make
Missing definition of environment variable 'ROOTSYS' !

On host machine
inking CXX executable frontend
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmfe
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmidas
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [frontend] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/frontend.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

The Rpi(32bit) doesn't have root installed but the host machine(64bit) does.
What can we do to fix this?

Thank you this forum has been of great help.
    Reply  27 Jun 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Getting an error when trying to compile a frontend file 
If the latest midas does not work, try the previous release versions. "git tags" and "git branch -
a" will show you what exists. Look for branch and tag names in the form "midas-YYYY-MM".

As shortcut, the latest release candidate is midas-2019-06, the latest release branch is midas-
2019-03, latest release tag midas-2019-03-h.

Read the messages in this thread for more information:

> When we run the following commands ...
> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/frontend.dir/all] Error 2

I do not understand cmake well enough to debug this. Falling back to midas-2019-03 may help 
you as it uses normal make and with luck you know how to debug normal Makefiles if you see 
the same problem.

    Reply  27 Jun 2019, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Getting an error when trying to compile a frontend file 
Note that the example experiment compiles a simple example frontend and a root-based analyzer. If you don't have 
ROOT installed, you of course cannot compile the analyzer. If you don't need the analyzer, remove it from the 

It's not clear to me why the frontend did not compile on our server machine. You did not post the command how you 
initiated the build. Note that there are now two parallel build schemes: the traditional Makefile and the new 
CMakeFiles.txt. We try to maintain both of them, so you have to specify which one you use when you get an error.

I realize now that the CMakeLists.txt in the experiment example directory builds nicely under midas, but when you move 
it to another directory and extract it from the normal build scheme it breaks. I rewrote the CMakeLists.txt now that it 
looks for MIDASSYS and also build at different locations. Do

cd $HOME/online
cp $MIDASSYS/examples/experiment/* .
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

and it should work. Of course first pull the current develop version.

Entry  08 Jul 2019, Vinzenz Bildstein, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
I wrote a c++ frontend to read data from CAEN VX1730 digitizers which is used in
parallel with the GRIFFIN frontend to read out DESCANT.

After a long overnight run to check that the frontend runs smoothly for a longer
time, I stopped the run and the frontend was killed by midas. I am not sure why
this happened, as the end_of_run function returned successfully (at least the
print statement right before "return SUCCESS;" appeared right away). So
something else must have timed-out and caused it to be killed, I guess?

Any suggestions on where to look to find out what causes this?

Thanks in advance for your help!
    Reply  08 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> After a long overnight run to check that the frontend runs smoothly for a longer
> time, I stopped the run and the frontend was killed by midas.

run the frontend inside gdb and post the stack trace after the crash?

if there is no crash (the program is stopped by exit()), you may need
to set a breakpoint in exit() or _exit() (not sure what it's latest name is)
then with luck your stack trace will show who/what called it from where.

if it is hard to start the frontend inside gdb, you can start it normally,
and attach gdb later, using a "gdb frontend.exe pid" command.


> I am not sure why
> this happened, as the end_of_run function returned successfully (at least the
> print statement right before "return SUCCESS;" appeared right away). So
> something else must have timed-out and caused it to be killed, I guess?
> Any suggestions on where to look to find out what causes this?
> Thanks in advance for your help!
    Reply  08 Jul 2019, Vinzenz Bildstein, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> run the frontend inside gdb and post the stack trace after the crash?
> if there is no crash (the program is stopped by exit()), you may need
> to set a breakpoint in exit() or _exit() (not sure what it's latest name is)
> then with luck your stack trace will show who/what called it from where.

If I remember correctly from the last time I tried that, it doesn't use the exit
function but gdb just reports that the program was terminated and no longer exists. I
can't set a breakpoint on SIGKILL as the point of SIGKILL is to kill the program and
gdb can't set a break at that point afaik.
    Reply  08 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> > run the frontend inside gdb and post the stack trace after the crash?
> > 
> > if there is no crash (the program is stopped by exit()), you may need
> > to set a breakpoint in exit() or _exit() (not sure what it's latest name is)
> > then with luck your stack trace will show who/what called it from where.
> > 
> If I remember correctly from the last time I tried that, it doesn't use the exit
> function but gdb just reports that the program was terminated and no longer exists. I
> can't set a breakpoint on SIGKILL as the point of SIGKILL is to kill the program and
> gdb can't set a break at that point afaik.

For SIGKILL, my gdb reports "Program terminated with signal SIGKILL, Killed." and there is no stack 
trace. Is this what you see?

If your program stops "normally", not from receiving some signal, set breakpoints on "exit" and 

The normal stop sequence is to call exit(), which runs all the atexit() functions (the midas atexit() 
function prints the message about "cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program") and 
calls _exit() to stop the program.

So if you see the midas message "cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program", it is a 
good indication that somebody (not mfe.c) called exit() on you. A breakpoint on "exit" should catch 
who does it.

Good luck,
    Reply  08 Jul 2019, Vinzenz Bildstein, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> > > run the frontend inside gdb and post the stack trace after the crash?
> > > 
> > > if there is no crash (the program is stopped by exit()), you may need
> > > to set a breakpoint in exit() or _exit() (not sure what it's latest name is)
> > > then with luck your stack trace will show who/what called it from where.
> > > 
> > 
> > If I remember correctly from the last time I tried that, it doesn't use the exit
> > function but gdb just reports that the program was terminated and no longer exists. I
> > can't set a breakpoint on SIGKILL as the point of SIGKILL is to kill the program and
> > gdb can't set a break at that point afaik.
> For SIGKILL, my gdb reports "Program terminated with signal SIGKILL, Killed." and there is no stack 
> trace. Is this what you see?

Yes, that is exactly what I remember seeing.

> If your program stops "normally", not from receiving some signal, set breakpoints on "exit" and 
> "_exit".
> The normal stop sequence is to call exit(), which runs all the atexit() functions (the midas atexit() 
> function prints the message about "cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program") and 
> calls _exit() to stop the program.
> So if you see the midas message "cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program", it is a 
> good indication that somebody (not mfe.c) called exit() on you. A breakpoint on "exit" should catch 
> who does it.
> Good luck,
> K.O.

So far I haven't seen the issue with the message "cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program"
again. Now I just have to restart the frontend after the run has (failed?) to stop. After restarting the
frontend everything seems to work again. 

I haven't been writing data while doing these tests, so I can't say if there is any data missing or if the
runs were actually stopped properly (with a second dump of the ODB at the end).
    Reply  08 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> > 
> > For SIGKILL, my gdb reports "Program terminated with signal SIGKILL, Killed." and there is no stack 
> > trace. Is this what you see?
> Yes, that is exactly what I remember seeing.

Where would a SIGKILL come from?!?

Look in the syslog (/var/log/messages). If the program was killed by the linux kernel, it would be logged there,
the usual cause is the machine runs out of memory and programs are killed by the OOM killer, this is logged
into the syslog, always.

MIDAS also can issue a SIGKILL sometimes, again this is always logged in midas.log. see src/midas.c, search for SIGKILL to see 
the exact messages printed before it is sent out.

    Reply  08 Jul 2019, Vinzenz Bildstein, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> > > 
> > > For SIGKILL, my gdb reports "Program terminated with signal SIGKILL, Killed." and there is no stack 
> > > trace. Is this what you see?
> > 
> > Yes, that is exactly what I remember seeing.
> > 
> Where would a SIGKILL come from?!?
> Look in the syslog (/var/log/messages). If the program was killed by the linux kernel, it would be logged there,
> the usual cause is the machine runs out of memory and programs are killed by the OOM killer, this is logged
> into the syslog, always.
> MIDAS also can issue a SIGKILL sometimes, again this is always logged in midas.log. see src/midas.c, search for SIGKILL to see 
> the exact messages printed before it is sent out.
> K.O.

I haven't been able to reproduce the error from the overnight run so far. I will try and leave this running in gdb overnight to see
if I can get that error again. 
    Reply  10 Jul 2019, Vinzenz Bildstein, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> > > > 
> > > > For SIGKILL, my gdb reports "Program terminated with signal SIGKILL, Killed." and there is no stack 
> > > > trace. Is this what you see?
> > > 
> > > Yes, that is exactly what I remember seeing.
> > > 
> > 
> > Where would a SIGKILL come from?!?
> > 
> > Look in the syslog (/var/log/messages). If the program was killed by the linux kernel, it would be logged there,
> > the usual cause is the machine runs out of memory and programs are killed by the OOM killer, this is logged
> > into the syslog, always.
> > 
> > MIDAS also can issue a SIGKILL sometimes, again this is always logged in midas.log. see src/midas.c, search for SIGKILL to see 
> > the exact messages printed before it is sent out.
> > 
> > K.O.
> I haven't been able to reproduce the error from the overnight run so far. I will try and leave this running in gdb overnight to see
> if I can get that error again. 

I was able to reproduce the error after an overnight run. gdb reported that the program received a SIGKILL, but no sign of it in 
/var/log/messages. I've tried finding a current midas.log file, but it seems we don't have one? The most recent one was last updated 
on May 24th this year.
    Reply  10 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> ... finding a current midas.log file

On the "help" page, see "midas.log".

Same information is in ODB, the midas log file name is concatenation of "/Logger/Data dir" and "message file".

    Reply  11 Jul 2019, Vinzenz Bildstein, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> > ... finding a current midas.log file
> On the "help" page, see "midas.log".
> Same information is in ODB, the midas log file name is concatenation of "/Logger/Data dir" and "message file".
> K.O.

Sorry, should have found that myself ...

Anyway, the output from midas is
Tue Jul  9 07:24:06 2019 [mhttpd,INFO] Run #13456 started
Wed Jul 10 06:23:58 2019 [mhttpd,ERROR] [system.c:4580:ss_recv_net_command,ERROR] timeout receiving network 
command header
Wed Jul 10 06:23:58 2019 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:10322:rpc_client_call,ERROR] call to "fedescant" on 
"" RPC "rc_transition": timeout waiting for reply
Wed Jul 10 06:24:02 2019 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:5495:cm_shutdown,ERROR] Client 'fedescant' not responding to 
shutdown command
Wed Jul 10 06:24:02 2019 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:5497:cm_shutdown,ERROR] Killing and Deleting client 'fedescant' 
pid 31482
Wed Jul 10 06:24:02 2019 [Logger,INFO] Client 'fedescant' on buffer 'SYSMSG' removed by cm_watchdog because 
process pid 31482 does not exist
Wed Jul 10 06:24:02 2019 [fegrifip09,INFO] Client 'fedescant' on buffer 'SYSTEM' removed by cm_watchdog because 
process pid 31482 does not exist
Wed Jul 10 06:24:03 2019 [mhttpd,INFO] Run #13456 stopped

And I think I tracked down where this comes from with help from Thomas Lindner. It is a problem in the communication via the A3818 card from CAEN. This seems to block the frontend, even though it still reacts normal to a shutdown. So no issue with midas, even if it seemed that way at first. Thanks for all your help!
    Reply  11 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Frontend killed at stop of run 
> Wed Jul 10 06:23:58 2019 [mhttpd,ERROR] [system.c:4580:ss_recv_net_command,ERROR] timeout receiving network  command header
> Wed Jul 10 06:23:58 2019 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:10322:rpc_client_call,ERROR] call to "fedescant" on  "" RPC "rc_transition": timeout waiting for reply

We should have started debugging from here. The error messages mean: your frontend is not responding to run transition (RPC timeout).

> problem in the communication via the A3818 card from CAEN.

Yes, this has been problematic before.

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