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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
    Reply  10 Jul 2019, Hassan, Bug Report, Header files missing when trying to compile rootana, roody and analyzer 
Hi, we have now done a clean install of Root and after some dynamic linking we have been able to make Rootana and analyzer. However we get an error when we try to run analyzer.
First of all heres the information requested:

[hh19285@it038146 ~]$ which root-config

[hh19285@it038146 ~]$ root-config --version

[hh19285@it038146 ~]$ root-config --features
asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_fftw3 builtin_ftgl builtin_freetype builtin_glew builtin_pcre builtin_lzma builtin_davix builtin_gsl builtin_cfitsio builtin_xrootd
builtin_llvm cxx11 cling davix exceptions explicitlink fftw3 fitsio fortran gdml genvector http krb5 mathmore memstat minuit2 opengl pch python roofit shadowpw shared ssl
table thread tmva unuran vc vdt xft xml x11 xrootd

[hh19285@it038146 ~]$ root-config --cflags
-pthread -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 -I/software/root/v6.06.08/include

[hh19285@it038146 ~]$ cd ~/online/build/
[hh19285@it038146 build]$ ls
analyzer  CMakeCache.txt  CMakeFiles  cmake_install.cmake  data.txt  d.txt  experimentaldata  frontend  f.txt  iptable_state_2july19.txt  Makefile  midas.log
[hh19285@it038146 build]$ make
[ 71%] Built target analyzer
[100%] Built target frontend
[hh19285@it038146 build]$ ./analyzer
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TApplication already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TApplicationImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttFill already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttLine already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttMarker already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttPad already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttAxis already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttText already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAtt3D already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttBBox already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAttBBox2D already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBenchmark already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBrowser already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBrowserImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBuffer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRootIOCtor already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TCanvasImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TColor already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TColorGradient already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TLinearGradient already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRadialGradient already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TContextMenu already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TContextMenuImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TControlBarImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TInspectorImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TDatime already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TDirectory already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TEnv already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TEnvRec already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileHandler already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TGuiFactory already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStyle already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualX already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualPad already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualViewer3D already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBuffer3D already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TGLManager already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualGLPainter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualGLManip already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualPS already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TGLPaintDevice already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualPadPainter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualPadEditor already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualFFT already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*,string> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const char*,string> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<string*,vector<string> > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const string*,vector<string> > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<string*,vector<string> > > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<TString*,vector<TString> > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const TString*,vector<TString> > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<TString*,vector<TString> > > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class FileStat_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class UserGroup_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class SysInfo_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class CpuInfo_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class MemInfo_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class ProcInfo_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class RedirectHandle_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TExec already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFolder already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMacro already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMD5 already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMemberInspector already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMessageHandler already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TNamed already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TObjString already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TObject already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRemoteObject already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPoint already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TProcessID already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TProcessUUID already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TProcessEventTimer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRef already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TROOT already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRegexp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPRegexp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPMERegexp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRefCnt already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSignalHandler already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStdExceptionHandler already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStopwatch already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStorage already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TString already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStringLong already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStringToken already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSubString already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSysEvtHandler already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSystem already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSystemFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSystemDirectory already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TTask already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TTime already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TTimer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TQObject already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TQObjSender already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TQClass already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TQConnection already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TQCommand already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TQUndoManager already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TUUID already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPluginHandler already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPluginManager already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class Event_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class SetWindowAttributes_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class WindowAttributes_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class GCValues_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class ColorStruct_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class PictureAttributes_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class Segment_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class Point_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class Rectangle_t already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class timespec already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TTimeStamp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileInfo already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileInfoMeta already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileCollection already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualAuth already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualMutex already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TLockGuard already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRedirectOutputGuard already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualPerfStats already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualMonitoringWriter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualMonitoringReader already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TObjectSpy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TObjectRefSpy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TUri already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TUrl already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TInetAddress already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualTableInterface already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBase64 already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TParameter<bool> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TParameter<float> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TParameter<double> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TParameter<int> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TParameter<long> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TParameter<Long64_t> already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArray already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArrayC already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArrayD already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArrayF already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArrayI already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArrayL already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArrayL64 already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArrayS already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBits already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TCollection already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBtree already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBtreeIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TClassTable already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TClonesArray already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class THashTable already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class THashTableIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TIterator already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TList already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class THashList already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMap already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMapIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPair already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TObjArray already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TObjArrayIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TObjectTable already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TOrdCollection already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TOrdCollectionIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSeqCollection already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSortedList already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TExMap already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TExMapIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRefArray already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRefArrayIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRefTable already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualCollectionProxy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*,vector<int> > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const int*,vector<int> > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class reverse_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*,vector<int> > > already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBits::TReference already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBaseClass already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TClass already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TClassStreamer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMemberStreamer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TDictAttributeMap already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TClassRef already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TClassGenerator already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TDataMember already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TOptionListItem already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TDataType already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TDictionary already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TEnumConstant already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TEnum already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFunction already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFunctionTemplate already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class ROOT::TSchemaRule already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class ROOT::Detail::TSchemaRuleSet already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TGlobal already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMethod already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMethodArg already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMethodCall already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TInterpreter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TClassMenuItem already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualIsAProxy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualStreamerInfo already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TIsAProxy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TProtoClass already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TProtoClass::TProtoRealData already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRealData already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerArtificial already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerBase already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerBasicPointer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerLoop already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerBasicType already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerObject already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerObjectAny already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerObjectPointer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerObjectAnyPointer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerString already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerSTL already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerSTLstring already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerElement already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TToggle already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TToggleGroup already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileMergeInfo already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListOfFunctions already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListOfFunctionsIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListOfFunctionTemplates already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListOfDataMembers already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListOfEnums already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListOfEnumsWithLock already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TListOfEnumsWithLockIter already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TUnixSystem already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TThread already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TConditionImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TCondition already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMutex already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMutexImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPosixCondition already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPosixMutex already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPosixThread already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TPosixThreadFactory already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TSemaphore already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TThreadFactory already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TThreadImp already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TRWLock already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TAtomicCount already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TBufferFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TDirectoryFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileCacheRead already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileCacheWrite already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFileMerger already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFree already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TKey already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TKeyMapFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMapFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMapRec already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TMemFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArchiveFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TArchiveMember already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TZIPFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TZIPMember already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TLockFile already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerInfo already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TCollectionProxyFactory already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TEmulatedCollectionProxy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TEmulatedMapProxy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TGenCollectionProxy already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TGenCollectionProxy::Value already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TGenCollectionProxy::Method already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TCollectionStreamer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TCollectionClassStreamer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TCollectionMemberStreamer already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualObject already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TVirtualArray already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFPBlock already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TFilePrefetch already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence already in TClassTable
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration already in TClassTable

 *** Break *** segmentation violation

There was a crash.
This is the entire stack trace of all threads:
#0  0x00007f7e8c322bbc in waitpid () from /lib64/
#1  0x00007f7e8c2a0ea2 in do_system () from /lib64/
#2  0x00007f7e911b21a4 in TUnixSystem::StackTrace() () from /usr/lib64/root/
#3  0x00007f7e911b3fec in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals(ESignals) () from /usr/lib64/root/
#4  <signal handler called>
#5  0x00007f7e8c3cca81 in __strlen_sse2_pminub () from /lib64/
#6  0x00007f7e853e0c27 in TCling::TCling(char const*, char const*) () from /software/root/v6.06.08/lib/
#7  0x00007f7e853e179e in CreateInterpreter () from /software/root/v6.06.08/lib/
#8  0x00007f7e90feb1fc in TROOT::InitInterpreter() () from /usr/lib64/root/
#9  0x00007f7e90feb806 in ROOT::Internal::GetROOT2() () from /usr/lib64/root/
#10 0x00007f7e9107b32d in TApplication::TApplication(char const*, int*, char**, void*, int) () from /usr/lib64/root/
#11 0x00007f7e8e71bdf4 in TRint::TRint(char const*, int*, char**, void*, int, bool) () from /usr/lib64/root/
#12 0x000000000040d362 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff4d1d53b8) at /home/hh19285/packages/midas1/src/mana.cxx:5349

The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash.
You may get help by asking at the ROOT forum
Only if you are really convinced it is a bug in ROOT then please submit a
report at Please post the ENTIRE stack trace
from above as an attachment in addition to anything else
that might help us fixing this issue.
#5  0x00007f7e8c3cca81 in __strlen_sse2_pminub () from /lib64/
#6  0x00007f7e853e0c27 in TCling::TCling(char const*, char const*) () from /software/root/v6.06.08/lib/
#7  0x00007f7e853e179e in CreateInterpreter () from /software/root/v6.06.08/lib/
#8  0x00007f7e90feb1fc in TROOT::InitInterpreter() () from /usr/lib64/root/
#9  0x00007f7e90feb806 in ROOT::Internal::GetROOT2() () from /usr/lib64/root/
#10 0x00007f7e9107b32d in TApplication::TApplication(char const*, int*, char**, void*, int) () from /usr/lib64/root/
#11 0x00007f7e8e71bdf4 in TRint::TRint(char const*, int*, char**, void*, int, bool) () from /usr/lib64/root/
#12 0x000000000040d362 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff4d1d53b8) at /home/hh19285/packages/midas1/src/mana.cxx:5349

> > /home/hh19285/packages/rootana/include/TRootanaEventLoop.hxx:24:25: fatal error:
> > THttpServer.h: No such file or directory
> >  #include "THttpServer.h"
> >
> > include/TPeakFindPanel.h:46:23: fatal error: TSpectrum.h: No such file or directory
> >  #include "TSpectrum.h"
> >
> Your ROOT is strange, missing some standard features. Also installed in a strange place, /usr/include/root.
> Did you install ROOT from the EPEL RPM packages? In the last I have seen this ROOT built very strangely, with some standard features disabled for no obvious 
> reason.
> For this reason, I recommend that you install ROOT from the binary distribution at or build it from source.
> For more debugging, please post the output of:
> which root-config
> root-config --version
> root-config --features
> root-config --cflags
> For reference, here is my output for a typical CentOS7 machine:
> daq16:~$ which root-config
> /daq/daqshare/olchansk/root/root_v6.12.04_el74_64/bin/root-config
> daq16:~$ root-config --version
> 6.12/04
> daq16:~$ root-config --features
> asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_ftgl builtin_gl2ps builtin_glew builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_unuran cling cxx11 exceptions explicitlink fftw3 gdmlgenvector 
> http imt mathmore minuit2 opengl pch pgsql python roofit shared sqlite ssl thread tmva x11 xft xml
> daq16:~$ root-config --cflags -pthread -std=c++11 -m64 -I/daq/daqshare/olchansk/root/root_v6.12.04_el74_64/include
> The important one is the --features, see that "http" and "xml" are enabled. "spectrum" used to be an optional feature, I do not think it can be disabled these 
> days, so your missing "TSpectrum.h" is strange. (But I just think the EPEL ROOT RPMs are built wrong).
> K.O.
    Reply  10 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Header files missing when trying to compile rootana, roody and analyzer 
>> [hh19285@it038146 ~]$ which root-config
> /software/root/v6.06.08/bin/root-config
> [hh19285@it038146 ~]$ root-config --cflags
> -pthread -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 -I/software/root/v6.06.08/include
> [hh19285@it038146 build]$ ./analyzer
> Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class TApplication already in TClassTable
> ...
> ...
> #2  0x00007f7e911b21a4 in TUnixSystem::StackTrace() () from /usr/lib64/root/

You have a mismatch. Your root-config thinks ROOT is installed in /software/..., but the crash
dump says your ROOT libraries are in /usr/lib64/root (not in /software/...).

You can confirm that you are linking against the correct ROOT by running cmake with VERBOSE=1
and examine the linker command line to see what library link path is specified for ROOT.

You can confirm which ROOT library is actually used when you run the analyzer
by running "ldd ./analyzer". You should see the same library paths as specified
to the linker (/software/.../lib*.so). A mismatch can be caused by the setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
and by 100 other reasons.

I suggest that you remove the "wrong" ROOT before you continue debugging this.

    Reply  11 Jul 2019, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Header files missing when trying to compile rootana, roody and analyzer 
> You can confirm that you are linking against the correct ROOT by running cmake with VERBOSE=1
> and examine the linker command line to see what library link path is specified for ROOT.

Actually you don't call cmake with the verbose flag but specify it during the make phase

$ make VERBOSE=1

to see the command lines.

    Reply  11 Jul 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Header files missing when trying to compile rootana, roody and analyzer 
> > You can confirm that you are linking against the correct ROOT by running cmake with VERBOSE=1
> > and examine the linker command line to see what library link path is specified for ROOT.
> $ make VERBOSE=1
> to see the command lines.

Most likely, they forgot to rerun "cmake" after installing a new ROOT. The joys of a two-step build (cmake; make).

Entry  15 Mar 2023, Casey, Forum, Having trouble with MIDAS setup 

I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this query (if it is not, I would truly appreciate it if someone could point me at the right forum). I'm having a little bit of trouble with the setup of a Midas system.

Now, this is a system that I inherited after the previous guy who was looking after it went to other employment. There was a point at which it was working. And then there was an unrelated issue in the electrical system which, as a side effect, meant that the building lost power for a time, and the entire system had to be rebooted.

No problem, I thought. I'll just reset and restart all of the software...

...and I can't seem to get it to work. I keep getting the error message "mvme_read_value: Could not perform read!: Bad address". So far as I can tell, this seems to be related to the idea that the base address being used to read from the boards is incorrect. The base addresses are hardcoded in the software (not autogenerated) and, aside from the power going down and up again, the hardware hasn't been touched since the system was working.

I imagine that there is something that needs to be set, twiddled, tweaked, or turned on in the driver. The output of 'lsmod | grep vme' is:

vmedriver             117742  0

so presumably the driver is at least *present*, even if I have no idea how to twiddle anything on it.

Could anyone perhaps suggest a way forward? Is there some way to gather the information that I need, perhaps, or some way to twiddle anything twiddle-able on the driver?

    Reply  16 Mar 2023, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Having trouble with MIDAS setup 
> I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this query

this might be the right place, depending.

> I'm having a little bit of trouble with the setup of a Midas system ...
> inherited after the previous guy ...

a rather major problem, but a typical situation.

> There was a point at which it was working.

this is very good. if it worked before, there is good chance it will work again.

> And then there was an unrelated issue in the electrical system which, as a side effect,
> meant that the building lost power for a time, and the entire system had to be rebooted.
> No problem, I thought. I'll just reset and restart all of the software...
> ...and I can't seem to get it to work.

this happens often enough. several things are likely to happen:
- unexpected software updates, i.e. new linux kernel was installed but inactive, waiting for a reboot
- hardware failures, i.e. we usually see blown up power supplies. check that all VME crate voltages are okey. (ask me how).
- firmware corruption, i.e. we have seen VME modules lose their firmware after power outage, had to be reloaded by jtag

> I keep getting the error message "mvme_read_value: Could not perform read!: Bad address".

this is a generic error, it does not mean that software suddenly is trying to read from wrong address.

> I imagine that there is something that needs to be set, twiddled, tweaked, or turned on in the driver. The output of 'lsmod | grep vme' is:
> vmedriver             117742  0

this is not the vme driver we use at TRIUMF, so I am not familiar with it's errors. we use the vme_tsi148 driver and the vme_universe driver. (ask me about them).

> so presumably the driver is at least *present*, even if I have no idea how to twiddle anything on it.

could be the wrong version of the driver or the wrong version of the linux kernel. worth checking log files
to see if kernel and driver version numbers are the same.

> Could anyone perhaps suggest a way forward?

Yes. You will have to tell me much more about your system. You can do this publicly here or privately by email to

To start, I need to know your VME setup, what is the crate, what is the VME processor, what OS you run, what VME driver you use, what VME modules you have installed.

Entry  29 Jul 2003, Konstantin Olchanski, , Have to link with -lpthread? 
It appears that all midas applications are now required to link with the
pthreads library even if they do not use threads. This is caused by a
pthread_create() call from ss_thread_create() in system.c.

Is this the intended behaviour?

    Reply  30 Jul 2003, David Morris, , Have to link with -lpthread? 
The change is required to support implementation of pthreads in the Linux
compile of Midas. This was added recently. I believe pthreads is also needed
for ROOT based compiles.


> It appears that all midas applications are now required to link with the
> pthreads library even if they do not use threads. This is caused by a
> pthread_create() call from ss_thread_create() in system.c.
> Is this the intended behaviour?
> K.O.
Entry  28 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
There have been times in ALPHA that an alarm is triggered and the shift crew 
are unclear who to contact if they aren't trained to fix the specific 
failure mode.

I wish to add the property 'Users responsible' to the ODB for Alarms and 

I have drafted what this might look like in a new pull request:

It requires changing of several data structures, I think I have found all 
instances of the definitions so the ODB should 'repair' any of the old 
structures adding in users responsible.

If 'Users responsible' is set, MIDAS messages append them after the message 
in brackets '()'. If used in conjunction with the MIDAS messenger 
(mmessenger), the users responsible can be 'tagged' directly.

I.e, for slack, simply set the 'users responsible' to <@UserID|Nickname>, 
for mattermost '@username', for discord '<@userid>'. Note that discord 
doesn't allow you to tag by username, but numeric userid

I have expanded char array in 'al_trigger_class' to handle the potentially 
longer MIDAS messages. Perhaps since I'm touching these lines I should 
change these temporary containers to std::string (line 383 and 386 of 

I have tested this quite a bit for my system, I am not sure how I can test 
    Reply  28 May 2021, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
I think this is a good idea and I support it. We have a similar problem in MEG and 
we solved that with external (bash) scripts called in case of alarms. One feature 
there we have is that for some alarms, several people want to get notified. So 
people can "subscribe" to certain alarms. The subscription are now handled inside 
Slack which I like better, but maybe it would be good to have more than one "user 
responsible". Like if one person is sleeping/traveling, it's good to have a 
substitute. Can you make an array out of that? Or a comma-separated list?

    Reply  28 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> I think this is a good idea and I support it. We have a similar problem in MEG and 
> we solved that with external (bash) scripts called in case of alarms. One feature 
> there we have is that for some alarms, several people want to get notified. So 
> people can "subscribe" to certain alarms. The subscription are now handled inside 
> Slack which I like better, but maybe it would be good to have more than one "user 
> responsible". Like if one person is sleeping/traveling, it's good to have a 
> substitute. Can you make an array out of that? Or a comma-separated list?
> Best,
> Stefan

Presently there are 256 characters in the 'users responsible' field, so you can just 
list many users (no space, space or comma whatever). Discord, slack and mattermost 
don't care, they just parse the user tags.

I can still make this an array and pass a std::vector<std::string> into 
al_trigger_class function?
    Reply  28 May 2021, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> I can still make this an array and pass a std::vector<std::string> into 
> al_trigger_class function?

Maybe 256 chars are enough at the moment. If other people complain in the future, we can 

    Reply  28 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> > I can still make this an array and pass a std::vector<std::string> into 
> > al_trigger_class function?
> Maybe 256 chars are enough at the moment. If other people complain in the future, we can 
> re-visit.
> Stefan

Thinking about it, an array of maybe 80 character would give enough space for a name, a tag 
and phone number. Do I need to budget memory very strictly? Would 32 entries of 80 
characters be too much? 
    Reply  28 May 2021, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> > > I can still make this an array and pass a std::vector<std::string> into 
> > > al_trigger_class function?
> > 
> > Maybe 256 chars are enough at the moment. If other people complain in the future, we can 
> > re-visit.
> > 
> > Stefan
> Thinking about it, an array of maybe 80 character would give enough space for a name, a tag 
> and phone number. Do I need to budget memory very strictly? Would 32 entries of 80 
> characters be too much? 

On that level memory is cheap.

    Reply  28 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 

I've updated the branch / pull request to use an array of 10 entries (80 chars each). 32 felt a 
little overkill when I saw it on screen, but absolutely happy to set it to any number you 

The array gets flattened out when an alarm is triggered, currently the formatting produces

AlarmClass : AlarmMessage (Flattened List Of Users Responsible Array With Space Separators)

If experiments want to use Discord / Slack / Mattermost tags and or add phone numbers, that 
should fit in 80 characters
    Reply  31 May 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
This list of responsible being attached to alarm message strings will be great for the 
mmessenger, however, perhaps its going to generate very long messages for the speaker programs 
(web interface and mlxspeaker ):

AlarmClass : AlarmMessage (ResponsibleUser1 ResponsibleUser2 ResponsibleUser3 ResponsibleUser4 
... ResponsibleUser4)

especially if people put in user tags or emergency contact details...

Should we add a key word or character for the programs that create audio to parse that silence 
the list of responsible users? I'd be tempted to use a single character but there is a risk 
users might have that in a custom alarm message. Maybe something usual like the 'bel' 
character? '|'? 

Perhaps use the string 'Responsible:' or 'Users:' to trim out the Users Responsible list from 
the message string?

AlarmClass : AlarmMessage Responsible:(ResponsibleUser1 ResponsibleUser2 ResponsibleUser3 
ResponsibleUser4 ... ResponsibleUser4)

AlarmClass : AlarmMessage Users:(ResponsibleUser1 ResponsibleUser2 ResponsibleUser3 
ResponsibleUser4 ... ResponsibleUser4)
    Reply  02 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> This list of responsible being attached to alarm message strings ...

This is a great idea. But I think we do not need to artificially limit ourselves
to string and array lengths.

The code in alarm.c should be changes to use std::string and std::vector<std::string> (STRING_LIST 
#define), db_get_record() should be replaced with individual ODB reads (that's what it does behind 
the scenes, but in a non-type and -size safe way).

I think the web page code will work correctly, it does not care about string lengths.

    Reply  08 Jun 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> > This list of responsible being attached to alarm message strings ...
> This is a great idea. But I think we do not need to artificially limit ourselves
> to string and array lengths.
> The code in alarm.c should be changes to use std::string and std::vector<std::string> (STRING_LIST 
> #define), db_get_record() should be replaced with individual ODB reads (that's what it does behind 
> the scenes, but in a non-type and -size safe way).
> I think the web page code will work correctly, it does not care about string lengths.
> K.O.

Ok, I'm working on this... I see a design choice to make, 1. Keep 'ALARM' as a struct, or 2. Replace ALARM struct with a class (keeping memory layout the same). Since we are adding STRING_LIST, I'd lean towards a C++ style with a class

1. Keep 'ALARM' as a struct:
Get rid of ALARM_ODB_STR for the default values
Add static functions (that take a hkey) to interact with the ODB (to save duplicating logic in al_reset_alarm, al_check, al_define_odb_alarm and al_trigger_alarm)

2. Replace ALARM struct with a class:
default ctor: Do nothing special (so it behaves like the old struct)
default dtor: std::vector<std::string> dtor will

It seems an opportunity to convert the alarm struct to a class with member functions that take hkey pointers?

default ctor: Do nothing special (so it behaves like the old struct)
default dtor: std::vector<std::string> dtor will
SetToDefault: This is where default values are hard coded (functionally replace ALARM_ODB_STR )
    Reply  09 Jun 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> > This list of responsible being attached to alarm message strings ...
> This is a great idea. But I think we do not need to artificially limit ourselves
> to string and array lengths.
> The code in alarm.c should be changes to use std::string and std::vector<std::string> (STRING_LIST 
> #define), db_get_record() should be replaced with individual ODB reads (that's what it does behind 
> the scenes, but in a non-type and -size safe way).
> I think the web page code will work correctly, it does not care about string lengths.
> K.O.

Auto growing lists is an excellent plan. I am making decent progress and should have something to 
report soon
    Reply  16 Jun 2021, Joseph McKenna, Suggestion, Have a list of 'users responsible' in Alarms and Programs odb entries 
> > > This list of responsible being attached to alarm message strings ...
> > 
> > This is a great idea. But I think we do not need to artificially limit ourselves
> > to string and array lengths.
> > 
> > The code in alarm.c should be changes to use std::string and std::vector<std::string> (STRING_LIST 
> > #define), db_get_record() should be replaced with individual ODB reads (that's what it does behind 
> > the scenes, but in a non-type and -size safe way).
> > 
> > I think the web page code will work correctly, it does not care about string lengths.
> > 
> > K.O.
> Auto growing lists is an excellent plan. I am making decent progress and should have something to 
> report soon

This has sent me down a little rabbit hole, and I'd like to check in with efforts to improve the efficiency and simplicity of the alarm code.

I can keep with the current 'C' style of the alarm.cxx code, replace struct read and writes to the odb with individual odb entries... put functions in alarm.cxx to create, read and write to the odb... 

If we go this 'C' style route, then I'll have duplication of the 'users responsible' setters and getter functions for structs ALARM and PROGRAM_INFO

What would the MIDAS developers thing of creating classes for ALARM and PROGRAM_INFO (I am thinking for binary compatibilities of not touching ALARM and PROGRAM_INFO structs, and inheriting from them:

class UsersResponsible
      STRING_LIST fUsersResponsible;

class Alarm: public ALARM, public UsersResponsible

class ProgramInfo: public PROGRAM_INFO, public UsersResponsible

Each of these three classes would have member to functions to Create, Read and Write to the ODB. We could get rid of the PROGRAM_INFO_STR precompiler macro and instead have a SetToDefault member function. 

It seems clear we should set the ODB path in the constructor of Alarm and ProgramInfo
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