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  2630   15 Nov 2023 Ivo SchulthessForummlogger does not HAVE_ROOT
> No, I'm not aware of this problem, but I suspect that your events somehow got corrupted. You can try the mdump utility
> or the "Event Dump" web page to peek into your events, maybe you see an issue there. To give you more detailed information,
> I would have to reproduce your problem, which is probably hard without your hardware.
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

So I did a few things:
- I checked with mdump online, the data stream looks good, and I can see the bank name properly
- I checked with mdump offline the .mid files, the banks are there, and the data look good
- I removed the creating of the bank MSRD in the class driver. This stopped the writing of the data in the midas/root file but kept the stream to the history files. In principle, this is a quick and dirty fix because we still have all the data in the history files. Do you see any bigger problem with that solution?
- I tried to run the multi-threaded slow-control frontend with the generic class driver (generic.cxx) and the nulldev device driver (nulldev.cxx). This produces the DMND and MSRD bank with and also produces the error in the with the logger when trying to save in the root format (received unknown bank "DMND" in event #8). This means it is not related to the devices (maybe some other part of my user code of course). 

  2631   21 Nov 2023 Ivo SchulthessForumPolled frontend writes data to ODB without RO_ODB
Good morning, 

In our setup, we have a neutron detector that creates up to 16 MB of polled (EQ_POLLED) data in one event (event limit = 1) that we do not want to have saved into the ODB. Nevertheless, I cannot disable it. The equipment has only the read-on-flag RO_RUNNING, and the read-on value in the ODB is 1. The data are also not saved to the history. I also tried with a minimal example frontend with the same settings, but also those "data" get written to the ODB. For now, I increased the size of the ODB to 40 MB (50% for keys and 50% for data is automatic), but in principle, I do not want it to be saved to the ODB at all. Is there something I am missing?

Thanks in advance for your advice. 

  1955   19 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie-BoulayInfoBuilding/running a Frontend Task
To build a frontend task, the user code and system code are compiled and linked 
together with the required libraries, by running a Makefile (e.g. 
../midas/examples/experiment/Makefile in the MIDAS package).

I tried building the CAMAC example frontend and I get this error:

g++: error: /home/rcmp/packages/midas/drivers/camac/ces8210.c: No such file or 
g++: error: /home/rcmp/packages/midas/linux/lib/libmidas.a: No such file or 
make: *** [camac_init.exe] Error 1

Obviously, I'm running the "make all" command from the camac directory. Why 
would I get this "no such file" error? Do I need to download the MIDAS packages 
inside my experiment directory?

Thanks for helping me out.

  1941   09 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoPreparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers.
Hey folks,

I'm currently working on setting up a MIDAS experiment and I am following the 
"Setup MIDAS experiment at Triumf" page on 

The 3rd line of the hardware checklist under the "Prepare VME hardware section" 
has a link to a page that doesn't exit anymore, I'm trying to figure out how to 
setup the VME address jumpers on the VME modules.

Does anyone know how to setup the VME modules? Or, can anyone send me a link to 

Thanks a lot for your time.

Attachment 1: VME_address_jumpers_broken_link.PNG
  1947   12 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoPreparing the VME hardware - VME address jumpers.
> Hi, if you are not using any VME hardware, then you have no VME address jumpers to 
> set.
> K.O.

Hi thanks for taking the time to help me out. I am using a VME-MWS in this experiment.

Let me know what you think.

  1950   15 Jun 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportKilling and ODB - Removed ODB client because process pid does not exists
Hey everyone,

When I run mhttpd I get the following error message:

[mhttpd,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1720:db_open_database,ERROR] Removed ODB client 
'mhttpd', index 0 because process pid 4531 does not exists
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/RPC 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/RPC 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Experiment/Security/mhttpd 
hosts/Allowed hosts"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed open record flag from "/Sequencer/State"
[mhttpd,INFO] Removed exclusive access mode from "/Sequencer/State"
[mhttpd,INFO] Corrected 3 ODB entries
[mhttpd,INFO] Deleted entry '/System/Clients/4531' for client 'mhttpd' because 
it is not connected to ODB
[mhttpd,INFO] Client 'mhttpd' on buffer 'SYSMSG' removed by bm_open_buffer 
because process pid 4531 does not exist
Mongoose web server will not use password protection
mongoose web server is listening on the HTTP port 8080

So mhttpd works as I have access to it through my browser but mlogger does not 
work when I try running it (Alarm: Program Logger is not running). I've 
managed to get mlogger working before and I think that the problem might be 
from maybe having another instance of ODB running without me knowing. 

Has anyone ever had this issue?

Thanks so much for your time.

  2009   05 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'
Hi everyone,

I have been building an experiment using the v1718 CAEN interface to talk to my modules and I am using the CAENVMElib Linux Library (2.50). I've managed to deal with data type issues by including additional libraries to my driver code but there is one type error that persists:

In file included from /usr/include/CAENVMElib.h:27:0,
             	from include/v1718.h:25,
             	from v1718.c:26:
/usr/include/CAENVMEtypes.h:323:9: error: unknown type name ‘VARIANT_BOOL’
     	CAEN_BOOL cvDS0;  	/* Data Strobe 0 signal                     	*/

The header file used to defined the CAEN types (CAENVMEtypes.h) defines 'CAEN_BOOL' like this:

#ifdef LINUX
#define CAEN_BYTE   	unsigned char
#define CAEN_BOOL   	int
#define CAEN_BYTE   	byte

Has anyone ever ran into that problem when setting up an experiment using the CAEN standard?

Thanks for your help.

  Draft   06 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'

> Hi,
> You're building under Linux like. You want to define the LINUX and skip the VARIANT_BOOL all together.
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > I have been building an experiment using the v1718 CAEN interface to talk to my modules and I am using the CAENVMElib Linux Library (2.50). I've managed to deal with data type issues by including additional libraries to my driver code but there is one type error 
> that persists:
> > 
> > 
> > In file included from /usr/include/CAENVMElib.h:27:0,
> >              	from include/v1718.h:25,
> >              	from v1718.c:26:
> > /usr/include/CAENVMEtypes.h:323:9: error: unknown type name ‘VARIANT_BOOL’
> >      	CAEN_BOOL cvDS0;  	/* Data Strobe 0 signal                     	*/
> > 
> > 
> > The header file used to defined the CAEN types (CAENVMEtypes.h) defines 'CAEN_BOOL' like this:
> > 
> > 
> > #ifdef LINUX
> > #define CAEN_BYTE   	unsigned char
> > #define CAEN_BOOL   	int
> > #else
> > #define CAEN_BYTE   	byte
> > #endif
> > 
> > 
> > Has anyone ever ran into that problem when setting up an experiment using the CAEN standard?
> > 
> > Thanks for your help.
> > 
> > Isaac
  2013   06 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumBuilding an experiment using CAEN VME interface - unknown type name 'VARIANT_BOOL'
Yes, you are right. That fixed it and my frontend is compiling.

Thanks Pierre-Andre.


> Hi,
> You're building under Linux like. You want to define the LINUX and skip the VARIANT_BOOL all together.
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > I have been building an experiment using the v1718 CAEN interface to talk to my modules and I am using the CAENVMElib Linux Library (2.50). I've managed to deal with data type issues by including additional libraries to my driver code but there is one type error 
> that persists:
> > 
> > 
> > In file included from /usr/include/CAENVMElib.h:27:0,
> >              	from include/v1718.h:25,
> >              	from v1718.c:26:
> > /usr/include/CAENVMEtypes.h:323:9: error: unknown type name ‘VARIANT_BOOL’
> >      	CAEN_BOOL cvDS0;  	/* Data Strobe 0 signal                     	*/
> > 
> > 
> > The header file used to defined the CAEN types (CAENVMEtypes.h) defines 'CAEN_BOOL' like this:
> > 
> > 
> > #ifdef LINUX
> > #define CAEN_BYTE   	unsigned char
> > #define CAEN_BOOL   	int
> > #else
> > #define CAEN_BYTE   	byte
> > #endif
> > 
> > 
> > Has anyone ever ran into that problem when setting up an experiment using the CAEN standard?
> > 
> > Thanks for your help.
> > 
> > Isaac
  2020   24 Nov 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumInvalid name "Analyzer/Tests"
Hi everyone,

I've recently took the analyzer template from $MIDASSYS/examples/experiment and 
modified it to be able to use Roody on a very simple frontend setup. The 
analyzer works fine and I am able to view the online histograms but my console 
prints out this error:

[Analyzer,ERROR] [odb.cxx:919:db_validate_name,ERROR] Invalid name 
"/Analyzer/Tests/Always true/Rate [Hz]" passed to db_create_key_wlocked: should 
not contain "["                      
[Analyzer,ERROR] [odb.cxx:919:db_validate_name,ERROR] Invalid name 
"/Analyzer/Tests/low_sum/Rate [Hz]" passed to db_create_key_wlocked: should not 
contain "["
[Analyzer,ERROR] [odb.cxx:919:db_validate_name,ERROR] Invalid name 
"/Analyzer/Tests/high_sum/Rate [Hz]" passed to db_create_key_wlocked: should not 
contain "["

The error keeps getting printed even after stopping the run.

I do have these 3 keys under Analyzer/Tests/ in my ODB but I do not know where 
they come from. Any suggestions on what the root of the issue is?

Thanks for the help!

  2048   07 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumInvalid name "Analyzer/Tests"
> K.O.

Hi K.O.

Ok I see, I will use the most up to date analyzer.

Thanks a ton for your help.

  2054   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.
Hi all,

I'm currently trying to build events through doing block transfers. The worry was 
that organizing and packaging bank data into an array would produce too much dead 
time causing too many missed events. Trying out that method, I'm running into all 
sorts of issues such as unaligned transfers where the QDC events are unaligned, or 
improperly aligned banks. Giving me a headache.

My question is, if I were to revert back to simple 32 bit read cycles and using 
the fevme.cxx template's method of organizing data before sending them to the 
buffer, what kind of deadtime should I expect? Am I wrong to assume that this 
would result in deadtime at all? I'm using a CAEN V792n 16 channel QDC and the hit 
frequency that I'm using to test is 20kHz.


  2056   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.
Thanks for the quick reply,

> > I'm currently trying to build events through doing block transfers.
> I am confused by your question. I assume you read a CAEN V792 ADC, but I do not know what VME master you 
> use. The restrictions on data alignment come from the VME master.
> I am mostly familiar with restrictions of UniverseII and tsi148 PCI-VME bridges.
> I think there is no restriction for USB-VME bridges and similar.
> Anyhow. Which block transfer do you use? 32-bit block transfer (BLT32)? 64-bit block transfer (MBLT64)? 
> (no 128-bit 2eVME/2eSST transfers from the V792). Maybe the "simulated block transfer" (DMA engine uses 
> single-word reads instead of block transfer)?

I read a single CAEN V792n QDC, 18 words, and a single CAEN V1190 TDC, 2 channels so 8 words. When I poll, I 
read on every poll_event() and read whatever data is in whatever module (TDC_dataready || QDC_dataready). The 
VME master that I'm using to talk to the modules is a CAEN V1718. I am trying to read data by BLT32. Sorry for 
the confusing question (Can you tell I'm an intern?).

> > The worry was that organizing and packaging bank data into an array would produce too much dead time 
> causing too many missed events.
> Valid concerns.
> > I'm running into all sorts of issues such as unaligned transfers where the QDC events are unaligned, or 
> improperly aligned banks.
> You should not see any problems with unaligned transfers if you give the DMA engine
> correct memory addresses as required by the hardware:
> - always aligned to 32-bit (4 bytes, last two address bits set to 0)
> - aligned to 64-bits for MBLT64 64-bit transfers, this would be the normal case for the V792 (8 bytes, 
> last 3 address bits set to 0)
> - aligned to 128-bits for 2eVME/2eSST transfers (16 bytes, last 4 bits of address are zero).
> You also need to specify correct amount of data to read: number of bytes should be multiple of 4 for 32-
> bit transfers, multiple to 8 for 64-bit transfers and multiple of 16 for 128-bit transfers (2eVME/2eSST).

I am transferring 32-bit words. Transferring 32-bit words should always read multiples of 4 bytes so that's 

> Very often this requires reading "extra" data words. Most VME modules can generate extra pad words to 
> align event length to DMA restrictions. Sometimes you need to
> enable this in a control register (V792, V1190).
> > Giving me a headache.
> Me too. MIDAS recently introduced the QWORD 64-bit data type, banks of this type
> should have correct alignment for 64-bit VME block transfers. But for 2eVME/2eSST
> transfers, I still have to ensure alignment "by hand" (SIS3820, VF48, etc).
> With QWORD banks, you need to use bk_init32a() instead of bk_init32().
> > My question is, if I were to revert back to simple 32 bit read cycles
> Yes, I always test with single-word reads first, with the 32-bit block transfer second and try the 64-bit 
> block transfer last.
> Sometimes there are unrelated problems (with the VME modules, VME bus, etc, or
> with bugs in the frontend, etc) and this approach helps to identify the source
> of trouble.
> > and using 
> > the fevme.cxx template's method of organizing data before sending them to the 
> > buffer, what kind of deadtime should I expect? Am I wrong to assume that this 
> > would result in deadtime at all? I'm using a CAEN V792n 16 channel QDC and the hit 
> > frequency that I'm using to test is 20kHz.
> Yes, with asynchronous read using 64-bit block transfer, 20 kHz should be achievable.
> The old fevme frontend is based on the mfe.c framework and implementing
> async readout requires special contortions. The structure of the new TMFE C++ frontend
> class is supposed to make it easier, but I do not have an example TMFE based fevme yet.
> P.S. Without using block transfer, your max rate is limited to:
> 16 channels, 1 word per channel, plus 1 header and 1 footer = 18 words (by luck, 64-bit aligned for 
> correct BLT64 block read).
> using VME single-word read at 1 us per transfer, 18 us per event = 55 kHz repetition rate.
> (you do not say if you have any other VME modules you have to read)

Okay so transferring 18 + 6 words should give me close to 40kHz repetition rate. That's good news. I will just 
stick to 1 word transfers.

The way that transfers are done in the fevme.cxx requires iterating through 16 word arrays a number of time (3 
times I believe if you include the iterations taking place in v792_EventRead()). Does that not pose a 
significant deadtime concern? 

> K.O.

Thanks again for taking the time to help me out!


  2058   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.
> > > > I'm currently trying to build events through doing block transfers.
> > > 
> > > I am confused by your question. I assume you read a CAEN V792 ADC, but I do not know what VME master you 
> > > use. The restrictions on data alignment come from the VME master.
> > > I am mostly familiar with restrictions of UniverseII and tsi148 PCI-VME bridges.
> > > I think there is no restriction for USB-VME bridges and similar.
> > > 
> > > Anyhow. Which block transfer do you use? 32-bit block transfer (BLT32)? 64-bit block transfer (MBLT64)? 
> > > (no 128-bit 2eVME/2eSST transfers from the V792). Maybe the "simulated block transfer" (DMA engine uses 
> > > single-word reads instead of block transfer)?
> > 
> > I read a single CAEN V792n QDC, 18 words, and a single CAEN V1190 TDC, 2 channels so 8 words. When I poll, I 
> > read on every poll_event() and read whatever data is in whatever module (TDC_dataready || QDC_dataready). The 
> > VME master that I'm using to talk to the modules is a CAEN V1718. I am trying to read data by BLT32. Sorry for 
> > the confusing question (Can you tell I'm an intern?).
> > 
> Ok, I see. Using the normal mfe.c structure, you will not be able to read the VME modules
> at maximum speed. This is because you must have two concurrent activities happening at the same time:

I am using the mfe.cxx backend thread, I'm guessing that this is the file you are referring to.

> (1) tell the VME bridge to read data,
> (2) package this data into midas banks and events and write it to the MIDAS event buffer.
> If you do these tasks sequentially, obviously the VME bus will be idle during step (2),
> and unless (2) takes 0 seconds (it does not) you will have a slow down.

I see.

> So for maximum data rate, I prefer to have 3 threads:
> thread 1: run the VME transfers, store data in circular buffer (today it would be std::deque<std::vector<char>>)
> thread 2: encode the data into midas banks and midas events, store completed events in a circular buffer 
> (std::deque<EVENT_HEADER*>).
> thread 3: write data to midas event buffer (call bm_send_event(), etc)
> This is very hard to do using the mfe.c frontend. (the main reason I wrote the TMFE C++ frontend class).

Yes it seems like a bit of work

> >
> > Okay so transferring 18 + 6 words should give me close to 40kHz repetition rate. That's good news. I will just 
> > stick to 1 word transfers.
> >
> I do not know the timing of CAEN V1718 single-word transfers. It may be significantly longer than 1 us:
> V7865: DWORD read - CPU - PCI bus - tsi148 - VME
> V1718: encode request as USB packet - CPU - PCI bus - USB hub - USB bus - USB asic - FPGA - VME (on the way back, 
> "extract data from USB packet")

I found the following information in the CAEN V1718 manual:

"Transfer Rate = ~30MByte/s. Transfer rate supported in MBLT read cycles (block size = 32 kb), using a PC host with 
Windows XP or Linux and High Speed USB"

I'm guessing the sentence simply means that the rate increases with multiplexed block transfers. If the transfer rate 
is 30MBytes/s I should be able to write words at a transfer rate of 7500000 words per second.

> > 
> > The way that transfers are done in the fevme.cxx requires iterating through 16 word arrays a number of time (3 
> > times I believe if you include the iterations taking place in v792_EventRead()). Does that not pose a 
> > significant deadtime concern? 
> > 
> Hmm... I am not sure what fevme you refer to. I guess I can find version of fevme.cxx where data is read at
> maximum VME speed if you want it.

This is the VME C++ frontend example in the directory /midas/examples/Triumf/c++/

If you can find a faster version of this code I would definitely like to check it out!

> K.O.

Thanks again.

  2060   16 Dec 2020 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumIssues building banks.
> > This is very hard to do using the mfe.c frontend. (the main reason I wrote the TMFE C++ frontend class).
> Actually that's not true. Just look at 
> midas/examples/mtfe/mtfe.c
> this is an example for a frontend with equipment with the EQ_USER flag, which allows you easily to run a separate 
> thread (or more) for event collection and processing. Of course all old-fashioned C style (code is from 2007) but it 
> works.
> Stefan

Thank you sir I'll give it a look.


  2064   05 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportLogger: Disk nearly full.
Hi all,

I've ran into a problem where my experiment gets interrupted with a message from 
the logger saying that my disk is nearly full. This does not make sense to me 
because I have deleted almost all the data files from my data directory. I'm 
guessing that somewhere the ODB perceives that the directory is full when in 
reality its not.

Here is the exact message:

[ODBEdit,INFO] Run #252 stopped

09:22:19 [Logger,TALK] disk nearly full, stopping the run

09:22:19 [Logger,ERROR] [mlogger.cxx:4475:log_write,ERROR] Disk '/home/caendaq/A       
NIS/data/run00252.mid.lz4' is almost full: 81 MiBytes free out of 922497 MiBytes       
, stopping the run

Does any body have a solution for this? Thanks so much.

  2068   06 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayBug ReportLogger: Disk nearly full.
> The logger simple requests the disk free space level from the operating system in the same 
> way as the "df" command does. Can you do a "df" on your system? I have seen that some file 
> systems free up space not immediately if you delete files, but some times later (like 24h).
> Stefan

Thanks Stefan. Yes the files were still held open by some processes. It's solved now.


  2069   06 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayInfoRecovering a corrupted ODB using odbinit.
Hi all,

I am currently trying to recover my corrupted ODB using odbinit and I am still 
getting issues after doing 'odbinit --cleanup' and trying to reload the saved 
ODB (last.json). Here is the output:

(odbinit cleanup) Note* the ERROR in system.cxx

[caendaq@cu332 ANIS]$ odbinit --cleanup
Checking environment... experiment name is "ANIS", remote hostname is ""
Checking command line... experiment "ANIS", cleanup 1, dry_run 0, create_exptab                                
0, create_env 0
Checking MIDASSYS....../home/caendaq/packages/midas
Checking exptab... experiments defined in exptab file "/home/caendaq/ANIS/exptab                               
0: "ANIS" <-- selected experiment

Checking exptab... selected experiment "ANIS", experiment directory "/home/caend                               

Checking experiment directory "/home/caendaq/ANIS/"
Found existing ODB save file: "/home/caendaq/ANIS/.ODB.SHM"

Checking shared memory...
Deleting old ODB shared memory...
[system.cxx:1052:ss_shm_delete,ERROR] shm_unlink(/1001_ANIS_ODB__home_caendaq_AN                               
IS_) errno 2 (No such file or directory)
Good: no ODB shared memory
Deleting old ODB semaphore...
Deleting old ODB semaphore... create status 1, delete status 1
Preserving old ODB save file /home/caendaq/ANIS/.ODB.SHM" to "/home/caendaq/ANIS                               

Checking ODB size...
Requested ODB size is 0 bytes (0.00B)
ODB size file is "/home/caendaq/ANIS//.ODB_SIZE.TXT"
Saved ODB size from "/home/caendaq/ANIS//.ODB_SIZE.TXT" is 1048576 bytes (1.05MB                               
We will initialize ODB for experiment "ANIS" on host "" with size 1048576 bytes                                

Creating ODB...
Creating ODB... db_open_database() status 302
Saving ODB...
Saving ODB... db_close_database() status 1
Connecting to experiment...

Connected to ODB for experiment "ANIS" on host "" with size 1048576 bytes (1.05M                               
Checking experiment name... status 1, found "ANIS"
Disconnecting from experiment...


(Loading the last copy of my ODB)

[caendaq@cu332 data]$ odbedit
[local:ANIS:S]/>load last.json
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
[ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink callback
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 
11:38:12 [ODBEdit,INFO] Reloading RPC hosts access control list via hotlink 

(Now trying to run my frontend and analyzer)

[caendaq@cu332 ANIS]$ ./

mlogger: no process found
fevme: no process found
manalyzer.exe: no process found
manalyzer_example_cxx.exe: no process found
roody: no process found
[ODBEdit,ERROR] [midas.cxx:6616:bm_open_buffer,ERROR] Buffer "SYSTEM" is 
corrupted, mismatch of buffer name in shared memory ""

11:38:30 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [midas.cxx:6616:bm_open_buffer,ERROR] Buffer "SYSTEM" 
is corrupted, mismatch of buffer name in shared memory ""
Becoming a daemon...
Becoming a daemon...
Please point your web browser to http://localhost:8081
To look at live histograms, run: roody -Hlocalhost
Or run: mozilla http://localhost:8081
[caendaq@cu332 ANIS]$ Frontend name          :     fevme
Event buffer size      :     1048576
User max event size    :     204800
User max frag. size    :     1048576
# of events per buffer :     5

Connect to experiment ANIS...


[fevme,ERROR] [midas.cxx:6616:bm_open_buffer,ERROR] Buffer "SYSTEM" is 
corrupted, mismatch of buffer name in shared memory ""
[fevme,ERROR] [mfe.cxx:596:register_equipment,ERROR] Cannot open event buffer 
"SYSTEM" size 33554432, bm_open_buffer() status 219

Has anyone ever encountered these issues?

Thanks for your time.

  2071   13 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumpoll_event() is very slow.
Hi all,

I'm currently trying to see if I can speed up polling in a frontend I'm testing. 
Currently it seems like I can't get 'lam's to happen faster than 120 times/second. 
There must be a way to make this faster. From what I understand, changing the poll 
time (500ms by default) won't affect the frequency of polling just the 'lam' 

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!



What is the actual readout time, event size?
Do you have multiple equipment and of what type if any?

  2076   14 Jan 2021 Isaac Labrie BoulayForumpoll_event() is very slow.
> Something must be wrong on your side. If you take the example frontend under
> midas/examples/experiment/frontend.cxx
> and let it run to produce dummy events, you get about 90 Hz. This is because we have a
>   ss_sleep(10);
> in the read_trigger_event() routine to throttle things down. If you remove that sleep, 
> you get an event rate of about 500'000 Hz. So the framework is really quick.
> Probably your routine which looks for a 'lam' takes really long and should be fixed.
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I should mention that I was using midas/examples/Triumf/c++/fevme.cxx. I was trying to see 
the max speed so I had the 'lam' always = 1 with nothing else to add overhead in the 
poll_event(). I was getting <200 Hz. I am assuming that this is a bug. There is no 
ss_sleep() in that function.

Thanks for your quick response!

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