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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topicup Subject
  2836   11 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoHelp parsing scdms_v1 data?
Look at the C++ implementation of the MIDAS data file reader, the code is very 
simple to follow.

Depending on how old are your data files, you may run into a problem with 
misaligned 32-bit data banks. Latest MIDAS creates BANK32A events where all 
banks are aligned to 64 bits. old BANK32 format had banks alternating between 
aligned and misaligned. old 16-bit BANK format data hopefully you do not have.

If you successfully make a data format description file for MIDAS, please post 
it here for the next user.


[quote="Adrian Fisher"]Hi! I'm working on creating a ksy file to help with 
parsing some data, but I'm having trouble finding some information. Right now, I 
have it set up very rudimentary - it grabs the event header and then uses the 
data bank size to grab the size of the data, but then I'm needing additional 
padding after the data bank to reach the next event.
However, there's some irregularity in the "padding" between data banks that I 
haven't been able to find any documentation for. For some reason, after the data 
banks, there's sections of data of either 168 or 192 bytes, and it's seemingly 
arbitrary which size is used. 
I'm just wondering if anyone has any information about this so that I'd be able 
to make some more progress in parsing the data.
The data I'm working with can be found at
And the ksy file that I've created so far is at

There's also a block of data after the odb that runs for 384 bytes that I'm 
unsure the purpose of, if anyone could point me to some information about that.

Thank you![/quote]
  2837   11 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfomana.cxx
> Ok, no relevant complains so far, so I removed mana and rmana from the CMake build 
> process, but left the file mana.cxx still in the repository for educational 
> purposes ;-)


  293   12 Aug 2006 Pierre-André AmaudruzReleaseMidas updates
Midas development:

Over the last 2 weeks (Jul26-Aug09), Stefan Ritt has been at Triumf for the "becoming" traditional Midas development 'brainstorming/hackathon' (every second year).

A list with action items has been setup combining the known problems and the wish list from several Midas users.
The online documentation has been updated to reflect the modifications.

Not all the points have been covered, as more points were added daily but the main issues that have been dealt or at least discussed are:

  • ODB over Frontend precedence.
    When starting a FE client, the equipment settings are taken from the ODB if this equipment already existed. This meant the ODB has precedence over the EQUIPEMENT structure and whatever change you apply to the C-Structure, it will NOT be taken in consideration until you clean (remove) the equipment tree in ODB.

  • Revived 64 bit support. This was required as more OS are already supporting such architecture. Originally Midas did support Alpha/OSF/1 which operated on 64 bit machine. This new code has been tested on SL4.2 with Dual-Core 64-bit AMD Opterons.

  • Multi-threading in Slow Control equipments.
    Check entry 289 in Midas Elog from Stefan.

  • mhttpd using external Elog.
    The standalone ELOG package can be coupled to an existing experiment and therefore supersede the internal elog functionality from mhttpd.
    This requires a particular configuration which is described in the documentation.

  • MySQL test in mlogger
    A reminder that mlogger can generate entries in a MySQL database as long as the pre-compilation flag -HAVE_MYSQL is enabled during system built. The access and form filling is then defined from the ODB under Logger/SQL once the logger is running, see documentation.

  • Directory destination for midas.log and odb dump files
    It is now possible to specify an individual directory to the default midas.log file as well as to the "ODB Dump file" destination. If either of these fields contains a preceding directory, it will take the string as an absolute path to the file.

  • User defined "event Data buffer size" (ODB)
    The event buffer size has been until now defined at the system level in midas.h. It is now possible to optimize the memory allocation specific to the event buffer with an entry in the ODB under /experiment, see documentation.

  • History group display
    It is now possible to display an individual group of history plots. No documentation on that topics as it should be self explanatory.

  • History export option
    From the History web page, it is possible to export to a ASCII .csv file the history content. This file can later be imported into excel for example. No documentation on that topics as it should be self explanatory.

  • Multiple "minor" corrections:
    - Alarm reset for multiple experiment (return directly to the experiment).
    - mdump -b option bug fixed.
    - Alarm evaluation function fixed.
    - mlogger/SQL boolean handling fixed.
    - bm_get_buffer_level() was returning a wrong value which has been fixed now.
    - Event buffer bug traced and exterminated (Thanks to Konstantin).
  666   30 Oct 2009 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasenew lazylogger release
I committed an updated lazylogger with updated documentation. The new version supports subruns and 
can save to external storage arbitrary files (i.e. odb dump files). It also moves most book keeping out of 
odb to permit handling more files on bigger storage disks.

Example lazylogger scripts for castor (CERN) and dcache (TRIUMF) are in the directory "utils".

The lazylogger documentation was updated to remove obsolete information and to describe the new 
functions. As usual "make dox; cd doxfiles/html; firefox index.html" or see my copy at:

svn rev 4615, 4616.
  731   12 Nov 2010 Pierre-Andre AmaudruzReleaseDocumentation
The general Midas documentation has been rejuvenated by Suzannah Daviel through 
a proof reading and with a collection of custom perl scripts to improve the 
Doxygen capabilities for the document itself. In particular, a contents list and 
alphabetical index of the documentation is generated automatically.

The new content is based on the previous version but with more cross-references, 
examples and descriptive images where necessary. Many of the previously 
undocumented features are now included.

The layout and organization is slightly different and requires getting used to, 
but hopefully will be an improvement.
Some of the changes are:
- The main topics are maintained, but we try to regroup all the aspects
  related to a particular topic in the same section.
- The Yellow icons provide navigation within the index section.
- The Blue icons provide navigation within the section content.

The full documentation is included under the midas/doc/src directory in the 
Midas distribution (SVN) and can be generated with the Doxygen tool.
The midasdoc-images.tar.gz from either or needs to be extracted to the midas 
directory under doc/images for complete local web pages generation.

There are a few "ToDo" items which hopefully will be ironed out soon.
Feel free to contact us for pointing out omissions or improvements.

We hope this online documentation will serve as a better tool for your 
understanding of the Midas capabilities.
  1148   30 Nov 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiReleaseFinal MIDAS JSON-RPC API
The final bits of the JSON-RPC API to MIDAS are committed. The API uses the Javascript Promise mechanism (supported on all 
supported platforms - MacOS, Windows, Linux Ubuntu, el5, el6, el7).

Simple example for pasting the current run number into an html element:

mjsonrpc_db_get_values(["/runinfo/run number"]).then(function(rpc) {
   document.getElementById("run_number").innerHTML =[0];
}).catch(function(error) {

The documentation for the JSON-RPC API, including special quirks in JSON encoding of ODB data is here:

Documentation (with examples) for the related Javascript functions in mhttpd.js is here (via Doxygen):

Examples of using all mhttpd.js functions is in .../examples/javascript1/example.html

The experimental git branch feature/mhttpd_js implements the MIDAS "programs" page purely in html and javascript,
go there to see all this new JSON and RPC stuff in action. See .../resources/programs.html.

  1149   02 Dec 2015 Konstantin OlchanskiReleaseFinal MIDAS JSON-RPC API
> The final bits of the JSON-RPC API to MIDAS are committed.

Here is example conversion of the function "generate midas message" from old-style AJAX to JSON-RPC:

before (mhttpd.cxx):

   /* process "jgenmsg" command */
   if (equal_ustring(getparam("cmd"), "jgenmsg")) {

      if (getparam("facility") && *getparam("facility"))
         strlcpy(facility, getparam("facility"), sizeof(facility));
         strlcpy(facility, "midas", sizeof(facility));
      if (getparam("user") && *getparam("user"))
         strlcpy(user, getparam("user"), sizeof(user));
         strlcpy(user, "javascript_commands", sizeof(user));
      if (getparam("type") && *getparam("type"))
         type = atoi(getparam("type"));
         type = MT_INFO;

      if (getparam("msg") && *getparam("msg")) {
         cm_msg1(type, __FILE__, __LINE__, facility, user, "%s", getparam("msg"));

      rsputs("Message successfully created\n");

after: (mjsonrpc.cxx)

static MJsonNode* js_cm_msg1(const MJsonNode* params)
   if (!params) {
      MJSO *doc = MJSO::I();
      doc->D("Generate a midas message using cm_msg1()");
      doc->P("facility?", MJSON_STRING, "message facility, default is \"midas\"");
      doc->P("user?", MJSON_STRING, "message user, default is \"javascript_commands\"");
      doc->P("type?", MJSON_INT, "message type, MT_xxx from midas.h, default is MT_INFO");
      doc->P("message", MJSON_STRING, "message text");
      doc->R("status", MJSON_INT, "return status of cm_msg1()");
      return doc;

   MJsonNode* error = NULL;

   const char* facility = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "facility", &error)->GetString().c_str();
   const char* user = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "user", &error)->GetString().c_str();
   int type = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "type", &error)->GetInt();
   const char* message = mjsonrpc_get_param(params, "message", &error)->GetString().c_str(); if (error) return error;

   if (strlen(facility)<1)
      facility = "midas";
   if (strlen(user)<1)
      user = "javascript_commands";
   if (type == 0)
      type = MT_INFO;

   int status = cm_msg1(type, __FILE__, __LINE__, facility, user, "%s", message);

   return mjsonrpc_make_result("status", MJsonNode::MakeInt(status));

With the corresponding javascript-side stabs:


function ODBGenerateMsg(type,facility,user,msg)
   var request = XMLHttpRequestGeneric();

   var url = ODBUrlBase + '?cmd=jgenmsg';
   url += '&type='+type;
   url += '&facility='+facility;
   url += '&user='+user;
   url += '&msg=' + encodeURIComponent(msg);'GET', url, false);
   return request.responseText;


function mjsonrpc_cm_msg(message, type, id) {
   /// \ingroup mjsonrpc_js
   /// Get values of ODB variables
   /// RPC method: "cm_msg1"
   /// \code
   /// mjsonrpc_cm_msg("this is a new message").then(function(rpc) {
   ///    var req    = rpc.request; // reference to the rpc request
   ///    var id     =;      // rpc response id (should be same as
   ///    var status = rpc.result.status;  // return status of MIDAS cm_msg1()
   ///    ...
   /// }).catch(function(error) {
   ///    mjsonrpc_error_alert(error);
   /// });
   /// \endcode
   /// @param[in] message Text of midas message (string)
   /// @param[in] type optional message type, one of MT_xxx. Default is MT_INFO (integer)
   /// @param[in] id optional request id (see JSON-RPC specs) (object)
   /// @returns new Promise
   var req = new Object();
   req.message = message;
   if (type)
      req.type = type;
   return mjsonrpc_call("cm_msg1", req, id);

  1156   28 Jan 2016 Konstantin OlchanskiReleaseFinal MIDAS JSON-RPC API
> > The final bits of the JSON-RPC API to MIDAS are committed.

JSON-RPC methods are now provided for all old ODBxxx() javascript functions, except ODBGetMsg().

The currently present RPC methods are sufficient to write the MIDAS "programs" and "alarms" pages
purely in HTML+Javascript (see the git branch feature/mhttpd_js). These pages can be served i.e. by apache httpd
with midas mhttpd only required to service the RPC requests.

Please see .../examples/javascript1/example.html on how to use the new RPC methods.


P.S. Note how many examples use the generic mjsonrpc_call() because I did not write the corresponding
javascript functions - I wore out the cut-and-paste button on my keyboard. All are welcome to contribute
the missing functions, post them here or email them to me, I will commit them to midas git.
  1189   08 Aug 2016 Konstantin OlchanskiReleaseMerged - new pure html web pages: programs and alarms.
The code for the new pure html and javascript web pages was merged into main midas.

In this release, the "programs" and "alarms" pages are implemented as html files, see 
resources/programs.html and alarms.html.

Eventually we hope to implement all midas web pages in html, so this is just a start.

If you see problems with the new html code, you can revert to the old mhttpd-generated web 
pages by removing the files programs.html and alarms.html.

The new code for starting and stopping runs (start.html and transition.html) is also merged, but not 
yet enabled, pending a few more tests.

  1329   21 Nov 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasePending release of midas
We are readying a new release of midas and it is almost here except for a few buglets on the new html status page.

The current release candidate branch is "feature/midas-2017-10" and if you have problems with the older versions
of midas, I recommend that you try this release candidate to check if your problem is already fixed. If the problem
still exists, please file a bug report on this forum or on the bitbucket issue tracker

Highlights of the new release include
- new and improved web pages done in html and javascript
- many bug fixes and improvements for json and json-rpc support, including improvements in handling of long strings in odb
- locked (protected) operation of odb, where odb shared memory is not writable outside of odb operations
- improved multithead support for odb
- fixes for odb corruption when odb becomes 100% full

For the next release we hope to switch midas from C to fully C++ (building everything with C++ already works). To support el6 we avoid use of 
c++11 language constructs.

  1513   28 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2019-03-f
the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.

main changes from previous releases (midas-2017-10, midas-2018-12 and midas-2019-02):

- change to the midas URL scheme
- removal of cm_watchdog()
- rewrite of event buffer code (and fix of hard to trigger event buffer corruption bug)
- fully thread safe odb and event buffer code (except for rpc_send_event())
- corrected compatibility problems wrt older versions of midas when serving custom web pages via odb /custom/path

To obtain this release, either checkout the top of branch feature/midas-2019-03 (recommended)
or checkout the tag midas-2019-03-f.

  1530   22 May 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2019-03-g
> the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.

first ever bug fix release on a git release branch.

fixed a crash if frontend built against this midas is connected to mserver from old (pre-db_watch) midas (size mismatch of MSG_ODB 

to use this update:

# recommended:
git pull
git checkout feature/midas-2019-03
git pull
make ...

# or checkout "detached HEAD"
git pull
git checkout midas-2019-03-g
make ...

odbedit "ver" should report:

GIT revision:       Wed May 22 07:35:11 2019 -0700 - midas-2019-03-g on branch feature/midas-2019-03


P.S. Thanks for finding this bug go to Greg Hackman on TIGRESS and EMMA experiments at TRIUMF.

  1543   06 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2019-03-h
> > the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.

A bug fix update for midas-2019-03:

- fix broken expand_env() in mhttpd
- fix "Invalid name passed to db_create_key: should not be an empty string" in midas.log when loading the MIDAS status page if one of the alarms has empty 
class name.

odbedit "ver" should report: Thu Jun 6 18:02:14 2019 -0700 - midas-2019-03-h on branch feature/midas-2019-03

  1545   10 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> > > the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.
> A bug fix update for midas-2019-03:
> odbedit "ver" should report: Thu Jun 6 18:02:14 2019 -0700 - midas-2019-03-h on branch feature/midas-2019-03

For building this release of MIDAS, please use mxml branch feature/midas-2019-03, tag mxml-2019-03-a:

cd .../mxml
git fetch
git checkout feature/midas-2019-03

Going forward, I will try to remember to tag the mxml version that corresponds to specific midas versions.

  1547   10 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasebin and lib symlinks, mxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> > > > the midas release 2019-03 is ready for general use.

The latest version of MIDAS puts libraries and executables in $MIDASSYS/lib and bin (the "linux" part of pathname is removed).

Some packages (rootana) have been already changed to use this new scheme and they will not build against older versions of midas. 
I recommend that you create following symlinks to make old versions of midas compatible with the new scheme:

cd $MIDASSYS # (~/packages/midas)
ln -s linux/bin .
ln -s linux/lib .

  1548   11 Jun 2019 Stefan RittReleasebin and lib symlinks, mxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> The latest version of MIDAS puts libraries and executables in $MIDASSYS/lib and bin (the "linux" part of pathname is removed).
> Some packages (rootana) have been already changed to use this new scheme and they will not build against older versions of midas. 
> I recommend that you create following symlinks to make old versions of midas compatible with the new scheme:
> cd $MIDASSYS # (~/packages/midas)
> ln -s linux/bin .
> ln -s linux/lib .

If i'm not mistaken the proper commands are

ln -s ../bin linux/bin
ln -s ../lib linux/lib

Alternatively, you can change your PATH to point to $MIDASSYS/bin instead of $MIDASSYS/linux/bin and link against $MIDASSYS/lib instead of 

  1552   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasebin and lib symlinks, mxml-2019-03-a, midas-2019-03-h
> If i'm not mistaken the proper commands are
> mkdir linux
> ln -s ../bin linux/bin
> ln -s ../lib linux/lib

This is for making the new midas look like the old midas. My instructions were for making the old midas looking like the new midas.

Old midas:
packages/midas/linux/bin, linux/lib with symlinks for
packages/midas/bin -> linux/bin, etc

New midas:
packages/midas/bin, lib with symlinks for
packages/midas/linux/bin -> ../bin, etc.

  1564   19 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2019-06 with cmake and c++
We are happy to the midas release "midas-2019-06" with the build system implemented in cmake and the midas, mxml and mscb 
projects switched to C++.

Changes since midas-2019-03:

minor bug fixes
switch of midas build to c++ with c++ linkage (no "extern C")
switch of midas build to cmake
removal of $(OS_DIR) from the midas library and bin paths (use $MIDASSYS/lib instead of $MIDASSYS/linux/lib)
mxml and mscb are implemented as git submodules

Please review the following guide to update midas from previous release midas-2019-03 or older.

Update the code:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout feature/midas-2019-06
git pull
git submodule update --init # this will checkout correct versions of mxml and mscb
make clean
make cclean
rm -rf linux/bin
rm -rf linux/lib
rmdir linux
make cmake3 # or "make cmake" on ubuntu and macos
ls -l bin/odbedit bin/mlogger

Update experiment environment:

- change PATH from $MIDASSYS/linux/bin to $MIDASSYS/bin

Cleanup unneeded stuff:

- remove $HOME/packages/mxml (new location $MIDASSYS/mxml)
- remove $HOME/packages/mscb (new location $MIDASSYS/mscb)

Update experiment frontend build:

- change Makefile to remove $(OS_DIR) from library search path ($MIDASSYS/linux/lib becomes $MIDASSYS/lib)
- change Makefile to set mxml include path from $MIDASSYS/../mxml to $MIDASSYS/mxml (to avoid including the wrong 
version of mxml/strlcpy.h)
- update frontend code to use mfe.h and build as C++, see

  1578   27 Jun 2019 Stefan RittReleasemidas-2019-06 with cmake and c++
Please note that 

"make cmake" / "make cmake3"

is an abbreviation for the "normal" cmake command chain. Users familiar with cmake can also do the standard command chain:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

- Stefan

> We are happy to the midas release "midas-2019-06" with the build system implemented in cmake and the midas, mxml and mscb 
> projects switched to C++.
> Changes since midas-2019-03:
> minor bug fixes
> switch of midas build to c++ with c++ linkage (no "extern C")
> switch of midas build to cmake
> removal of $(OS_DIR) from the midas library and bin paths (use $MIDASSYS/lib instead of $MIDASSYS/linux/lib)
> mxml and mscb are implemented as git submodules
> Please review the following guide to update midas from previous release midas-2019-03 or older.
> Update the code:
> git checkout develop
> git pull
> git checkout feature/midas-2019-06
> git pull
> git submodule update --init # this will checkout correct versions of mxml and mscb
> make clean
> make cclean
> rm -rf linux/bin
> rm -rf linux/lib
> rmdir linux
> make cmake3 # or "make cmake" on ubuntu and macos
> ls -l bin/odbedit bin/mlogger
> Update experiment environment:
> - change PATH from $MIDASSYS/linux/bin to $MIDASSYS/bin
> Cleanup unneeded stuff:
> - remove $HOME/packages/mxml (new location $MIDASSYS/mxml)
> - remove $HOME/packages/mscb (new location $MIDASSYS/mscb)
> Update experiment frontend build:
> - change Makefile to remove $(OS_DIR) from library search path ($MIDASSYS/linux/lib becomes $MIDASSYS/lib)
> - change Makefile to set mxml include path from $MIDASSYS/../mxml to $MIDASSYS/mxml (to avoid including the wrong 
> version of mxml/strlcpy.h)
> - update frontend code to use mfe.h and build as C++, see
> K.O.
  1706   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2019-09
I created the release branch for midas-2019-09 and tag midas-2019-09-a.

Since the previous release midas-2019-06, some news:

- new history graphics (Stefan)
- c++ frontend framework mvodb.h and tmfe.h merged from ALPHA-g (K.O.)
- we think we have all the fallout from switching to cmake and to c++11 sorted out

There is a number of known problems with the current code, see the bitbucket bug tracker:

Hopefully we can use this release as a baseline for more testing and with luck we will
fix all the pending bugs and add all the pending missing code (the new sequencer web pages,
the "m" analyzer, etc) quickly and our next release midas-2019-10 will be the best midas ever.

To obtain this release, either checkout the top of branch feature/midas-2019-09 (recommended)
or checkout the tag midas-2019-09-a.

If you are using the last pre-cmake/c++ release midas-2019-03, I recommend that you stay with it
until our next release midas-2019-10.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5