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ID Date Author Topicdown Subject Text Attachments
  1319   02 Nov 2017 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFixed mlogger memory corruption, updated mxmlI the agdaq system I see memory corruption
in the mlogger. There were at least two bugs:
  1364   18 Apr 2018 Thomas LindnerBug Fixmhttpd / odb set strings -> truncates odb entryI wanted to try to summarize the current situation
with regards to the handling of strings through
the MIDAS web interface.
  1507   28 Mar 2019 Gennaro TortoneBug Fixrmlogger events - double counting
  1512   28 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixrmlogger events - double counting> I realized that if I use 'rmlogger' to write
events in ROOT format,
> each event is counted twice;
  Draft   29 Mar 2019 Gennaro TortoneBug Fixrmlogger events - double countingHi,

> I confirm this problem - event counter
  1515   29 Mar 2019 Gennaro TortoneBug Fixrmlogger events - double countingHi,

> I confirm this problem - event counter
  1518   29 Mar 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixrmlogger events - double counting
> > BTW, I do not think the ROOT writer (and
rmlogger) get much use these days ...
  1551   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.jsThe modbset() function in mhttpd.js is not
used anywhere in midas and it misleads midas
users into thinking that it works like the
  1554   17 Jun 2019 Stefan RittBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.jsI disagree. The modbset() function is used
in many custom pages at PSI because people
are tired of typing mjsonrpc_db_paste([path],[value])
  1555   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.jsIf it's a function intended for general use,
it should be in midas.js.
  1556   17 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixrestored modbset() in midas.js> The modbset() function is used in many custom
pages at PSI ...
  1559   17 Jun 2019 Stefan RittBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.jsA ladder of promise event handlers is certainly
one possibility to enforce the order of ODB
writes, but I wonder if we could so something
  1560   18 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.js> A ladder of promise event handlers is certainly
one possibility to enforce the order of ODB
writes, but I wonder if we could so something
  1561   18 Jun 2019 Stefan RittBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.jsJust to make this point clear: The "write-to-odb-read-via-hotlink"
was never meant to guarantee the receiving
side to see each change. If changes happen
  1563   18 Jun 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixremoved modbset() from mhttpd.js> Just to make this point clear: The "write-to-odb-read-via-hotlink"
was never meant to guarantee the receiving
side to see each change. If changes happen
  1663   14 Aug 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixincorrect recursion in ss_suspend() via the user event handlerThe ROOTANA midas analyzer uncovered a problem
with recursive use of ss_suspend().
  1704   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fiximprovement for midas web page resource useI noticed that midas web pages consume unexpectedly
large amount of resources, as observed by
the chrome browser 
  1705   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fiximprovement for midas web page resource use (alarm sound)> I noticed that midas web pages consume unexpectedly
large amount of resources, as observed by
the chrome browser 
  1744   28 Nov 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fiximprovement for midas web page resource use (alarm sound and fit_message)> > I noticed that midas web pages consume
unexpectedly large amount of resources, as
observed by the chrome browser 
  1745   28 Nov 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fiximprovement for midas web page resource use (alarm sound and fit_message)> > > I noticed that midas web pages consume
unexpectedly large amount of resources, as
observed by the chrome browser 
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