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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  24 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
I am updating the history plots. Main changes:

- the old history display code should again be easily usable (use the "open in old history display" checkbox)
- the history plot editor has an "edit in ODB" button that takes as to the plot definition in ODB (sometimes it is 
easier to editing things in the ODB editor)
- error in history plot editor that created "formula" entry of incorrect size should be fixed
- "reorder" (and "delete entry") functions in the history plot editor should work again (plus added explanation text)
- "factor" and "offset" restored in the history plot editor
- added the long desired "voffset" to simplify plot scaling and positioning
- (factor, offset and voffset do not yet work in the new history plots, TBI ASAP)
- history plot editor and generate_hist_graph() now use the same code to read plot definitions from ODB. There should 
be no more confusion about content of history plot entries in ODB and what each entry is supposed to do.

These changes have been precipitated by our inability to plot high voltage voltage and current on the same plot,
see bug

Voltage is in the range 0..1000 (volts) and current is in the range 0..50 and 0..0.100, autoscaling on voltage
makes the currents invisible at the zero line. In the past, we used the "factor" setting to scale
the graphs so we can see both voltage and currents at the same time (currents scaled up by factor 25 and 600,
as example).

The new "formula" feature was supposed to replace (and improve upon) the "factor" and "offset". But if I use
the formula "x*25", suddenly the plot is telling us that current values are not 50 uA, but 1250 uA (50*25),
and this is just wrong. We do not want to scale the micro-amps, we want to better position the plot on the graph,
like the old "factor" and "offset" allowed us to do.

So the idea is to use this computation:

y_position_on_plot = offset + factor*(formula(history_value) - voffset)

- "formula" is to transform history values into physical values (i.e. pressure meter reports bars, but we want atm, or 
voltmeter is reading in discrete units of 0.125V, we want to see volts)
- "factor" and "offset" is to position the graphs on the plot for best visual presentation of data
- I also added is the much desired "voffset", you only know it is needed if you have a non-zero "offset" and you need 
to change the "factor", surprise, "offset" has ot be changed, too, and good luck recalculating it correctly in one 

The way to use this stuff:
- adjust "voffset" to bring the graph to around y=0
- increase the "factor" to zoom-in on features and stuff
- adjust "offset" to move the graph up and down relative to all the other graphs on the plot
- now one can zoom in and out as needed by changing the "factor" and the plot will stay roughly in the right place 
without having to readjust the offsets.

    Reply  24 Jun 2021, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
I disagree with the proposed change to scale the HV current for a "nice" display. If values are scaled, the axis should be 
scaled in the same way. Otherwise people might read the current from the plot, look at the axis, and again get the wrong 
value (the factor of 25x you mention). Sure you can hover with the cursor over the graph, and see the right value, but think 
of taking a screen shot, putting this into a publication, and get complaints from the reviewer.

The only "correct" way in my opinion is to implement two vertical axis, as can be seen in some papers. One for the HV, and a 
new TBD right axis for the current values, then indicating for each graph if the left or right vertical axis applies. For 
the secondary axis we can have autoscaling or fixed scaling, as we have for the primary axis.

    Reply  25 Jun 2021, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
A general warning: With the recent history changes implemented in the develop branch, starting from a fresh ODB and editing 
any history panel, on gets tons of errors and debug output from mhttpd:

MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Minimum" returned status 312
MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Minimum" returned status 312
MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Maximum" returned status 312
MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Maximum" returned status 312
MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Zero ylow" returned status 312
MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Log axis" returned status 312
MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Zero ylow" returned status 312
Load from ODB History/Display/Default/Trigger rate: hist plot: 2 variables
timescale: 1h, minimum: 0.000000, maximum: 0.000000, zero_ylow: 0, log_axis: 0, show_run_markers: 1, show_values: 1, 
show_fill: 1
var[0] event [System][Trigger per sec.] formula [], colour [#00AAFF] label [] factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 
0.000000 order 10
var[1] event [System][Trigger kB per sec.] formula [], colour [#FF9000] label [] factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 
0.000000 order 20

This has to be fixed by the original author. I strongly recommend to make such modifications on a separate branch not to 
break running experiments.

    Reply  25 Jun 2021, Marco Francesconi, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
We are using the new history formula as a quick way to convert signals from sensors to actual physical values (for example Voltage->Temperature, Voltage->relative humidity 
...), so it is great that the shown voltage is the calculated one.

I would like to add a point to this discussion.
In our collaboration people attach images of history plots to elogs, meeting presentation and/or physical logbooks.
The proposed scaling formula may work fine online using the cursors, but, once an image is created, I do not understand how it is possible to extract the value for a scaled 
Suppose you see a graph in a presentation with a current increase by some PSU and the current was scaled to be in the same plot of the voltage.
Looking at the delta in the image, how can you judge the current increase without any axis/grid to refer to?

So I support Stefan proposal for a secondary axis, as long as it is clear which value belong to which axis.
Maybe marking the channels in the description or using different line styles/thickness?

    Reply  25 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
> A general warning: With the recent history changes implemented in the develop branch, starting from a fresh ODB and editing 
> any history panel, on gets tons of errors and debug output from mhttpd: ...

This is the reason most projects have separate development and production branches.

I recommend everybody to use the released tagged versions of midas for production.

> I strongly recommend to make such modifications on a separate branch not to 
> break running experiments.

Is there something that does not work anymore? Did I break something? The debug messages I am still


> MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Minimum" returned status 312
> MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Minimum" returned status 312
> MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Maximum" returned status 312
> MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Maximum" returned status 312
> MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Zero ylow" returned status 312
> MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Log axis" returned status 312
> MVOdb: Error: MIDAS db_get_value() at ODB path "/History/Display/Default/Trigger rate/Zero ylow" returned status 312
> Load from ODB History/Display/Default/Trigger rate: hist plot: 2 variables
> timescale: 1h, minimum: 0.000000, maximum: 0.000000, zero_ylow: 0, log_axis: 0, show_run_markers: 1, show_values: 1, 
> show_fill: 1
> var[0] event [System][Trigger per sec.] formula [], colour [#00AAFF] label [] factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 
> 0.000000 order 10
> var[1] event [System][Trigger kB per sec.] formula [], colour [#FF9000] label [] factor 1.000000 offset 0.000000 voffset 
> 0.000000 order 20
> This has to be fixed by the original author. I strongly recommend to make such modifications on a separate branch not to 
> break running experiments.
> Stefan
    Reply  25 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
> I disagree ...

I am happy with disagreement and differences of opinions. Zest of life, driver of progress and improvements, etc.

I am even more happy with solutions to problems. The current problem is that the offset and factor feature
of history plots has been removed without much discussion.

I stress, we have been using this feature to run experiments for the last 20 years.

I do not understand objections to it being restored. If you do not want to use it, do not use it.


> with the proposed change to scale the HV current for a "nice" display. If values are scaled, the axis should be 
> scaled in the same way. Otherwise people might read the current from the plot, look at the axis, and again get the wrong 
> value (the factor of 25x you mention). Sure you can hover with the cursor over the graph, and see the right value, but think 
> of taking a screen shot, putting this into a publication, and get complaints from the reviewer.
> The only "correct" way in my opinion is to implement two vertical axis, as can be seen in some papers. One for the HV, and a 
> new TBD right axis for the current values, then indicating for each graph if the left or right vertical axis applies. For 
> the secondary axis we can have autoscaling or fixed scaling, as we have for the primary axis.
> Stefan
    Reply  25 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
> > The only "correct" way in my opinion is to implement two vertical axis, as can be seen in some papers. One for the HV, and a 
> > new TBD right axis for the current values, then indicating for each graph if the left or right vertical axis applies. For 
> > the secondary axis we can have autoscaling or fixed scaling, as we have for the primary axis.

In the past, we have done some useful plots with maybe 10 variables plotted
at the same time with different scaling and positioning on the graph.

Having 2 vertical axis is maybe useful for the specific case of plotting high voltages,
but not in the general case.

Actually, just 2 vertical axis will not work to plot high voltages in ALPHA-g, because
we have anode currents on the scale 0..0.1 uA and cathode currents on the scale 50..60 uA.

    Reply  25 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
I will have to post an example of a scaled plot. I figure everybody forgot how they look like.


> We are using the new history formula as a quick way to convert signals from sensors to actual physical values (for example Voltage->Temperature, Voltage->relative humidity 
> ...), so it is great that the shown voltage is the calculated one.
> I would like to add a point to this discussion.
> In our collaboration people attach images of history plots to elogs, meeting presentation and/or physical logbooks.
> The proposed scaling formula may work fine online using the cursors, but, once an image is created, I do not understand how it is possible to extract the value for a scaled 
> variables.
> Suppose you see a graph in a presentation with a current increase by some PSU and the current was scaled to be in the same plot of the voltage.
> Looking at the delta in the image, how can you judge the current increase without any axis/grid to refer to?
> So I support Stefan proposal for a secondary axis, as long as it is clear which value belong to which axis.
> Maybe marking the channels in the description or using different line styles/thickness?
> Best,
> Marco
    Reply  30 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
> I am updating the history plots.
> So the idea is to use this computation:
> y_position_on_plot = offset + factor*(formula(history_value) - voffset)

Stefan and myself did some brain storming on zoom. Writing it down the way I remember it.

- we distilled the gist of the problem - the numerical values we show in the plot labels and in hover-over-the-graph
are before formula is applied or after the formula is applied?

- I suggested a universal solution using a double formula: use formula1 for one case;
  use formula2 for the other case;
  use formula1 for "physics calibration", use formula2 for factor and offset for composite plots:
     numeric_value = formula1(history_value)
     plotted_value = formula2(numeric_value)

- we agree that this is way too complicated, difficult to explain and difficult to coherently present in the history editor

- Stefan suggested a simple solution, a checkbox labeled "show raw value" next to each history variable. by default, the 
value after the formula is plotted and displayed. if checked, the raw value (before the formula) is displayed, and the 
value after the formula is plotted. (so this works the same as the factor and offset on the old history plots).

- if "show raw value" is enabled, the numerical values shown will be inconsistent against the labels on the vertical axis. 
Our solution it to turn the axis labels off. (for composite plots, like oscillator frequency in Hz vs oscillator 
temperature in degC, both scaled to see their correlation, the vertical axis is unit-less "arbitrary units", of course)

- to simplify migration of old history plots that use custom factor and offset settings, we think in the direction of 
automatically moving them to the "formula". (factor=2, offset=10 automatically populates formula with "2*x+10", "show raw 
value" checked/enabled). Thus we can avoid implementing factor and offset in the new history code (an unwelcome 

- I think this covers all the use cases I have seen in the past, so we will move in this direction.

    Reply  14 Jul 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
Moving in the direction of this proposal. History plot editor is updated according to it. Remaining missing piece is the "show 
raw value" buttons and code behind them.


- "show factor and offset" moved to the top of the page, "off" by default
- factor and offset (if not zero) are automatically migrated to the formula field (if it is empty), one needs to save the panel 
for this to take effect.


> > I am updating the history plots.
> > So the idea is to use this computation:
> > y_position_on_plot = offset + factor*(formula(history_value) - voffset)
> Stefan and myself did some brain storming on zoom. Writing it down the way I remember it.
> - we distilled the gist of the problem - the numerical values we show in the plot labels and in hover-over-the-graph
> are before formula is applied or after the formula is applied?
> - I suggested a universal solution using a double formula: use formula1 for one case;
>   use formula2 for the other case;
>   use formula1 for "physics calibration", use formula2 for factor and offset for composite plots:
>      numeric_value = formula1(history_value)
>      plotted_value = formula2(numeric_value)
> - we agree that this is way too complicated, difficult to explain and difficult to coherently present in the history editor
> - Stefan suggested a simple solution, a checkbox labeled "show raw value" next to each history variable. by default, the 
> value after the formula is plotted and displayed. if checked, the raw value (before the formula) is displayed, and the 
> value after the formula is plotted. (so this works the same as the factor and offset on the old history plots).
> - if "show raw value" is enabled, the numerical values shown will be inconsistent against the labels on the vertical axis. 
> Our solution it to turn the axis labels off. (for composite plots, like oscillator frequency in Hz vs oscillator 
> temperature in degC, both scaled to see their correlation, the vertical axis is unit-less "arbitrary units", of course)
> - to simplify migration of old history plots that use custom factor and offset settings, we think in the direction of 
> automatically moving them to the "formula". (factor=2, offset=10 automatically populates formula with "2*x+10", "show raw 
> value" checked/enabled). Thus we can avoid implementing factor and offset in the new history code (an unwelcome 
> complication).
> - I think this covers all the use cases I have seen in the past, so we will move in this direction.
> K.O.
    Reply  14 Jul 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
> Moving in the direction of this proposal. Remaining missing piece is the "show 
> raw value" buttons and code behind them.

added "show raw value" button, updated on-page instructions.

I think this is the final layout of the history panel editor, conversion
to html+javascript will be done "as is". If you have suggestions to improve
the layout (add/remove/move things around, etc), please shoult out (on the elog
here or by direct email to me).

I am thinking in the direction of changing the control flow of the history editor:

- midas "history" manu button click redirects to
- current history panel selection (with checkbox to open old history plots), click on "new plot" button redirects to
- new page for creating new plots. this will present a list of all history variables, click on variable name creates a new history 
panel containing just this one variable and redirects to it.

In other words, to see the history for any history variable:
- click on "history" menu button
- click on "new"
- click on desired history variable
- see this history plot

From here, click on the "wheel" button to open the existing history panel editor and add any additional variables, change settings, 

In the history panel editor, I am thinking in the direction of replacing the existing drop-down selection of history variables (now 
very workable for large experiments) with an overlay dialog to show all history variables, with checkboxes to select them, basically 
the same history variable select page as described above. Not sure yet how this will work visually.

    Reply  24 Aug 2021, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, changes in history plots 
One addition I would be in favour of is to remove the "Order" and replace it with drag&drop handles, because this is what people are more 
used to today. Only the old guys like us remember the /etc/init.d/xx_yy scheme where one uses an integer number in the file name to 
determine an order. 

See for example:,output

But instead of relying on a foreign library, I would rather implement that myself, since I need the same thing later for the to-be-
implemented ODB editor (next year? next lockdown?)

Entry  19 Sep 2021, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Chat working again Screenshot_2021-09-19_at_21.27.19_.png
Not sure how many people are using it, but the Chat facility in midas was broken 
for some time now and got fixed today again.

Just for your information: Chat can be used like WhatsApp & Co, and connects all 
people who access a midas experiment through their browser. It's good to 
communicate between shift crew members located at different places. One advantage 
is that the chat messages can get 'spoken' by the text-to-speech engine of your 
browser, so it can be used to "wake up" shifters. Can be configured through the 
"Config" page.

Entry  08 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue mslerror.PNG
Hi all,

I am having some issues getting the ODBINC command to work within the MIDAS 
sequencer. I am trying to increment one of the ODB values but it is returning a 
mismatch data-type size error (see attached image).

All the ODB variables are MIDAS data-type FLOAT and should all be 32-bit values, 
but for some reason MIDAS is thinking they are 4-bit values. I have tried creating 
new ODB keys of type INT32, UINT32 and DOUBLE but they all give the same error.

If anybody has any suggestions I would really appreciate some help:)


    Reply  08 Feb 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue 
Please post the output of odbedit "ls -l" for /eq/ar.../variables. (you posted the 
variable name as an image, and I cannot cut-and-paste the odb path!). BTW data size 4 is 
correct, 4 bytes for INT32/UINT32/FLOAT. For DOUBLE it should be 8. For you it prints 32 
and this is wrong, we need to see the output of "ls -l".
    Reply  09 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue 
> Please post the output of odbedit "ls -l" for /eq/ar.../variables. (you posted the 
> variable name as an image, and I cannot cut-and-paste the odb path!). BTW data size 4 is 
> correct, 4 bytes for INT32/UINT32/FLOAT. For DOUBLE it should be 8. For you it prints 32 
> and this is wrong, we need to see the output of "ls -l".
> K.O.


Thanks for getting back to me regarding this. The output of "ls -l" is:

[local:mu3eMSci:S]/>cd Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables
[local:mu3eMSci:S]Variables>ls -l
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
_T_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  20.93
_F_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  12.8
_P_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  56
_S_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  5
_H_                             FLOAT   1     4     60h  0   RWD  44.74
_B_                             FLOAT   1     4     60h  0   RWD  18.54
_A_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  14.41
_RH_                            FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  41.81
_AT_                            FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  20.46
SP                              INT16   1     2     1h   0   RWD  10

Many Thanks
    Reply  09 Feb 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue 
> [local:mu3eMSci:S]/>cd Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables
> [local:mu3eMSci:S]Variables>ls -l
> Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _T_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  20.93
> _F_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  12.8
> _P_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  56
> _S_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  5
> _H_                             FLOAT   1     4     60h  0   RWD  44.74
> _B_                             FLOAT   1     4     60h  0   RWD  18.54
> _A_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  14.41
> _RH_                            FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  41.81
> _AT_                            FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  20.46
> SP                              INT16   1     2     1h   0   RWD  10

This looks okey, so we still have no explanation for your error. Please post your sequencer 

    Reply  10 Feb 2022, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue 
I tried following script:

ODBSET /Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables/_S_, 10

  WAIT seconds, 3
  ODBINC /Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables/_S_

and it worked as expected. So I conclude the problem must be in your script. Probably a typo in 
the ODB path pointing to a 32-byte string instead to a 4-byte float.

    Reply  14 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue 
> I tried following script:
> ODBSET /Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables/_S_, 10
> LOOP 10
>   WAIT seconds, 3
>   ODBINC /Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables/_S_
> and it worked as expected. So I conclude the problem must be in your script. Probably a typo in 
> the ODB path pointing to a 32-byte string instead to a 4-byte float.
> Stefan  

Hi Stefan,

Cheers for the reply. I believe the syntax we are using is correct. I have tried copying the script 
you used above and it results in the same error as before. Perhaps something is going wrong 
elsewhere - I will take another look today.

    Reply  14 Feb 2022, jago aartsen, Bug Fix, ODBINC/Sequencer Issue 
> > 
> > [local:mu3eMSci:S]/>cd Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables
> > [local:mu3eMSci:S]Variables>ls -l
> > Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > _T_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  20.93
> > _F_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  12.8
> > _P_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  56
> > _S_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  5
> > _H_                             FLOAT   1     4     60h  0   RWD  44.74
> > _B_                             FLOAT   1     4     60h  0   RWD  18.54
> > _A_                             FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  14.41
> > _RH_                            FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  41.81
> > _AT_                            FLOAT   1     4     1h   0   RWD  20.46
> > SP                              INT16   1     2     1h   0   RWD  10
> > 
> This looks okey, so we still have no explanation for your error. Please post your sequencer 
> script?
> K.O.

Hey, thanks for getting back to me

We are fairly confident the syntax is correct. Having tried the test script posted by Stefan:

> ODBSET /Equipment/ArduinoTestStation/Variables/_S_, 10
> LOOP 10
>   WAIT seconds, 3

The same error is returned:/

We will take another look today.

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5