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Entry  13 May 2015, Andreas Suter, Forum, Check if Client is running from Javascript 
Is there currently an easy way to check from javascript if a midas client is
running? I mean an equivalent to cm_exist.

Sometimes this would be very useful in custom pages.
    Reply  13 May 2015, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Check if Client is running from Javascript 

Andreas Suter wrote:
Is there currently an easy way to check from javascript if a midas client is
running? I mean an equivalent to cm_exist.

Sometimes this would be very useful in custom pages.

Sounds like a good idea. We will add it this summer.
    Reply  13 May 2015, Thomas Lindner, Forum, Check if Client is running from Javascript 

Andreas Suter wrote:
Is there currently an easy way to check from javascript if a midas client is
running? I mean an equivalent to cm_exist.

Sometimes this would be very useful in custom pages.

It is not as clean as what you asked, but I have in the past written javascript like this to check if a program is running

var req = new Array();
req[0]= "Programs/towerfe3_00/First failed";
var result = ODBMGet(req);
if(result[0] == 0){
// then program is running
    Reply  13 May 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Check if Client is running from Javascript 
> Is there currently an easy way to check from javascript if a midas client is running? I mean an equivalent 
to cm_exist.

Yes, I can add an ajax method for cm_exist. While at it, maybe ajax methods for starting and stopping 
clients - to permit fully ajaxed implementation of the "programs" page?


(But only under the condition that you post elog messages in "plain" format - fancy formatted messages 
with highlighted word "very" show up as complete dog breakfast in my text based email. If you want to 
highlight something, just say "***!!!***very***!!!***", add more bangs to taste).
    Reply  14 May 2015, Andreas Suter, Forum, Check if Client is running from Javascript 
Thanks a lot! This helps for now.

Thomas Lindner wrote:

Andreas Suter wrote:
Is there currently an easy way to check from javascript if a midas client is
running? I mean an equivalent to cm_exist.

Sometimes this would be very useful in custom pages.

It is not as clean as what you asked, but I have in the past written javascript like this to check if a program is running

var req = new Array();
req[0]= "Programs/towerfe3_00/First failed";
var result = ODBMGet(req);
if(result[0] == 0){
// then program is running
Entry  19 Sep 2021, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, Chat working again Screenshot_2021-09-19_at_21.27.19_.png
Not sure how many people are using it, but the Chat facility in midas was broken 
for some time now and got fixed today again.

Just for your information: Chat can be used like WhatsApp & Co, and connects all 
people who access a midas experiment through their browser. It's good to 
communicate between shift crew members located at different places. One advantage 
is that the chat messages can get 'spoken' by the text-to-speech engine of your 
browser, so it can be used to "wake up" shifters. Can be configured through the 
"Config" page.

Entry  26 Jul 2007, Stefan Ritt, Info, Change of pointer type in mvmestd.h 
I had to change the pointer type of mvme_read and mvme_write to (void *) instead
to (mvme_locaddr_t *) to avoid warnings under 64-bit linux. Please adjust your
VME drivers if necessary.

- Stefan
    Reply  12 Aug 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Change of pointer type in mvmestd.h 
> I had to change the pointer type of mvme_read and mvme_write to (void *) instead
> to (mvme_locaddr_t *) to avoid warnings under 64-bit linux. Please adjust your
> VME drivers if necessary.

Updated: vmicvme.c (VMIVME-7750/7805) and gefvme.c (GEFANUC V7865)

Entry  03 Apr 2020, Stefan Ritt, Info, Change of TID_xxx data types 
We have to request of a 64-bit integer data type to be included in MIDAS banks.
Since 64-bit integers are on some systems "long" and on other systems "long long",
I decided to create the two new data types


which follows more the standard C++ tradition:

To be consistent, I renamed the old types:

TID_WORD       -> TID_UINT16
TID_INT        -> TID_INT32

I left the old definitions in midas.h, so old code will still compile fine and be binary
compatible. But if you write new code, the new types are recommended.

If you save the ODB in ASCII format, the new types are used as stings as well, like

ODB timeout = INT32 : 10000

but the old types are still understood when you load an old ODB file.

I hope I didn't break anything, please report if you have any issue.

    Reply  04 Apr 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Change of TID_xxx data types 
> To be consistent, I renamed the old types:
> TID_DWORD      -> TID_UINT32
> TID_INT        -> TID_INT32

this created an incompatibility with old XML save files,
old versions of midas cannot load new XML save files,
variable types have changed i.e. from "INT" to "INT32".

it would have been better if XML save files kept using the old names.

now packages that read midas XML files also need updating.

specifically, in ROOTANA:
- the old TVirtualOdb/XmlOdb.cxx (no longer used, deleted),
- mvodb/mxmlodb.cxx

Entry  13 Jun 2012, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
Revision: r5286 
Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with packages from squeeze-backports 
After building and installation, using the script '' to start
'sampleexpt'. Everything seems fine. But I cannot start a run through web. Using
'odbedit' and 'mtransition' to start/stop a run works fine. So, what may cause
such a problem?
    Reply  13 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
> Revision: r5286 
> Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with packages from squeeze-backports 
> Problem:
> After building and installation, using the script '' to start
> 'sampleexpt'. Everything seems fine. But I cannot start a run through web. Using
> 'odbedit' and 'mtransition' to start/stop a run works fine. So, what may cause
> such a problem?

Well, it's mhttpd who cannot start the run, not you. So what happens when you press
the "start run" button? Any errors in midas.log or in midas messages? Is mtransition
in your PATH?

    Reply  13 Jun 2012, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
> Well, it's mhttpd who cannot start the run, not you. So what happens when you press
> the "start run" button? Any errors in midas.log or in midas messages? Is mtransition
> in your PATH?
After pressing "start run", there is a message displayed: "Run start requested". There
is no error in midas.log. And mtransition is actually in my PATH. I even looked into
"mhttpd.cxx" and found where "cm_transition" is called for starting a run. I have no
clue to grasp the reason.
    Reply  14 Jun 2012, Exaos Lee, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
> > Revision: r5286 
> > Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with packages from squeeze-backports 
> > Problem:
> > After building and installation, using the script '' to start
> > 'sampleexpt'. Everything seems fine. But I cannot start a run through web. Using
> > 'odbedit' and 'mtransition' to start/stop a run works fine. So, what may cause
> > such a problem?
> Well, it's mhttpd who cannot start the run, not you. So what happens when you press
> the "start run" button? Any errors in midas.log or in midas messages? Is mtransition
> in your PATH?
> K.O.

I found the problem only appears when I run mhttpd in scripts, whether bash or python.
And I'm quite sure that the MIDAS environments (e.g. PATH, MIDAS_EXPTAB, MIDASSYS, etc.)
are set in such scripts. If I start mhttpd in an xterm with or without "-D", it works
fine. So, what's the difference between invoking mhttpd directly and through a script?
    Reply  14 Jun 2012, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
> I found the problem only appears when I run mhttpd in scripts, whether bash or python.
> And I'm quite sure that the MIDAS environments (e.g. PATH, MIDAS_EXPTAB, MIDASSYS, etc.)
> are set in such scripts. If I start mhttpd in an xterm with or without "-D", it works
> fine. So, what's the difference between invoking mhttpd directly and through a script?

When you start it with "-D", then mhttpd become a daemon. According to linux rules, it has to "cd /", so it lives in the 
root directory, in order not to block any NFS mount/unmount. If something with the path is not correct then, mhttpd 
cannot find mtransition then. Once I fixed that problem my moving mtransition to /usr/bin.

    Reply  14 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
> > I found the problem only appears when I run mhttpd in scripts, whether bash or python.
> > And I'm quite sure that the MIDAS environments (e.g. PATH, MIDAS_EXPTAB, MIDASSYS, etc.)
> > are set in such scripts. If I start mhttpd in an xterm with or without "-D", it works
> > fine. So, what's the difference between invoking mhttpd directly and through a script?
> When you start it with "-D", then mhttpd become a daemon. According to linux rules, it has to "cd /", so it lives in the 
> root directory, in order not to block any NFS mount/unmount. If something with the path is not correct then, mhttpd 
> cannot find mtransition then. Once I fixed that problem my moving mtransition to /usr/bin.

I agree. Somehow mhttpd cannot run mtransition. I am not super happy with this dependance on user $PATH settings and the inability to capture error messages 
from attempts to start mtransition. I am now thinking in the direction of running mtransition code by forking. But remember that mlogger and the event builder also
have to use mtransition to stop runs (otherwise they can dead-lock). So an mhttpd-only solution is not good enough...

    Reply  14 Jun 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
> > > Revision: r5286 
> > > Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with packages from squeeze-backports 
> I found the problem only appears when I run mhttpd in scripts, whether bash or python.
> And I'm quite sure that the MIDAS environments (e.g. PATH, MIDAS_EXPTAB, MIDASSYS, etc.)
> are set in such scripts. If I start mhttpd in an xterm with or without "-D", it works
> fine.

Right. I see Debian 6.0.5 just came out hot off the presses. Would be good to fix this problem.

As a work around, can you run mhttpd without "-D", but in the background, i.e. "mhttpd -p xxx >& mhttpd.log &"?

Also what are your $PATH settings?

> So, what's the difference between invoking mhttpd directly and through a script?

As Stefan mentioned, "-D" invokes some nasty unix magic to disconnect the process from the user login session. It is 
possible that this magic breaks in the latest Debian.

MIDAS "-D" does roughly the same thing as "nohup".

    Reply  21 Jun 2012, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Cannot start/stop run through mhttpd 
> I agree. Somehow mhttpd cannot run mtransition. I am not super happy with this dependance on user $PATH settings and the inability to capture error messages 
> from attempts to start mtransition. I am now thinking in the direction of running mtransition code by forking. But remember that mlogger and the event builder also
> have to use mtransition to stop runs (otherwise they can dead-lock). So an mhttpd-only solution is not good enough...

The way to go is to make cm_transition multi-threaded. Like on thread for each client to be contacted. This way the transition can go in parallel when there are many frontend computers for example, which will speed up 
transitions significantly. In addition, cm_transition should execute a callback whenever a client succeeded or failed, so to give immediate feedback to the user. I think of something like implementing WebSockets in mhttpd for that (

I have this in mind since many years, but did not have time to implement it yet. Maybe on my next visit to TRIUMF?

Entry  17 Jun 2011, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Cannot open input file (file too large?) 
Dear All,

I got a "Cannot open input file" error when I tried to analyze a .mid.gz file with 
size over 5 GB on a 32-bit Linux. The error traced back to gzopen() in mana.c 
where it returned NULL when opening the file. I understand that 32-bit Linux may 
not be able to handle files with size over 2 GB. I tried to add -
the analyzer, but I still got the same error. Is there any workarounds that enable 
me to analyze large files on 32-bit systems?

p.s. The data file was also produced on a 32-bit Linux.

Thanks & Best Regards,

    Reply  20 Jun 2011, Jimmy Ngai, Forum, Cannot open input file (file too large?) 
Dear All,

Thanks Konstantin Olchanski for providing me a hint. The file can be opened now after I 
changed the line: 

file->gzfile = gzopen(file_name, "rb");

in function ma_open() in mana.c to the followings: 

INT fd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE);
if (fd <= 0)
   return NULL;

file->gzfile = gzdopen(fd, "rb");

No modifications to the Makefile is needed in this case.

Best Regards,

> Dear All,
> I got a "Cannot open input file" error when I tried to analyze a .mid.gz file with 
> size over 5 GB on a 32-bit Linux. The error traced back to gzopen() in mana.c 
> where it returned NULL when opening the file. I understand that 32-bit Linux may 
> not be able to handle files with size over 2 GB. I tried to add -
> the analyzer, but I still got the same error. Is there any workarounds that enable 
> me to analyze large files on 32-bit systems?
> p.s. The data file was also produced on a 32-bit Linux.
> Thanks & Best Regards,
> Jimmy
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